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Dream Interpretation: Bisexual 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Bisexual? Discover the significance of seeing a Bisexual in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Bisexual appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes your sexual identity and desires. It may suggest that you are exploring your sexuality or questioning your sexual preferences. It can also represent a need for balance and harmony between your masculine and feminine energies.

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🧭 Direction


Take some time to reflect on your sexual identity and desires. It's important to be true to yourself and not let societal norms or expectations dictate your choices. If you are struggling with your sexuality, consider seeking support from a trusted friend or professional. Remember that there is no right or wrong way to express your sexuality, as long as it is consensual and respectful.

❤️ Feelings

This dream may evoke a sense of curiosity, exploration, and self-discovery. It could bring about feelings of acceptance, liberation, and a desire to embrace one's true identity. It may also elicit emotions of confusion, as the dreamer navigates their own sexual orientation and societal expectations. Overall, this dream may inspire a range of emotions, from excitement and empowerment to uncertainty and vulnerability.





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Dreams of users containing the word Bisexual

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12 Jul 2024



This was a shorter dream I had, but I’ll put it down anyways because it’s interesting to me. It was like an animation you’d see on TikTok—very short and, well, animated. I saw a hockey player dressed in blue at the very beginning. After that, there was this puppy that turned from pink to purple to blue. There was a text above it that’s said “I hope you like *Bi*cycles.” The puppy had made the bisexual flag colors when it was changing colors.

24 May 2024



I don’t remember the exact situation of the dream, but the overall feeling of it was rejection. It was rejection of being bisexual, but to a degree of hatred and actual violence as a response. It was all dirsected at me, and the people doing it were people I knew and thought wouldn’t have cared like my family.

21 Apr 2024



Later I had an Erotic Escapade of a Dream Airi Kijima the Japanese Starlet Pornstar and I were walking together and she was playing pitch and catch with baseball probably bc baseball ⚾️ is a sought after sport in Japan 🇯🇵 and she was tossing the ball back to me for a short while and was happy 😃 I was happy because she was walking in front of me but still was able to play catch with her … a tidal wave of mystery she was almost still standing next to me everything else bad was history. Almost like she was waiting for me and as I tossed the ball back she giggled and we held hands and kissed each other 9 minutes. She was happy 😊 as usual like always on social media. I often am a huge fan and I don’t expect to date her or otherwise yeah of course duh, but I really am intrigued by her and influenced that she’s a gravure JAV Model SOD Star on Idea Pocket and Actress and I like her personality bc most Japanese Babes like men that are not only strong 💪🏻 but Caucasian and wealthy but good personality. She’s definitely fixated on remaining vulnerable like in her movies 🎥 and sensitive to really really really fully pleasure the men and knead their oils lipids and juices to soothe them tantalizing them to fullest extreme ultimate satisfaction with that booty 🍑🍑🍑🙃🫶🫶💨💨💨💨💨 and women bc she’s bisexual.

3 Apr 2024

New Job


I had a really jumbled up dream. I'm not sure if it was actually one dream or more that I'm just all remembering together. So in one part I was at the airport waiting for a flight and I was with my friend Katie and I can't really remember the details but it was like I was in the airport waiting for a flight but I didn't actually have one booked and then I wasn't sure how I was going to get it booked and then I tried to ask a lady where I go to book a flight but she didn't want to talk to me and now I'm remembering that at one point I wanted to go to Chicago but at another point I was supposed to go to New York to see my friend Brian but then I realized I had wasted too much time and I really couldn't go to New York and get back in time. And then the dream morphed, or maybe it's a different dream, but I was in a new place. I think it was in Spain because a lot of people were speaking Spanish and it looked European. I was my younger self like in my 20s and going around the city and going to different little coffee shops and restaurants and cafes and different places like that. And at some point I met a young man. He was really skinny and had long hair and was super kind of crazy and danced a lot and I was really really attracted to him. and we were going around the city just having fun and enjoying each other's company and then somehow we ended up at someone's house and we slept on the floor and we made love and it was really fun and in the morning he had to go and I was hoping he would call me but then I went with the girl and for some reason my son at his current age 17 was with us and again we were exploring the city and looking at bookshops and riding these weird buses and just doing all kinds of tourist things and we were having fun for a whole day but I was disappointed the man didn't call me. But on the next day he did call me and so he joined in our adventures around the city and there were all kinds of things happening. We went on some strange bus where we were on the upper deck but we were driving through an area that looked like a Chinatown and just dropping into weird little bars and nooks and crannies in different places. There was one place where people were sitting on these cushy chairs and like one woman was reading and a couple people were talking but there was like a monitor for the room who said yeah you can come in here and hang out but you have to keep moving at all times and I noticed the woman reading the book was just doing some interesting hand movements the whole time she was reading. There was also a part where we were hanging out in a bar but we were in some kind of uncomfortable chairs and just having drinks and having a good time but then these people who were in a back section that had these are really really plump comfy chairs and couches left so we moved back to that section and it was like really comfortable and homey and again we were just having a really good time. There was one part where the young man I was attracted to was hanging out with us and there was another guy there and they seemed really really close and I figured out that he must be gay or bisexual and I was really fine with that I just was a little jealous because I really wanted him to be with me. It was a very expansive, complicated, and realistic dream. but overall super super fun and reminded me of something I'd like to do like travel and hang out with people and just be kind of crazy and have a good time It was one of those dreams that was so fun that when my phone started beeping at me I really really did not want to be disturbed and leave the dream and I even turned off the phone and tried to go back but it didn't work.

20 Nov 2023



I was at school doing my afternoon activities, and instead of doing like the school newspaper we were doing a karate lesson (karate is the sport that i practise since i was 7). and I couldn’t do an exercise, and the teacher told me that it was easy and that I could do it like with my eyes closed, but i couldn’t do it,so, I went to the bathroom for changing myself, and in the way while I was going to the bathroom I met Daphne and Amalia; Daphne is the girl I like, and Amalia is her best friend. they joined me and in the way for the bathroom we started talking and I don’t know how but I asked “are you guys straight?”, and Amalia answered me: “yes, I’m straight, but Daphne is not, daphne’s bisexual”, and I said “I also am not, but I’m not sure if I’m lesbian or if I’m bisexual”. so we went in the bathroom and I was going in the room with the toilet and closing the door, but Daphne opened it and went inside with me. so I thought: “mh, strange” but I kept doing my stuff. she dressed up and changed herself, i did the same. while I was changing myself, she grabbed me from my flanks, she was behind me. when I turned around, she was shirtless and she was looking at me. I was shirtless too, but I don’t remember how the dream ended, but I remember I thought it was too strange for be real and I thought that she were beautiful and I didn’t want that to end.

12 Nov 2023



Me and my boyfriend, and maybe others but I am not sure, we are getting in a pool. While swimming, I saw a hot woman who is slim and pretty and has just nice body in general, almost feels like a model, like a perfectly good looking woman. And I tell my boyfriend and maybe one more person who may have been with us, something like, ‘Look at that hot woman, check her out!’ I am bisexual so I also enjoy seeing beautiful women in general, but at the same time, I felt secretly jealous and wanted to ignore that or cope with that by saying as if I don’t care if he looks at her in some kind of way. I kept acting cool, but at the same time, I wasn’t really lying because I also enjoyed looking at her, it’s just that there were two opposing feelings. And I really didn’t wanted to let my boyfriend know I was jealous or I think less of myself than her.

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