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Dream Interpretation: Golf 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Golf? Discover the significance of seeing a Golf in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Golf appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

This is a symbol of relaxation, self-care, and leisure. This indicates that you have worked hard on your goals, so take a moment to sit and relax. However, it also suggests that you may be experiencing a time of stress and anxiety and your desire to find leisure during a time of chaos.

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🧭 Direction


This dream indicates that you need to take some time to rest, relax and reflect before pressing back in. So spare some minutes from your busy schedule, clear your mind and do things that make you happy that is the best way to destress.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of playing golf may evoke feelings of relaxation, focus, and enjoyment. It symbolizes a desire for leisure and a break from the daily routine. It may also represent a need for precision and strategy in achieving goals. The dreamer may feel a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction when successfully navigating the course. Overall, this dream suggests a positive and peaceful state of mind.





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5 Jul 2024



I had a dream that I was playing golf, when I was trying to hit the ball my feet kept slipping because I was not wearing the correct shoes. I told my friends to wait for me because I would get the right shoes. I managed to get a golf club but it was left handed and I an right handed so I couldn’t use it. I then forgot to take my shot. I couldn’t get the tee into the floor on the next hole. I did not manage to hit a single ball.

14 May 2024



In my dreeam im a stwy at home girlfriend. It turns very silly and weord. Im reading a book with a neigbor, but the police suspect us of being acomplices to murder based on us reading this book together. We go back to my old neigborhood, and the popeyes had been changed to a KFC. Im annoyed by this. Then i am immediately in another party if the world where they are processing the chicken for KFC. Its a mannual job with a lot of old machinery to drain chicken. Mile tyson is there explaining how the work is done. Then im helping. The dream switches again to a vacation setting ive only been to in my dreams. Its w flashback to a different dream. Its a luxury resort in Jamaica. Im wearing a bikini. My body looks great but different. And I have a great tan. I have a sexual encounter with someone who works at the resort. It’s very enjoyable. Lastly I’m back home in nyc and im now at the golfing range with my new rich friends. They are taking turns hitting the golf ball. Im on the sidelines simply heckling and joining in the fun by chitchating

1 May 2024



I was playing golf with four Mexicans who kept making noise by laughing and weren't serious with the game this was upsetting we're by confronted them and set enough I've been with the ball twice which was taped so that I can see what happened I then hit the ball really good and straight given I remembered from my lesson to turn my hands over however the ball landed by a tree then Sunny a former high school friend came up to me and said he lost his ball which went into the rough or the high uncut grass when we found it he could have never played it because it was up against the building so I told him to take the penalty stroke and get it away from the building

1 Apr 2024

New Job


I got to a new school but miss the bus. I got there and saw my sister in christ. I explored an saw one of my youth group friends play a golf game and he got a hole in one.

1 Mar 2024



I was in my parents living room. Though there is no door, just a window behind me. There is a bright white light coming into the room from the window. My mum was there saying something but I couldn't hear her or read her lips. But her lips were moving and her expression was as if she was telling me something she'd told me a thousand times before. Then I heard a voice say "you need to learn to catch" it sounded like my aunt. She's always taunted me on my lack of athletic abilities, and particularly my learning disability. I then see a tennis ball rolling towards me. I bend to pick it up. At the same time someone, though I don't know who, hands me another tennis ball. However I only have 1 in my hand. I look around and nobody is there. Even my mother has vanished. The furniture is gone too. Then I hear an alarm from above me. I look up and before I know it golf balls are raining down on me. I bend my neck and cover my head with my arms but they won't stop coming they just keep raining on me hitting me hard and bouncing off my body. I scream and continue to try cover myself with my arms. But they just keep coming and raining down on me.

25 Feb 2024



i was at my bonus grandparents house, and i was trying to do a clay project in the guest bedroom. i went outside and watched a few videos on how to do it since it was a trend going around. you make a hole in the floor for the mold, pour the clay in, and wait for it to dry. it should be a rubbery texture and bouncy. i was sitting in the chair outside, and i start spinning. my bonus grandpa came out on his golf cart with a lawnmower attached to it and was driving it backwards, mowing his lawn. but it was already short so idk what he was doing lol. but i was getting really dizzy in the chair so i jumped off of it, and saw how it was spinning me. it felt like everything was spinning as well, but it was just the chair spinning. this chair had a chain on the bottom of it, the chair was practically levitating, and it was just swinging me around in circles.

8 Feb 2024



I had everything packed for the move from AZ to SD, all fitting in a golf cart with rear seats, velcro doors, and a heater. I set off with hope in my kind. Once I got to SD, I stopped in a Walmart and called my friend and we ended up meeting and wandering a mall with open tables for browsing. We started with a store of stuffed animals, him picking up a big squinshmallow and joking around. I felt my heart pound being with him while he's acting cute since I do have feelings towards him but have no idea how to say it. After joking around with the stuffed animals, my stomach hurting from laughing so much, we almost walled by a booth of crystals. I stopped and read the instructions. There were a few steps to creating your special crystal bag that matches you. After following the instructions, my friend stood behind me as I paid for the little bag and I showed it to him gleefully. He smiled in return and we kept walking, his arm now around my shoulders as we talked about random things. The whole time I was wanting to kiss him but wasn't sure if that's what he wanted so I held back because I knew him well enough to know he also treated me the same as a friend so I was more confused. Instead of thinking about it, I instead cherished the time spent together.

