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Dream Interpretation: Level 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Level? Discover the significance of seeing a Level in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Level appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes your progress and achievements in life. It may also represent the challenges and obstacles you are facing or will face in the future. It can indicate a need for self-improvement or a desire to reach new heights.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your current situation and assess your progress. Are you satisfied with where you are in life? If not, set achievable goals and work towards them. Don't be afraid to take on new challenges and push yourself to reach new levels of success. Remember to celebrate your accomplishments along the way.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of being on a level signifies a sense of balance and stability. It evokes feelings of control, harmony, and a clear direction in life. It suggests a state of equilibrium and a feeling of being on the right path. This dream may bring about a sense of confidence and assurance in one's abilities and decisions. It represents a desire for order and organization, and a need for things to be in their proper place. Overall, this dream elicits a sense of calmness and contentment.





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9 Apr 2024



I was playing an old childhood game on my computer. It was a horror themed fish game and I had to make it through different stages. The fish would attack the player and depending on how you treated your fish allies, they would stay allies or they would become enemies. All this with an interesting story about a scuba diver having an adventure through the ocean. After awhile of playing for a couple hours and losing, I stopped playing and switched to Geometry Dash. That I found an old level I made a long time ago. It looked really ugly but also surprisingly detailed for the time it was made. I was thinking about remaking the level sometime but first I wanted to get through it. I had a hard time due to errors I made in the design choices at the time.

7 Apr 2024

My crush
Running away
New Job
High School


I was in school and I was trying to find a room for the Muslims to pray in which included the boy that I have a crush on in high school and junior high but I was never brave enough to tell him and he was a Muslim now and so were several others and they wanted me to pray in the front but I told them I couldn't because I was a girl and they were like, but you were the organizer and I was like, but still we need a boy to lead the prayer and also the text, there was like a group text kind of a thing as well and one of the teachers was getting upset at me for becoming disruptive after that I was doing a tour of like a green mosque and by green I mean eco-friendly but their water feature wasn't doing a good job of irrigating the field where they did outdoor Salah or prayers so they were docked a grade but they had a book they were going to give me it was like a personal workbook and they were like, hey, you've been here before you can have this book, it has your name in it and just barely any notes and I was like, oh yeah, I have been to this mosque before and thank you so much for giving me my book that I forgot about I also had to make like really creative use of some clothing to cover myself enough to pray Salah because I wasn't wearing my hijab and I didn't have long sleeves on in my dream after that I saw someone doing a jet ski out the back kind of like in the moat slash pond slash water feature of the mosque and I noticed that he was pulling some essential equipment behind him so that he didn't have to lose it or deal with it some other way anyway, I went out to offer some help and when that happened, the dream took on some transformation there was a little creature who was getting scared it was weird, it was like a little horse but also a cat but also a rabbit maybe even a little bit of a dog and it wanted to jump off of the jet ski but I was like holding it because I didn't want it to get hurt and the people who, it was suddenly like the mosque was a palace instead of a mosque and the people who lived there were explaining why the little creature was scared because it was human technology and it was loud and there were like elephants on the roof and all kinds of beautiful geometric architecture different levels and everything and then they started explaining why the United States was a bit of a nuisance because they had contracted with a company that allowed them to build airspace or like airstrip spaces essentially on all these different countries and so they don't have to like fill out a visa application or do any kind of thing to visit that country they just go because they own the bases and then when that company went under, they just bought the company so then the Air Force or the government or whatever owns the company that allows them to go between countries and so they just have a domination on that and you know, instead of having to worry about maintaining like cultural ties with your neighbors in the new world they just completely deviated and relied on a method of isolationism and then dominance yeah, after that it was like I saw Jesus returning and he didn't even realize he had gotten shot or something he was kind of like, I don't know, like this guy tried to kill him but he tried to tell, I think I must have been the lady with him to stay behind him and not run because he can't protect her if she runs away. This was back at the school where the dream started.

