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Dream Interpretation: Garbage 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Garbage? Discover the significance of seeing a Garbage in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Garbage appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a symbol of value, resources, and waste. Your unconscious mind is communicating to you something about your values and perhaps that you are wasting resources. It also signifies that you may feel overburdened by the unwanted things, emotions, and resources in your life.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

This is a time of re-examination. Re-evaluate the value of what you have thrown away or what you have held on to. Release the burden and pressure you have in your life. Let go of the things you don't need and make way for new resources.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about garbage may evoke feelings of disgust, repulsion, and a sense of being overwhelmed. It signifies a need to cleanse and rid oneself of negative emotions or situations. This dream may also reflect feelings of being burdened or overwhelmed by unresolved issues or past experiences. It suggests the need to let go of emotional baggage and focus on creating a cleaner and more positive environment.





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Dreams of users containing the word Garbage

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2 Jun 2024



Walking in to a one wide trailor or a motor home and there beinv alot of rooms in there and stairs and i was looking for something in this house but every room a trashed with clothes and garbage every where.

23 May 2024

My crush


I was going to my school through under bridge there were lot of slumps and garbage and also saw some nice house with big enterance gate . I saw my Lil cousins running through the garbage and playing with sticks and their mom my aunt running after them . After passing the dark weird bridge the light came I felt lighter and moved towards the school . It's weird that my house was my school . I was in school auditorium with my friends and enjoy my time then I was trying to find my school crush I know he was there but I couldn't find him I controlled myself and moved one . Then I saw I was going through the staircase I saw my celebrity crush woo-seok I went after him but he was with someone else and went with her I was sad then I told myself I have my self respect and went to go home I don't remember this part exactly but I stopped near my house ground floor my room and that my school so it was basically office and teachers were discussing smth there and there was my classmate urvi I don't really like her she was with her mom there and they were doing smth on the computer and the principal came she was nun sister and there was aprblm on computer and my computer teacher brought a teacher who can help in it he was Chinese and the principal started conversation with me and I started speaking good English but I was in hurry to go home but she keep talking with I was getting uncomfortable and urvi and her mother asked me am I okay and I didn't answer and escape from their and close the room took my home dress and closed the doors and windows of the room and outside the the both teacher were discussing smth I changed my clothes and idk why there were lot of small holes on the floor . Then I met one of my Lil cousin and after seeing him I hugged him and started crying miserably that one of my cousin I lost I think he died I was very sad and cried more and they also showed me their art on jeans small pant by heena it was beautiful

23 Apr 2024



My dad killed someone, and the police were after him, but we didn't want to give him up, so we hid him in a piano bench. The police came charging in and searched our whole house. Actually finding a secret room in my closet full of garbage and a poster of Luke (a friend of mine) they never found dad

6 Apr 2024

Make Out


theres a little girl. we're on the ridge of a mountain. we are hungry. we hear commotion in the distance thinking its prey coming for us, only to realize we are on top of two giant things of fur. after some manipulation in the dream world we pull the fur loose and when the fur hits the ground it takes off. the white fur was wolves. the dream switches to a different landscape. ive had a dream in this house before. its modern with long hallways and lots of glass. some walls are all glass with big huge windows. its basically all glass and really high end furniture. the landscape switches again. i think im in my room at first. i cant remember exactly but i think i build something. i have all of these toys im building. i start picking up the trash in the room because a part of me thinks that's what im supposed to be doing. but then i got curious and i start looking for a name on something. i find it twice, once on an envelope, but both times i cant make out the name. then i realize im not me. im acting like someone else. someone rich. and then theres a little girl. she tells me to follow her quick! she was frustrated i was taking so long in "his" room. she takes me to hers and gives me clothes. she gives me them because she said what i was wearing (sweats and sweatshirt) is not what she wears. this makes me think i am supposed to be acting like her. she gives me an option of a color that i think is pink and then black in the same thing. i cant put the clothes on for the life of me. i eventually get the clothes on just in time for the girls mom to come check on me. she asks me how im doing etc. im putting on a good face for the mom. we eventually go outside the house. and right outside is a foot path. there are lots of people all around us. its a nice manicured area; almost park-like but not. i keep going north away from the house and the little girls pulls me aside onto this ridge where theres a fence. we hide but its just a mound of dirt and i keep slipping off the edge and the person we are hiding from sees me. theyre not in front of us but coming from behind. i try to climb the fence but i cant get any purchase. i remember i have done this before in a previous dream. i remember the technique and i get to the top. i start to go over the fence before i remember what i learned in the previous dream about how to get over to them (theres two guys - they reminded me of my brothers friends derek and someone else. i dont remember the thing i just remembered so they grab me and i start kickkng and fighting and trying to get over the fence but i cant get over. and then i wake up

