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Dream Interpretation: Betrayal 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Betrayal? Discover the significance of seeing a Betrayal in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Betrayal appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes a feeling of being let down or deceived by someone you trusted. It may also indicate a fear of being betrayed or a lack of trust in others. This dream may be a reflection of your own feelings of guilt or betrayal towards someone else.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time to reflect on your relationships and the people you trust. Are there any issues that need to be addressed? It may be helpful to have an open and honest conversation with the person who you feel betrayed by or to seek therapy to work through any trust issues you may have. Remember to also practice self-care and forgiveness towards yourself and others.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of betrayal may evoke feelings of hurt, anger, and disappointment. It can leave one feeling betrayed and questioning the trust they have in others. The emotions associated with this dream may include sadness, confusion, and a sense of vulnerability. It may also bring about a fear of being deceived or let down by those close to you. Overall, this dream can leave a lasting impact on one's emotions, causing a mix of negative feelings and a desire for reassurance and understanding.





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Dreams of users containing the word Betrayal

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18 Jul 2024



A friend who betrayed me Marco in the dream kept trying to hang out with me and I didn’t wanna yet I didn’t wanna assert myself and tell him I am not rocking with you no more because I didn’t wanna hurt his feeling so I ended up going with him to drink? I didn’t normally drink in real life so I find it strange that I had a flash back in the dream of me being super drunk and him taking advantage and beating me up I told him I try that ain’t I will beat your ass am sober now

17 Jul 2024



A ex friends with benefits confesses she been sleeping with my friend and a lot of other men bc I hurt when I told her I liked someone else hugging someone else laying with someone else she showed me pictures of my friends she didn’t know I already knew cus my friends told me that he was with her that he did it behind my back

15 Jul 2024



I was like five different vampires who had been like not from the same breed or something i didn’t really understand what the difference was. But we had been getting killed because we had been different, the way we had been getting killed was kind of brutal…. It was only like flash scenes when i was having myself getting tortured… one was having my organs taken out- like my ribs being beaten as well just completely destroyed…. Was laying down while it happened and bound with ropes. Then i remember this was getting closer to the end, i was then another vampire and rebellious a bit, because i overheard one of us being an exception. They had been apart of our deaths and torture too… one of us betraying us and partaking in our deaths… she was accepted because apparently her bloodline was also mixed with the ones she is killing with. she wore red. It was like the only color that stood out for me. Then i got horrible death. Then i switched to another vampire…. This scene particularly interested me tho…. This character was interesting… he kind of reminded me of Oh Sangwoo but like smaller and more vampiric… he had red eyes, he was wearing a grey hoodie. And he was coaxing me… saying that he loved me. And he asked me “remember what I love about you the most?” Then he shoved one of his fingers gently into my mouth and showed me, i have this sharp fang, its different from all my teeth is what he was getting at, he told me to bite… and i did.. because he kept pressing his finger tightly on that fang… and his finger suddenly started to pour his blood inside my mouth…. I could taste it… could taste the iron inside, then i started feeling dizzy and disoriented, i have no idea if it was poisonous blood to actually kill me because theyre trying to kill our breed or if he was giving me his powers and pretended he was killing me… i dont know… but it felt odd and intense and i woke up feeling dizzy and a headache. The color red was the only thing that stood out to me other than black. Girl in red dress, the ribs and organs ripped out of me red, his eyes red and his blood red.

9 Jul 2024



I was in the city with my mom. We were driving some where ina truck. Not sure where we were going. Then it jumped to my boyfriend. He left me again for someone else. He didn’t care. Just left. And he did this while we were with friends. And my friends didn’t care either.

8 Jul 2024



I was packing up my things in a hotel room when I realized I was hungry and wanted food. I walked around and eventually saw a girl I knew in grade school with my husband. But he looked like he had plastic surgery done. I then found myself walking through an animal hospital where a lot of people were performing surgeries on dogs. I eventually was then walking through an airport. I boarded a plane. I was sitting next to my friend who told me that the girl I knew in gradeschool was sleeping with a lot of people's husbands. And my dad who died .I felt angry and betrayed. I then found myself in my bedroom sorting laundry.

30 Jun 2024



I had a dream about a guy I used to like that broke my heart. In my dream he came back telling me that he missed me and that he couldn’t find anyone that compared to me. I felt really upset in this dream because I knew he only wanted to get back together because things didn’t work out with the girl he dumped me for. He claimed he just didnt pick the right one and wanted me back. In the dream I still had some feelings for him but I didnt tell him that. he kept insisting he wanted to be with me and towards the end of my dream I felt that I almost gave him a chance.

29 Jun 2024



Losing my home. I was back living on doten Ave in Sarstoga Springs. Back in the blue home but the only thing was ruthie made me homeless by getting rid of the home without telling me. I had no warning and I lost everything my heart was broken and I became suicidal. I wanted to die. Rose my sister was trying to talk me down But I was so lost. I saw Joe and Kathy and other family but not one person cared. Ruthie was on cloud nine because she had a place to go. I felt betrayed. Hurt. I couldn't find Koda. Koda wasn't there. I was alone.

