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Dream Interpretation: Empty 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Empty? Discover the significance of seeing a Empty in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Empty appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol has no specific meaning on its own. Its interpretation depends on the context of the dream and the personal experiences and emotions of the dreamer.

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🧭 Direction


To better understand the meaning of this symbol, try to recall the details of the dream and how you felt during it. Consider any recent events or emotions that may have influenced the dream. Reflect on your current state of mind and any unresolved issues in your life. With this information, you can begin to interpret the symbol in a way that is meaningful to you.

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The dream interpretation application provides a sense of curiosity and intrigue. It offers the opportunity to delve into the mysterious realm of dreams, uncovering hidden meanings and gaining insight into the subconscious mind. Users may feel a mix of excitement and anticipation as they explore the application's features, hoping to unravel the enigmatic messages behind their dreams. With the promise of understanding and self-discovery, this application evokes a sense of wonder and fascination.





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Dreams of users containing the word Empty

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17 Jul 2024



With an ex girlfriend at a diner for breakfast. I remember walking in and going to the checkin and speaking to one of the waitresses that took our name. We had to wait for a while. We we walked into the restaurant where the people were enjoying their meals. I saw a bench and sat down just before the table next to the bench was done eating and they got up and one of the guys went to sit on the other side of the bench. It was small so there was no room for his girlfriend. She walked up almost expecting me to get up so she could sit with her boyfriend but I didn't because they were done eating so I was still waiting for table so I'm like, they should be leaving so I'm not getting up. She was annoyed but never directed it to me even though it was obvious. She was tan like maybe she was mixed with Indian and Hispanic or something and he was white with brown messy curly hair and a short beard. I got up because it looked like my ex (girlfriend at the time) got a table and was sitting down. I went over there. The table was round or square. I sat walked up and she was sitting with some older lady. I sat and she had already ordered us food and we started eating. We were eating some cereal and I was like, where is the real food? She said she ordered the same thing for me as she had another plate of warm food that was covered in aluminum foil for some reason but I don't know what it was and I didn't have that dish even though she had hers. Suddenly, I realized the once crowded restaurant was almost empty and was much smaller than before. Lots of staff came in and now it looked like they were wearing hospital clothing. They went up to the guy from before with the girlfriend and the bench and were going to hold him down and give him a shot. His girlfriend was no longer there. He looked at me and said something in hopes I'd defend him and they all looked at me and I said I don't know what the heck was going on. Suddenly, I realized they were never talking to this other guy and that they were here for me the whole time. The waitress from the front counter was holding a needle and was right next to me. Next thing I know I was with her but we were outside in a side yard spa e with a white wall and brown wooden fence. She had a huge brownish red pit bull mastiff or something. It had beady eyes compared to its massive head and it was on a leash but lunging for me. She was going to let him go and the dog would have attacked me but then I was at my mom's house walking around and went into the kitchen. Where there were 3 golden retrievers that were friendly. I started petting one and then saw a series of scenes like I was watching a movie trailer for a horror film. The film was about my experience at the diner and th last scene was the waitress who now looked like some dead demon lady with paper white skin and long black hair crawling up to my ex girlfriend who was sitting on the ground of the diner sliding back as to get away and my ex girlfriends face exploded and this demon waitresses face melted off and and onto my exs face like it was making room to replace her head with this new one. I then thought that this was too scary to watch right before bed and turned off the TV. I then realized I was watching this on a TV as the scene panned back showing the television. I was in my bed and I then got up to go to the bathroom like I normally would which made it feel super real. I think that's when I woke up but I can't remember any more details.

2 Jul 2024



A dark dream with emptiness

26 Jun 2024



I found myself wanting to kiss a girlfriend and we weren't allowed to, I was in a car as a passenger and upset about not being able to drive. I remember not taking my medication and wanting to find it, I found myself in a house with many floors and wooden steps and empty rooms, I found my medication floating in a pool.

