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Dream Interpretation: Low 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Low? Discover the significance of seeing a Low in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Low appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of feeling low can indicate a sense of sadness, depression, or feeling down. It may also represent a lack of energy or motivation. This dream may be a reflection of your current emotional state or a warning to take care of your mental health.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time to reflect on your emotions and identify any underlying issues that may be causing you to feel low. Consider seeking support from loved ones or a mental health professional. Engage in self-care activities such as exercise, meditation, or hobbies that bring you joy. Remember that it's okay to ask for help and prioritize your mental health.

❤️ Feelings

This dream may evoke feelings of uncertainty or dissatisfaction. It could suggest a lack of motivation or a sense of being stuck in a rut. There may be a desire for change or a need to find new sources of inspiration. It is possible that the dreamer is feeling unfulfilled or disconnected from their goals and aspirations.





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Dreams of users containing the word Low

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8 Apr 2024



There was some type of trip to a planet similar to earth. There were school buses lining everyone up. Then we were on a cruise in the middle of the ocean but there was a spy and I needed to get rid of them. At one point I was in a car driving down a steep hill with a little upward slope. When I got to the bottom the slope propopelled me high in the air, so high that I flew over the Jesus statue in sao Paolo. Then the dream changed to me being home watching a commercial that mentioned taking a trip outer space. Later on when I’m at the port I see a spaceship that kinda just looks like a charter bus. For some reason I’m fighting like an alien of sort in space because aliens were trying to ambush us before we landed on the new planet. It was like a matrix fight in outer space, nobody knew I was outside fighting because they were all distracted. Then we’re in the planet and there’s a cruise ship, we’re taking a trip around the different oceans. I meet a lady on the cruise who looked like this girl I went to high school with, esilona. I don’t know the exact details but something happens on the planet that makes us basically realize we’re all going to die. I have a vision of my family watching the news and crying for me. We are limited on the amount of mail robots, so I can only send one letter to family. I decide not to send a letter immediately since it might be better to send one before I died. The planet is going dark, and shrinking like a deflated ball from the top down. Alien critters have come out and they are eating our food. Esilona and I are on the balcony in the cruise ship, talking about life and reminiscing memories because we know we only have about 6 days left before the planet folds itself and we inevitably die. Well, it turns out that the spies are still here and they infiltrated the cruise. They actually organized a meteor to crash into the planet and kill is all. Turns out that the free tickets we all had to come here was just a ploy and all of us were on some kind of hit list. They’ve been killing people one by one but nobody knows because everyone is too stressed about the world ending. Esilona and I take it upon ourselves to find them and find out if they know how to save us. In real life, we were on a cheer team together, so in the dream, we were doing a lot of acrobatics when fighting the spies. I found a suitcase with a space laptop and sent communication to the USA government that this was all a trap. No response. Meanwhile, the entire world is watching the news daily, hoping that someone would come save us. There is a meteor shower going on between earth and where we are, and it doesn’t seem safe enough for anyone to rescue us. I suddenly because the spokesperson for the group, talking to governments on the space laptop. Clips of the conversation were shared on the news and in my visions I see my entire family sitting in front of the tv. There are candles lit, my grandma is lighting sage, my mom is holding a rosary and praying, my dad and brothers are crying and holding each other. Back on the planet we still have the atmosphere shrinking, air is running low. Esilona and I are laying in a beach looking at the sky, patiently waiting for death to come take us. That’s when I get a vision of seeing the planet from space, and I see different axis, trail of meteors, and a rendezvous point. I run to the cruise ship and yell “is anyone good with their hands?” And an couple of men say they are engineers, blacksmiths, carpenters, etc. together we try to find a way to create a shield around the cruise, hoping that it could float in space and give us more time until spaceships came to get us. It worked, and we managed to launch the ship into space. That’s when I find a piece of paper and some crayons, and I write to my family “mom, dad, Jeff, Mickey, I love you all so much. If I don’t live, know that I tried as hard as I could to save us all” and give it to the last mail robot available. That’s when suddenly there is a loud snap in space, and we see the planet burst into little pieces. Everyone unanimously voted that I was now the captain of the ship, and so I went to the front of the ship with a space costume to sit alone and look at the empty black space sky. I saw about 50 spaceships coming our way to save us so I ran inside to tell everyone to be prepared for rescue. Then our ship imploded. The force field couldn’t contain the pressure of space anymore. We all die. But then I wake up on a beach in what I think is some kind of deserted island. Turns out that the implosion took us to different timelines on earth because we fell into a black hole. The island that I washed up on was actually a military site, and the scientist there knew that I would be coming. Together we work to predict this ploy to send passengers to their death in the new planet. And I realize that my dream just looped, and now I can stop it all from happening.