21 Jun 2024



it was about the Netflix series sweet tooth. in it continued the last episode I had watched, from what I remember I was in a boat, in the real series the boat was headed for another boat. Instead, we went to an island. (i was sweet tooth in the dream) we got off the boat and a person immediately greeted up and we went into this cave like structure on the shore. he welcomed us and started walking us through, I remember we came to an aquarium and I was amazed by the fish but the one doctor I forget the name of was suspicious and asked why the dude was doing all this, referring to the sick and hybrids. he responded he was simply curious about the animals, maybe something bigger would come on its own. it sounded a bit suspicious but we continued on. I think i started waking up a little but fell back asleep because the details are a bit foggy but i think he brought us to another cool room and ended up betraying us, we went through this weird obstacle course type thing and somewhere in there we ended up becoming the cast from dungeon meshi on netflix? I was marcille now so we continued to this one grassy area overlooking a huge cliff and cavern. we continued on, i think I asked about how we could see the sky or something, laios responded it was a fake sky, we continued and I think talked some more, some stuff I don't remember happened, harpies showed up, we fought those, I remember using magic there. then we saw a creature with the lower half of a dragon and feathered upper half and immediately thought it was falin and got excited, it flew over and was just a random chimera thingy. fought it, continued, real falin showed up. we ended up cutting off her human half and I became falin in the dream, I think I had been her for a while since I remember watching from a birdseye perspective. anyways they cut off the human part but for whatever reason I remain in control over the dragon half instead. pretty sure I immediately become sane and, somehow even though the part of me that had eyes was chopped off, i/falin rush over to this dirt area since I'm not in control of the part of me with a mouth. I think I panic and just wrote "hello" then they read it, got excited, i/falin returned to normal. I remember getting a weird feeling though and asked them "wait, doesn't this seem too easy?" or smth bc 1. mad mage hadn't showed up 2. the tactic they used shouldn't have worked 3. it didn't feel right. they were all obviously like "dude that don't matter you're back" and we went into town I think because I remember food stalls. don't remember anything else.

17 Jun 2024



Conflict with an ex lover and feelings of betrayal and rejection

16 Jun 2024

Break up


I had a complex dream involving Sabastion my ex situationship that i’ve mentioned before. The dream recalled our recent “breakup” in which i decided to stop having sex with him unless he dated me in which he denied too and we slowly began to stop talking. In the dream i noticed somethings in my house were missing I decided to ask Saba in which i couldn’t get ahold of him as he had started a truck moving business. During this dream I also had the ability to transform into different animals something that others could do but only into one animal so i kept my ability to turn into multiple secret. Disguised as a bird I found saba driving on the highway in a truck and transformed back to human jumping onto the back and changing into a mouse to squeeze into the storage container. My missing stuff was their so i decided to become human again and alert my presence to Saba. He was more giddy at the fact i actually decided to follow him rather than what made me chase him down. He brushed off the answer to why my stuff was in the back as we arrived at a forest. Saba told me the reason he started this buisness was to sell illegal things on the side and he was to meet his buyer here later. We chatted for awhile and ended up kissing longily as feelings where still there for me. Then Saba told me not to move and to trust him as i see a shape in the corner of my eye which turns out to be a lion at first i’m confused cause lions and US forests don’t mix but then the lion transforms into a man who begins talking to sabastion about the package he was transporting. As they talk i begin to slowly fall asleep and once fully out sabastion steals more of my items and begins to try and leave me in the forest. I wake up as he leaves out raged and turn into a wolf but as soon as I do a wild pack of wolves show up seperating both saba and I from the truck. As we rest from running I begin to cry and question why he doesn’t love me why he keeps betraying me and how i could love someone so much that doesn’t give a fuck about me. The dream begins to fade but I never get an answer

15 Jun 2024



In my waking life the last dream was consistent with my emotions. They being the women want me but I reject them nowadays and I get sex I am not a sexless virgin and I have a huge cock but they manipulate me and bribe me for money I’ve lost over $13,000 yen and dollars because of those Asian sluts at least I got laid though in real life and completely drenched their slutty faces in cum haha jokes on you dream app I don’t need you to tell me I’ve been betrayed or insecure or rejected because women are wanting sex from me now in real life and I laugh in their faces and make them feel like the useless sacks of slutty whore pig shit they actually constitute to be also presumptuously speaking.

13 Jun 2024



I dreamt of two beautiful child dancers being tricked into going out into the backyard of a house where there were lions. The person who tricked them locked them out and I watched them yell out for help and to get back in. It felt as if the dancers were betrayed and they knew there were no other options. It felt like betrayal and hopelessness. So the dancers decided to dance amongst the lions who slowly made there way around them. The scene changes to the lions clearly mauling them and ending their lives.

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