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Dream Interpretation: Eight 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Eight? Discover the significance of seeing a Eight in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Eight appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

This symbol is very powerful and suggests that you are ambitious, karmic, enduring, and craving success and power. However, it also signifies that you are very materialistic and authoritative, which leads you to become controlling and greedy. It also suggests that you can sometimes resort to violence to get what you desire.

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🧭 Direction


To see eight of anything in your dream means that your time has arrived. You can achieve your desires and gain success; however, you must not be greedy or turn insensitive to others around you. Take notice of this symbol and the environment in your dream to quickly figure out what more you need to add to your current situation and what you need to get rid of from your walking life to walk on the path of success.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of the number eight may evoke feelings of balance, harmony, and abundance. It symbolizes infinity and the cyclical nature of life. This dream may bring a sense of completeness and fulfillment, as well as a reminder to embrace the interconnectedness of all things. It may also signify a need for stability and a desire for success and achievement. Overall, the dream of the number eight can inspire feelings of optimism and a belief in the endless possibilities that lie ahead.





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25 Jun 2024



I dream about the number 1 and number 16 few years ago and didn't know about the meaning. but I thought those number could have been number 8 . being represented differently cause if I ads them up together 1+16 =8 because I have dream about the number 8 before in the past

13 Jun 2024



Staying at a hotel at room number 8

26 Mar 2024

New Job
Make up


Me, my cousins, my 2 aunts, my friend Luke, aand my ex boyfriend were all on a long flight together. I thought we were all flying to a tropical destination. But 8 hours later we land in New York City and we’re actually going to Randall’s Island for a music festival not a tropical island. But now we had to come up with a story for why we were in NYC and didn’t tell our friend Kaitlyn who lives there. So we made up a story and told Kaitlyn it was a last minute trip, she believed it. Luke was also in a fight with a different friend and I was the mediator. My ex boyfriend was also there and he was trying to convince me he slept well on the flight but I did the believe him and it was obvious he didn’t.

23 Mar 2024



I dreamt my dram was mixed dream I first of seeing my father just staring at me , but my father did die about 8 years now , then I saw that I had a shoes in my hand o guess it was from me coming from inside the house , I also saw my step father in my dream as he well i dreamt he had this sick obbsession with me thinking i wqs his wife and trying to touch me and have sex with me , i also dreamt of seeinf a big crowd forming up and then asking someone what happend ans the person said a gay guy was stabbed in the neck, i then looked down the road and saw the man on the grown close to a big tree in my village , but he was fine and stated he was was waiting for the ambulance but no one came , so i called but i heard an ice cream truck coming instead,

19 Mar 2024



i was at my dads house and my and my ex stepmom got locked outside and there was a man walking down the street. and he started walking towards us so we tried to go back inside but my siblings and dad locked the door and wouldn’t listen to us. so we started running to the backyard and the man continued coming towards us slowly picking up pace. my and me stepmom got to the gate but it was locked so we had to climb this 8ft fence. i was little so my stepmom helped me grab the top and pushed me up but she couldn’t get up on the fence and the man caught up to her and killed her with a knife. i jumped off the fence and ran to the back door but they had locked that one too and when i turned around to start running again the man was standing over me with the knife in his hand and then i woke up in fear

16 Mar 2024



having evil vacuum nightmares for 6 years as a kid. there was a clown sidekick and it tried to drown me once in a tank in my elementary school cafeteria. some of my friends from preschool that i hadn’t seen since i was 3-4 and i was now 7-8. the vacuum didn’t need to be plugged in and it had evil red eyes with flamez

15 Mar 2024



I was dreaming about machine-making cupcakes in a circle that I know they're supposed to come out 10 cupcakes every single time they go down to make more. But every single time it come out eight and I keep telling people or whatever who was around they're supposed to come out 10. You see it's making again the same mistake. Okay and we repeat the same process every single time that we try it only eight cupcakes come out. You know that I know there is to need to be 10 and we keep trying and trying never came those 10 cupcakes.

