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Dream Interpretation: Art 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Art? Discover the significance of seeing a Art in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Art appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of art symbolizes creativity, self-expression, and individuality. It may indicate a desire to explore your artistic side or to express yourself in a unique way. It can also represent a need for beauty and aesthetics in your life.

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🧭 Direction


Consider exploring your creative side and finding ways to express yourself through art. This could be through painting, drawing, writing, or any other form of artistic expression. Surround yourself with beauty and seek out experiences that inspire you. Allow yourself to be unique and embrace your individuality.

❤️ Feelings

This dream evokes a sense of creativity and self-expression. It brings feelings of inspiration, passion, and the desire to create something beautiful. It may also symbolize the need for artistic expression or the exploration of one's artistic talents. The dream may leave a person feeling motivated and excited about their artistic endeavors.





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Dreams of users containing the word Art

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16 Jul 2024

Best Friend
My crush


my childhood best friend’s younger brother, steve sang “Crazy for You” with his eyes closed by Adele while sitting next to me in a row of what i think was a school bus. i’m pretty sure we were instructed to sing as a part of some competition for a class but I can’t remember the specifics. also we were all grown up, me 24, him 21. as steve sang the song by Adele, he stitched together the lyrics with his hands, as if he was sewing the melody. I told him that I also move my hands to the beat in a particular pattern as I sing, but I follow it nonlinearly, like a wave. I remember saying how “fascinating” about the fact that he also follows a pattern to the beat with his hands, which he sees in his mind while his eyes are closed as he sings. i was in awe of his voice. it was absolutely gorgeous. I literally had my jaw dropped listening as I had no idea he could sing! I told him that Adele was my favorite singer to sing to and he was like “oh my God I have to hear you I didn’t know you sang!” i responded with a kinda snarky comment for some reason, saying something along the lines of “of course I do! I’m surprised you didn’t know since I always sang as a kid like nonstop, because I had Tourette’s and couldn’t help it lol” and then the lyrics to “don’t you remember” by Adele started to play in the background of my mind, meaning steve couldn’t hear it, but I could, so I told him I would sing that song for him. before I could though, I woke up. also for context, i had a massive crush on steve as a kid but it was unrequited. every once in a while I have a dream about him though I haven’t seen him in about 10 years. i had a dream about him earlier this year on march 24th, 2024 where he showed me his artistic work, which I was surprised he had created, because when we were younger, we didn’t really show each other or are that much. Though I did teach him, my best friend and their youngest brother, as if we were in a classroom a lot when we were younger, like I played the role of teacher, and they were my students.

11 Jul 2024



I dreamed that i had created 2 peices of art one was a bowl of sushi rolls that had not yet been sliced bunched up in a bowl. I showed them to my friend Sean, and he asked me about my inspiration. My dreamed jumped to a memory of me getting on the train and it being soo packed; the platform was full with peoople waiting to get on the train. So much so people waiting on the tracks. I was on the train, and we rode past all the people, not stopping. I had gotten on the train with good timing and did not have to wait. I told sean these uncut sushi rolls represented this 1 train experience. He was so proud of me he sent me an email to submit my artwork for a competition. I was flattered and uploaded the pictures of my art.

7 Jul 2024



Last night I dreamt that I was doing lots of creative projects with my friend Alice. We were making art, as well as jewellery, like we did when ai lived in Perth.

6 Jul 2024

Building (Place)
Locked Door


I dreamt I was in a building and I was presenting my artwork. It was my art show. I saw my old library manager there. Another part of my dream was I was my grandparents house and some man tried to enter, and I knew something was wrong with him. I quickly locked all the doors but I was worried that they would break the old glass windows. I remember try to lock the door and the man was on the other side trying to come in. It was difficult but I fought back until I finally locked it.

