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Dream Interpretation: Drawing 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Drawing? Discover the significance of seeing a Drawing in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Drawing appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of drawing can represent your creative side and your desire to express yourself. It can also indicate a need for self-reflection and introspection. Pay attention to the details in the drawing as they may hold significance.

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🧭 Direction


Consider what you were drawing and how it made you feel. Are there any emotions or thoughts that come up for you? Use this as an opportunity to explore your inner self and express your creativity. Consider taking up a new hobby or artistic pursuit to further explore this aspect of yourself.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a drawing evokes a sense of creativity and self-expression. It brings feelings of inspiration, imagination, and the desire to communicate through art. This dream may also signify a need for self-reflection and introspection, as drawing often represents the inner thoughts and emotions of the dreamer. It can evoke a sense of satisfaction and fulfillment, as the act of creating something visually appealing brings joy and a sense of accomplishment. Overall, the dream of a drawing elicits positive emotions associated with artistic expression and the exploration of one's inner world.





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9 Jul 2024



Had a dream I was flying and I saw my old teacher Mr Burns Floating As Well. I came to him trying to call his name and At first he didn’t say anything. Than he turned his head and he told me how we can all astral travel. I was with OTR CHAZ at the store and syd was on the phone but I hung up because I didn’t want chaz to see me on phone with Syd. My friend Zhaydn was drawing pictures for me and I liked the way most of them looked. Than Me & My Mom & My Stepdad were having a conversation. Also, in the dream a homeless man was telling good things to my mom about me. Towards the end of the dream me and otr chaz was going down a hallway. In the hallway we say Blue benjamin sleepy & he had a crowd of people with him but me and otr chaz decided we would go our own way. We were on the way to a performance and Zhadyn and i drew a ugly picture for the show that none of us liked. So otr chaz told me go on stage with something else instead. Zhadyn told me go on stage with mg album cover. Dreams can be deeply personal and often reflect our subconscious thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Here's a possible interpretation of your dream: 1. **Flying and Astral Travel**: Flying often represents a sense of freedom, control, and escape from daily pressures. Seeing your old teacher, Mr. Burns, floating and talking about astral travel could symbolize a longing for spiritual growth or guidance. It might suggest that you're seeking higher understanding or a different perspective in life. 2. **Interactions with OTR CHAZ and Syd**: Being at the store with OTR CHAZ and hanging up on Syd suggests a conflict or fear of judgment. It could indicate that you are concerned about how certain relationships or actions are perceived by others, especially those close to you. 3. **Zhaydn's Drawings**: Appreciating most of Zhaydn's drawings but not all could symbolize creativity and self-expression. It might reflect your own creative process and the acceptance of not everything being perfect, yet still finding value in the effort. 4. **Family Conversation**: The discussion with your mom and stepdad represents family dynamics and communication. The homeless man's praise for you to your mom suggests a desire for recognition and validation from your family or community. 5. **Decision in the Hallway**: Walking down a hallway with OTR CHAZ and choosing a different path from Blue Benjamin Sleepy and his crowd might signify making independent choices and not following the crowd. It reflects a desire to carve your own path, especially in the face of peer pressure or societal expectations. 6. **Performance and Album Cover**: Preparing for a performance and the incident with the ugly picture indicates concerns about presenting yourself and your work. OTR CHAZ's advice to go on stage with something else, and Zhaydn suggesting your album cover, points to self-confidence and trusting in your authentic self and past achievements. Overall, this dream might be highlighting your journey towards self-discovery, the balance between individuality and relationships, and the pursuit of personal and creative fulfillment. It suggests a need for spiritual growth, self-acceptance, and validation both from within and from those around you.

12 Jun 2024



I’m driving a car, my family is in it. It’s dark, maybe rains a little. We are going on a bridge and I’m drinving up this spiral thing. My daughter suddenly screams: watch out! You are on the wrong side. I’m calm. I think that I already felt weird. But I take the time to check if she is right. I see 2 cars coming my way. I know she is right. I go a bit on the side, let 2 cars pass and then I make a u-turn. Really not a big deal. As we come back down, 2 men are trying to stop me. Telliing me I can‘t go through. I find it silly, my husband argues with them. And I just quickly go. We are back home, I‘m working on an art projet, maybe a tatto. My husband is on the phone and hands me the phone. It‘s his best friend asking me how Iam. I‘m not sure what he means. He says because if the bridge thing. I say that I have already forgotten about it. Normally these things I don‘t hang on to. I want to ho back to my work and hang up. My husband cones and wants to emnrace me. I have an idea at that moment about my drawing. I hug him, but my thoughts are somewhere else….

1 Jun 2024



There is a beautiful body of water. I am trying to draw it but cannot make it look multicolored enough. So I ask Trish to help me learn to draw it and create depth with different colors of blue in the water.

