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Dream Interpretation: Grass 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Grass? Discover the significance of seeing a Grass in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Grass appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a symbol indicating that you are in a fertile place for your ideas and life. Good things are coming; use the space you are in to see your dreams come to fruition. It also suggests growth; stay put in your current environment and receive the gifts you have worked hard for.

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🧭 Direction

Good fortune

This is a time and space of fertility and good fortune. So pursue your dreams and watch them come true. Your environment is supportive of your efforts; make sure you water and nourish it so that it helps you bear great results.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of grass can evoke feelings of tranquility, freshness, and connection with nature. It symbolizes growth, renewal, and abundance. It may also bring a sense of freedom and relaxation, as walking barefoot on grass can be a soothing experience. The dream may indicate a need for grounding and finding balance in life. It can also represent a desire for simplicity and a reminder to appreciate the beauty in the small things. Overall, the dream of grass brings a sense of peace and harmony.





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12 Jul 2024



I am in community of people who lives in the trees. It’s huge and beautiful with branches, leaves and wooden bridges everywhere. There is a male doctor or scientist who seem to be doing experiments on me and others. We spoke English but he also does this thing with lights to me so people in the community doesn’t know something is special about me. It’s like a disguise. I keep coughing up a locust or grasshoppers in a small area like a glass container filled with branches, grass, and leaves. I would tell him when I do and he would be excited and happy. He goes into the container and gets them. I have a bed in that room and he tells me to lay down and rest after coughing or pulling on out. At one point I accident swallowed one. There’s other people with me but he makes them to chores and they seem to live somewhere else. I, however, when ask if I have to do chores, the doctor or scientist says no.

29 Jun 2024



So we were on a family trip with my all family members. I got disconnected many times and i got them. I played another game with my cousin we went too far that we only chould see water and some grass on top of it. My cousin ate those.i asked are these grass they( the birds) said no. My cousin threw up and we went far again. Our mom came up and we fell into water leave the game so that means were dead

21 Jun 2024



I just got a new apartment on an upper level. It had a lot of mirrors and lights. I was trying to adjust one of the mirrors to be center on a wall but it knocked over a light onto the rug. It caught on fire. I looked to the kitchen and saw a cup full of water so I grabbed it and poured it onto the fire. The fire was still glowing so I got more water and poured it onto the fire until it went out. I was outside with a friend. She was sitting on the grass near an ant pile. She started poking it with her finger. I told her they were going to bite her if she didn’t stop. Suddenly they all swarmed out onto her arm and head. She got up and started swatting at herself to get them off. She got away from the ants and we started walking down a trail. A swarm of bees came and surrounded her. She was swinging her arms trying to get them away from her then they started chasing me. I ran towards a building trying to get away and they turned around to chase my friend again. I got in the building and she followed me in but the door took so long to close that the bees got in and we ran out of the building again. When we got back outside the bees just flew away.

18 Jun 2024

Parking Lot


I was leaving a university and looking for my car. I wasn’t familiar with the exit I walked through, but I remember looking at a parking lot. Then I realized that my car was at a different lot on the other side. Another part of my dream I remember running through a field of tall grass/ wheat. I wanted to sneak out and see two of my friends that also went in. But then my grandpa followed and I wanted to find him because I didn’t want him to worry.

18 Jun 2024



I have never dreamt about my grandmother until now. In my waking life my grandmother was like a mother figure to me and raised me sense i was a baby, i dont have a relationship with my biological mother. In my waking life my grandmother had died a few months ago this year from illness. In my dream me and my grandmother was outside standing in an unfamiliar place with a gate that had visible green grass and plants on the other side of it. In my dream i felt confusion, i was confused because i didnt know if i was dreaming that my grandmother was still alive or if she was still alive in my waking life. In my dream i wanted to ask my grandmother if she was still alive or if she was dead but i thought if i asked her she would have gotten upset with me. so because i didnt want to upset my grandmother i decided not to ask her. In my dream my grandmother didnt speak, she looked at me but didnt talk at all. In the dream i told my grandmother "i love you", i told my grandmother i loved her and she still didnt speak but she didnt stop looking at me.