3 Apr 2024

New Job


I dreamed that I moved in with someone as a roommate. A former friend of mine is the person who found me the place. He was helping me clean it up. The person I moved in with was a widower, and he was neglecting the cleanliness of his home and also his child because he missed his wife so much. So me and my friend were cleaning up for him so that he could maybe feel better or do better. In the dream at first I thought he was Jewish, but he ended up also being a Muslim. So then his friends kind of just assumed that we would end up together. I started taking care of his daughter, but when she pooped her diaper, I brought her to him to do because I didn't want to deal with a poopy diaper. I kept cleaning up the trash and cleaning up the kitchen, and eventually we got it to the point where we could have people over at our apartment. Even though I was on the lease for some reason, he had me go a specific way around the back to take the trash out because he didn't want his neighbors gossiping about me there because he didn't want people to assume that I was his new wife or girlfriend.

29 Mar 2024

Running away


I’m at this event at church but it’s like half church and half high school. My mama is also there with Bobby Flay (the chef from tv) and he had cut her hands so she wanted to leave to go get bandaids but instead I asked my aunt if she had some so we wouldn’t have to leave one of my male friends ex wife was also there and she kept staring at me she doesn’t like me at all because I slept with her husband and she found out so they got a divorce now the highschool actually had preschoolers as well so when we get out of church all the kids get out of school too so I see all of my highschool friends and people are just everywhere so I’m headed to get my little cousin who is a preschoolers she’s 4 and her name is Aria so I’m walking to get her and next thing I know a little girl steps all over my feet and I look up and it’s Aria being pulled by someone who was one of the girls from highschool boyfriend but I didn’t know him personally so I scream somebody stop him he messing with the wrong child and then the girl that I’ve despised since elementary also says “stop Jay let her go” so we begin to chase him and I’ve had knee surgery so that wasn’t easy but he ends up running into the cafeteria stuffing her feet into the drain in the sink and turning on the garbage disposal all I can hear is her screams then he looks back at me struggling to get her out as he runs away I then wake up because I couldn’t handle what came after

28 Mar 2024



I woke up as my child self and went to the bathroom to brush my teeth, there was a cockroach on the sink on its back showing a female face. I used water to guide the cockroach to the trash can. A version of my mom and aunt from my childhood walked in and told me I had to go to work. 2 girls got transported an abandoned building and were dismembered but still alive, so 3 men went to the woods around the building and also dismembered but still alive.

25 Mar 2024



The dream started with me putting a guy in a trash bag I don’t know why, but I know I had to get rid of it so I put them in my closet for a few, but I freaked out and realized it was in a long-term solution I was in my exact bedroom no detail was different from real life. I don’t know who the guy was, but he was in a trash bag, and I was carrying him down the stairs, and some of his body fluid fell onto my foot and it made me so disgusted, I walked outside and everything was the same as it was in real life, I threw him into the neighbors dumpster.