27 May 2024

Best Friend


I was trying pictures, but any picture I draw would come true and my best friend could also do the same power so we kept drawing things we wanted but it turned into chaos so we can fix it

1 May 2024



i was drawing these people that lived i. the coraline universe and suddenly i went in the story and started seeing characters for what the really were. the boy character i drew was talking about how he used to talk to his dad about love all the time and suddenly it clicked why he didnt know anything about it. then he remembered that he only went to his grandparents house when he needed something and he wanted to stop that. then i kept going in and out of consciousness and saying i need to gwt all the aleep i can for this algebra final today

7 Apr 2024



I dream someone is drawing/writing something on my thigh.. we we're on the classroom.. it's still daylight.. I'm ticklish in there so I just left.. then I passed by my adviser and some student. It's a girl. She seems very enthusiastic and polite. Yet I find it a bit annoying..

5 Apr 2024



Me and another man were sent to another country by a rich guy to rent an apartment and find a million dollars hidden there. While we were looking, I enjoyed drawing on the walls. I painted a beautiful city, and then got scared when I remembered that the apartment isn't mine. But luckily, I then noticed that there's a glass on the wall, and I'll be able to wash it later. I was relieved. We had to decipher weird symbols, do calculations of the cipher, and look for the money everywhere. I also got a prophecy that the boss will catch me and kill me, and I was scared. Finallyz we found the money. We decided to pretend that we're still looking for it, and then flee the country. We were packing our staff, hiding our traces, hiding the symbols, hiding the money, etc. The boss found out that we found the money, and was about to get here soon. We needed to hurry up. It was scary. I woke up before the ending.

30 Mar 2024

Running away


Me and my immediate family was at our step fam house. Everyone was outside standing around. The eldest mom wanted to pray sing for us. There were a bunch more kids here than we actually have in the waking life. The eldest mom started and during her pray we heard someone going around inside the house. We thought it was an intruder because everyone was accounted for outside. I went to look and only found someone’s shadow running away. I went back inside with my bracelet broken and told the others that they were gone. They were heading back to the front yard but something in me wanted to go back and see who the intruder was. So I pretended to go look for my charms that were on my bracelet and seen a girl coming up the stairs. She looked a bit familiar. I told her she was pretty and wanted to get to know her more. She agreed so I was going to take down her number but then my family started to come back to see where I was. I told them everything was good and they helped with the broken bracelet. I left them again to quickly get her number but another girl was there. But I didn’t seem afraid. I said hi and the girl I was looking for came back. We all decided to be friends. As we were talking my family was coming back out to the back and we ran. We ran until we found a security card to a door and went in. There were people there and they thought were the new workers. So we went along with it to try to look around. There were two other new people , men, who were very nice. They had us drawing something each different and interesting. I couldn’t finish mine and they decided to help me. I didn’t know they were able to do that and I started crying. We ended up being live while the whole thing was playing out and our family found us, they were commenting about us. The people at the place we were at discovered we were runaways. I think we got kicked out. So we ended up with our families trying to explain everything and it was at some school. I felt like I was off the hook but one of the girls were in trouble. Not because she ran away but because her dad discovered she liked girls. I didn’t like that he didn’t approve. As they talked privately I looked around the school and there were people actually there learning. I climbed thru a vent in the floor and that’s where I found a storage room. A teacher came in to grab a hiding student and I told them I was only looking for something. So they let me go. I climbed back up and went to check on my new friend. She was crying and laying on the floor. I asked my mom what happened and where her dad go. She didn’t say anything. I went to her as she was lying there and she yelled “ I said ok!!” I guess he tried to “convert” her to not liking girls. I told her it was me and laid next to her. She started crying and said thanks. I don’t know where they other girl I liked had gone but we decided to run away again. We say a door down the hall and took our chance. It was a play room. But we couldn’t figure out how to get around. After we figured it out there were other kids there playing. We tried to figure out how to leave as we all got called to come back.

19 Mar 2024



I’m in this room of an academy and I felt like there was something off, but I ignored it. Then there was a door and a woman was at the door and she asked a boy to go and get the best workers from a nearby orphanage so in the morning the kids can go to this academy too. There was two girls that got roomed with me, one was a black girl with two puff balls on her head, the other girl looked strangely like the woman who ran the school, she had a sharp nose , blue eyes, blonde hair, but unlike the headmistress she had blue, pink, and red stripes of color in her hair. She was really kind and when I first went into the room she hugged me, but when she hugged me I could feel all of her emotions flooding into my soul. Weirdly any time I touched or hugged someone I could feel every feeling they had being leached from their bones and swim into mine. The woman was nice at first, but one time I walked into the room and she had the blonde girl by the hair. And she told her that she better focus on her studies instead of drawing. The girl pushed the headmistress away and into a wall. As the headmistress leaned against the wall I hit her with a rock. Thinking it was the girl she yelled do you think that you can hit me. So I responded by saying no she doesn’t but I do. And I ran at her and jumped on her back. She tree me off, an grabbed a needle from my desk. So in response I grabbed a pair of rusty scissors. I grab the girl and we run downstairs together trying to escape. But at the bottom of the stairs there looked to be a purple mist. Then I saw a phone with a text on it from the headmistress that said getthem. I knew that the fog was designed to make us fall asleep. But me and the girl ran through it like it wasn’t there. But I could hear singing. As we got to the edge of the property we started to run even faster because a woman was running after us. Still we kept running until we got to a nearby town. It felt like we’ve been to this town before though.

