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Dream Interpretation: Forgot 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Forgot? Discover the significance of seeing a Forgot in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Forgot appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Forgetting something in a dream can represent a fear of losing control or a lack of confidence in your abilities. It may also indicate that you are neglecting something important in your waking life or that you are feeling overwhelmed and unable to keep up with your responsibilities.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time to reflect on what you may be neglecting or forgetting in your waking life. Make a list of your responsibilities and prioritize them. If you are feeling overwhelmed, consider delegating tasks or seeking help from others. Remember to take care of yourself and give yourself time to rest and recharge.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of forgetting something often evokes feelings of anxiety, frustration, and helplessness. It signifies a fear of failure, a lack of control, or a sense of being overwhelmed. This dream may reflect underlying stress or a subconscious reminder to pay attention to important details in waking life. The emotions associated with this dream can range from mild annoyance to intense panic, depending on the significance of what was forgotten.





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23 Jun 2024



I’m a lil late in logging this so I’ll state what I remember. In one aspect of the dream I remember feeling like I had forgotten something at work like my cat’s laser pointer toy. So I get in my car and go to work to get it. When I was trying to leave work, there were people blocking me from backing out of my parking spot. I’m not sure how I got out but I did. In another aspect of my dream, my mom was packing boxes and saved much of my things. I’m a little fuzzy on the details but that’s what I remember

21 Jun 2024



I was running to make it to a train. It took ages just to make it 700 feet. Once I got on the train, I felt like. I was being watched. I realized that I forgot every one of my chargers at home for my electronics.

20 Jun 2024



Another dream where I forgot about everything.

9 Jun 2024



i forgot most of my dream but i remember getting a super dark tan unexpectedly and i hate getting tanned

6 Jun 2024

Being Late
High School
Locker Room
Long Distance


I am in high school walking quickly to class. I’m late. I don’t have my supplies. Between classes I can’t remember my locker combination to open it. I have a long walk to my next class.

30 May 2024



Feeding my cats because I took a nap and forgot to feed them before hand.

8 May 2024



I forgot to take my every day medication and then I was eating one of my favorite foods that I’m not allowed to eat on my may diet so I started crying while eating it

12 Apr 2024

Swimming Pool


I dreamed my husband, daughter, and I were going to the swimming pool, must have been like a local swimming pool at her apartment complex or something similar. When we got to the swimming pool, I realized that we were at a resort. The first thing that went through my mind is, oh my gosh, I forgot to pack towels, sunblock and all that type of stuff. I get my bathing suit on, and instantly became obsessed with tying a white headscarf around the edges of my hair. We continued sitting around getting ourselves together to get into the pool but we never got into the water.

9 Apr 2024



I was driving to work , realized I forgot something at home and went back to get it . When I got home I went into my bedroom to get whatever it was that I had forgot and found my ex girlfriend thier , we talked about something and then kissed for a bit after that we went into the kitchen where my mom was and we all talked about stuff I can’t remember what we talked about but I was happy and excited and relieved that my ex girlfriend came back to me . But out of knowwhere my mom and my ex girlfriend started acting like best friends and hinting that my ex stayed the night last night and I never knew and then I found out that she had moved on very soon after the relationship and that angered me immensely and I then yelled at her to leave and to explain herself but she went silent and would not speak and my mom was taking her side and not explaining either since it was implied she knew as well but neither would say anything. At the end of the dream I was yelling at them to explain and crying I don’t remember much after that but i woke up from my dream soon after

8 Apr 2024



I lost my youngest son and I was a terrible mother because I was crying but not looking for him because I didn’t remember where to even look. It was like I didn’t care but I was crying uncontrollably. And I forgot to pick up my other son from school when I remember I rushed to go to the school but I had no missed calls it was horrible.

7 Apr 2024

My crush
Running away
New Job
High School


I was in school and I was trying to find a room for the Muslims to pray in which included the boy that I have a crush on in high school and junior high but I was never brave enough to tell him and he was a Muslim now and so were several others and they wanted me to pray in the front but I told them I couldn't because I was a girl and they were like, but you were the organizer and I was like, but still we need a boy to lead the prayer and also the text, there was like a group text kind of a thing as well and one of the teachers was getting upset at me for becoming disruptive after that I was doing a tour of like a green mosque and by green I mean eco-friendly but their water feature wasn't doing a good job of irrigating the field where they did outdoor Salah or prayers so they were docked a grade but they had a book they were going to give me it was like a personal workbook and they were like, hey, you've been here before you can have this book, it has your name in it and just barely any notes and I was like, oh yeah, I have been to this mosque before and thank you so much for giving me my book that I forgot about I also had to make like really creative use of some clothing to cover myself enough to pray Salah because I wasn't wearing my hijab and I didn't have long sleeves on in my dream after that I saw someone doing a jet ski out the back kind of like in the moat slash pond slash water feature of the mosque and I noticed that he was pulling some essential equipment behind him so that he didn't have to lose it or deal with it some other way anyway, I went out to offer some help and when that happened, the dream took on some transformation there was a little creature who was getting scared it was weird, it was like a little horse but also a cat but also a rabbit maybe even a little bit of a dog and it wanted to jump off of the jet ski but I was like holding it because I didn't want it to get hurt and the people who, it was suddenly like the mosque was a palace instead of a mosque and the people who lived there were explaining why the little creature was scared because it was human technology and it was loud and there were like elephants on the roof and all kinds of beautiful geometric architecture different levels and everything and then they started explaining why the United States was a bit of a nuisance because they had contracted with a company that allowed them to build airspace or like airstrip spaces essentially on all these different countries and so they don't have to like fill out a visa application or do any kind of thing to visit that country they just go because they own the bases and then when that company went under, they just bought the company so then the Air Force or the government or whatever owns the company that allows them to go between countries and so they just have a domination on that and you know, instead of having to worry about maintaining like cultural ties with your neighbors in the new world they just completely deviated and relied on a method of isolationism and then dominance yeah, after that it was like I saw Jesus returning and he didn't even realize he had gotten shot or something he was kind of like, I don't know, like this guy tried to kill him but he tried to tell, I think I must have been the lady with him to stay behind him and not run because he can't protect her if she runs away. This was back at the school where the dream started.

7 Apr 2024

My crush


I woke up do go to a school trip a bit stressed to be late. We were in like a camp, there were people I knew from high school and university. I kept being close to my old school crush. Which is now a friend. People from university dragged me into doing a project, but in involved animal cruelty so I was so angry but no one listened to me. I wasn’t being heard at all, someone came to arrest us for doing so. And I was in the side of the mean people despite me. The camp became an inflatable castle surrounded my water in which I swam. We played and disobeyed in the cafeteria. I saw my ex there and that made me sad. Two friends who were best friends were pregnant at the same time. It made me cry from happiness. I was naked, and I saw my psychologist selling swimsuits. Thanks to her I could dress myself. I forgot my security blanket in the castle.

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