1 Feb 2024

High School


Keala and I were at some kind of baseball game. We were sitting in the back of a booth and there were two teenage boys and the baseball couch from my high school. The coach was all the way to the left in the booth, one teenager to his right, and another teenager to the right of him. When the blocker came down nd I saw them the teenager in the middle turned a bit and threw up but his throw up landed on me, and this substance came out of my ear. I was grossed out but asked for a napkin to clean it off. It wasn’t a lot but enough to make you almost gag. The scene changed by me going into a house and seeing a book. The book only had so many pages but it was like a kids book. It showed two kids, a boy and a girl. My boyfriend and I noticed the book and thought it was weird, but we disregarded it. There were actually a young girl and an even younger boy in that house with their fathers. In total, the house had three men, my boyfriend, the little girl, the little boy, and me. Somehow I left the house while my boyfriend was cooking and I was walking back up the path where the previous booth was at, back to the house. I was golfing or getting ready to go golfing. I passed by a different coach and a student, we were talking but I eventually left them. I made it back to the house and over heard the three men talking about a thing in the house. How it needed to be fed. But I saw the thing, and it was trying to disguise itself as the little girl and the little boy. Then the book from earlier made sense, the book talked about cooking little kids and then eating them. I found the little boy and told him to go back to my boyfriend who was still in the kitchen. I found the little girl, she was crying and she was in the bathroom that looked like mine, it was barely lit up by the sun outside and the lights weren’t turning on. I could feel the thing behind me. I told it β€œyou’re not taking either one of them”. I didn’t face it, as I was talking to it but the little girl was still crying and I knew she could see it. It looked like her and this poor girl was horrified. It then jumped on me and was trying to take me down but I stood tall and I was yelling for my boyfriend. My voice would crack in and out until the last time I yelled his name. Then I woke up and my boyfriend who was still on FaceTime with me heard me call his name and helped me wake up.

29 Jan 2024



Was in a small town building a house. Then traveled to the big city for supplies. Went to the mall. There was a circus there with performers in different rooms. Then I saw my girlfriend there as an exotic dancer. I then traveled down the the industrial section of town. There, I got a bit lost traveled on a highway, then onto the streets, then back on the highway. Then I found the warehouse I was trying to find and went there. I then loaded my truck with supplies I needed. Went back to the small town, I then went disc golfing with some old friends from work. Then there was a storm, so we all took shelter at work. After the storm, we resumed our game of disc golf. I then traveled to the desert in a semitruck. There I saw a great vally.

5 Jan 2024



I was driving a golf cart around some sidewalks in a fenced area. I needed to leave the fenced area so I returned the golf cart to where i found it. On the way I had trouble getting it up some stairs. When I returned the golf cart I waved goodbye to the people there and smiled. Then I started walking. A big four legged animal came up to me and started licking me on the face. I kept walking. I saw a bakery display case with a lot of baked goods in it. I couldn’t decide between the cake and the cookie but I wanted something with caramel. I chose the cookie with the caramel. Then I was having sex with a guy I’m dating. He heard something and got up and said there was someone there. He walked out of the room. Then I woke up

5 Dec 2023

Being Late
Make Out


My wife was driving to Tahoe, and she drove to Tahoe to a golf course/ public park. She parked backwards in the grass and off the road. It was late at night and the park was closed. I think we were looking for a place to make out and fool around. We started walking on the golf course. It's a few minutes later, the police car also parked right next to us. We were wondering if they were going to stop us. My wife said, let's keep walking and dont look back. She was actually walking on the hill, on the greens of a hole on the golf course. I told her, hey, you can't walk on the geen, you have to walk around the green. And she said, I'm going to continue to walk this way. The next thing we know, the police officer was behind us. And he asked me for my ID. And he asked me, what was I doing here? And he didn't ask my wife for her ID. Now I had an attitude. I felt like he asked for only my ID because am black and he didn't ask for her ID because she is white. The police officer was also white. I recall telling the officer I didn't have to show him my ID. Then I asked him why did he need just my ID. I woke up before he could answer.

1 Dec 2023



I dreamt I was on the street in which I currently live. This is also the street in which I grew up. I think I entered the golf course's clubhouse, and was transported to some sort of alleyway that was full of shops. It was magical, in some sense. I then went into a bar, which had a brick wall on my right side, with some booths for seating. Then, I went upstairs, where there was a dance floor and a stage, as well as an exit. As I exited the upstairs of the bar, I entered into a brighter, airier atmosphere. It was some sort of beach, water park resort, that had an attached mall. As I made my way into the mall, I entered a dark store that possibly sold clothing. I made it out of the mall, to the parking lot. The last thing I remember is being back on my hoke street, but in some sort of environment with lots of mirrors. I was not paying attention to where I was walking, but said or thought to myself, "this doesn't feel real," and bumped into a mirror before waking up.

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