7 Apr 2024



Level z end of irrigation month aids cure sell in my family in my residency life not worthy for me to be able 🙏 🙌 ❤️ admin14 conducting mystery Kong king Karim mohamed Ss1ss2 S2z555 Ethiopianphos121314444 Ethiopianphos121314444Ethiopianphos121314444 die sind sind von ♥️ ❤️ admin14 conducting an object pointed 👉 to make Mov purp Lee and indirection expression designates in technology 😄 to make Mov 😄

6 Apr 2024

New Job


I dreamt about my old coworker Liz, who I became super infatuated with. I always wanted to get to know her on a deeper level, but her professionalism kept that wall up between us. I once invited her to a birthday party and she declined because she could’ve gotten in trouble for hanging out with me, as it would break the rules of her job. I couldn’t help but feel a flirty tension between us though constantly. Unfortunately nothing ever happened between us, and I moved away a few months later. In the dream, however, we were paired together on the job like we used to, except this time she was going through struggles with her boyfriend, and I leaped on the opportunity. We crept around behind the scenes and hid from familier faces like Miguel, and Illiana, our store managers. The environment kept changing though, we weren’t working at Hollister but more of a Walmart/Sam’s club like store. And we hid in the isles and got to know each other well. When I was finally ready to make my move I kissed her. I felt as if it was real, every sensation I remember from my first kiss flooded my mind. Then I woke up not too long after…

4 Apr 2024

My crush


Me and tyreq, someone I used to sleep with but I’ve known since I was a freshman, decided to hang out. In my head I kept thinking I was in Colorado. The building I was living in was different though and more old, creaky, dirty. I noticed I needed to shower and do my laundry. I take all of my clothes in a few baskets and realize it’s a lot to handle, and then I spend quite some time figuring out how to do all my laundry. I head over to my brothers who is across the street and I see Logan, (a guy I have a crush on now) and I start talking to my brother. I can’t remember what about, then I get side tracked with my laundry. I notice some suspicious huge trucks driving around the neighborhood, but then I just shrug it off. I put some flowers near my brothers fridge - some fresh ones. I see tyreq come out of nowhere and take one to admire, as he is looking at me. His prescence is calming, and like we are supposed to be there. We head to his place and we cuddle. I’m still a bit insecure about how I smell, but I’m laying on his stomach as he shows me a lot of affection. He’s asking me how I like to be loved, holding me. We’re giggling and having a fun time. It’s just peaceful, I reach up to kiss him and the kiss is so passionate and intense and loving, just all around amazing. It felt like the good parts of a relationship that I miss dearly. I tell him I need to finish my laundry and he volunteers to tag along. I smile to myself because this makes me feel safe since I saw some weird cars driving around earlier. As we walk into my old building there’s a lot more people there then usual and it makes me nervous and pass my apartment, we get to the top level and see kids locked up in rooms sitting in the dark all sad and asking for help. I take my phone out to record and we hurry back downstairs to tell the police,

3 Apr 2024



Dreamed I was in a huge mall while playing some kind of game. We were on a stealth level do everyone chose a sneaky character. We picked a store to hide in but we kept getting found by huge monsters that we had to fight every time. My brother James said "I'm giving everyone who's playing a stealth person here a bad name. Ibjeep getting found!" I was trying to help so I found a few bandages and put them on my brother and said "here, wear these. They'll heal you." I then go up an escalator in the store and see a bunch of bright pink pop up down the escalator and the game tells us that a family called the Burgmonts need help and that it will be a long trek. I was going to talk to the group first and then I woke up.

1 Apr 2024



In my dream I found a huge like pentagon shaped building I went inside and found a little boy just behind a desk laughing it creeped md out so I ran further into the building. I somehow already knew it was a church in a way 🧐 as i walked around i came into this one room where some of the floor was just darkness and eyes staring at me, another room after that was plain pure white on the walls, and then went into the next room where it led to yk like a lift that decended. I was scared ASF 😭 but when I got off the lift I started walking and a sign pointed two ways one in white that said GODS ZOO and another but I forgot what it sayed I thought "GODS ZOO" would be a bunch of creepy monsters so I went the other way and found a girl laughing hysterical while she was behind a desk. I ran them slid on the floor asking why she is laughing so much she just continued to laugh and I asked her to stop which she did. I guess she told me to follow her because we ended up back at the front and was just talking and the boy from before was now accompanied by a man. They were both on the floor above us and I saw that the boy had a huge bag of gummy bears and I asked him to throw me a bag. He did throw it but the girl wanted some and I said she gonna have to catch me for it. I broke her ankles n all crossing her shit like crazy ⛹🏾‍♂️ but then the man that the boy was with wanted some as well he caught me reallllll quick and I was just in da floor sharing my candy while eating it. Me and the girl then went to go sit and eat pizza for some reason the chairs were connected to each other but some had tables and some don't. I asked her what this place is and she said Gods church. She also said she had a mark of (something) on her back and asked if I wanted one I promptly declined and said I know that's the mark of sin but she said it wasn't. We talked more then the boy came and talked w us the kid smelled my toes which I had only socks on I took off my shoes while we ran. Dude said my toes stink and I said yeah I know but then the girl defended me and said no duh he has been running all day. The man came and said he needed to borrow her for a few minutes. The guy went upstairs but the girl was trying to teach me how to use it because the stairs wasn't really stairs they were like moving circular platforms which there were 4 on each set and 2 sets to get up. She tried to teach me but I couldn't understand how because it kept moving each time I even tried to climb it but didn't work 🧐. The man was jus staring and told her "come now" and I told her to just leave me. I imagined us holding hands because I like her for some reason. ( I then woke up and went straight back to sleep) In this dream everything that happened last dream still happened the church n all but this time I had to figure out how I would have her be my wife and something told me to do it the church must be destroyed and rebuilt. I went and found the church but it was different this time it looked like a broken down house that wasn't leveled right fungus and mushrooms on the floor spikey possums drinking water from a fountain. I tried to get inside but the ground was to wet n slippery but then i look around and see a huge mushroom a white mushroom with suds all over the floor. The suds became alive and started shaping into like a 7ft female that started attacking me I tried to swipe away the suds because well it's suds but then it just regrew almost instantly. I ran to a little downward slope near the church but it was nothing but fog the closer down you get so I slipped down about half way as to not to touch the fog at all but before I could climb up the monster started grabbing me I promptly broke her arms(for suds it felt like it was a actual creature with bones) but that didn't last as it screamed its arms fixed and it grabbed me by the neck and I woke up.