25 Mar 2024



I was driving in my husbands 2021 Chevy truck in a random state I had never been and missed my turn. Did a loop and pulled off to this random empty parking lot, it was behind a hobby lobby or old run down target department store with tons of open parking and no one around... I took Emory, my 18month old daughter out of the truck with me and we took the trash from our trip to a nearby dumpster. As I’m walking the trash bag starts to rip. Trash trails behind me, I put my daughter on the ground and off of my hip to start picking up behind myself. From what seems like all four side of me, surrounding me 3 males and 1 female all ranging in ages from 25-34 started laughing and making comments about the trash. How is belonged to the street and I was being too nice. I get to a cement median dividing the parking lot and sit down with my daughter, I’m exhausted and just trying to get to Kurt’s parents house-(Kurt is my husband). I take off my book bag and start to pull out more trash from accidental spill and by this time all four-(what looked like homeless hungry possibly jail community service members ) were hovering overtop of me digging through my trash and wanting to eat anything I had left over, Maybe a sip left of Apple Juice- Week old fries it didn’t matter. I start handing out food scraps not realizing this one young man- possibly about 26, tall (6”1) skinny white dude with dirty blonde hair comes angrily speed walking up behind me, I turn around towards starting to stand up to him. He grabs my writs so tight and in his left hand I see a small sized needle. Before I can throw him off, he stabs my Flexor Pollicis Brevis and I immediately feel a numbness all throughout my hand. He then goes behind me and stabs me with another needle in my upper left shoulder blade. I run back towards Emory whom I find sitting on the older woman’s lap- Emory is crying and foaming a blue color at the mouth. Shes not crying so I assumed the women shoved a drug pill down her mouth. I YANKED EMORY out of her arms and start smacking her on the back to get her airway unblocked. I TRY TO YELL AT THE WOMEN AND MY THROAT JUST BECOMES SO SORE AND CLOSED. We run to the truck and leave. I finally make it to the in-laws place and give Emory water to clean whatever she had in her mouth out. My right hand starts to bubble and blister. Starts bleeding. I immediately call 911 and they send cops over to start asking questions even though all I wanted was an ambulance. The whole family is sitting on the back deck of the second level of the house talking to cops when out of the left corner of the side of the house I see the guy who stabbed me with a needle with a gun running up on us all. I quickly grab Emory and run inside. Then I wake up.

14 Mar 2024



I met strangers who claimed to be my brothers. We all knew our father, but I didn’t know them. We have demon transformation powers, where we turn into purple, red, or black versions of ourselves with spikes, sharp teeth, extremely rage filled and hardened skin. One of the brothers who seems to be more cruel and and hateful uses a knife on me and lacerates my skin. I told him bot to use the knife on me, and so I become angry. He attempts to slice again but I get in close and lift him by his shirt furiously telling him not to do that again. He is so angry with me constantly. As if he hates me or has disdain for me it what I do. He scares me in a way. We all transform and I fight the two of them at once. They’re demon powers are more powerful than my own and they overpower me eventually. I am introduced to more of the family a sister and an aunt. We’re all in the same space, a house with greenery and open walls, working on our own things. Cleaning, laptop whatever it is. The cruel brother says something meanspirited to no one in particular and it enrages me. I yell at him to shut up. And he comes over to me and asks me what I said. I tell him to be quiet and I don’t what to hear him speaking trash. I look him dead in the eye while saying this, my expression one if pure disdain and unyielding. Once he sees this attitude about me he smiles and accepts me. Like that was what he was waiting for. In the dream I got a sense that eventually I would become very close to these brothers, even if now I don’t know them well or even like them much.

