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Dream Interpretation: Gas ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Gas? Discover the significance of seeing a Gas in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Gas appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of gas can represent a need for energy or motivation. It may also indicate a feeling of being overwhelmed or suffocated by a situation or relationship. Alternatively, it could symbolize a need for caution or a warning of potential danger.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Consider what in your life may be draining your energy or motivation. Are you feeling suffocated by a situation or relationship? Take steps to address these issues and prioritize self-care. If you are being warned of potential danger, proceed with caution and take necessary precautions.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of gas may evoke feelings of fear, danger, and vulnerability. It symbolizes a potential threat or explosive situation in your waking life. This dream may also bring about a sense of uncertainty and the need to be cautious. It signifies the need to handle situations with care and to be aware of potential risks. The feeling of being overwhelmed or suffocated may also arise from this dream, reflecting the need to address and release any pent-up emotions or pressures.





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13 Jun 2024



I was at my family church and I was in the sanctuary and it was like really scary in there and dark and I was scarred to be alone but my suitcase and shoes were down there and I was trying to get them so I tried to get them one time but the person I was with wouldnโ€™t wait for me so I took what I had in my hand and took them up stairs out of the sanctuary then I walked away bc I still had more stuff down there then when I came back they was alll down there with again so I took my brother with me to pick them up but he wouldnโ€™t wait on me to get them all then I was in the car with my mom she stoped to get some gas so I went for a walk down by the woods and I met to guys they were pretty cool so we went our separate ways then somebody in a green truck was trying to get me to get inside his truck but I was trying to say I was okay but he just kept pushing then those 2 guy came to help and took me back to my moms car but one of them got in the car and tired to steal it

11 Jun 2024



I wrote this dream down in 2019, it was another MONO dream. So, my dream last night seemed like a combo of The Simpsons, Lost, Pokemon, and the Disney app game because I was on an animated island inside of a game. I was a part of a clan and seemingly nobody thought there were others on the island except for us. They were wrong and I was right. I was inside these buildings running around in a panic and all of a sudden I saw someone that was not part of my people and he was taking notes on me. Then I went to the land And it all looked like an amusement park mixed with Whoville. There was a Pokemon Adoption Center for old and retired Pokemon. The entrance was like the Cat in the Hat ride at Universal Studios. Then I went on an elevator down and I went to a Pokemon creation center where you could create your own Pokemon. While I was down there, some boys approached me and I had to fight, but they sprayed gas in my face and drugged me. Then I was running around my clan and telling them that we were not the only ones on the island. Nobody believed me, and so I went looking for the people. All the meanwhile, I was dealing with many shipments of small houses for small animals that were all in a room. I stumbled across the land that was animated by a big tree with a bunch of flowers surrounding it. It was pretty. I didn't know that I was being watched. Then I was taken. I woke up in a doctor room where they shot me with a needle right into my side boob armpit region because they missed my arm and it hurt because they didn't get all the air out of the tube before they shot it in me. They handed me like 20 pills in different sizes and colors and ordered me to swallow them. I kept asking what they were. Some were cut and some were huge like half of a pinky finger. For some reason, I started taking them and I was walking around the office when I stumbled across Krusty the Clown and Homer Simpson and they were arguing. Homer Simpson was also my husband and he was trying to convince Krusty that he could dress up like Krusty so Homer could do the surgery and not hurt me instead of Krusty because Krusty would hurt me. Krusty agreed because he couldn't take hurting more people with the surgery. I still didn't know what the surgery was. I stumbled across the main dude who was behind it all and tried to convince him not to do the surgery. I was whining and crying and losing my mind because I was on drugs. He said, nope, we're doing it. And Homer dressed up as Krusty gave me a wink while I was on the table. Then the main dude walks in, I jump off the table disoriented because of drugs and he says that we can't do the surgery today. Then he says, hopefully I won't die today anyway because all the pills I had to take. Homer and I stumbled out of the door and I tumbled down a hill. The people that surround sprayed gas in my face found me. I woke up scared and punching from the drugs in the doctor room. They told me to be quiet because my people were walking by and I started screaming. Then, I was back in the room of small animals living in tiny dollhouses. I was trying to keep the bad mice out from the good mice. Eventually, the people believed me that there were others on the island trying to do harm to us.

