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Dream Interpretation: Acting ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Acting? Discover the significance of seeing a Acting in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Acting appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of acting symbolizes your desire to be someone else or to escape from your current situation. It may also indicate that you are not being true to yourself and are putting on a facade to please others. Alternatively, it could represent your creativity and ability to adapt to different roles.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Reflect on your current situation and ask yourself if you are being true to yourself. Are you putting on a facade to please others? If so, it's time to start being authentic and true to yourself. Alternatively, if you are feeling stuck in your current situation, consider exploring new opportunities and roles that align with your passions and interests.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of acting can evoke a sense of excitement and anticipation. It may bring feelings of creativity, self-expression, and the desire to be seen and recognized. This dream can also elicit a sense of vulnerability and fear of judgment, as well as the thrill of stepping into a different persona. Overall, the dream of acting can generate a mix of emotions, ranging from exhilaration to apprehension, as one navigates the stage of life and explores different roles and identities.





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Dreams of users containing the word Acting

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30 Jun 2024



Okay, so today I dreamt I was in this really cool city, like a kind of, it was a night, you know, it was a bit steampunk vibe, kind of pop-it vibe, lively, mysterious city, and I went to a theatre course that is for people that write their own pieces and then people just come together like in a book club and they played that piece and it was really amazing. I was just watching them and they had costumes prepared and they had a regisseur who would come in and throw in some info by the side, but otherwise they would just go ahead and play right off the bat, and that was really impressive, and then also later I was in kind of a weird garden, like a bit of a graveyard, and there was a statue, and in general it wasn't all good, but at some point that statue moved, and then I already knew that something was going to happen, and then that statue ran towards me like some kind of creepy monster creature, and I woke up then a little bit, but then fell asleep again, and I was in an area, like a big party, oh yes, I organised my own party and did that on like a kind of big huge garden section, and it was pretty plain grass, and I basically built up this huge treehouse complex with bridges connecting them and loads of space and then lights around everything, so it was really atmospheric and then basically people were having an excellent time, I remember, walking across the bridges and even my friend Liam came, and yeah, that was mad, but it was expanded because some neighbours were complaining, and finally I was part of a, I don't know if it was a refugee family, but we basically were digging like some kind of shelter, protection for people, for the family that was escaping, yeah it was a very diverse dream

13 Jun 2024



I was driving around finding parking and saw my other exโ€™s car. I wrote him a note where i expressed being upset about ending as the bad guy when Iโ€™m my opinion he never tried at all. Then he send someone to tell me in front of everyone that I was miserable, he said more things but i didnโ€™t want to listen, and I acted like it wasnโ€™t with me. After that, I went and left another note in his car saying more things about how he treated me in the past

8 Jun 2024



My boyfriend was possessed and acting really weird I was scared

3 Jun 2024



I was in an acting job. One that refused to pay me the proper way. This was in a dark theatre with spot lights on all the actors. Then it switched to me snowboarding with three guys I never met. They wanted me to become their roommates except one.

21 May 2024



I was attending elementary school as an adult. I was out on the playground when this kid wouldnโ€™t leave me and my friend alone. So I suggested we act as weird as fucking possible so that he would fuck off. My friend asked how we were gonna do that (and also said that could backfire), and I told her to watch me. Then I said โ€œOkay, weโ€™re playing supermarket now. Iโ€™m gonna be a can of beans.โ€ Then I T-posed and shouted โ€œBEANS, BEANS, BEANS, BEANS, BEANS!โ€ Then I woke up.

13 May 2024



My abusive ex boyfriend was in my apartment and literally acting like nothing ever happened. Like we never broke up. I knew something felt off about this but I couldnโ€™t remember that we broke up or that Iโ€™ve been with someone else for a while now. It was weird and off putting how normal everything seemed and then toward the end of the dream when I could remember my actual life and my actual relationship with this man, I told him I needed him to get out. He looked at me and said โ€œOh? It wore off you can remember now?โ€ I told him I have no idea what heโ€™s talking about but he needs to leave immediately. He told me he will but that he hopes I didnโ€™t like my actual boyfriend for his looks because heโ€™s disfigured now

11 May 2024



I dreamt I was meeting with my clinician and she actually heard my concerns. Then I was an actress and my costar cuddled me and told me I need to shower. But he was okay with it. He still liked me.