10 Jun 2024



I had a dream that I was in a foggy empty place outside someone. Like a waist land. It is night out. Now I am arriving at a street. I am crossing the street. There is a mailbox right in the center of the street on my right. It is odd to have it right in the middle of the road. It’s directly in the center of the road. Like it is there on purpose. It looks almost like a shrine. It is a large fat while male box that is very low to the ground. It may be a foot off the grown. It looks sort of like a wooden cupboard with about 3 doors or compartments. I don’t know what this is. Now I go back to crossing the road. I am at the other side of the road. There are some houses here. Maybe a row of houses directly off the road. I am drawn to the house directly ahead of me. It is old wooden. Broken down. The whole frame is there but there is no pait on the walls. The house is very old. I go inside and there is nothing here. The house is totally empty. Except one thing. There is a shadow in the shape of a woman. It’s a deep blackness. It is very clear to me that I am looking at a black hole or a shadow in the full size and shape of a woman. Shadows can be tricky things but it is clear that I am looking at a woman. Or a darkness, a hole in the shape or a woman. It has a kind of presence to it. I am curious about it. Drawn to it. I get closer. Now suddenly I am outside. It is bright day time. The grass is green the sky is blue. I am walking around but some of the grass is “infected” and I am trying to avoid the infected grass.

30 May 2024



My ex appeared at a barbecue function while I was waiting for my boyfriend to arrive, expect he didn’t look like my ex. I asked him what he was doing here? He said he started taking a class at a different college. I thought that that doesn’t answer my question but I brushed it off and we caught up a bit. Then I was sitting by myself in the grass; I had a long flowing sun dress on and a flower crown on my head. I look up and a stranger is staring at me. The stranger says “you’re waiting for your boyfriend right?” I say “yes”, and the stranger points. I follow their finger and I see my boyfriend and my ex collecting firewood for the barbecue together! My boyfriend is shirtless and looks really cute but kind of uncomfortable conversing with my ex. I run up to him and I tackle him and we hug in the grass and I feel his skin and reassure him that everything’s okay and ask him how he’s been. The dream skips the barbecue and cuts to me, my boyfriend and my ex walking back to where we’re staying. My ex is telling my boyfriend things to do to make me happy and I get annoyed because my boyfriend knows how to make me happy much better than my ex does, but I keep quiet.

30 May 2024

Many People


My grandmother who died with someone I don't know, that time were many people waiting for them to come to us and tell us something, they were in a wet place looks like they were taking out some grass

28 May 2024



I passed a corner where there was a house. I stood at a distance and watched as a construction crew began to tear it down. It was a white house with multiple buildings, one being a 4 story tower. I called my mom to watch it as well. I saw as they destroyed the bottom of the building and suddenly it began to fall. But as it landed, each story of the building landed and separate from each other and became stores. Behind the buildings was an open grass field and emptiness of a blue sky. I went into one of the houses and it looked like I was at a fair or carnival. In the house had displays of potential items to buy. I left the store and was greeted by two people I had met recently. I was suddenly outside of my work where I spoke to them. I said I was excited to go visit them one day and smiled. On the inside I regretted saying that and being too vulnerable. I hate to be dishonest. So I went to the back of the building and knocked on the door. They let me in but I apologized for using that door just to grab something I left on the stage.

28 May 2024



I was in a forest. I sat on a large rock that was right in front of a stream. The moon and stars were out. I look down and notice I am in a wedding gown. I am also wearing a veil. I look into the water and see a reflection of the moon. I continue to take in the tranquil scene around me until my eyes meet a diphylleia grayi (skeleton flower). I walk to it. My bare feet feel every single blade of grass. I crouch in front of it and smile down at the flower. Then rain starts to fall. The flower turns transparent when the rain hits it. My dress does as well. I smile down at the flower as the rain continues to pour

25 May 2024



I own a house with a large plot of land/garden. I keep my horse (Coffee) on the land, but close to the house. I have a family coming over who has a son in which wants to be my lover. I clean the house but one of my dogs (ex partner dog) has anxiety and pissed on the carpet and sofa. I am frustrated. I explain to the family that he has anxiety and that's why he lives with another dog. After a while I go outside and drive the car around the land. I make 2 circular trips from the house down the field and to the gate. I see Coffee and wanted to build her a bigger paddock. The first part of the land closest to the house has the best grass. I was considering if I should put up 2 or 3 or 4 lines of electrical tape. My friends coma around to Walk with me around the land, they suggest bringing coffee along for the walk. We all go together. At the end of the long grass, I have another field with less grass but it has one very small, tall hill, closer to a mound. My friends suggested I run up to the top with coffee. I clip my lunge line to her head collar. We run to the top. At the top Coffee looks around, get on the floor and rolls. She slides to the bottom of the hill/mound. Get up and look extremely happy. We all walk away and Coffee comes to me and asks me, if she could work some more hours to get more money to buy the hill/mound. She wanted to live on top of it. (Coffee is a hybrid, switching between horse and human)

24 May 2024



I was in front of my grandmothers home cornrow-braiding grass. Only some parts were long enough to be braided and a lot of it was patchy. I became irritated when my male cousin came to talk to me. The grass unbraided itself and it was a hassle to try to braid it again

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