4 Apr 2024

My crush


My oldest son was home visiting and he brought a female friend with him instead of his fiance. His female friend was hanging out with him, maybe they rode together. I think she had a crush on him. My oldest son was waiting for his girlfriend that come join us and not his current fiance. The family were all in the living room watching a college footbal bowl game or some type of football with my son's female friend. The friend was an attractive young lady and overly friendly. I got up to go get something. When I returned, as we were talking she leaned forward and said give me a kiss. I gave her a short kiss on the lips and then she reached back out for a second longer kiss. It was closed mouth kiss and somewhat innocent. The kiss I initiated was like the innocent kiss on the lips you would give your mom or grandmother. However, she attempted to make the kiss more intimate than it should have been. I didn't fall for it and kept my boundary. My wife and younger son were sitting on the couch and we continue to watch the game. The game was going back and forth. The team that was favored to win was losing. then for some reason we stopped watching the game and did something else. later we found out that the other team the team that was expected to win did rally back in the second half of the game to win. My oldest son's girlfriend arrived she was very short and very cute. She had on long cowboy boots but they're like slippers at the bottom with no boot heel. She sat down and we were talking to her trying to get to know her. We were trying to figure out if my oldest son really like his girlfriend or if he liked the female friend he had brought with him? The girlfriend was nice, kind and easy to talk to. She was also from Nebraska and her dad owned the all you can eat Brazilian Meat restaurant. We had visited the restaurant a couple of times. My younger son left the house and returned with a new puppy. We are not a pet family and he didn't ask us if he coukd buy a puppy even though he's living at home with us. The puppy urinated on the carpet somewhere in the livingroom. We couldn't find the spot to clean it. My mother was also at the house and she was trying to help my son locate the urine spot so she could clean it up. We went outside for some reason and next door to us there was some kind of crime in progress with an active shooter. The police asked us to get down low and move very slowly to get back to our house. There was a van blocking us from the shooter's direct line of sight. If we did not crouch down low, the gunman would see us. So one by one we took turns backing up to get out of the line of fire and eventually there were a few shots fired. I am not sure if the gunman took his own life or if he was killed by the police officers. It was a little scary to have that happened right next door to us. Then we went back inside the house.

4 Apr 2024



Had a dream about it’s confusing to explain but I was with a group of beings can’t remember if they were all human or not but we were super small and the world was big I don’t remember too much the landscape was buildings like in France or Italy and we were like in a residential area but there was destroyed cars and lots of places for his to hide as there was this certain building being guarded by what looks like the military but wearing odd clothing, some were in grey uniform and some in light blue all had those 1945 helmets from the war, a T-shirt some of them in their colours and holding rifles securing the place. I was with a team of 5 people and I could see our health bars and I noticed if we hugged togother we would be healing ourselves there was one member of the group that could barely move because she was so low on health we all hugged in a group and brought her back up to full health. We had to stealthy get on the 2nd floor of the building as we were waiting for our guy to come through idk who but that was the mission we had no business inside the building we just needed to get to the balcony without being seen so I moved swiftly and they followed behind me moving to car and covers to prevent us from being seen. We did this successfully because of our height difference they guys were basically giants and we were like the size of teddy bears so hiding wasn’t a problem. We got there eventually but in my head my ex was in my head and it felt like I was calling to her or something or I was waiting for her. She was not in the group with me but it was very random. Felt like I was waiting for her but like usual she was a no show anyways our game came on a motorbike and he saw us and then that’s when I woke up I guess mission complete?

28 Mar 2024



I don't remember anything but I had the worst sleep ever, I couldn't fall asleep because my back hurt and my lower abdomen hurt and I couldn't fall asleep until like 2 or 3 in the morning and then I woke up at like, 11 am

