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Dream Interpretation: Gossip 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Gossip? Discover the significance of seeing a Gossip in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Gossip appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes a fear of being judged or criticized by others. It may also indicate that you are feeling insecure about your own actions or decisions. Gossip can also represent a need for attention or a desire to be in the center of attention.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your relationships and interactions with others. Are you being honest and authentic in your communication? If you are feeling judged or criticized, try to understand where those feelings are coming from and address them directly with the person or people involved. Remember to focus on your own actions and decisions, rather than worrying about what others may be saying or thinking about you.

❀️ Feelings

The dream about gossip may evoke feelings of anxiety, insecurity, and unease. It suggests a fear of being judged or criticized by others, as well as a sense of vulnerability and mistrust. This dream may also reflect a desire for social acceptance and a need to protect one's reputation. The emotions associated with gossip in the dream can be overwhelming and may indicate a need to address underlying insecurities and build self-confidence.





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Dreams of users containing the word Gossip

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17 Jun 2024



I dreamt about a brother teaching Bible in class and I'm taking notes along with my college classmate Amala. Someone saw Lija Chechi telling Sajos wife that Sli Aunty is a nuisance and they are waiting for her to die

9 Jun 2024



3 or 2 days ago i dreamed about something creepy but i don’t remember the whole dream . I remember a part when a granny idk if it was my grandpa cuz it looked so different and so old and she buried herself in her grave than she called us (her family) to unbury her or i think it was opposite. Then she prepared a table to eat and I stayed next to her and I said to her that my ear is ringing (in our country means that someone gossip you or says something good about you) . This granny put her fingers in my ears and start whispering some spells and after that i could hear persons saying things

18 May 2024



I dreamed that I went to Disneyland with one of my children and my ex who is her father and his new pregnant girlfriend and some other kids. We were at the theme park and we were taking pictures in the photo booth but things kept happening to distort the pictures and I was in line to go on a ride that was kind of dangerous and I was talking to the carnival attendant who was in charge of the ride and explaining to him why it was dangerous and why he shouldn't let small children on it and I would had a stack of papers that belonged to my uncle and they all blew away into the breeze When I was looking for the papers on the way, I found myself looking in a car. The car happened to belong to my baby's dad and his girlfriend. She walked up behind me and asked if I wanted to go back with them to town because we were in L.A. and we had to go back home which is about 6 hours away right outside the Bay Area in a place called Tracy, California. I agreed to go, and on the way back, it was me, my baby's dad's girlfriend, and his mother, and my child in the car. For some reason, we were looking for Catholic churches to go to, to go to a mass. We eventually found one, and when we got there, it was very unorthodox for a Catholic church. There was a lot of dancing and a lot of worshiping unlike Catholic church. They had sodas and vending machines and all kinds of stuff inside. I listened to a man who was talking to the priest there and he was begging for a job as a teacher, but the priest was explaining to him that he didn't finish his degree and he couldn't hire him, more than likely. And the guy just kept persisting. It was kind of strange. I went to a soda machine and one of the sodas came out without me paying for it, so I was looking for somebody to ask them how to pay for the soda and I couldn't find anybody. Then I seen some young girls and they knew me from my Facebook page and they started talking to me and then I started walking around the parking lot looking for the car, looking for my baby's dad's girlfriend and his mother and it took me a long time to be able to find them so I got in and the girl was mad at my baby's dad and she was trying to gossip about him and about his personal business. I told her that it was none of anybody's business and it was none of hers either and she needed to stop talking about it and his mother agreed. We then saw my baby's dad drive across the parking lot and pull up at the church. I guess he forgot his tools there from work so we went out to approach him and he seemed to be drunk or something. He was trying to make her mad or jealous or something, and he was trying to hug me and acting really extra friendly. He said where do you think we would be right now if we were still together and I told him to be honest we would probably be rich. She then got very upset and he told her to go ahead and leave if she was going to be upset about it and she did. Then I asked him how I was supposed to get home and he said he would take me to my car and I could drive home myself. But there was no car seat for my child in his car. The dream ends there.

