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Dream Interpretation: Flirting 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Flirting? Discover the significance of seeing a Flirting in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Flirting appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes your desire for attention and affection. It may also indicate your need for validation and self-confidence. Alternatively, it could represent your fear of commitment or infidelity.

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🧭 Direction


Are you feeling neglected or unappreciated in your waking life? If so, try to communicate your needs to your loved ones. If you are in a committed relationship, make sure to address any issues that may be causing you to feel insecure. If you are single, take some time to reflect on what you truly want in a partner and what you are willing to compromise on.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of flirting may evoke feelings of excitement, anticipation, and curiosity. It suggests a desire for connection, validation, and the thrill of new experiences. It may also bring about feelings of playfulness, confidence, and a sense of being desired. Flirting in a dream can symbolize a longing for romance, adventure, and the exploration of one's own attractiveness. It may leave the dreamer feeling intrigued, hopeful, and open to new possibilities in their waking life.





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Dreams of users containing the word Flirting

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16 Jul 2024

High School


I went back to high school. Luke was old enough to be a freshman. There were students from my grade with me, but we were all our current age (in our 20s) I was sitting in class and I realized I didn’t have my school bag, but my duffel bag that’s part of my luggage. At the end of class, I saw my current [boyfriend/partner] in the hallway flirting with me. It was so adorable. I tried to hold in my laugh and rolled my eyes with a smile on my face. After class was dismissed, he helped me get my duffel bag sorted so I could go to the office. I tried to go sign myself out so I could get my school stuff from a store, but I couldn’t find the front office. I was on the 2nd floor, but I couldn’t even find a staircase.

8 Jul 2024



I went back in time like the 70s or something but was somebody else. I was a young kid with curly hair. I was at a cafeteria that had outdoor stadium seating. I was befriending some kid for a specific reason but can't remember what. I was flirting with a girl and protected her from a group of guys that were trying to hit on her and be jerks. After I began singing very loud in the cafeteria. When I left the cafeteria I gave that kid I was befriending something like money and he drove off and acted kinda like a dick to me and I was a little flustered since I needed to befriend him for some reason which was why I went back in time. I then went to where my house was as that kid and the person I was trying to befriend was there with my mom. She wasn't my mom but the mom of the person I was acting as. They were chatting and getting along. I then saw the kid that I was portraying there with them. We were in the same room but only he could see amd hear me. I said I was not there or something trying to get him to stop looking and not make a big deal but I just left because he was about to get freaked out. I went outside and watched from the backyard. It was a beautiful fall day and the leaves were falling and was calm. The whole thing felt like I was dropped into a movie halfway through as it was very cohesive and there were goals associated with what I was doing like I was following a plan.

7 Jul 2024



I was at school again and i had an assignment from this really hot teacher i liked. I was in a class with a couple of girls that were actually really nice and we had fun but i had a weird feeling that something was off. The next day i had an appointment with the teacher and we were flirting during a presentation with other teachers. After that i needed to get my stuff packed but when i was packing my stuff it got more and more and more and everything fell out and i had to pack it again, after what felt like hours i got everything and i started leaving school when there suddenly was this huge crowd because there somehow was a concert going on that i wasnt aware of. Someone called me and I looked behind me and was confused because i didnt know them. Them they looked at me weird until i remembered that these were the girls from my class only that now they were mean because i didnt recognise them. I tried to explain that i cant see faces and i only recognise people due to other features which was imposible in this huge crowd. I dont know if they believed me or not. But then they invited me and I was uncomfortable the whole time