21 Jun 2024



Dream August 4th, There was a school I kept going in and out the basement of.. There was people, she felt like a Sophia or a Garcia. There was Pokémon and magic staff themed things. I remember jumping high and feeling like flying, before going back down to help others. A “Toto” calling me and unable to reach me via Pokemon or a similar device is.. apparent 3 times. I believe at another point, I was adopting a pet…a chinchilla with big adorable eyes. The rest is a blur but I know the person at the register behind the counter was a Black teen/young adult with a sweet and pretty smile. More school and parking lot shenanigans, glad I wasn’t Naked this time. Corvid and Grayhawk were in the dream Corvid and Grayhawk were talking about my art, there was a drastic bad turn of events, I feel like I was insulted over what I created desire burnout. I got angry. Then I remember lunging towards Corvid, and the counter and the realization of what’s going on stopped me, then Grayhawk warned me about getting angry and. I’m sure that’s not what was said, I believe I was going to get kicked out if I got angry enough to retaliate again. Then…our scenery changed drastically, I remember we were running. It gave off Marvel Vibes but something was different. It felt like a scene of the Last of Us, but the zombie-like creatures were slow and blackened with soot and char? They piled over each over trying to get to something. I could see who was around me…a formerly canine black furred humanoid(?) being kept looking around but stayed close to me. Grayhawk was best again also looking around trying to help. We were in the middle of trench like forest hills.. in the distance there were…3-4 gigantic humanoids. One with blonde hair, pale skin, and a red and blue latex suit was clear enough to notice. She may have seen me and she started to fight to get to me. Then I found myself panicked and on top of a grassy hill, where I saw a couple other big forest supernatural beings hiding in shelter the best I could. I remember trying to summon a Black Gemmed Toxic Staff from a previous dream, but was unable to call it forth. Then I tried to call my White Vernacular Magic Staff and I was having a bit more success when… I awoke to my own hand twitching against me.

20 Jun 2024

Angry at mom


⁃ We were in a school…a warped version of my middle school and the main hall from Albert Einstein High School. ⁃ Climbing stairs to different floors ⁃ TwistedDisaster (Michie) was there? With a promise and coloring character designs ⁃ Someone in a wrap similar to an Arabian Woman but the wrap was fully colored in Gradient rainbow was being drawn. Even outside the lines ⁃ Mrs. Walsh & Mrs. Harris were there as I did this— ⁃ Michie eventually turned me away for any more drawing ⁃ Both art teachers were giving me medicine(?) through my wrist—needles? ⁃ At sole point I started being able to jump floors and stories and land safely with no broke bones and legs ⁃ After awhile I was sent to Mrs Harris again and she gave me another shot ⁃ I was no longer masking. Unable to mask what I’m thinking or feeling, and unable to hold either back. ⁃ At this discovery from saying what was on my mind, I found Mrs. Harris. And she asked, “How do you feel?” ⁃ I let her have it. Explaining how saying what the Fuck I thought all the time was dangerous, how it contributed to my bruises, cuts, and majority of my physical and mental abuse by my mother. I was angry at Mrs. Harris. ⁃ Thoroughly explaining also why I was terrified to speak my mind, as I’m now only way to speak. As it’s caused me to be I betrayed and ousted by several communities ⁃ I see someone in the distance. I chase them like they’re the White Rabbit in Wonderland. He’s been evasive and even managing to trick me and a few others byby disguising himself as a cop. ⁃ The cop was in his normal clothes but I had a “Wait a minute” moment ⁃ Looked behind him and saw the person I was chasing with his hoodie or strung up shirt wrapped around his body like a harness running away as I chased him—hot on his tail again ⁃ He goes one way and I suggest to two others to cut him off at the exit but the longer way. And to be quick about it. ⁃ A white dog with black spots—A Samoyed? Or a very floofy bear dog, I also gently commanded with urgency to pursue the running Individual. ⁃ I also start running. I wake up to David’s dark tabby male cat Lister purrs and loud audio in my headphones. Both are taken care of.

19 Jun 2024



◦ An older white man shoots a terrier dog, this dog was fighting the man to protect the woman ◦ A young white woman targeted by the older man gets hurt and is bleeding ◦ Fighting and arguing with my mom and grandma ◦ Youngest sister trying to find me ◦ Social Gathering, a wedding or art gallery (bachelorette party or hen night) ◦ Offered food, but indulges later, mini hashbrowns behind the door ◦ Art, Traditional paintings (1 is more cyan green of 2 women; and the other is pink with traces of red and purple: of a vague big lipped individual with sunglasses and a bun) ◦ There were 3 floors, only made it to the second floor ◦ Tried later to climb to second floor from second, but only thing available was a ladder which was unstable and broken ◦ Dancing with people, but failed to match their choreography and ran back inside. ◦ The dancing was at a place that had paths of sand but there was water leading to islands with Egyptian buildings in the distance (Arab? I heard Arab mentioned) ◦ 2 Black women tried to talk to me, like an intervention but also a serious conversation

18 Jun 2024



I was at a market with lots of people and a guy I was dating. I was sorting art at a stall. I couldn't find my boyfriend and went looking for him and found him at the toilet. I asked him if we could leave, so we booked a taxi. It would cost £10 and his friend wanted to come along with us. I spoke to his ex girlfriend who was upset he had a new girlfriend so quickly. I said, don't be upset he is a male slag.