16 Jun 2024



Walking on the high street looking for my sister who has my daughter, find my sister and ask her where my child is, she says she doesn't know. Start looking around frantically but can't move quickly, all in slow motion, can't find her. Turn round a corner and there's a line of pushchairs, start checking each one but they're all empty. Then I wake up.

31 May 2024



When I was 2 years old I had a dream. I was on my dads shoulder as we are going through this empty void of nothingness. I see a grey building in the distance, so my dad let me down and I ran to the building to see what it is. I didn’t see my dad anymore after that. I went in the building all of it was made of stone and all connected together. There was stairs too. I think I heard a noise or something so I went underneath the stairs to hide and wait for my dad. A few seconds later a lot of skeletons start walking to me trapping me where I was. They got closer and closer where as soon as they touch me I wake up.

29 May 2024

Phone call


Standing around a group of people standing outside of what looks like a house or a farm with woods in the background and a little stream and we just start walking and everybody kind of disperses and I go up to the house and it seems like I know these people is but I don't know I'm in when I'm awake when I'm not dreaming I don't know who these people are but in my dream it was like I knew who they were and they was just several people just all around the place and going to the house and when I first walked into the house it's a little entryway with a little coat closet and go to the left and go into the main room and this front room and it's real long and it's got sliding glass doors at the other end that go out to the patio and if you want to go to the upstairs and go upstairs and staircase right there and it's stored off I mean you don't even know there's a staircase there until you open the door and or you can go past that and walk into the dining room and walk into another doorway and find a bedroom go into another doorway and find like a library kind of like thing and find the kitchen in the back porch I don't remember going upstairs in my dream so I don't know what the upstairs look like so anyways so there's this big old long hallway that's got all these doors just I kind of looks like a like a hospital hallway or doctor's office hallway s are all dark white and doors are all shiny with the middle handles and all the good stuff everything you expect to see in a doctor's office or hospital hallway and I go into one room and they're telling me that I need to leave I need to pack up my bedroom because I got to take my bedroom away from me and that I need to find a new bedroom so I go to walk down the hallway and somebody distracts me so I can find out what that person's doing and I end up falling in that person outside and once I got outside it look like we was on a lake it look like a lake was in front of me and there was trails going off to the side to go to the woods and there is just some strange and there was something like like something strange with this kind of in my head telling me I got to go this way I got to go this way so I start going into the woods and when I get started going into the woods somebody starts on my name so I turned around I'll go back and I get back up to the house and they told me they need me to tell him what room I want so I go back in the house and I start looking around looking around finally find room so I can move in that room and everything and the room doesn't have a bathroom so I go looking for a bathroom and mind you this isn't that hallway it looks like a hospital hallway so these rooms are really stark white bear completely bare echo everything and so I go out and I go back down the hallway and I'm going back to the main part of the house which looks normal so I'm going around the house and I guess in my mind I was picking out things I was going to decorate my room with or whatever and I was there alone I knew in my mind that I was there alone so I curl up on the couch which is in front of the one of the sliding glass doors but they've got it blocked off with a big old guy got a huge TV so I'm sitting there watching this TV it is late at night and next thing I know somebody is sliding that sliding glass door open behind the TV and they're poking their head but the TV and some man he's talking to me and I'm freaking the f*** out so I tell him get out get out get out get out and I unleash the dog that I didn't even know was beside me I didn't list the dog and the dog goes running up there and she chases him out of the sunglass door and we hurry up and I hurry up and lock the door shut the door and lock it and then I go to the front door and I make sure it's locked and then I'll get on the phone and I start calling somebody and when I got on the phone I kind of looked down to dial the phone number and looked up and it was nothing there was absolutely nothing there but sunny skies and flat grass and just openness there was nothing nothing to see but grass and sky it was it and that's what I woke up

27 May 2024

Childhood home


I'm a school, shouting everyone to shut up. I'm a leader of that class. It's my childhood school. It's a place ( nalo, boto tree) doing wizard stuffs. It's aunty ( sebeti aata) house, I saw the watch and it's 2.40 pm, I'm in hurry cause I have a meeting with madam at 3. Said to someone drop off me at bus stand. Subham called me because Rashmi didn't picked up. I called, picked and Said I'm in conference chamber, she saw me through video call, it was very empty. No one there.