1 Jul 2024



First part: at work, flirting with two coworkers, one is taken, the other is gay, so it’s more overly friendly atmosphere between us. Nothing awkward. It was Halloween recently and we’re talking about getting together the following month. One of the guys says he’s free Thursday night but we’ll have to drive the 4 hours in the night to get where we’re going. I ask about dress code and he says it’s very formal, dress to the nines. Wear my pink satin spaghetti strap dress. I thought about wearing something different but always went back to the pink dress. Second part: I leave work early because Bitty has a teeth cleaning appointment. I take the freeway at our usual exit. It’s pretty free of cars, which is nice. Until it’s free of PEOPLE. People walking towards my car, trying to get me to hit them. I’m honking at them and swerving all around to avoid hitting them. I’m terrified because I’m still going freeway speeds and all of these people come from nowhere. All of a sudden there’s other cars on the road besides mine and they’re also swerving to miss these crazy people. Finally some of them get hit. I see a woman cut in half by her torso, her top half on the side of the road and then cut made her look like ground hamburger meat. Never thought I’d see a human roadkill. I’m panicking and trying to get the fuck out of there. I take the first familiar exit off the road into Ceres, conveniently where Bitty’s apt is. Then I hear on the radio that they are talking about what I just witnessed. I call in and give my testimony about what just happened, but since I’m direction blind, I get lost. I’m 30 miles into this city when I park the car and leave Bitty in safety there. I start walking and recognize one person. He shakes me and says things won’t go back to the way before. I’m scared and try to go back for Bitty but I keep going forward. Eventually I get to my father in law’s house. I’m hungry and tired and need to get Bitty to her appointment and I know he’ll help me. I offer gas money so I can borrow their car to go find her and take her to the vet. All of the cats are in the garage. Have to get them all together before we can open the garage. Third part: For some reason, I’m Diego’s girlfriend and he’s intense. He’s covered in tattoos, buff, and easy to get annoyed. He’s starting to break up with me but I bet him for another chance, tell him now flexible I am and that all we needed was to have a conversation about things he didn’t like and that I would change them. I told him I could change and that I would start right away.

25 Jun 2024



i had a dream about we were in school and i guess it was the last day of school but there was this guy i liked from when i went to the mental hospital and he kept on calling me pretty n he was like “anytime i call her pretty she gets all shy n blushes ,, n he like making fun of me but in a nice kinda flirty way . n we were watching this movie but he kept trying to sit next to me n stuff . then we left and went to somewhere where the fnaf characters were and we were put in this place with them and we had to try not to die . me and him were walking around trying to escape so we didnt have to go in . but i got caught and so they were like “cmon up lilly ,, and so i was walking over there and he stood up n was like “ME TOO,, and everyone was so confused to why he would volunteer n a lot of girls liked him so they were jealous and mad at me lol . but we went in there and when it started we made a plan to just run out . so we did and then everyone teleported back to school lol . but i had gotten a big peice of my arm bit off when we were trying escape so he took me to the nurse and she gave me a cast with a paper towel in it . and he walked me to this car and help my boxes off stuff i had and was like “u are pretty alright so dont let anyone tell u otherwise ,, he looked like he was about to kiss me but my friends walked over so he just gave me a hug . then opened the door to the car and helped me in . and then i got home and unloaded my stuff and my mom was like “what happened to ur arm ??,, n i was about to say something but then woke up

25 Jun 2024



I dreamed of a friend I knew when I was 10 years old for only one year. Her name was Bianca Williams. We were in class together and then walked him from school together when school was over. We walked all around looking for a boy I liked named Franklin. I could tell Bianca also liked Franklin and I wondered why she was flirting with the guy she knew I liked. Anyways we came up to a walkway and Bianca pulled up a dead cricket from her pocket and set it down where suddenly 3 Giant white toads with blue specks on there backs were sitting. They ate the cricket and when they did, they suddenly fell in love with me. They started jumping at me but I was screaming and scared. I fell back and started to kick at them to push them away. I was horrified and they were all croaking and saying “you can’t help who you love!” Over and over.

