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Dream Interpretation: Flower 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Flower? Discover the significance of seeing a Flower in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Flower appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes fertility, innocence, peace, and happiness. Flowers are a positive omen and suggest that good things are coming your way. It also indicates that your life is fertile, ripe, and ready for innocent joy to enter. A period is contentment is starting soon, be prepared for that.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Happy times are beginning soon. All the hard work you have put into your business will soon reap its benefits. Your perseverance, hard work, and dedication in both your personal life and professional are going to bring great joy to you. So, follow the same path, and be thankful for the gifts that are going to enter your life.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of a flower evokes feelings of beauty, joy, and serenity. It symbolizes growth, renewal, and the blossoming of potential. The vibrant colors and delicate petals bring a sense of tranquility and happiness. It may also represent love, affection, and admiration. Overall, this dream leaves a positive and uplifting impression, leaving one feeling inspired and hopeful.





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18 Jul 2024



I don’t know if it’s a real dream I only remember that I was a kid and was holding a flower which I wanted to place in my big garden I was asking Jesus to help me place this one flower I called for him . After. That i told him that I want my garden to flourish even more and I took a fruit of my tree And then I had a second one where I really can’t remember anything

12 Jul 2024



I was at a bar. The bartender was in the middle and the chairs were arranged in a circle around him. I was dressed very cute in a black flowy top with spaghetti straps and pink flowers on it. I felt cute. I was drinking a pink cocktail and over the rim of the cocktail as i took a sip, i made eye contact with my ex boyfriend across the room. He kind of glared at me

26 Jun 2024



I was in a garden and came across someone that I’ve known for a while. Although we hadn’t seen each other in person im quite some time, we hit it off right where we had left off. There was a definate romantic pull. Before we went our separate ways for the time being she handed me a flower saying that this symbolizes our relationship—blooming. I handed her a rock stating that this symbolized who I was for her—a solid foundation and a rock in her life.

30 May 2024



I was dating Logan huntzberger from Gilmore girls I think I was in the tv show and he was buying me flowers from the shop

29 May 2024



I am an orb, a ball of light energy. I don't have a body but I could see and feel. I could see the most beautiful pink and purple colors going around me, this bright ball of light. I fly at high speeds and it is my conscious self thinking about a place and I would essentially appear at whatever place I think about. I literally fly faster than the speed of light or sound which is incomprehensible to human beings. For example, I thought about the Grand Canyon and in that thought I was flying through the Grand Canyon. It was so majestic and the tranquility was so breathtaking to see the vast beauty of the creation of the Grand Canyon from water. Then, I thought about Niagra Falls and I was flying over the falls and I saw a barge that's ran a ground and got stuck before going over the falls. I then had a thought of being in Paris and I was flying up, through and around the Effile Tower. I then had a thought about space. I was flying through space and the Moon was on my left and I flew past Earth, Jupiter, Saturn, Mercury and Mars in that order. I flew between Mercury and Mars on a slightly right turn and I came to a complete stop from flying at the speed of thought! It was complete darkness except for a vibrant green vine that had a big central flower that's white with a crimson red center that's as dark as blood. There are five petals and in between each petal a vine shoot came off the main vine that had little flowers that alternated between pink and purple. The same colors that I can see going around me. I watched as hundreds if not thousands of orbs, balls of beautiful light would land and take off of the vines. In that instance I landed on a vine. I was getting and send information to and from other souls and the main flower was getting and sending information to each soul before leaving the vines. Only while on the vines could you hear some noises that sounds like words and chatter that's hard to explain and interrupt but you just have a sense of knowledge that is unspoken.

28 May 2024



I was in a forest. I sat on a large rock that was right in front of a stream. The moon and stars were out. I look down and notice I am in a wedding gown. I am also wearing a veil. I look into the water and see a reflection of the moon. I continue to take in the tranquil scene around me until my eyes meet a diphylleia grayi (skeleton flower). I walk to it. My bare feet feel every single blade of grass. I crouch in front of it and smile down at the flower. Then rain starts to fall. The flower turns transparent when the rain hits it. My dress does as well. I smile down at the flower as the rain continues to pour

26 May 2024



I was witnessing what looked like a Valentine’s Day celebration for people everywhere. There were a few women lined up and they all received varying bouquets of flowers as they waited for their dates/partners to come get them. Then there was a segment of a dream where I witnessed a woman on a flight and she ordered a premier Valentine’s Day package for herself complete with an assortment of fine chocolates, a nice luxury dinner and lavish drinks and treats during her flight. I can’t remember if the woman was me or if I was next to her.