31 Mar 2024



The main characters of my dream, who were doing an interview on a balcony, heard noises and went up to see what was happening. A killer ,who was unknown, secretly got into a room of two people that he wanted to kill. It was a personal matter to him. Someone else put themselves in front of the victim, who he was holding, to protect them. He told her to shoot herself in the mouth. And she did. Nevertheless, he still killed the other victim and didn’t stand on his word. Afterwards we found ourselves outside. But this other person who I was with right now wanted to check out what had happened due to their conscientiousness. I don’t remember who this was. It was either my sister or a friend. So we try to get inside of this building. By entering through the neighbouring building and going up with the lift. On our way, we saw two people coming from the opposite way. But we don’t say anything and go on. We keep everything a secret. On the last minute, when this person I am with (either my sister or another friend, I don’t know) goes to go up the last set of stairs and turn around to the said corridor where murder took place, I shut down. I don’t come up with her and actually want to tell her not to go. Since this is obviously a dangerous situation. But I can’t say anything out of fear the killer might still linger around and hear. And he does. The unknown person (sister or friend) goes up and asks something about what’s happening. The killer is very cold-blooded and gives off a thousand lies on what he’s doing up there and doesn’t even stutter. I didn’t see him. I was just anxiously waiting at the begginning of the stairs and not even on his level. But I was just scared that something might happen anytime soon. The killers lies, that I knew were curated, gave me the shivers and that’s when I woke up.

31 Mar 2024



The main characters of my dream, who were doing an interview on a balcony, heard noises and went up to see what was happening. A killer ,who was unknown, secretly got into a room of two people that he wanted to kill. It was a personal matter to him. Someone else put themselves in front of the victim, who he was holding, to protect them. He told her to shoot herself in the mouth. And she did. Nevertheless, he still killed the other victim and didn’t stand on his word. Afterwards we found ourselves outside. But this other person who I was with right now wanted to check out what had happened due to their conscientiousness. I don’t remember who this was. It was either my sister or a friend. So we try to get inside of this building. By entering through the neighbouring building and going up with the lift. On our way, we saw two people coming from the opposite way. But we don’t say anything and go on. We keep everything a secret. On the last minute, when this person I am with (either my sister or another friend, I don’t know) goes to go up the last set of stairs and turn around to the said corridor where murder took place, I shut down. I don’t come up with her and actually want to tell her not to go. Since this is obviously a dangerous situation. But I can’t say anything out of fear the killer might still linger around and hear. And he does. The unknown person (sister or friend) goes up and asks something about what’s happening. The killer is very cold-blooded and gives off a thousand lies on what he’s doing up there and doesn’t even stutter. I didn’t see him. I was just anxiously waiting at the begginning of the stairs and not even on his level. But I was just scared that something might happen anytime soon. The killers lies, that I knew were curated, gave me the shivers and that’s when I woke up.