24 Jun 2024



So it starts out at this house, everyone has their own chores. I’m doing dishes and I remember ranting to my sister about how I don’t like doing them and I just wish people would wash them after using them so I wouldn’t have to do a lot in a day and how it’s different for other families. As the day goes on towards the night, my sister and I go to this party/club. My sister takes me to it with her girlfriend. I meet my cousin which in reality I haven’t met in awhile but I meet her at the party in my dream and I kind of just sit down at a table. I know a couple of people there, they’re all people from my childhood or past. It almost feels like I’ve been there before in like another dream. I wave hi to my cousin who’s across the room from me, and she looks kind of sad but I brush it off. My sister and her girlfriend are like flirting a little. I see my ex-boyfriend Jonathan to my left but on the other side of the room. He looked at me for a second and he started to act weird. I kind of just brushed it off because why was he acting weird? He would look at me every now and then and it’s weird because I wouldn’t have to look at him to know he was looking at me because I could feel when he would. Later on, my dad texts me and actually there’s a part in my dream where I recall already have being there from a past dream… This guy at the party passes out papers to everyone and I call out to everyone “not to open it because it’s the same paper as last time.” It’s a black folder and it has like papers and documents in it but I don’t remember what the papers had on them. Shortly after the paper situation, my dad texts me and says “my cousin is here with me and supposedly she works at midnight, but that when she gets off of work she’s gonna fuck-”and he cuts off the sentence. So I texted him “what do you mean?” And he replied “don’t worry about it” and I was told him to just tell me but he didn’t say anything and instead said “just be thankful you’re there early?” I don’t know what he meant by that. So I didn’t brush that off, I was kind of worried about because who was she gonna have sex with? Was she gonna have sex with Jonathan? Or her boyfriend that she was talking to? I looked her way and I didn’t see her over there where she was earlier and so I started to wonder what my dad meant by after work? Because she was literally already here earlier. My cousin walks in the minute I’m done thinking that. I wave high and she’s all happy, and I look at her, and she comes over at me. I tell her to come with me to the bathroom and ask her if I can talk to her for a second. Everyone looks at me weird and she was like “I can’t really do that, there’s nowhere to go.” But there’s a bathroom to the right of us so I grab her arm and rush her into the bathroom with me. While we’re going to the bathroom, Jonathan stares me down, and I freak out on the inside. So when we get into the bathroom, I ask her “who are you going to have sex with tonight?” She told me “Oh no, I can’t tell you that.” So then I ask her, “is it Jonathan?” And she’s like “no.” So I ask if it’s her boyfriend and she says no, again. Almost as if she’s just going to say no to anyone I ask for. She also got nervous when I asked who it was. I start thinking, “what am I gonna do if it’s Jonathan?” I kind of just brushed the situation off a little, and these two other girls were wanting to go in the bathroom. So I kind of like packed up the conversation and they kept playing with the doorknob, and I tried to hold it so they wouldn’t come in. I let go of it and they came in anyway. I unlocked it and I went to the sink to wash my hands so it wouldn’t be weird that people saw the both of us girls go in there together. At this point I realize that the place the party is held at looks like my elementary school cafeteria but the party was just in a small corner and not the full area of space, and I don’t even know why I’m at the party to begin with. As I’m there I start to think that it’s not really even a party. Which in the beginning of my dream it started off as a party but then it kind of shifts into just this grey building. Like there’s a pool, and tables. A lot of tables actually. But yeah, as we walk out of the bathroom my sister looks at me and asks “what happened?” And I was like “nothing, I just had to ask her something.” And everyone went back to work? At this point, Jonathan and I both know that we’re both at this party, and we’re both looking at each other but he was on his phone and I was trying to brush off the fact that we were even seeing each other at a party in person. It was weird though because our phones were our shoes? I had a whole flip flop as a phone. Jonathan was holding a shoe too. After this part in my dream, it shifts into the morning. It’s just more light. This person calls for groups, so I get up and walk to this friend of mine. Her name is anais. She’s apart of this like group, so I ask her “hey can I join your group?” Acting like I know what it is, but I don’t. She tells me “yeah of course, come with me” and she takes me to her friend who has glasses, blond hair, and is really tall. Her friend was like welcome, I’m gonna show you around. Which leads me into a hallway, and room where I see my cousin and she says hey, I say hey back. Then we turn to the side that Jonathan is at. Which was across the whole venue. And I walk down, and he doesn’t acknowledge that I’m there but I know he knows that I’m next to him now. He doesn’t look at me at all. It felt off about being there, because I think he was signing up for groups too. So, I go all the way down because i don’t wanna be next to him. And this teacher, they have us sit at this table with our groups, and it’s basically like if there’s a problem we have to solve it within our groups. The first task was there was this clear wall, like a window. You had to figure out if there was a wall there. I didn’t think there was a wall there, I thought it was gonna be a piece of cake. Just walking through this clear wall. Because there was nothing there. I was the last one to walk through it because I was the last one in line. I went all the way down. All of the people in front of me were saying there was a window there. But I didn’t see or think there was one. They had to somehow climb over it. These two guys were making jokes about it, and I started to laugh about it. So did Jonathan. He had looked back and seen that I was laughing with them. But I look away so that I don’t stare him. It’s so weird because in my dream it’s like I knew when to look away. I always had a gut instinct telling me when to look away because he was looking at me. It never came my turn, it just shifts into a next meeting. That’s when I see Jonathan lined up. I go and stand next to where Jonathan was sitting. I kind of just stand there with this other guy who wants to be in club in. Because there were multiple clubs now, club 1, club 2, and 3 and all the way up until club 7. I was in club 7 and my friend was in club 1. I switch clubs because I wanted to be with my friend. So now I’m in club one with my cousin and friend, except I don’t really hang out with them because there’s a lot of people in this club so I get stuck with this big guy. He’s really chubby, but smart. And he kind of just let me follow him around. So I sat next to him, but beside me Jonathan appeared. And he tells me he wants to be in club 1. Instead though, he goes around the table. And basically went to where I was sitting in the beginning of my dream. So we basically switched seats. He kind of just stands there looking at me, and the teacher says “yeah I’m watching you Jonathan.” And Jonathan nods his head and he just stares off into the distance and I start to wonder what’s going on. I start questioning if he’s okay. At this point I start to question where my sister and her girlfriend are at, because I haven’t seen them since earlier and then I wake up from the dream.