16 May 2024



I was working at the restaurant I work at except it looked a lot different. I remember talking about what I do for my tables with a coworker and then her telling me to be careful what I say in front of certain people because they gossip a lot and can’t be trusted. My manager from the bar was in it to, he had come to visit me. I remember him asking me for his tab. There was someone’s dad who was a drunk and would get naked and we all had to take care of him whenever he would strip all his clothes off. I remember putting him in the shower at one point. There was also a time I was in the pretty much destroyed basement and I asked for help and then someone just started sprinkling cocaine through the hole in the floor. There were a lot of dumb college students coming in and sitting at the tables. It was all over the place.

14 May 2024



theres this guy in my class and in my dream we were in a rlly big room together and he like layed me down on a bed and smelt my pussy n said that it smelt sooo good and then later he told his friends about it.

5 May 2024



I went on holiday with Lotte, Cindy, Lisa, Marijn, Senna and Ice Spice. We went to a very large farm. We discovered that we were not the only ones who had rented the house. So there would be many more groups. I found it very exciting to be on holiday with Ice Spice because I really liked her. I was deeply in love with her. I went to talk to Ice Spice, she looked a bit sad. I had seen on Twitter that all kinds of gossip about Ice Spice had come out. These were leaked by her old best friend. It also came out that she had talked badly about Nicki Minaj. Ice Spice thought it was very sweet of me to comfort her and tell her that she really needed this holiday. Other groups of people started coming. They were very strange people with no real emotion. They arrived in school buses. When they arrived they were not friendly and asked if we could share rooms. At one point the atmosphere became very grim. The new people became very aggressive and it almost looked like some kind of horror movie. Someone sat in the bathroom with the door locked and flooded everything. A lot of water came from under the door and flowed down the stairs. I tried to open the door with another man. There was an emotionless boy standing inside with a knife in his hand. He tried to kill us. I ran out of the house and wanted to escape. Then I met Mounya. He suggested that we go swimming home via canals and ditches. We then had to swim via the canal belt of Amsterdam and then via Sloterdijk to Zwanenburg. I thought this would take a long time but Mounya said it wouldn't be too bad. I then asked Mounya what she was going to do with her phone. She said it wouldn't get wet if you put it in your bag. I didn't believe her but I did it anyway. We then went to undress on a pier to go swimming, and suddenly Pooja's brother also came with us. When we were undressing, I saw how much seaweed was in the water, and that terrified me. So I didn't want to go swimming anymore.

3 Apr 2024

New Job


I dreamed that I moved in with someone as a roommate. A former friend of mine is the person who found me the place. He was helping me clean it up. The person I moved in with was a widower, and he was neglecting the cleanliness of his home and also his child because he missed his wife so much. So me and my friend were cleaning up for him so that he could maybe feel better or do better. In the dream at first I thought he was Jewish, but he ended up also being a Muslim. So then his friends kind of just assumed that we would end up together. I started taking care of his daughter, but when she pooped her diaper, I brought her to him to do because I didn't want to deal with a poopy diaper. I kept cleaning up the trash and cleaning up the kitchen, and eventually we got it to the point where we could have people over at our apartment. Even though I was on the lease for some reason, he had me go a specific way around the back to take the trash out because he didn't want his neighbors gossiping about me there because he didn't want people to assume that I was his new wife or girlfriend.

1 Apr 2024

My crush


i was on a yacht and i was on the phone with my friend alyssa.. i knew it was her because i recognized her voice however i could only see her lips.. she was whispering about something i dont remember but i think we were gossiping. i could hear one of my favorite songs in the background ocean eyes by bille eillish and i remember thinking oh hey, my crush isnt in this dream then i woke up