23 May 2024



I dreamt of being in an old bus interchange trying to find a bus to take me home. I checked with one of the bus drivers and told me I could take bus 216 and alight halfway to change to another bus that would take me to my destination. The bus was rundown but I board the bus and soon I saw a familiar road and alighted. But I alighted too early and the bus stop does not have the bus I need to take. The mall which I passed by does not have a bus stop so I had to continue walking. Suddenly I see a long queue of people waiting for bus. I joined the queue. The two guys in front of me did not move even though the queue was moving. I realised they were being cut queue by many people from the back. I urged them to move forward but they were unable to. Suddenly we saw bus 174 driving past us in the opposite direction and many people started chasing. I also ran after the bus in the middle of the road and the bus stopped at the middle because the bus stop was under construction. This time round the guy in front of me did not join the queue and instead walked to the front and I followed him and we ended up being the first two to board the bus. The bus was very new and stylish but it was very crowded. I went up to the third floor and took the first row of seats where I could enjoy the scenery in front. Ths space was very tight as there were people behind me but I took the seat anyway. Next I dreamt of being back to my secondary school days where I was still best friends with Elsa whom I am no longer close to. In the dream she and I were still close friends and she was unfortunately sexually assaulted by a guy whom I had bad experiences with. I accompanied her to see her mother who berated her and wanted her to transfer to another school that was nearby our school even though she only had one more year. She was reluctant but had to follow her mother's wish. We still meet her after school and she told me she was in the top three classes and the people there were unfriendly. One day she came to my house after an argument with her mother. We were hanging out in the house but my cats decided to poop all over so I had to leave her to clean up. She could not find me and left and I was worried so I called her home, realising she had reached home. Her mother was displeased about me meeting her so often so I apologized and told her I was worried since she left so suddenly without saying a word and hung up. Then I dreamt of another friend whom I am still close with and she also came to sleepover at my house because she had arguments with her strict mother. She even climbed out my apartment window to get some stuff and I quickly pulled her in, afraid she will fall to her death. We fell asleep in the dream and I dreamt in my dream that I was a successful entrepreneur in the olden years making candy earrings but was copied by fellow stall owners and the corrupted officials tried to get me to leave the town by threatening to sever my workers' hands. I quickly agreed and he freed my workers. Then I dreamt I was in my university days where my professor and seniors need to complete a thesis and one of my seniors lost her hardcopy thesis. It was late and we decided to sleep first and continue searching after we wake up. I then dreamt of three men who were competing to continue a mission to find an item and I was roped in to help one of them. In the end the team I was in won after hiding the necklace on one of our members' necks. Even though I won I was unhappy because I felt empty. I ended up waking up after being unable to sleep anymore and went to the toilet. The toilet was exposed in the open kitchen but I used it anyway because no one was awake. Then I went back to the room and pulled out the thesis which was hidden by my senior between the closets.