21 Jun 2024



My family had a restaurant in this district of restaurants/cafes. They specialised in South African steak. I was trying to configure a console game with a PC and played a fighting game with my older brother. But my keyboard and his controller was just controlling the same character. After that I left and went to get something from another restaurant. I want the dream interpreter to focus on this point onwards I entered a place that did bubble tea and Donburis. Something odd though is I noticed is the staff was an old couple but also had the Kpop group, New Jeans working front of house. I was questioning why New Jeans was there and slowly went up to order bubble tea. After taking my order , I was too shy to ask them and went to a table. That’s when a Taiwanese doctor sat with me and we started chatting. Then a 2nd American guy sat with us as well. The American was also questioning why New Jeans was working there and we all worked up the courage to ask why. Just before we reached the front of house, a Brazilian man wrapped his arm around me , almost to be there for me while I asked the question. I asked one of the members (Danielle) why she was working here and aren’t they busy idols? She kinda shrugged and dodged the question. She asked us questions to throw us off and make us forget. The Brazilian man kinda started flirting with me , feeling me up and then I saw the Taiwanese man eating noodles with the Brazilian’s man children. I started questioning doesn’t he have a wife & kids. He said it didn’t matter and continued hitting on me.

21 Jun 2024

My crush


flirting with my crush i was being touchey and we were in a car talking but the world was trashed but it was like normal

16 Jun 2024



Me and my friend cousin where all in a party enjoying each other company. We started flirting and talking about jokes how’s he’s gay but I could make him straight. I was so horny I snuck him away and gave him head. The way he was moaning sounded so nice I got the validation I wanted to hear. How ever I was thinking his cousin was his best friend who I was messing around with before I feel asleep and his body had his cousin face

13 Jun 2024

Abandoned home
Best Friend


me and my friends were all hanging out but it is focused on me and this guy hanging out and kind of flirting but all I feel is guilty because he is not my boyfriend, but I keep asking about him and using him to avoid being around my beatfriend and the guy she has a crush on because I do not approve of them together, be he's a nice friend and it's cool going around abandoned places and climbing up tall buildings even tho I know I shouldn't be around this guy I jave a crush on because j am never going to hurt my boyfriend, but I keep doing subtle flirting with this guy and then he tells me he loves me

13 Jun 2024



There was a boy who likes me in my class , he was part of a trio , in that trio his other friend said he was playing in”my team”. Later the other friend asked me to talk to him and I did , he looked at me smirking and I looked back , he asked me if I like his friend and I said idk and then he asked me If I liked him. Flirting with me. Later that day we were talking and he had something in his cheek. I said “you have something there” and took it off. He smiled

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