23 Mar 2024

My crush


kind of about eric ig in another universe. briefly shows me / "toni" (short for tonisha i think) meeting and flirting with him for the first time in a theater esque situation at 15. similar shit goes down and i just don't see him after being reprimanded a few months before my 18th things haven't really improved. i'm in a sort of wayward teens program and we're on a field trip. i have a rambunctious beast friend similar to kayla who takes her daily meds but still acts weird. i've mastered the art of not taking i think we're visiting a hospital or living facility of sorts, and i'm aimlessly wandering until i see a familiar name somewhere. i realize he's staying there and don't really tell bff but try to but she's busy talking with one of the male wayward teens she likes. it's kind of a race to evade both building staff and the crew watching the teens but i make it shortly after some religious folks leave the room. i'm panicked thinking he's in hospice but slowly walk in. just by my heels he goes "toni?" i think he's "quenton" in this dream but we sort of awkwardly look at each other before he smiles and we catch up and gossip and he's fine i think just staying in an exclusive residential suite bc he wants to "find himself" and i guess can afford to. at some point things get hot and flirty and kind of weird in the you're still so beautiful but all grown up way but its so sexy to me lol. in the dream some actually ?? stuff happens and bff is there and i think i was just very in real life horny lmao so my dream had a porn like scene anyways it gets back to some sense of reality when again in the dream he leaves halfway through ~activities saying he'll be back and me and best friend cry like wtf but a more normal scene in this hellscape would be i fall asleep after and he says something i can't really decipher and when i wake up he's gone and the alarms are going off in the hospital again my dream gets crazy and there's an action sequence and the hospital explodes ?? but let's say i and some other patients from either program / facility escape without jumping out of a tall ass building. bff somehow makes it out too and she's pissed at me first bc her crush didn't make it out or got bright back to the state custody but we eventually shrug and kind of become street urchins idk if i have family or she does but we spend the next few weeks kind of making the city outside of the "dishonorable youth" program. initially im trying to find him but there are no leads and bff convinces me to give up. it hurts and i wander one more night in a shady alley that's somehow relevant (lmao i think its a college bar area near where he claimed to live during the catching up scene, suggestive / creepy comments and all) and these two east asian guys ask me what a sign says and i'm like "black cherry?" (it looks like a bar) they laugh and speak another language so i walk away and decide that's it, he's gone xmas eve comes, the day before im assuming my / toni's 18th birthday and there's a sliver of hope that there will be a Christmas miracle but im starting to wake up at this point so the last actual dream part was me standing in what was kind of like central park of ny all lit up and i was looking at this really tall light post that's bulb was super bright and i pretended it was a shooting star before bff is like let's get wasted my own ending i think is that i wake up hungover as shit with this guy snapping and going "hello?" and i think he's my shooting star come true on my birthday morning so im like "quin"?? and he says "who?" as the sleepiness leaves my eyes and he's just some college guy from a bar we went to. i blink before smiling and replying "ah, nobody" other parts in the dream that were probably "in order" before my own ending but i couldn't make sense of it in a linear manner include coming back to the hospital that's now in good condition with better security and we make a joke to the receptionists about the incident months prior which makes them confused first then surprised. i think we go the equivalent of jk, oh can we get these drinks? i also think i made note of not seeing his name on the visiting sheet as an option or something so it could have been during the "where's pedo" montage alternative ending i get some sort of real closure? it's been years of no contact atp and i think nye following my 21st and i see him at the event and he sees me. i don't feel the same butterflies and anxiety but just.. weird so i go somewhere less crowded to drink water and this time he followed me. vague small talk, some awkward silences, and then we both say im sorry. and he's like why are u sorry and while i feel like i have a reason i stop and frown and i just don't know. he goes you aren't because you don't need to be and talks about the regret of ruining my adolescence and that's why he ran bc while the night was fun and thrilling it wasn't right and wouldn't end in good for anyone. like how i'm on track in community college after getting my ged (which i mentioned during small talk) and he's in therapy and trying to talk to ppl his age *awkward pained but genuine laughter* we nod and look away nervously while ppl filter in and out of what's probably someone's penthouse kitchen. the ball drop is soon and he says my name and i instinctively look despite feeling ashamed be almost a dog on call, following every command. he says something goofy to lighten the mood but i interrupt and kiss him as the countdown starts. its brief but passionate and at five i go "goodbye, quenton" and run off to the glass/window walls as one approaches. bff is there with u troubled youth boy toy who's turned it around and she grabs my hand and i squeeze back as it's the new year. there's celebration and cheer and yelling and we hug and bff asks "so what's your first resolution" looking her in the eye with a smile and refusing to acknowledge the confused but all too familiar set of eyes i'm sure is on my back "to never look back" toast, cheers, etc noises as she looks confused momentarily but shrugs and smiles bc she may not get it but she /gets it/ and i do too, finally