11 May 2024



I was in a house I didn't recognise, with people I don't know. All the kids were upstairs and they had been gassed to be asleep. They were all lay in a circle on the bedroom floor. The shed had been burned down and there was a huge house next door that was empty.

8 Apr 2024



I had a nightmare where my childhood home explodes with fire and flames with my parents inside, caused by a gas leak. It exploded twice, the second time I barely escape. I feel the heat and everything.

28 Mar 2024

New Job


I had a dream about a new house. I had a dream about this house before and it's a really beautiful house. It's very large. and In the dream I had before, there was an old family, like 1800s, who had started the house. And he had built the library that is still standing in the house that we just moved into. Or we're about to move into. It's a beautiful little library with a very beautiful tile floor. But the way they made it had some sort of gas coming into it that was flammable. But they thought it was medicinal and helped your brain remember things. In this dream we knew of the explosive capabilities. in this dream I got to explore the rest of the house as well, mostly the living room. The house was weird architecturally, it was not a typical looking house, but it was very very beautiful. It was in New Mexico, and it was in Adobe, but it somehow was also right next to the ocean. And I'm texting one of my friends, and one of my friends is at the beach, so I walk down the beach and I find my friends. And so I start hanging out with my friends, and we're having a really good time, and I tell them my house is right there, they can see it from here, and they really like it. And I keep playing and playing and playing. I have two dreams, the first one and here's the second one. I'm going on a road trip with my parents and my grandparents. We have a different car, it's much older, it's a van of some sort, kind of like a VW van. It doesn't walk or anything, but it's a good car to drive as well, put a lot of stuff in it. So I'm on this road trip with my parents and we stop at this museum. I'm with my friends with some kid and we're hanging out in the rooms behind the museum. There's one kid who keeps trying to pull pranks on us, he's trying to pull two pranks on us. I don't remember the first one, which was when he pulled on my new friend, but the second one was a camera that was just supposed to randomly take a photo of us. I don't see how that was a prank, but I knew it was there. It wasn't hidden or anything. Later we leave the museum. We end up going to a store like, with clothes, like fabric for clothes and stuff like that. And I start just putting on a pair of clothes that they have there. I'm wearing a pink strapless top with a grignola, a pink grignola. Just like a hoop skirt. My friend tells me that we can't do that, but I do it anyways, and I encourage him to do it. So he does, and we have a good time dressing up, having fun. And I go to put my clothes back on, but I can't find which ones are mine. There's a bunch of my clothes there that I didn't put there, but they're there anyways. So I'm looking for my clothes, and I finally just grab a pair that look like mine. So, me and my dad walk back to our car, and we head back to the house. We stop at a restaurant on the way, where when we get out, someone robbed our wallet. I pick up the wallet, and there's my uncle's driver's license, and my friend's driver's license, and a bunch of photos of me, a couple kids I know, and it's just very creepy. It's like someone documented everywhere I went. It was like someone's been following me, which creeps me out. The lady comes back to her car, and this was next to the car, so I asked, told her, you dropped your wallet. She's like, oh thank you, yeah. I'm like, there's a bunch of photos of me and my family and my friends, and you even have my Uncle Trevor's license. Who are you? Stay away from me, stay away from my family. I don't ever want to see you again. I'm just screaming and yelling at her at this point, and she just seems bewildered, but I know she knows what I'm talking about. I can see the recognition, like, she nods her head, but she's still, like, dumbfounded. I head up to dinner with my grandparents and my dad. My dad leaves for something, a restroom or something. And my grandparents haven't come up the stairs yet. So, I'm sitting at this booth and I can see my friends who were in a couple of the photos. That lady's wallet too. Laila, Camilla, and Kaylee. And they're sitting in one of the chairs in one of the booths near me. I smile and wave at them, and then go back to the menu. Although I'm not really looking at the menu, but I'm looking around. I see the lady who I yelled at in her car, go up the stairs and start talking to the girls, telling them that they need to go home. And I assume that's one of their sisters or their mother or something, which is confusing to me, so I start thinking. Maybe they are one of their parents and are just concerned about where they are, but then why not honor everything i do? The woman leaves and then an angry girl comes up and starts yelling at them as well, I assume it's her little sister or something, her daughter, and eventually they get up and go with her.I had some trouble with the van getting here. I couldn't fit in it or something. So I had to live in here with my grandparents. That was an experience. My grandparents were tired and exhausted and just wanted to go home. So I'm glad we stopped at the restaurant. Because they seemed much happier afterwards. On the way back I decided to ride with my dad. I sit in the car, in the back of the van, and people start just grabbing stuff out of the car. They did when we first pulled up too, like when we first started walking towards the car. Like, people just start grabbing things out of the open window of the car. There are antiques in there for some reason, and my dad starts yelling at them. Not because they're stealing though, because they're not taking the good things. Like, it says to one person, who grabbed a very beautiful, very old music box, who's like, you have to have the certificate of authentication for that, or you're not gonna get the right amount of money. Why not take the certificate with it youโ€™ll get much more money for it? What are you a Dumbass? And that's the end of my dream