28 Mar 2024



I had a very odd dream with a negative undertone. When I woke up, I felt like, whoa, that was a weird dream. And, yeah, it didn't wake me up, but it was very weird. It was kind of dark, and it was in a place that I don't know, and I was dressed kind of in rags. And everyone just wanted to sleep with me. There was this dog that was outside and I was I was going through I was sitting in this one place and I looked outside and I was like wow that's one of the places that I was supposed to see that's one of the famous places. And Marek, my colleague that I like a lot, he's really nice and a very genuine person, was in my dream too. And he looked outside and he was like, oh yeah, that's one of those places and it had a dinosaur with a number 33 on it. And then I was like, oh cool. So I just started walking outside and decided I'm gonna see the place. So I went through the restaurant and around. and out and there was this beautiful courtyard and apparently there was like a theater show going on but the artists were outside just chilling on one of the benches and they were Polish and I could understand them But everybody else wasn't polished so they couldn't understand. But I didn't say anything I just listened to what they said and they're just talking about how tired they were Nothing spectacular. They're old men Not very old, but like in their late 50s, and they were just chilling in the sun and not caring about life. and there were some big swings and I just decided that I'm gonna go swinging because it seemed like a nice place to look out at the rest of the courtyard from. so I was swinging and there was this dog sitting there and he started looking at me and I thought that's a cute dog it was a kind of bulldog but I didn't see the evil in him I saw the good But after looking in his eyes, I realized that he also wanted to sleep with me. And everyone in the dream just had their, they were different kind of things but behind the eyes there were people and there was no rules. They were all just people but in different forms. So this dog wanted to talk to me, but when I realized that I just jumped off from the swing and I was running and I ran through the house, closed the doors behind me until I reached this one closet. and there was an Indian lady there and she was like hide here and I will tell him you're not here and then I was looking around and I realized that I was wearing Converse all-stars and I need to go deeper into the closet because the dog's eye is lower and the door is not so... there's a hole in the door which you can see through. So I went deeper into the closet and I was worried about spiders being there. But I just thought I will not think about it. So I put my hand down on this wood and I was just in the closet hiding. And thinking about other things and trying not to think about spiders being there. and the dog was walking around and suddenly my mind changed the dog into an older Indian lady. And she was looking around and kind of looked into my eyes while I was in the closet because there was glass doors. But she just kept walking and I don't know if she saw me or if she pretended not to see me. She really didn't see me. And then she just grabbed her jacket from the closet where I was in but she didn't look at me and went away. And the other Indian is like, hey, what he what the fuck And I didn't say anything because I was like, the lady fucking hasn't even left yet. Why is this idiot bitch talking to me right now? I can wait. So I waited a few minutes and then I answered and I was like just leave me alone and then I woke up.

27 Mar 2024



I dreamt I was hosting a party at my house with my roommates, but it was modeled after my childhood best friend’s Home. there were lots of children at this party, but also many tall adults. guests started showing up. my childhood friend, whose house it was showed up, but as a child in a yellow frilly dress and accompanied by her mother. Her mom didn’t like what was happening at the party so they left pretty much immediately, and as they were about to leave, the whole room was filled with very tall adults. Then, one of the male guests we had invited instigated a game with the children that involved some sort of obstacle course he had set up and kind of a hide and seek style. The game started in the basement, and I was participating as well. The game started, and I tried to crawl up the stairs, but the opening in the stairs have been made too low for me to be able to get up the stairs. I kept trying to go up the stairs, but I didn’t fit. I ripped the tape and cardboard that was keeping the stairs to narrow went upstairs, and realized that the game was bad for some reason. The man was bad. I started trying to get him to leave telling him to leave my house repeatedly. He pulled a gun on me, but cooperated as I started driving him out of the house. I started beating him to try and get him out of the house sooner, but when I got to the threshold and continued beating him, looked down and realized I was actually beating my closest friend. I was supposed to keep beating them to get the evil man out, but I starting being gentler.

24 Mar 2024

Little Brother


As a kid I had a lucid dream that I was flying in a low rider with my little brother and asked him what time it was is. He responded to me saying “what?” In a confused way before I woke up