12 Jun 2024



being in a big comic gallery? In the dream there were so many comic books with various titles and stories and they were very colorful

12 Jun 2024

My crush


I was in some sort of stadium with two friends and we had to participate in a competition making art that would later be judged upon getting to my seat I remember being really scared because we were high up and the seats were at a slant so I was afraid I would fall so I held on tightly to my seat while I worked on my project I was the first to judged and the judge was quite harsh when judging me and and everyone laughed that made me very angry and so went on a rampage destroying everyone's work despite the fact I was scared to stand I stomped and crushed everything in site and the judge went and judged the remains at the end he came by and put his hand on my shoulder where I quickly swung around and grabbed him attempting to harm his telling him to keep his Gosh darn hands off of me before letting him go.

12 Jun 2024



I’m driving a car, my family is in it. It’s dark, maybe rains a little. We are going on a bridge and I’m drinving up this spiral thing. My daughter suddenly screams: watch out! You are on the wrong side. I’m calm. I think that I already felt weird. But I take the time to check if she is right. I see 2 cars coming my way. I know she is right. I go a bit on the side, let 2 cars pass and then I make a u-turn. Really not a big deal. As we come back down, 2 men are trying to stop me. Telliing me I can‘t go through. I find it silly, my husband argues with them. And I just quickly go. We are back home, I‘m working on an art projet, maybe a tatto. My husband is on the phone and hands me the phone. It‘s his best friend asking me how Iam. I‘m not sure what he means. He says because if the bridge thing. I say that I have already forgotten about it. Normally these things I don‘t hang on to. I want to ho back to my work and hang up. My husband cones and wants to emnrace me. I have an idea at that moment about my drawing. I hug him, but my thoughts are somewhere else….

10 Jun 2024

My crush


Dreamed I was back in school. We were having some kind of special day. Kind of like a job day, but not really. At first I didn't know what was going on, and I was trying to help set up. Everyone knew exactly what they were doing and I was getting in the way. I saw a girl with a huge training dog and wanted to touch it but I didn't, and went the other way. First I went and talked with another girl and asked her what she was planning on going to college for and she sao music. I told her that I was planning on doing something art wise or music too, but that I was too afraid Id be a starving artist. She tells me I'm being too hard on myself and that I'll never know if I don't try. I then start wandering around and find a woman standing next to a kitten. I turn to the kitten and crouch down and pet it for a good long while and it seems to be really liking it. Later, after everything is done, I'm lagging behind but I'm worried about a guy I have a crush on because I haven't seen him all day. Theres this black kid who's been known to bully him and I ask politely where he is. The guy is so mean he takes out special cleaning supplies and burns straight through my backpack that I was wearing. I'm mad now, and I turn towards some girls and they tell me "you don't have anything, your backpack was ruined along with everything in it." Now I'm mad and worried. I go to the black kid and I slam him into a locker and keep the door closed so he's stuck in the locker and at this point I'm yelling and asking for the name of the guy I like and where he is. Finally the guy goes "I locked him in the emergency tube!" I let him out but grab him by the throat and slam him again at the lockers and tell him that if he doe it again I'LL be the one to put him there. I turn and start running toward the emergency tube. I pass the kitten but I don't go to it like I want to. It gets startled and hides under something. I run to the guy I like and he is in the emergency tube. Its like where someone goes I'd they broke a bone or got sick, but I had been told that if you're fine, it acts like you're not and basically hurts your body and tries to do surgery on you. I see the guy I like and he goes "You have to get me out quick! It hasn't kicked on, but usually you get to me before I'm in here. I don't know whats going to happen." Just as I turn to the computer that tells the tube what to do, he doubles over in pain and IRS like looking through his skull from an xray. I start fiddling with the tube to see if I can find the way to open it filled with anxiety and then I wake up.

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