13 Mar 2024



Please interpret this dream for me. To clarify, I am a 17 year old female and I felt like I was throughout the dream. Another clarification is that I have no clue if this was a nightmare, but he did have scary elements to it that even spooked me inside the dream. This wasn't a lucid dream, but I don't want to deny it is either. Here's the dream: I woke up on a couch grey in a room. There was a door and it was closed and there was dude that familiar, but I don't recognize him. The 3 walls were covered with curtains and they were made of glass except the wall with the door on it. I think I even saw the city from there. It had red lighting, but I couldn't see LED strips or a light source anywhere which was weird. It was just a square shaped room and there was white countertop that stretched from wall to wall. The countertop was only on the right side of the room. I saw my mother laying against it and it seemed like she was sleeping. I was hooking up with this guy and I was on the countertop. He mentioned to switch rooms for more privacy and I agreed. I felt comfortable anyways and the guy seemed friendly but I had a feeling that he may have been a pimp, not too sure if he was my pimp though. He was wearing regular clothes and I was wearing a top and shorts, but I didn't look down to see what I was wearing exactly. I walked out of the room with this guy into a hallway. It was a small hallway in width, but the ceiling may have been 8 feet tall at most. There were other doors not opened and there was a door at the end of the hallway that did have a light..a green or red light coming from it, assuming that was the exit but I didn't go towards it nor did I feel the need to. We moved to the room next to the room that we were originally in. In the second room had two besides and a window in between. I had one of my bed set furniture in this room. There was a woman on one of the beds and we joined here. The guy was in the middle while we cuddled with him. We talked and then he told me Justin Bieber was there. I got excited and got off the bed. The dude left the room and the door was wide open. I heard something ringing from within the bed. At this point, I had five phones. Three phones were on the counter of my dresser and when I checked the mattresses, and yes there were 5 mattresses, I found my other two phones which is my current phones irl. They were ringing, but I didn't see anyone calling me, it just showed the home screen. I then walked down the hallway and I walked into this room and it looked like it was backstage of a concert. There were sofas, random (I assumed to be) celebrities, mirrors, lights, and it just looked like a normal group dressing room. I know looking in the mirrors we're not a good idea, but I did look into the mirror to fix my hair, and it was one of the most gross things I seen in my life. I started to panic and I was having flashbacks of some sort. Nothing in particular about these flashbacks, but it looked that bad. When I looked at the mirror, my eyes were taking up 90% of the mirror and they were severely droopy to the point of seeing the insides of them. My eyes were red and I could see the tissue inside them and it wasn't a pretty site. After a minute, and I was staring for that long, I turned around and there were more mirrors which I happened to look into by accident and one of the mirrors looked normal but it was overly saturated and then I looked away from that mirror and the last mirror I looked at was still very eery but not as bad as the first one. I got out of that room and my heartbeat was pumping. I was very terrified about those mirrors. I went back to the room I began in and closed my eyes. I never got to meet Justin Bieber in that dream by the way. I woke up from my dream.

3 Mar 2024

Old Man


Dream about a flood in a city with icebergs. There was a town home that I don't remember if it was safe or we had to get out but it looked like an office building with glass doors and windows. I had to keep my cat from running towards danger so I held her as me the dog a young brown girl and black older man dressed in a gray suit and bowler hat exited to a floating make shift landing there were icebergs around us in the city and dark choppy sea water but people that lived in an apartment had their lights on and seemed safe from the flood. On the make shift landing the floor of it turned into the tarot card 8 of pentacles because I counted 8 of the coins on the card. We all were trying to find a solution. I had enough of the stress and woke up.

27 Feb 2024

Old friend


I waited in line to secure a spot having transportation for my trip to Austin coming up soon. I had to be one of the next 8 in line to receive it, which was and then, All of a sudden this girl cut in line and I unable to secure transportation. Then I told my old friend about it while we were working out on a soccer field.

27 Feb 2024



i had the same room layout i did when i was 8, neon green walls, bunk beds, and the vhs princess tv. i shared that room with my mom, i had the top bunk and she had the bottom. she was already asleep, and there was a movie playing on the tv. i don’t remember what movie, but the room had a blue tint to it from the tv being on. i try to lay down and go to sleep, but i start getting paranoid there’s bugs on the ceiling. in the waking world bugs, specifically stink bugs are my biggest fear, id even consider it a phobia with how bad i freak out around them, or even just seeing a picture of it or thinking about it. its a problem lol. anyways i opened my eyes, and there’s spiders and weird looking bugs all over my room. i start panicking orettt bad tryna hide from them under the blanket, but i saw one bug that just sent me out of the room. it was hanging on a spiders web string, and it looked like a long caterpillar, but its body looked like blue beads stringed together, a red nose, and black beady eyes. it really freaked me out. i jumped off the bunk ladder and bolted it for the living room. then a stinking is also chilling on a spiders web string, it looked like it was floating. then it just bolts across the living room into the kitchen, and it had really thick spider web strings coming out of it from behind. i start crying and freaking out really bad trying to get away from it, and i run to my brother who’s laying in the couch, and i said β€œdustin can you PLEASE kill a few bugs for me?!”. he starts whining as a joke and says β€œnooOoOoO i dOnT wAnT tOoOoOo”. then he starts laughing cause of how bad i’m freaking out over the stink bug darting across the house.

26 Feb 2024

Make Out


In my dream I went to my school like normal days . I am in 8 grade and still in 8 in real life . Something was not right at school . I am not popular kid but now I was . I would always sit in the corners. As I walked in the hall way . I was greeted by everyone. By my friends I met couple months ago but couldn't Keep in touch because we are in different states regions . And my childhood friends that I left in 7 grade in a different country I was so shocked to see them in Germany . I greeted them first. And I saw her . My old best friend that I secretly liked long time ago . I didn't know why she was here and I didn't want her there . So just decided to let her . Something was wrong with her behaviour. She moaned sexually when I was with her . At this time we just make out . This dream gave me the disgusted because I am a Christian and I don't wanna be lesbian. πŸ’€

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