7 Mar 2024



I was at a woman's house. She had severe ocd. There was a big white cart with blue towels, clean white cups, garbage bags, and cleaning supplies. She told me that before I came in the house I had to take off my shoes and wipe my hands with a blue towel. I saw a girl hiding under the piano. I asked her what she was doing and she said "I'm not allowed in the rest of the house, only here. She doesn't want me making the house dirty". I felt sorry for her so I sat and talked to her for a while. I then went out to talk to the other guests. I passed by one man who was bottle feeding an orange kitten. I went out to the dining room and the woman with ocd came back and told me I need to wipe myself down with the blue towel before I come into the dining room so I don't spread germs. After wiping myself down, I sat and talked to 3 older women about the woman with ocd. One of the ladies told me "she has always been like this. Always wants her house to be clean and won't let anyone dirty it up". I asked her about the girl under the piano and she told me "oh thats her daughter. She thinks her own kid is dirty so she won't let her in the rest of the house". I asked the lady what to do to make the daughter feel better and she said "excuse yourself to the bathroom and take her with you. Drop a cup to distract her mom". So I dropped the clean white cup on the floor. I was in the other room before the woman with ocd could see it. I took the daughter upstairs to the bathroom. We both looked out the window and saw the night sky. There were teal and pink swirls. The sky looked like a child drew it and it was beautiful. I had the ability to zoom into the sky and look at all the stars.

6 Mar 2024

New Job


Title: Just a Nibble? Date: March 6th, 20224 I think we were on some sort of family vacation. At the beginning I was at grandma Robie’s New House, and I think Renn was with me, too. Later, my aunt Mariah, younger cousin Tyce, and little cousin Marley, were the ones going on the vacation. Renn came along, to be with me. We had arrived to a forest. If I remember correctly, it was called Caroline’s Forest. The reason being that at night, with the wind passing through its branches, it would moan. Not sure what “Caroline” has to do with wind moaning, though. I remember having a conversation with my cousin Tyce, asking if all his old toys were in storage. He didn’t know. As far he he knew, they were gone. Either in the trash, or with some other kid who would use them more than him at some point. After that, Renn and I walked through a path in Caroline’s Forest. It was a cute, small, path, and the trees and branches were kind of low hanging, and tight-knit, except for the available path. The branches were so low that sometimes, one could accidentally scrape us. We noticed it was getting dark, and heard the forest moan. It was a high pitched scream produced by the air blowing through the trees, but it was frightening, nonetheless. On the other side, there was a little clearing we could sit on. Behind that there was a barbed wire fence, on the other side of which there was a much bigger grassy clearing. The grass growing-semi tall. However my back was to that clearing for the rest of the dream. I faced the forest while I sat, Renn right in front of me. At some point, I realized that Renn was hungry, and needed to eat. It wasn’t a desperate hunger, though. That’s when I was made aware of a bunny rabbit that was with us. I know it belonged to someone, but I don’t remember who. Maybe a personification of the forest, Caroline. “I kinda wanna nibble on the bunny,” He told me. I knew he was being serious. This is when I realized that Renn was a vampire. However, in the dream, I already knew. I had known the whole time. The word “vampire” never crossed my mind, but I knew. “No!” I exclaimed. “You can’t do that!” “I’m not going to kill it, it’ll just be a nibble. It’s gonna be fine, promise.” Renn tried to persuade me. “No, it’s not a good idea,” I said. Renn sighed. “Fine. Then, will you let me nibble on your nose, instead?” My face flushed. “U-Uhm, s-sure…” I stuttered. I hadn’t expected that, but I was okay with it. I was just nervous with how much my nose getting bitten would hurt, and wasn’t excited about that particular area of my face getting bitten. I got out some food, and started eating what I think was a pint of chocolate ice cream. Vegan, I think. After having and savoring a few bites, Renn spoke. “Can I have a bite, now? Just a nibble?” I put the ice cream down, and prepared myself for what was going to happen. “S-Sure, go ahead.” Renn slinked over, smoothly, then, put one gentle hand on the side of my trembling face to calm me, and bit the right side of my chin. I gasped as the feeling of a sharp, biting numbness spread throughout the area. “Th-that’s so much better…” I stuttered out, referring to the fact that he had bitten the side of my chin, instead. I could feel him smile as he continued. It did hurt, but I liked it. Especially since it was Renn. I was nervous, and a bit scared, but I knew I was safe with him. I woke up with a flushed face and a heart pounding in my chest. Holy shit.

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