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Dream Interpretation: Betray 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Betray? Discover the significance of seeing a Betray in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Betray appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes a feeling of betrayal or disloyalty from someone close to you. It may also indicate that you are feeling guilty about betraying someone else. This dream is a warning to be cautious of those around you and to trust your instincts.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time to reflect on your relationships and determine if there are any signs of betrayal or disloyalty. If you have betrayed someone, it is important to take responsibility for your actions and make amends. Trust your instincts and be cautious of those around you, but also try to forgive and move on from any past betrayals.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of betrayal may evoke feelings of hurt, anger, and disappointment. It can leave one feeling betrayed, deceived, and mistrustful. The emotions associated with this dream may include sadness, confusion, and a sense of loss. The dreamer may also experience a mix of emotions such as resentment, betrayal, and vulnerability. The feeling of being let down by someone close can be overwhelming, leading to a sense of betrayal and a desire for justice or revenge. Overall, this dream may leave the dreamer with a lingering sense of emotional pain and a need to heal and rebuild trust.





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Dreams of users containing the word Betray

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13 Jul 2024



I was with a friend but I can’t recall which friend. We were sitting on a bench/table in a crowded restaurant. There was a random guy sitting next to us. We were waiting for the server when my friend went to the bathroom. When she left a girl showed up and sat next to the guy, leaving no room for my friend now. My friend gets back and realizes her seat has been taken. She suggests we leave and go some where else. I was getting up to leave when the server tells me it was urgent and to follow him. I go with him and he takes me into a back room where I’m suddenly in a hospital. Apparently, I had a check up that was due. I go into the room, where they took a bunch of swabs and samples of mine. I wait for the results of the tests. It seemed like everything was fine and I get ready to leave. As I’m going to leave, a nurse stops me and tells me one of my tests came back a little odd and that I’ll need to have one more test done. It took me by surprise because I feel that I’m a pretty healthy person. They had me waiting in the room for a pretty long time. I started to become impatient and annoyed. I decided there must be a mistake in the results and that I’m fine, so I made my way out. As I’m leaving, a nurse stops me and tells me that the reason why they needed to take more tests was.m because my boss, Amelia, insisted. She suspected that I had a skin disease due to the redness in my face. I told the nurse that the redness was due to my sensitive skin and bug bites. Amelia had some connections in the hospital and was there too getting tests done for herself. She got a hold of my test results, and it pissed me off because I felt that she invaded my privacy. The nurse leads me into the room where Amelia was at. I sit down to talk to her and she tells me that she looked at my test results and with the red rashes on my face, it made her suspicious that I had something wrong with me. I told her I was fine and that the rashes were due to bug bites because it’s summer time and I get bit a lot around that time. She laughs and says that if she trusted me she wouldn’t worry about it, but she doesn’t so she just wants to make sure I’m okay by doing the test. She also tells me she had a friend, Janet, take pictures of me to get a better look at my rashes. I become extremely angry that Janet would betray my trust and take pictures of me without my consent, and send them to my boss without my permission. I immediately get up and start to walk out of the hospital angrily. Amelia tells me to wait but I don’t listen and keep walking out. Right outside the hospital doors were Janet, Monica and my other friend, sitting on a bench. They could see the angry look on my face and are taken by surprise. I confront Janet about her taking pictures of me behind my back and she says that she was just trying to be helpful. I told her that it was a betrayal of my trust to do so without asking. I walk away from them and start making my way to the street. The town I was walking through was a nice beach town. I suddenly run into my friend Iris and her friend Rachel. I get into the car with them and they both seemed a little drunk. She tells me she missed school/work because they decided to go day drinking. I decide to take the wheel since they were drunk, the drive was really nice with an ocean view. I was still a little upset about what had happened and I decided I should miss work too. Next thing I know, I’m at home and Gabriel is there with me. He came to drop off some money he owed me. He gets a phone call from his other son’s mother and she sounded stressed out because her husband had accidentally sent him $3,000 and they need the money to pay bills. She asked him where he is at and he tells her he’s at my place. She asks if she can come over and he says yes. I got annoyed that he said yes to her without asking me first and I wondered if he remembered that he was at my house. Then I woke up.

20 Mar 2024



I appeared in the world with a bunch of friends, fighting off a disease that increasingly turned the population into zombies. When trying to fight off all the zombie hordes, me and my large group of friends moved from region to region establishing temporary bases fighting off and eliminating zombies, but every time I moved to a region there was a number of friends from my group that caught the disease and turned into zombies, to which I had to fight them off and kill them off too. Eventually, I went to a region where I had a small group of friends and even those friends turned into zombies and I had to kill them off to the point where I was the only person left to fight off all the zombies. I went back home to see if there was anybody else to recruit and there was nobody else there that could help me. I then realized that everybody there , where I was from had turned permanently into zombies. I then found out some people knew they had the disease and some of my friends were trying to betray me during the adventure. Then I woke up.

4 Mar 2024



my ex, archie was walking me round a shop with me on my hands and knees holding me by my throat (christian grey style) we were going after faith (my friend) while she was stealing socks, i met my mum at a ferris wheel and we went round that with nellie ( my baby sister) but i didn’t realise it was a ferris wheel. i ended up at home then i looked at archie’s private story and he was back friends with faith and skye (one of his friends) betraying me because i’d told him what they’re like and not to be friends with them but he was posting on his snap things like besties with them, I also recorded some nude videos he asked for and they popped up on my phone but it was after id seen his story so i got angry and deleted them. then i went and cried to mother and for some reason told her about the videos but she seemed fine with it

29 Nov 2023



I had a dream where I was driving around doing Uber eats in my red sports car, then once I got out to deliver the food at this residential home I was knocked out and kidnapped.Moreover, once I awakened they wanted me to join their group and kill people with them. The entire time I was playing on ways to leave and betray them. I remember a specific moment in my dream where I was cleaning my car’s rims as one of the killers from the group walked by. All I wanted to do was escape, but I couldn’t even with my car right in front of me.

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