19 Mar 2024

Light (Not Dark)


In my dream I was walking aling a pier. Suddenly I was attacked. I saw a man sitting on a street lamp. He turned into friend. I was approached by few hostile people like zombies. I jumped in the air. I was floating in the air or more like I was positioned in the air. I looked down and then I moved towards the sky. I was at the roof my house with two family members. We jumped in the air just like before I looked down and then I decided to go different realm. I quickly moved towards sky. Seemed like things were moving at light speed. Suddenly I I dived in the layers of gasses one after another. While passing by I also saw a black hole. In the back of my mind I mind I was thinking this place has been created by memories, No not just my memories our collective memories. I remember I was in a spaceship

18 Mar 2024



I was working at my hotel, and the owners came inside, they started yelling at me, but I couldnโ€™t understand what they were saying, I was getting so overwhelmed because I couldnโ€™t meet their needs. So I walked outside, and around the back of the building, I went to the shed and got out the gas can and started spilling it out on the side of the buildings wall, then I took a lighter and lit a piece of cloth on fire and threw it on the gas, I stood back and watched the flames start to eat the building. I was so hurt and upset, I fell to my knees in front of the fire and let out an ungodly scream that seemed to make the earth shake around me.

17 Mar 2024



i was living in this apartment with my family, on the top floor. it looked like one of the apartments i lived in as a kid in the waking world. we had some weird neighbors, but didnโ€™t think much of it. few days later we hear a bunch of commotion going on outside. so we open the doors, and the apartments around us are a different color. they were green, like that ugly forest green color. we noticed a strange man on a latter trying to paint the apartments with a paintbrush. we closed the door and opened it again a few minutes later, and they were brown. we saw the man walking weirdly into the apartment complexes across from us. the apartments form a square in the middle, so thatโ€™s all grass and mailboxes in the middle of it. we decided to go follow the man and see what he was up to, and it was like he was possessed. in the waking world, in the sims 4 one of my favorite packs is strangerville. the way the sims get possessed by the motherplant is how this guy was acting like in my dreams. it was so weird. anyways we followed him, and ended up at a floral shop. then it changed into a gas station, and i saw that red car, and the numbers 11, 12, 13, 15 and maybe 10 were in white by the right tire. the numbers were kinda small but you could easily see them. they were scattered around like a word puzzle but in the same area. i then โ€˜woke upโ€™ in my dream telling myself i need to memorize these numbers when i woke up, so i got a little notebook and pencil, and wrote the numbers down along with the color of the car. then i actually woke up in the waking world.

17 Mar 2024

Make Out


At the park with mom went to pay light bill at corner store She took mai and she walked on the way there Grandma called her and wanted something to eat Something from firehouse subs I offered hunan wok Mom called me and was upset because she left her wallet home I told her to use Apple Pay Meanwhile Iโ€™m at a park with bean n jr talking to some girl who seemed slightly cool Make it to a living room Saw Ms Jackie she had a silk press hairdue and was having conversation in the living room that I canโ€™t clearly make out I believe I saw white truck donโ€™t quote me but something in my mind said white truck Middle of a street haul ass We get there after and are distraught Me & Josh at the crib Next thing I know he gears hears a knock at the door Heโ€™s apprehensive about it Says itโ€™s police I told him no worries letโ€™s open it we I stood near They asked if they could come in we said no our babies are asleep They said ok It went from 3 police to us having a garage full of individuals Felt like a news conference was happening right in our garage with the garage up Was walking and guy with a black shirt lowcut with hair a mustache that connected stopped me while walking and said โ€œwhiteโ€ something about $10 worth of gas I believe And hinted at about 6 individuals

