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Dream Interpretation: Escape 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Escape? Discover the significance of seeing a Escape in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Escape appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes a desire to avoid or escape from a situation or responsibility in your waking life. It may also represent a need for freedom or a desire to break free from constraints or limitations.

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🧭 Direction


Consider what you are trying to escape from in your waking life. Is it a person, a situation, or a responsibility? It may be time to face your fears and confront the issue head-on. Alternatively, if you feel trapped or limited in your current situation, it may be time to explore new opportunities and take steps towards greater freedom and independence.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of escape evokes a sense of liberation and freedom. It brings feelings of relief, excitement, and adventure. It signifies a desire to break free from constraints and explore new possibilities. This dream may also reflect a need for a change or a longing for a more fulfilling life. It instills a sense of hope and empowerment, encouraging the dreamer to pursue their aspirations and overcome obstacles. The feeling of escape in a dream can be exhilarating, offering a temporary respite from the pressures of reality and allowing the dreamer to experience a sense of release and renewal.





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Dreams of users containing the word Escape

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18 Jul 2024



I was at some kind of hall with my Mom and her husband. On the way out a man tried to rob me. I would not let him have a ring that was special to me. I ended up taking his gun from him he was trying to get out and shooting him. It gave us enough time to escape. We got in the car and I ended up driving because I was better at it. We escaped.

16 Jul 2024



So me and my family went on this boat in Spain and the boat driver crashed us on a remote island and the island had this Victorian style academy building that me and my family whent into immediately we all went to separate paths and we’re separated. I was alone. I was walking down the dark brick corridor when I saw this knight who basically told me I’d be trapped in this academy and he told Me to pick a type of fighting style ranged mma or melee I choose ranged and I hated it I found a old smart watch that I used the cellular and a solar power bank to connect to the outside world 1 day I found out I could repel out of the shelter by scaling the roof from the inside so I did this as a habit but I stopped before I could get caught because I knew I’d have to go with my family I found out we would all go on some cruise ship to the main island so I snuck on and got my family to come with me to the island but surprisingly my dad wanted to stay and my mom would go if my dad wouldn’t go and my brother wasn’t there so I ended up purposely making them miss the cruise ship back and making them stay

16 Jul 2024



Two dreams, both about an author’s work Kid’s novel author, teen fantasy writer Puts me in her works, she herself is in it I am also an early adolescent child in these dreams The first one is about some family in Italy or Japan, I’m shopping about and avoiding bumping into certain people Shopping malls, big 100-yen shop floors, dim lighting, broken glasses, people are phantoms Water’s flooding the place and I run from it The second dream starts with me getting on a ship I’m in the ship’s lower cabin, author is devising whatever plans to infiltrate and get to another country using the ship’s supplies and her team’s I am told to identify myself as a Chinese or Russian girl, name either Mei or Valena Once the alarm starts to go off we use the escape boat by the ship’s lower deck, revv up the engines, avoiding suspicions Seems I’m either in some arab countries and then at the Mediterranean, I’m blasting through the canals in Venetia and then trying to blend in once I get on the land The little motor boat can be turned into a small car(it’s still heavy but at least it’s portable) Driving, rollerblading and skateboarding through streets, old stone arches and kid’s parks City of Verona While I’m waiting for the influx of people to fade so that I can take it to the car road and blast off I spot a small kid’s park by the road Big fucking tree in the center, big soft furry leaves with wavy edges Cherries on the ground follen from the trees around I pick two that looks nice There was mold solidifying on the back of it I look for other ones Then the light turns green so I gotta drive out Driving past women in purple hijab, carrying a baby in the babu car that looked kinda like how my portable car looks when it’s folded and stuff

