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Dream Interpretation: Gambling 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Gambling? Discover the significance of seeing a Gambling in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Gambling appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Dreaming of gambling symbolizes taking risks and uncertainty. It may indicate that you are feeling lucky or that you are willing to take chances in your waking life. However, it can also suggest that you are taking unnecessary risks or that you are not thinking things through before making decisions.

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🧭 Direction


Consider if you are taking too many risks in your waking life. Are you making impulsive decisions without thinking about the consequences? It may be time to reevaluate your choices and make more calculated decisions. Alternatively, if you are feeling lucky, take advantage of opportunities that come your way, but be sure to weigh the risks and benefits before making any decisions.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of gambling can evoke a mix of emotions. It may bring excitement, as the thrill of taking risks and the possibility of winning can be exhilarating. However, it can also trigger anxiety and uncertainty, as the outcome is uncertain and the stakes are high. The dream may reflect a desire for excitement and a willingness to take chances in life. It could also indicate a fear of losing control or making poor decisions. Overall, the feelings associated with this dream can range from anticipation and hope to apprehension and unease.





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Dreams of users containing the word Gambling

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7 Jun 2024



One of my favorite game character(who happens to be a cunning gambler with a flair for fashion) speaking with another character I like(a sophisticated scholar clad in a futuristic rendition of the Greco-Roman toga) in the large space station that looks like hotel/airport lounges that shows up in said game

27 May 2024



I was gambling with my dad and friends. My dad won $150 dollars from me and I got really upset. I was very sad and depressed because I lost that $150 dollars, so I started thinking about commiting suicide and I did cut a smile on my face like the joker. After my meltdown I had to go to a school assembly and I was covering my mouth because of the cut I made

13 Apr 2024



I was still with a cat and beavis and butt head. The four of us where heading on some sort of grey hound bus. Going to do some cross country stuff. I would sit across from beavis and butthead. Thoes two would laugh and hit each other. I sat next to this kitty cat that was my emontional support animale. This kitty cat wanted to be hold but on its terms. It was a long ride until we hit Los Vegas. Where there was where we stop for a few days we all gambled but didnt win much. When we all got back to this bus, it was full to max compatatcy. It was the same as like alwasy but me and the kitty cat sat next to this small elderly woman. Beavis and Butt-Head sat across from us with this tall elderly man. He was extremly skinny. Beavis was gluping down sodas and eating bunch of candies then he was spazing out when we go to this stop of Los Angles CA. He was going on that he couldnt score. Beavis became his alter ego "Corholio". He really was going on the goverment is ridged and he cant score. He said this old fart he probably he scored then this slot was in her prime and score alot. Us young folks can never score i just thinks it not fair. Butt-head said preach on Beavis. Then i stand up and said to this Beavis I feel your pain becaus all of the old farts had score before I was 18. Yes Beavis the system is rigged. Then i saw this kitty cat hiss and then seem all happy because it seem to agree with Beavis. I was like" i wish that i can score like this sloot". Then this kitty cat smiled sad meow and was smile and this old lady was like yeah the system is rigged. The bus driver said this is thw finnal destineation. Everyone got off we all marched onto the sunset.

21 Nov 2023



Apparently, I'm on an adventure with my family. First, we were leaving a camping ground but I went with my parents in their car and took my son. There no bad energy, Im assuming i had a reason. Next, my mom and I were having a conversation but I cant remember what. And for some reason, the car was moving very fast, the scenery was a blur every time i looked out the car window. Third, we visit the hotel we'll be staying at and this place was immaculate, chrome, futuristic. The elevators were set to go in 2 directions: up and to the left and down and to the right. After seeing the manager and two guards enter and set the elevator downward, I was curious. So with my toddler in tow, we "accidentally" check out to the bottom floor. Which was bright due to everything being white. Too afraid to go any further, we retreat back to the main floor. There I run into people I recognize (although I haven't met them in real life). My husband suggests we all explore the city together. So we all leave the hotel and find a small bar and gambling spot. I've never been a fan of gambling, I tell everyone I'll test my luck this time. So while the dealer sets up cards and everyone begins to Converse, I find myself moved from the bar to a tall table by myself. My "acquaintances" approach me and ask if I always act so introverted. to my surprise, I wasn't trying to move so I reply, "Usually, but I'm trying to break out of my comfort zone...somehow this happened." Anyways, I give up returning to the game and find my husband so I can watch after our toddler. He sets him down and just a split second later, he darts out the automatic doors and into the parking lot. I drop everything and run out to find him but he shrinks and vanishes into the grass like a field mouse. Before the grass was a huge playground filled with moms and kids. Desperate, I try to scream for help saying I can't find my toddler. the stress was so intense, I could feel an actual strain on my heart, thankfully my conscience kicked in and whispered, "Come back, this is just a dream. your baby's asleep in his crib at home." Once I remember, I collapse on the ground. My husband approaches with a concerned woman before I could explain, my conscience woke me up.

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Yvette Miller

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