15 Mar 2024

Serial killer


I was having lunch outside with some friends, one male and one female. It was our break from work and it was a city park. The park is a pathway that winds through some large natural rock structures. We are talking when all of a sudden the male friend gets out attention and says "hey, look at this". He shows us an space carved out in the rock face, the perfect size for an adult head. Some graffiti headphones are painted on it as well so that the person sitting there with their head inside would look like they are wearing them. I'm just wondering if each of our heads will fit, or if some will be too big when the female friend says "hey, what's back here?" She is standing inside what looks like a doorway carved into the rock and then she disappears around the corner. "C'mon!" She yells. "Does this go anywhere?" I ask, and she says "yeah." We follow her . "Does it stink in there?" I ask. She says that it does. I imagine possibly like sulfur, gasses from inside the rock, or from the piss of homeless people. I guess I'll find out. We follow her. Around the corner inside the rock face, about waist high, a ramp ascends up to another turn. It is too high to step up given my weight I cannot just pull myself up like my friends but there is a railing and if I grab it I can shimmy onto the ledge on my stomach. The passage is narrow and the walls are covered with graffiti. "Probably a gang hangout" I think to myself. My friends have disappeared around the corner and I am eager to catch up with them. I am also con wines about getting stuck in the narrow hall. I wonder if it broadens around the corner or ends in some narrow little space that will be uncomfortable to sit in. Next, my friends come back with a sense of urgency, "C'mon let's go" they say, rushing back down the passage. They must not like what they found back there. I quickly follow them, imagining all the things it could have been: a den with drug paraphernalia, a homeless encampment, a place where some serial killer was hiding his bodies. I won't see for myself, but I can ask later. We make out way back outside to the path in the park. It's time to get back to work anyway and the park is beginning to fill up with rabble - all our colleagues have come now, to have their loud obnoxious and boring conversations about their mundane lives. I am glad we got here before they all did - when everything seemed untouched.

9 Mar 2024

Running away


I was at school and we were in the classroom and something smelled like it was burning above. Everyone walked out of their classrooms and a big man in a Hazmat suit with a flamethrower came around the hallway corner and burned some people. I and one other girl ran away but I donโ€™t know what she looked like. I eventually was on my own around the outer classrooms of the school the power to the school was off, all I had was window light I was chased by what would seem like poppy and I ran through holes in the ceiling and was near the exit. I found the girl that was with at the beginning and she was horrified and crying I tried to calm her and she was terrified. All we had to do now was get out of the school there were 3 Big Flamethrower men in Hazmat suits at the main entrance inside near the office it would seem impossible for me and her to pass without being burned to death we forgot that one part of the school was under construction so we went through the ceiling again trying to avoid poppy by hiding we made it to Wing F of the school but we had to get out of the ceiling to leave. We were trying to get out of the ceiling quickly and quietly but we saw a flamethrower man almost to the other end of the hallway we both fell out very loudly someone could of heard it from the main entrance! We both got up hurting to run went out the door, we came out on the side of the school but had forgotten that it was surrounded by a construction fence. She said, If we die thank you for your protection and love. We could hear a flamethrower man screaming down the hallway because of our noise we went to the very side of the fence where it was open, squeezing through we had just ran to the front to my car for a second I thought I had lost my car keys but found them I was so traumatized that it was hard to get it out of my pocket. I unlocked the doors told her to get in and I said letโ€™s get the hell out of here I cranked up my Volkswagen Jetta with a 2.5 engine and floorboarded the gas pedal until we were way far away from the burning school. I brought her to my house and we stayed silent for a couple days we did not go anywhere, we tried to recover from the tragedy, we were so sad that so many kids got burned in the school and we realized that there were no sign of life in the town.

5 Mar 2024

New Job


I was visiting this woman in a very broken down house situation. There was something wrong with the gas system or something. I realized how unsafe the house was. I wanted to help her get out of the situation. She was very poor with a young daughter. Together, me and my family helped her move out. I was really anxious and stressed about leaving the house because I didnโ€™t want to die from itโ€™s problems. Eventually, we successfully evacuated her and worked together to get her out. We got her a new place to live. She was sobbing and forever grateful. It was just a little apartment and her daughter didnโ€™t have too big of a room. But we were all overjoyed with how it ended. At the end, I was holding a chick and it kept laying eggs. I donโ€™t know why. There were so many eggs. Eggs were very significant in this dream.

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