13 Jul 2024



Me and my cousins got kidnapped and we were taken to this modern mansion in the woods. It was like midnight so pitch dark outside yeah it was me and my two cousins we were in this room. There was windows all around us and there was like a really modern bed light and stuff like that in the room looked at them. They were panicking and said it’s OK. I’m gonna get us out of here. We just have to come up with the game plan. I found weapons just laying around the room like a bat and a knife but one of us wouldn’t have a weapon, so I told my youngest cousin that she can just take on the men because she’s bigger than both of us combined, and she could easily bodyslam them, when they came in, we started, but the bodyguards was really fat and humongous just grabbed ahold of her by the shoulders and just held her there while she was trying to run and get to the other bodyguards to the ground. me and my oldest cousin just took her weapons and just weekly punched him, but it wasn’t doing anything because this guy was massive. He was built like The Eiffel Tower, so we just awkwardly looked up at him and just squeezed on by him through the doorway, and we were in the living room/hallway. We got kidnapped by my own car and then thrown into a van so I looked at addy and said well they probably have my car set up somewhere and they probably took the keys to it so I’m gonna have to find my keys. I eventually found my keys and I found a random fuse laying on the counter and that’s what I realized they probably took a few out of my car just in case we did escape, I took the fuse and stuck it into my pocket, and started heading towards the door. We tried opening it, but it was locked obviously so me and addy went back into the room that emmy was at and I said don’t worry emmy, we will come back for you. I promise. she was kind of freaking out because we were about to leave her behind, but she was reassured by my words so I started trying to break the glass from the window, but it was not made out of glass. It was made out of a weird plastic material so we just ripped the window, and made a hole. my cousin was struggling to get through so I made the whole bigger and we both ran from the house to my car. we noticed bodyguard started running after us, but they were running slow motion. it to my car we got in and I tried to start the car, but it wouldn’t because obviously they had pulled the fuse freaking out because we were stranded for good, and I said don’t worry I knew this is gonna happen and I pulled the fuse out of my pocket and went to go put it back into the car and turn the car on and it worked again. we drove back to the house and into the plastic window to get emmy back.

11 Jul 2024



Last night, I had a dream that a woman that I had a lot of problems with when I was living with her and my fiancé’s family , came to the house that I’m living at right now while everybody was having a get-together party and me and my fiancé went to sleep and my baby was asleep in the crib next to us and the girl came in there and started taking pictures of my baby, so I grabbed her once I noticed and I tried to beat her up, but I couldn’t get any damage on her. I was just continuously getting exhausted. my fiancé’s mom grabbed me and told me that it’s not worth it and that I should leave her alone, but I continued to try to beat the woman up. She ran into a closet, and I pulled her out by the hair of her head and told her to talk to me and face me, and she just continuously started smiling and laughing at me then she laid out a whole bunch of apers and pictures of my baby and I took them and I started ripping them up and she just kept laying more out and I was getting so frustrated and I started taking things and throwing them against the wall and just getting so exhausted because I was so upset And then I turned back around and she has walked out the back door so I tried following her and she gets into this little minivan and two people come out of the minivan and are asking what is going on so I tell them that it’s a lot of drama between me and her and they say OK will come with us and they get onto a golf cart and my fiancé’s mom comes out as well and is driving the golf cart and I’m is my fiancé and they keep saying he’s in the house with my baby. He will be OK. We just need to leave. But we are leaving I looked down the road and there is a half horse half man walking up to us down a trail and I start screaming and asking what is that what is that and they just say to be quiet and stay still because if he sees you or hears you then he will kill you, but they told me that he comes by every year and goes into the house next to us and takes food or whatever he needs and just walks back out and we don’t see him for the rest of the year and I was very confused but my fiancé mom had her hand over my mouth to keep me quiet and as soon as the half horse half man left out of the house and went back down the road, I started crying and then the dream ended

11 Jul 2024

Running away
Locked Door


I was running away from someone who was trying to kill me. In the beginning I believe, I was hiding in this dark red room waiting for a chance to kill the people looking for me. When I finally got that chance I took it, I don’t know how I killed him but I did, I ran out onto the street stole someone’s motorcycle and drove away. I knew people would be looking for me which is why I was running. Then it cut to me being in a large long classroom with all women. I was looking for them to protect me, they seemed to know each other better than I knew them. Then it cut to different scene, where I was now running away from killers again but this time there was multiple, and also others running away with me. The room looked like a classroom and in the dream I believed the killer that was after me was a teacher. eventually the other people in the room started disappearing until it was just me the serial killer that was a teacher and two killers that looked like students. I didn’t know how to get out of the classroom at the time so i was trapped, but got caught by the students instead. Suddenly, i have a film camera in my hand that they took and watched, which the teacher didn’t want them to do, so once he caught them he killed them and hung them on what looked like a fish hook. I believe it was evidence of him being an serial killer. After this I was the last one left. I guess I escaped cause i was running around the classroom again. he was taunting me, telling me id never find the way out. He told me that he sent the other kids to a better place, puerto rico, but he had actually hung them all on hooks. He said that I would never find a way out because the way he told me to get out, the classroom windows, were actually locked shut, but i ran over there anyway and tried to open 3 windows. They only opened half way, but my next thought was to crawl through before I woke up