17 Mar 2024

New Job


I dreamed that I was dating this guy. It is a newer relationship so I don’t know him that well. My sister and I go to this lady’s house to pay something similar to a parking ticket/speeding ticket. It’s a run down place but it’s like a place that is free for lower income people to eat and pay their tickets/take some kind of course that lowers their ticket amount (like traffic school). I complete one round but as I am leaving, I remember that I forgot my phone inside and I had actually taken the phone of the person inside. I am not sure how I made that switch because the phone was super blocky and mine was an iPhone lol. I switch it out inside and then leave with my sister. A little while later I go back to complete the same process. I guess I had gotten another ticket. This time is weirder than the first but I can’t remember why. When I leave, I am no longer in my home town, but in the suburbs of vegas. My new boyfriend comes to pick me up. I ask him to take me home and he says he will but I notice he starts getting on the freeway to go to Arizona. I decide to play it chill. Once we get to New Mexico I start to freak out internally but I keep a calm demener because I realize he has full control and I’ll have more leverage if he thinks I’m into it. We make it to Dallas Texas and I haven’t texted anyone but I know my sister has my location. We arrive at a run down house near the city. We go in and are greeted warmly by a few people. A few others ignore use. My boyfriend leaves for a minute and I explore the house. I try to get into the kitchen but there is a doggy gate. I can open it but closing it again is a real issue. A man in the house tells me not to worry about it but I insist because I do not want to piss off the woman who owns the house. I still don’t know why I am here. I finally get the gate to work and I run into a woman around my age. She has a conversation with me and I feel safe around her. I suddenly decide to walk out the front door and start exploring Dallas on my own. Within minutes one of the guys from the house is following me. I am not afraid but I am confused as to why he isn’t saying anything. Then the woman shows up and she says it’s not safe to walk around alone. She has a man with her too. I realize shit is about to go down but I keep it together. Then the two men start to drink mine and this woman’s blood from our necks like vampires! It doesn’t hurt but I am so confused. We walk back and I rejoin with my boyfriend. I ask him where he’s been and he appears worried that I went out of the house. Then I wake up.

15 Mar 2024



When, I don't know, it was like a few years back when I was 11, I had a dream that I was in the lower quarters of the Titanic, I believe, that is, where the, you know, unfortunate I was trapped in like a little gate thing, and the water was rushing in, and obviously terror and fear of the boat sinking, and I wanted to know the meaning behind it, because, you know, I don't know, and I thought it was an omen, like, I was in the lower bit of the Titanic, the ship Titanic that sank in the 1912, and it was, I was locked off, I couldn't get up to the other bit, and the water started rushing in, so I think that's a past life experience.

11 Mar 2024

Running away


I had fully transitioned to a girl and I was in bed with another girl. We weren’t doing anything, just lying next to each other. It was really nice being in physical contact and not feeling weird about it. I looked ahead and saw two other girls doing a kind of flirtatious (but still very sexual) thing - one girl pulled the other’s skirt up, got low and kissed the front of her panties. Again, this was merely flirtatious, and they ran away giggling. A girl then came up behind me and tried to put her hand on my crotch, but I stopped her before she could reach my penis. I had transitioned, yes, but they didn’t know I was trans. I said no one was gonna touch me there unless everybody got okay with some stuff really quickly. As I said that, my voice got MUCH deeper, and I hated it. I tried to get the girl I was in bed with somewhere private so I could tell her I was trans because I trusted her, but then a bunch of other girls came into the room to eavesdrop on something going on out in the hall, so I couldn’t say anything.

9 Mar 2024



I saw a huge mirror in the midst of a forest, turns out I was camping with a group of several people and was playing with ball with two people near camp. One was a tall Asian man perhaps a Korean I guess named hijesama and another was a girl whose legs seemed very weak so she was using a pair of crutches. While we were playing due to a hard throw suddenly the ball goes abit far from the camp so I decide to go there to bring the ball back. When I found the ball i noticed that I was experiencing some weird vibrations but I thought it's just because of a sunny day and due to tiredness that my ear might be ringing. As I was lost into my thoughts hijesama and the girl with weak legs reached me from behind and surprised me, they asked me why I was taking so long to bring the ball, I said I don't know I just started feeling weird so they started looking around and as hijesama was a very tall person compared to me and the girl with weak legs he said he could see something in a distant area but he couldn't exactly identify what it is. So three of us decide to go towards it. On the way I took the phone out of my pocket and noticed it wasn't working so well and started lagging. I thought it's just usual problem that I have with my phone so we kept going on. As we got near hijesama could see that it's a very big object so he started walking faster in curiosity, as we got more near me and the girl with weak legs could also see it. It was beside a small uphill so we approached it from side rather than top. We were surprised to see that it was very big mirror with golden frame which was rectangular but curvy at the top, as we approached it from side we weren't exactly infront of it. Suddenly I remember and tell hijesama that I have seen something like a video in internet long time ago about such big mirrors in random places but I don't remember the details. Then hijesama expresses that he knows about the video too. And then we decide to search up about it internet so I open my phone just to notice that it's brightness was at it's lowest and was almost impossible to see especially as it was a sunny day. So I tried to slowly increase the brightness but in shock noticed that it was decreasing back to low automatically, even after several attempts the phone was acting same and even started lagging. All three of us were shocked by seeing this, so the girl with weak legs says that we should head back to camp and come here with the entire group later. I agree with her and tell hijesama let's go back this place doesn't seems right. The vibrations started increasing and all three of us could clearly experience it, I keep saying hijesama let's get out of here..! But he kind of wasn't responding like he was just froze in the moment and can't stop glaring at the mirror even if we were not infront of it. Suddenly I see that the girl with weak legs starts panting and running as fast as she can even with her weak legs. So I pull hijesama once but he doesn't responds so I start running too, and I hear a creepy voice saying the boy will be with me. I was so panicked that I didn't even look back or anywhere, i just kept running until I reached camp in a completely sweaty state. My body was burning hot so I grabbed a water bottle and completely finished it then I started looking for the girl with weak legs in camp tents but she was nowhere to be seen, i understood that she fell somewhere by probably tripping over by a rock or something. But I didn't have enough guts to go looking for her alone. Then i scream everyone to gather together but very less people notice and respond. Then i started looking for a alarm which we had for emergencies, turns out it was buried in soil so I grabbed a shovel and started digging just to see that it's not there. A guy chilling on a chair nearby told that it has already been extracted from the soil but not used yet and tells about the guy who has it i quickly grab it from the guy and press it, this time everyone looks towards me as it was a very loud noise so everyone started gathering. We decide sitting in a large king size tent and held a meeting. I was telling everyone what happened and I got snapped out of my dream. After waking up i noticed I was actually in a sweaty state and was panting.