22 May 2024



I had a dream I was walking down a street with a man I cannot recall who I knew as a friend but did not recognise, I sensed we were in Ireland. I stopped a table and was asked to sign a petition. For some reason it felt like I was lying when signing. I wrote the signature and the date and although the writing came out the pen didn’t work properly. I walked away from the table and to my right was an entrance to a hospital. I Walked in because I was looking for someone but can’t remember who. Inside the hospital I remember there was a teenage girl who was standing and being resuscitated by a doctor. She was not breathing and she died while I watched. Another person was in danger and died but I can’t remember how. I left the hospital to find someone and returned. When I returned I saw a doctor crying in front of the girls mother because the girl had died. I was then up close with a doctor telling him it wasn’t his fault. I was then out of the hospital and on an hill with a friend and we were having a grass fight that lasted for quite some time and was fun. After the grass fight which was in my hometown on the estate I grew up in we decided to go home. I was on roller skates and my friend asked me to go and fetch his black jumper. I remember I rollerskated past it to pick it up however I missed and skated past so had to go back. I got it the second time but my friend had gone. I remember that the laces on my skates had come undone so I stopped to tie them. I then skated fast down the hill and stopped at an old friends house. I knocked on the door and his mum opened. Many people came out of the house and stood on the doorstep talking. I made plans to meet up with some of them at a later date and went back to my childhood house, on the way home I found my original friend and we were then walking in a massive group like a demonstration. I was then in his family home and the house was empty and dirty. I remember people were cleaning it. They were talking about the future and I remember thinking to myself that I would like to live there and I was somehow my friends half brother. I remember that one of the people decorating was Chinese but spoke English

5 May 2024



I dreamt about my son being but in to fostercare. I was a scary and hurtful situation. I was really sad crying a lot and kept telling myself it is was best for him but it hurt anyway, to not only lose my husband to illness but also to lose my son Elias. I couldn’t stop crying on my way back home, which was not a home either. I felt empty and sad and alone. My chest was hurting like my heart have been ripped out. And there the dream ended as i woke up in tears

25 Apr 2024



This morning it was really hard to concentrate of what I dreamed about but for some reason I feel like I would say everything that was in it but I only seen to remember two coworkers from my job were in my home while my house was empty no furniture either. They just stood there waiting for me to show them something but never got to that point cause I woke up after that.

23 Apr 2024



i was just waking up in bed about to get ready for work, and i woke up to my room being almost completely empty. everything i had owned had been gone. i started crying trying to search for everything hoping it was a bad dream. the sun was shining through my window, i admit that was a very pretty scene. anyways i then went to my moms room where she was, and i said “WHERE IS MY STUFF?! ITS ALL GONE!”. and she said “oh i cleared it out!”. then i said “YEAH YOU THREW EVERYTHING AWAY! ALL OF MY CLOTHES, ART, MAKEUP, EVERYTHING! GONE!”. it was obvious she was on something, cause she kept slumping over and slurring her words, almost falling asleep as she was standing up getting ready. i said “WHY. WHY DID YOU DO IT. TELL ME WHERE MY MAKEUP IS IF YOU DIDNT THROW IT AWAY.” she said “i didn’t throw it awa…y…. it’s in yoouurrr.. box..!” i then said “NO ITS NOT! THATS NOT MAKEUP I USE! WHERES THE STUFF I BOUGHT!”. then she said “tell me which one it is! and i’ll tell you where it’s at!”. i said “COVERGIRL! IT SPILLS EVERYWHERE YOU KNOW!” she then starts slumping over again as we walk out to the living room, and starts to fall asleep, then she stands up straight and grabs her forehead, and says “oh you know i’m not good with names sweety..”. i just started at her as my rage turned into tears in my eyes. i watched her walk to the door saying “come on dustin!”. i ran to my room frantically trying to find an outfit for work and my makeup, and there was nothing in there. i looked on my shelves, bed, and closet, but it was all gone. i found a single candle she left behind of mine, but it was one of the worst scents i had. i grabbed it by the tiny rope and seashell she put on it and threw it across the room. glass shattered everywhere. i started ripping my room apart because i was so angry she threw everything i had loved and paid for myself. even all of my stuff i had just gotten for vacation, gone. everything she gave me that had value, gone. my dog came in the room and i started crying because i don’t realize daisy was still there. she started whining cause glass was getting in her paws, i picked her up and said “im so sorry daisy i didn’t mean to. i swear i promise everything’s gonna be okay” while trying to fight through my tears. i open my bedroom door with daisy in my arms, and tripped over something. but when i hit the ground i woke up. the entire time the sun was golden hour, which is around 7 a.m in the waking world for me.

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