10 Jul 2024



Me and uhh whoever the othee player was. We played scp : roleplay on vr???? We both choosed the role class - d. We both planned to escape the place and we both know the map. So we just went unarmed in order to get a game badge. So as planned, we ran as fast as we can like yea thats all we chould do with being terminated. Since we croosed the cdc line we are terminated. Two foundation memeber stopped us. No i dont know which role they are cuz like security guard, chaos insurgency, etc all look the same- we said like we accidenly went here or snth and ran for our life to escape and the mission was successful-

10 Jul 2024



Every day, this man would give me a newspaper and take 10p coin, like the next day. Newspaper, 5p coin. The next day, newspaper, 10p coin. However, the next day, I didn't have any money, so I'd have to take some money out my bag. And I didn't do that in time, so instead he took me. I was kidnapped. And then, I don't know what happened during my kidnap. All I know is I escaped after three days. I then came home to my family. I don't know if they looked relieved... I don't know if they had an expression on their face. All I know is that I was home. And then I went to school the next day. My friends hugged me. I didn't know what they looked like, who they were. All I know is that my friends hugged me. And a couple of days after that, my mum asked... What happened? I was like, I don't know, I was unconscious.

9 Jul 2024



I was at a random area with a shed and a beachy forest path. I am forced to play a game and there is a really steep pit with dead humanoid pigs with blood and gore. I try to escape and ask my mum to help. She says "One person for themselves." There were a pack of Men trying to catch us. I was forced to look away while a humanoid bear slowly walks closer to me and true to kill me.

7 Jul 2024

Dead body


This was one of the more powerful vivid and lengthy nightmares that I have had in my life. The story line was so frightening and meticulous and there was no difference between the dream and reality in that moment. It is so hard to put into words but at the center of all of it is a very evil and very cunning man who has total control of me and everyone around me. He can not be fooled he can not be escaped it’s like he is an all seeing eye in human form and he knows every move we (all those he has control and possession of) make. It is not just me. He has many pawns in his twisted game. And we are all terrified we are all being punished And we are being violently killed or tortured and/ or being forced to participate and carry out different murders and violent crimes that he chooses, all in order to stay alive and not have our loved ones harmed. The first thing I remember took place at the apartment complex I grew up playing at. I remember I was in the parking lot and there were 2 dead mutilated bodies laying on a grassy nole in the parking lot. Then I was taken. I became a part of a group of captives who were forced to commit similar staged murders and leave these bodies in the exact fashion that this man wanted. I was constantly terrified constantly trying to escape. But couldn’t. He knew every thing I did before I did it. I was stuck in this cycle a prisoner to murder and death.

7 Jul 2024



I was part of a game show to pretend to be a family I had a son my sister with me and a husband. After the game show was over they dropped us off at a location and told us we’re gonna record you so make your life good. We made a tiny house that could only fit 2 people for 5. My son the producers told him go down that river you’ll get everyone’s attanetion while I was already talking to him he went down and it was like a waterfall scary but at the end it was a regular slide. Me and my son where hurt so the producers took everyone to the hospital we had already made a pre plan to escape everyone but my soon was in the room with the desk we make everyone freeze in the hospital and were also in a school they had an emergency button and called the police we got locked in a libary taht was over flowing with water and I managed to break over a window and everyone escaped. So me my sister my soon and my husband survived. And the criminals helping us and they Gave us a place to stay and a home

7 Jul 2024



I was with another person..  I were a boy lol we both were. We shooted some people and hide on a desk.  Then the other one got shooted and died.  I was the onky one here and there were many other ppl.  I quickly shooted but died. R.i.p to both and the other that died with our i were on a scientist on the scp Foundation.(i am bad at this role and then i realised i were the class-d also the other one with me wasand the other ones were chaos insurgency) anyway... We got introduced to a new scp(pls tell HOW THE F--- DOES A NATURE SRING LOOK LIKE SCP???) ok nvm move on we(other scientists) entered the chamber of the scp and yea some boring asf information abt it. And also they said there were many class - d were escaping so this was a trap door for whoever tries to escape.oh pretty sure, we(the class-d in before dream) escaped by that and it felt like a vid. Its a vid that doesnt exist in irl.

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