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Dream Interpretation: Rabbit 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Rabbit? Discover the significance of seeing a Rabbit in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Rabbit appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

It symbolizes good luck, fortune, and prosperity you will soon find in your waking life. However, just like rabbits, you will find yourself unsettling and anxious. Yet, keeping a positive outlook will help you in the future. They also signify innocence, abundance, warmth, and fertility.

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🧭 Direction

Good fortune

Abundance will enter your life soon, be well prepared for it. Things you have been waiting for a long time will soon come to you; keep moving in the same direction as it's the correct one for you. If you are struggling with anything in your daily life, strive a little more, success is right around the corner.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a rabbit can evoke feelings of curiosity, agility, and vulnerability. It may symbolize a desire for freedom and exploration, as well as a need to be cautious and adaptable in uncertain situations. The presence of a rabbit in a dream can also bring a sense of playfulness and innocence, reminding us to embrace joy and spontaneity in our waking lives. Overall, this dream may leave one with a sense of wonder and a reminder to balance our instincts with carefulness.





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Dreams of users containing the word Rabbit

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14 Jul 2024



I had a dream that I was a rabbit and I was on a island. It was very pretty. I was running towards a mountain. I came across a gap between the mountain and a part of the island. I quickly jumped over it. I climbed the steep mountain. In the middle of climbing I looked back and saw the island but it felt really real. I finally got to the top. All I had to do was put my hands on the indint to pull my self up. I grew hands and knees. I pulled myself up to the top but I felt scared. I then climbed down. And to climb back up.

1 Jul 2024



I was a rabbit living in the woods with my rabbit family, until someone (a human) came through and blocked us in our rabbit hole and set it on fire so we burned alive

17 Jun 2024



I was by the river they were building new housing there was a class going on and I saw my cousin skipping it. I was at a ball game. My late grandma was there. I was so happy that I kept teasing her. Then her coworker told me that she fell asleep. I started working at the ball games for a little while. Then I went to the river and I was gonna trap some rabbits. But a baby rabbit was right in front of me and it didn’t run. I picked it up and decided to keep it. I walked farther along the river and saw a ravens nest in a rotten old tree. I picked some branches off I was going to see if there were eggs but the tree might fall apart. I tried going back the way I came by the river but it was flooded.

16 Jun 2024

Running away


I had a dream that I was sitting down in the woods with my uncle next to us on a tree branch about chest height there was a half-skinned rabbit that I was regrettably getting ready to eat. I felt bad because of it being killed and now dead. Around my uncle and I in the trees and in the air, we saw two different types of big birds flying around. One looked to be la white osprey and the other to be a white and brown duck. It looked like the ospreys were chasing and attacking the ducks and there was one osprey that caught a dead duck and brought it up to the tree to eat. After seeing this, I looked back at the half-skinned rabbit that I was getting ready to eat and it slowly began coming back to life this made me feel even worse because of how much pain it must be experiencing having been skinned and it was running away for its life. I felt sad because I knew as it attempts to flee one of the ospreys were going to swoop down and kill it. It pained me that escape from death and pain was inevitable for the rabbit

8 Jun 2024



I lived my life as Alice in wonderland but there was a place the mad hatter and the rabbit wouldn't go so me and my pet rabbit went to it and crossed to the other side it was an emptied white room but the butterflies and creatures came over and lead me through the unknown and I skipped through the unknown territory.

29 May 2024



I was with Adam on a sun porch. I saw a rabbit come up behind him and we were both able to pet him. He left, then I went into a bathroom and noticed yellow worms coming out of the shower drain. I saw the rabbit again and his ears were injured and he looked to have other injuries. I pet him again to see what was hurting him. More worms started coming out of the drain and flooding the bathroom

25 May 2024



My dream started out with my friend and I in this big wooden house. Him and I were in the shower and all of a sudden Graham got lost in his mind. He went out of the shower, sat down against the wall. Although his eyes were still awake, you can tell that he was in another dimension. Although it was a scary moment for Graham, I wasn’t too worried because I felt I have been in his shoes before. I attempted to comfort him by letting him know everything will be okay and that I’ve been in his position. My dream transitioned to myself being around a pond in the woods with my car. I tried to drive my car back to where I came from up a hill but unfortunately my car died and I had to leave it by the pond. I got back to the house that I was staying with my uncle and two cousins. When we were around the pool my uncle walked up with the same bathing suit that I was wearing. A light blue bathing suit with pink flamingos. after laughing about that a white rabbit with pinkish red eyes arrived I assumed it was the house pet and it was really fluffy and cuddly and we both appreciated looking at the bunny it jumped onto the railing of the balcony and we were worried that would fall off but it wasn't worried at all and jumped back to our feet. Finally, the dream transitioned one more time to me, my cousin Alex, and my aunt driving down a one lane road through the woods. My aunt was driving and there were cars in front of us and behind us. All of a sudden, as I was looking back, I saw that we went off the road and are now heading through the woods, trees were passing my view, and I embraced for impact. everything went black.

6 May 2024



I had a dream of a white rabbit. It kept coming towards me, then Someone picked it up and it tried to reach out for me. I took the rabbit from them and continued to rub it until I woke up.

28 Apr 2024



I dream about drowning in mud with my sister. I was having fun suddenly I felt someone is behind me I saw my bestfriends brother who came to find me where I was and take me home , he has phone in his hand and talking with my brother . I saw in my dream I'm with my sister at my mom's village . Their was a small old time shop children shop my sister took some toys and snacks and I liked the sticker of rabbit I lov it . Then I saw two men physically fighting with each other very badly I got scared and wakeup from dream

26 Apr 2024



The story of the cony Melina dream

20 Apr 2024



I was in my workplace and we were working as usual. Suddenly, one of my colleagues started teaching us Arabic. Suddenly, we're outside, divided into teams and searching for firewood. Then, I found a toy rabbit. When I picked it up, it became a real rabbit and was very grateful for me saving it. I stroked it a few times before it hopped away. Then, we're back to my workplace and I'm holding some food and smiling as I walk past some of my workmates. Then, I go back to my seat but my teammates are all different. They're talking about something on the screen but I'm only mildly interested.

8 Apr 2024



I was responsible for taking care of my step dad's rabbits. (Growing up in real life we had a rabbit farm.) I went to check on the rabbits and a bear had ripped through 2 put of the 3 barns and killed most of the rabbits. I tried to catch and re cage as many rabbits as possible. When my syep dad returned I showed him the barns. It was like we could still see the bear in one of the barns, like it had died in there. That's all I remember right now

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