30 Mar 2024

New Job


All the sinks in my house are backed up and the water level is rising in them. I know I have to get them unclogged before I can run the dishwasher or take a shower. I ask for help from younger men whom might also be living with me. It's a new and modern house. It's nighttime and I accidentally let my cat Toshiba outside. The men are working on the sinks but then they go outside and sit in their truck. I look for a plunger myself. I unclog the sink and water drains out. Maybe the men are plumbers and they don't live with me after all. Another man sent me a fax. It's a copy of a legal document that will notify someone else. It's a legal or business matter and he may be representing my interests to help me. The letter comes with a second page. The second page is instructions for how to play ping pong. He sends the fax with a ping pong table. The recipient will get a table and I am also receiving one. There's a drama unfolding. It's like a play or a movie but I'm in it. It's a family conflict and confrontation. The woman is trying to force resolution. I see the woman lying face down. She is wearing a pale green dress like I recently purchased. And she has long, full blonde highlighted hair which looks like my new hairstyle. I can't see her face but she looks like me. The situation is not safe for her, it's a set up. I realize the woman is the one who's going to die. I get out just in time. That's not my fate. I'm okay. I feel calm and clear.

28 Mar 2024



I was on a giant playground with some of my friends, there were three stories of the playground and you couldn’t get the the next level unless you climbed up the first one. I tried climbing up a rock wall at the start and my friends were saying how good I was doing. I felt proud of myself and I got to the top of that level. I felt confident so I decided to try to continue going up, but as I started to go up the next level I suddly found that I had climbed to the ground somehow. I was confused and didn’t know how I managed to get back at the beginning and I couldn’t find the next level I was trying to climb before. A stranger pointed it out to me and I tried to go to it but I didn’t get there. I ended up on a road and there were some workers leaving a library, and some runners jogging down the road. I didn’t know what to do and I also didn’t have pants on for some reason. I decided to jog around a bit even though if was raining and I was getting wet. I then went inside where some of my friends and i apparently lived. There were 4 apartments with different groups of people. I dried myself off in a common area but when I went to go to my room I found out my friend was having sex with my friends with benefits. I felt hurt and I went to one of the other apartments to wait with another friend of mine. After my friend came out of my apartment she didn’t understand why I was upset with her and I didn’t want to tell her I knew she was having sex with the guy I like.

25 Mar 2024



I was driving in my husbands 2021 Chevy truck in a random state I had never been and missed my turn. Did a loop and pulled off to this random empty parking lot, it was behind a hobby lobby or old run down target department store with tons of open parking and no one around... I took Emory, my 18month old daughter out of the truck with me and we took the trash from our trip to a nearby dumpster. As I’m walking the trash bag starts to rip. Trash trails behind me, I put my daughter on the ground and off of my hip to start picking up behind myself. From what seems like all four side of me, surrounding me 3 males and 1 female all ranging in ages from 25-34 started laughing and making comments about the trash. How is belonged to the street and I was being too nice. I get to a cement median dividing the parking lot and sit down with my daughter, I’m exhausted and just trying to get to Kurt’s parents house-(Kurt is my husband). I take off my book bag and start to pull out more trash from accidental spill and by this time all four-(what looked like homeless hungry possibly jail community service members ) were hovering overtop of me digging through my trash and wanting to eat anything I had left over, Maybe a sip left of Apple Juice- Week old fries it didn’t matter. I start handing out food scraps not realizing this one young man- possibly about 26, tall (6”1) skinny white dude with dirty blonde hair comes angrily speed walking up behind me, I turn around towards starting to stand up to him. He grabs my writs so tight and in his left hand I see a small sized needle. Before I can throw him off, he stabs my Flexor Pollicis Brevis and I immediately feel a numbness all throughout my hand. He then goes behind me and stabs me with another needle in my upper left shoulder blade. I run back towards Emory whom I find sitting on the older woman’s lap- Emory is crying and foaming a blue color at the mouth. Shes not crying so I assumed the women shoved a drug pill down her mouth. I YANKED EMORY out of her arms and start smacking her on the back to get her airway unblocked. I TRY TO YELL AT THE WOMEN AND MY THROAT JUST BECOMES SO SORE AND CLOSED. We run to the truck and leave. I finally make it to the in-laws place and give Emory water to clean whatever she had in her mouth out. My right hand starts to bubble and blister. Starts bleeding. I immediately call 911 and they send cops over to start asking questions even though all I wanted was an ambulance. The whole family is sitting on the back deck of the second level of the house talking to cops when out of the left corner of the side of the house I see the guy who stabbed me with a needle with a gun running up on us all. I quickly grab Emory and run inside. Then I wake up.

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