12 Mar 2024

High School


I walked by this woman’s shop in the mall but it was a big store and she didn’t have a lot of things but the stuff she did have looked cool/good. This woman was a business owner (I wasn’t going to go by her shop originally but decided I should) and a part time tattoo artist. The first day I walked by it was at a mall and it was good, seen some old friends and left the mall thinking because it was a store with Middle Eastern vines to it, it was in the NE of the city. When I left the mall ut was gloomy, cloudy and looked it was going to rain, and I was actually in the SW. The next day I returned, she told me she also does tattooing. She drew a heart in the wal to show me with some kind of paste. It was lopsided and didn’t look the best. She said she would do one for me. I was hesitant but was trying to think of places that wouldn’t be seen often that she could place this heart tattoo. I thought about under my left ring finger but I did want that there because I didn’t want it to look bad with my wedding ring when I get one. So I kept trying to think of places. Some friends from high school came in, looked around and started making fun of her stuff. Those people and their friends who I didn’t know started heckling her and making her feel bad for being mediocre at what she did, so I defended her and stood up for her. The store was full of people, had cool lights going and was kind of a spectacle going on before all this. Everyone turned to look as I berated these people for making fun of someone. I didn’t scold them because I felt the need to impress anyone, I did it because I felt like they had no business telling that to someone and being mean to them. Once they left with a blasé attitude, everyone bowed to me. The woman who owned the business started tearing up and telling me she was going to do a surprise tattoo on me for free as a thank you. I was really nervous to get it done but she started tattooing the middle of my back on my right side with black ink. I already have black tattoos so I was hoping so badly that she was not using any colour. She was not using any freezing or numbing for the tattoo and it hurt but I kept going. Someone in the back yelled out that she started using numbing cream when she tattooed because she realized the pain doesn’t make it more cool. They turn out the same. The lady who was doing my tattoo had a look of like well now you tell me! I’m in the middle of a tattoo! But we kept going. I could also see the tattoo as if I was a spectator watching and not the one being tattooed. But I was. And I could feel the pain from it. She started drawing fingers as part of a hand, and it actually looked very well done. Not sloppy or messy at all. She was tattooing a right hand opening up. Like a hand palm up in a relaxed state, but opening up more, and slowly. She did the pinky finger and started the ring finger when I woke up- but I knew what the tattoo was going to be. I know it was going to be done in all black ink, a right hand, palm up, opening slowly, with a red string weaving between the fingers and maybe around the wrist? But definitely a loose red string weaved between my fingers. Then I woke up before she could finish the tattoo.

6 Mar 2024



A circle on top of a triangle and then drawing something below the traingle in the sand to help with the equation.

3 Mar 2024

New Job


I spent most of my time asleep thinking of what season 2 of Hazbin hotel might offer. Not sure weather I was dreaming or just thinking and theorizing on one of my new special interests. While asleep, I thought about how Alastor sold his soul to a being much more powerful than him. My only thought is he sold his soul to Lilith but why? To help with the hotel? Ok but this, Lute is upset that Adam is dead and hands I think what appears to be Lilith his halo. But, wait! There's more! Lilith is in heaven? How can that be when she is a sinner demon, and the queen of hell? Is heaven chill with this?? Just the queen of hell and Lucifer's wife chilling in heaven? I know she's Adam's ex but she is now married to Lucifer. What is she doing in heaven? Does she have Alastor's soul, witch is something only demons can do, not angels. So she's not an angel. Why does Lute have business with a demon, most important, queen of hell, wouldn't she be against that? If she wants all of hell spawn dead, why make friends with queen of hell? Is that something heaven should get involved with? Now Adam is dead and Lute is next in command and she's out for demon blood, won't the exterminations just get worse? Heaven and hell civil war? That's my thinking. I got to that conclusion before the real dream started. These were just passing thoughts before I drempt anything. In my accual dream was more organizing! My fish by name, dogs by breed and name, girl scout folders by name, folders by color, plants by color, and fish again by species. Then it went to me talking to Maddie about my previous theories about Hazbin hotel and laying out paper after paper, drawing after drawing, artwork, essays, then I woke up.

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