6 Mar 2024

New Job


Title: Just a Nibble? Date: March 6th, 20224 I think we were on some sort of family vacation. At the beginning I was at grandma Robie’s New House, and I think Renn was with me, too. Later, my aunt Mariah, younger cousin Tyce, and little cousin Marley, were the ones going on the vacation. Renn came along, to be with me. We had arrived to a forest. If I remember correctly, it was called Caroline’s Forest. The reason being that at night, with the wind passing through its branches, it would moan. Not sure what “Caroline” has to do with wind moaning, though. I remember having a conversation with my cousin Tyce, asking if all his old toys were in storage. He didn’t know. As far he he knew, they were gone. Either in the trash, or with some other kid who would use them more than him at some point. After that, Renn and I walked through a path in Caroline’s Forest. It was a cute, small, path, and the trees and branches were kind of low hanging, and tight-knit, except for the available path. The branches were so low that sometimes, one could accidentally scrape us. We noticed it was getting dark, and heard the forest moan. It was a high pitched scream produced by the air blowing through the trees, but it was frightening, nonetheless. On the other side, there was a little clearing we could sit on. Behind that there was a barbed wire fence, on the other side of which there was a much bigger grassy clearing. The grass growing-semi tall. However my back was to that clearing for the rest of the dream. I faced the forest while I sat, Renn right in front of me. At some point, I realized that Renn was hungry, and needed to eat. It wasn’t a desperate hunger, though. That’s when I was made aware of a bunny rabbit that was with us. I know it belonged to someone, but I don’t remember who. Maybe a personification of the forest, Caroline. “I kinda wanna nibble on the bunny,” He told me. I knew he was being serious. This is when I realized that Renn was a vampire. However, in the dream, I already knew. I had known the whole time. The word “vampire” never crossed my mind, but I knew. “No!” I exclaimed. “You can’t do that!” “I’m not going to kill it, it’ll just be a nibble. It’s gonna be fine, promise.” Renn tried to persuade me. “No, it’s not a good idea,” I said. Renn sighed. “Fine. Then, will you let me nibble on your nose, instead?” My face flushed. “U-Uhm, s-sure…” I stuttered. I hadn’t expected that, but I was okay with it. I was just nervous with how much my nose getting bitten would hurt, and wasn’t excited about that particular area of my face getting bitten. I got out some food, and started eating what I think was a pint of chocolate ice cream. Vegan, I think. After having and savoring a few bites, Renn spoke. “Can I have a bite, now? Just a nibble?” I put the ice cream down, and prepared myself for what was going to happen. “S-Sure, go ahead.” Renn slinked over, smoothly, then, put one gentle hand on the side of my trembling face to calm me, and bit the right side of my chin. I gasped as the feeling of a sharp, biting numbness spread throughout the area. “Th-that’s so much better…” I stuttered out, referring to the fact that he had bitten the side of my chin, instead. I could feel him smile as he continued. It did hurt, but I liked it. Especially since it was Renn. I was nervous, and a bit scared, but I knew I was safe with him. I woke up with a flushed face and a heart pounding in my chest. Holy shit.

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