8 Mar 2024



There was someone being firty with me in my dream that was not my boyfriend and in my dream I let it happen and I don’t understand that. Fast forward I’m out in this area where I am sitting down with somebody and there’s a girl and guy in front of me with ramen noodles in her hair and I look beside me and the person I’m with got us McDonald’s to eat but I was mad because a teacher or man of authority was talking and I went over there and basically told them to shut up and then I was walking back and I felt guilty because I saw a girl and another girl gossiping not to far from them and I told that person that was with me about it.later I was walking around on the same kind of area before and saw that the railing moved so you could jump onto the floor on one side and the other opened up into a huge drop into a body of water and someone jumped off and I was going to but I changed my mind and struggled to get back onto the platform. The next stage of my dream I was around my father, sister and her boyfriend and my sister had a lot tattoos and she was shaped differently like fatter. And in that part of the dream her boyfriend had died.

25 Feb 2024



I was at school, we were ask to make a film review. I got huniliated by my mom coz she started to get infuriated and embarrassed that I reveal that she had purposely aborted a child and she started chasing me. I cried and everyone has started to gossip about me. I was assigned to a group who are eclectic, one was a backstabber and one was a very kept guy

23 Nov 2023

My crush
New Job


I had felt really bad so I went to bed but just before I went to bed I got some really good news and so it completely lifted my mood. So when I went to bed I dreamt that I was in my home country of Jamaica with my, I was on my grandfather's property with two of my younger cousins who were like sisters to me. It started raining really hard, like storming, everybody was panicking, but when we stayed outside of the nursing, I mean, I think my mother was devaluing me again, like usual. And she yelled at me for something, but for the next day there was a lot of gifts being given and it was fun. And there was a performance, people I didn't really know that well, but they asked me to sing. And then afterwards there was a party, a really nice party. Two of my best friends were there, well three of them actually, all three of my best friends were there, and we were having fun. I gossiped to them about my crush. There were a lot of sweets at the party, a lot of desserts, and a lot of drinks. And I could eat and drink as much as I wanted to. There was red velvet cake. I love red velvet. There was so much food that I was afraid that I would get full before I could eat all that I wanted to. And I wasn't scared about all the desserts and all the weight that I was gaining. I was just happy and enjoying time with my best friends and everybody else. I saw someone that I hadn't seen since middle school. A guy who was in my choir class. He had seen my performance where I was singing and he said, you're not a flat alto anymore. Which is interesting. And I said, yeah. I used to be a soprano and then I became a flat alto for a while, but now I'm a soprano again. And he said, good job. And I said, yeah, I guess a lot in my life has changed from when I was a flat alto. And it was fun. My best friend played a romance game on my phone. I gave her my phone password because I trust her a lot. So, she was playing a romance game on my phone, and I think she was choosing some dialogue options that would make it really fun for me later. Because the character I liked was in there, and she knew I liked him a lot because I like characters like him. And so, some of my friends kept trying to keep me away from the phone so that I would have a surprise character, like a surprise with the character once she was done. And... I tried to unlock my phone afterwards, and it wasn't working. And... So, I tried again, and it did work, and somebody took the phone from my head and tossed it to my best friend. But what I saw was that they were making a silly little video on my phone so that I would have a good memory of the party. Because they knew that I had had a rough day. One of my friends had to take a test. So... And apparently the teacher was a nightmare teacher. So I helped her with one question, and then I went to check the gallery of my phone because I was trying to find a picture of some curry I made. And it was filled with images I hadn't seen before. So I called out to my best friend, Hey, did you take some screenshots of my phone? And she said, Um... Just the important parts. Hee hee. There was so much food. So much to eat. It looked so tasty. And I was having so much fun.

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