19 May 2024



Cutting flowers with my sister

15 May 2024



There was a forest I walked through and a guy who was trying to take some one away then wrapped her up in a blanket and stuffed her in the back of a truck and it exploded. Then I saved the girl who was burnt because the fire burned her. We crawled under something to escape. But I got arrested for something that I didn’t do after being hurt in the explosion. So was in hospital there was a flower as time passed many people were outside the window of the hospital room watching. Then there was a trial. I wasn’t guilty but the guy said he lost faith in the judge and the prosecutor because they weren’t there to get the actual person who did the crime then a fight broke out, I told someone to go home instead of join the fighting. Then I took a circle thing from my mom and I was trying to go through this door to find something. I took the circular scanner to be able to scan the environment down there. Everyone kept talking trying to tell me what to do and I told them to shut up and went to the door of the cave. The door locked behind me so none of them could follow. My dad had left earlier but when I crawled through the cave I found him swimming near a bridge and he came back to tell me about a shark over there he was battling but I didn’t want him to get bitten and told him to get out the water and go back to land. Then I went to the bridge and over it. There was a part where I crossed the bridge then was transported into the past and danced with a girl who was the same girl I was dating in the future. We had sex in the tent at a type of festival event. Before I realized if we had made it through tough times but then still were together in the future. Then I was crossing another bridge but this time there was a man behind me trying to get me and the girl who was helping me but she was scared to cross at first to solve the puzzle. Then when I went across there was a puppy leading me so when the girl joined me she went ahead and walked across the plank of wood the connected us to the other side. The man behind us tried to reach us and I wasn’t sure if it was to hurt us or not but I stopped the bridge puzzle from letting him get us and let my girl go ahead to safety. When I did that the mechanism sent the plank of wood into the water so he couldn’t cross without the plank of wood. I tried to catch it with another mechanism but it got stuck so I jumped in the water to fix it. Only then I saw two boys and jumped because they were making a raft surf board thing and tried to jump on it but it solidified from powder to squishy stuff. I told them it was hard and then was helping them make the board when they asked me about my girl I was telling them that she is my soul mate and I told them that she was like a princess but also someone who is special to me. When suddenly she came in the room but I was focused on helping the boys but I smiled at her. I forgot what question I was asked before I woke up

14 May 2024



I dream about fighting a big snake with a flower tail. Trying to kill it but instead i put it in a hole and cover it with a heavy metal lid

20 Apr 2024



I’m in a back yard with my husband and there is a special little flower floating in the air and I’m trying to catch it. As I attempt to catch it I am almost stung by a bee and then realize there’s a hornet attacking the bee. I step away frightened of being stung myself. I feel bad for the little bee and then notice there are hornets killing bees all over the grass. I get on a bench to escape the possible sting of these hornets. As I sit on the bench beside my husband it begins to rain and two old ladies come outside. One is sick and proceeds to vomit in the muddied grass and then has diareah in the yard. And doesn’t wash her hands and touches my shoulder. I’m grossed out. The other old woman wants $125 she says we owe her. My husband gives it to her, but I exclaim we already paid her. And chase after her and say grandma we already paid you. And we get our money back. Now we are in and apartment with a young Jewish man and his toddler son. He has a huge wooden entertainment center and we discuss how it looks strong and sturdy but he explains it’s plastic and not strong. I walk into the kitchen and make the child a hamburger that is broken in two pieces. He is starving and skinny. In the middle of making the burger the child gets sick and needs a doctor. We take him to a chiropractor where his mother is there and she is distant and unconcerned signing the paperwork. She scoffs that I’m a mother and doesn’t believe me. I try to make the child comfortable and remind him if he is patient and listens I have the hamburger when he’s done. The doctor says the original doctor is too old and out of the office. I say I remember him and he worked on me as a child with my scoliosis. The new doctor touches my back and says I see. There is crashing coming from a closed door and the child’s mother says are they really having sex? I say we haven’t had sex in 8 years and she says I thought it was six and I reassured her I know my marriage.

9 Apr 2024



I was on the beach in a hut and I’m taking care of two flower pots but this huge wave comes and messes the flowers up so I close the shutters in the hut to keep them safe from the waves. I show the flowers to a lady and she says they’ll get better with time

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