9 Apr 2024



I was driving to work , realized I forgot something at home and went back to get it . When I got home I went into my bedroom to get whatever it was that I had forgot and found my ex girlfriend thier , we talked about something and then kissed for a bit after that we went into the kitchen where my mom was and we all talked about stuff I canโ€™t remember what we talked about but I was happy and excited and relieved that my ex girlfriend came back to me . But out of knowwhere my mom and my ex girlfriend started acting like best friends and hinting that my ex stayed the night last night and I never knew and then I found out that she had moved on very soon after the relationship and that angered me immensely and I then yelled at her to leave and to explain herself but she went silent and would not speak and my mom was taking her side and not explaining either since it was implied she knew as well but neither would say anything. At the end of the dream I was yelling at them to explain and crying I donโ€™t remember much after that but i woke up from my dream soon after

7 Apr 2024



My dream was about my old crush and he decided to unblock me and he saw all the text I sent will I was blocked and he showed them to me and said look at all these what are these and I told asked him to not read them I begged because I used it as a way to vent and it had som personal stuff but then I went back into class and at lunch time and me and my friend decided to not go out to recces and stay in which is the worst thing to do in my school but we did and one of the recces lady's told our teacher and he came down and dragged us back to class and gave use 2 think sheets and those are little papers that say how bad we where and our parents have to sign and those are the worst punishment ever And that's the day I was super sad or just not talking to the teacher and the teacher was like you're not acting how you would act today and then I woke up.

6 Apr 2024



I dreamt about sitting down at a table with my girlfriend and she was kinda shoving her whole body into me because there was a very very friendly polar bear behind her and it was trying to hug her but when I noticed the polar bear it started smelling me and it came and started attacking me WITH LOVE it came and rolled over on my face like I felt like I was about to suffocate this polar bear was so cute it was acting like a dog .

6 Apr 2024



I had a pet. It's something like a reptile, had scales and looked like a snake. It was short but round-like similar to a mudfish. It wasn't moving. It's petrified. I had another one. A turtle. When I left them together, the snake-mudfish pet ate the turtle. Then it turned into a croc, a size of a shih tzu. It was acting like a puppy. Playful. Running here and there. Chasing other pets such as dogs and even children while wagging it's tail. It stopped to drink into a laundry basin. I took it and put into a bigger basin filled with water. It stopped moving. Just floating like what crocs usually do. Then I realized that I was in a gathering. It was a prospecting event. A female agent had discussed something to me but I walked away. I explored the venue. I found myself into the garden. Food and beverage were served in there. They offered me a chocolate brownies but I turned it down. While moving around, I noticed a kid. Small and stout, taking his fill of the brownies and so I joined him and took a bite.

6 Apr 2024

Make Out


theres a little girl. we're on the ridge of a mountain. we are hungry. we hear commotion in the distance thinking its prey coming for us, only to realize we are on top of two giant things of fur. after some manipulation in the dream world we pull the fur loose and when the fur hits the ground it takes off. the white fur was wolves. the dream switches to a different landscape. ive had a dream in this house before. its modern with long hallways and lots of glass. some walls are all glass with big huge windows. its basically all glass and really high end furniture. the landscape switches again. i think im in my room at first. i cant remember exactly but i think i build something. i have all of these toys im building. i start picking up the trash in the room because a part of me thinks that's what im supposed to be doing. but then i got curious and i start looking for a name on something. i find it twice, once on an envelope, but both times i cant make out the name. then i realize im not me. im acting like someone else. someone rich. and then theres a little girl. she tells me to follow her quick! she was frustrated i was taking so long in "his" room. she takes me to hers and gives me clothes. she gives me them because she said what i was wearing (sweats and sweatshirt) is not what she wears. this makes me think i am supposed to be acting like her. she gives me an option of a color that i think is pink and then black in the same thing. i cant put the clothes on for the life of me. i eventually get the clothes on just in time for the girls mom to come check on me. she asks me how im doing etc. im putting on a good face for the mom. we eventually go outside the house. and right outside is a foot path. there are lots of people all around us. its a nice manicured area; almost park-like but not. i keep going north away from the house and the little girls pulls me aside onto this ridge where theres a fence. we hide but its just a mound of dirt and i keep slipping off the edge and the person we are hiding from sees me. theyre not in front of us but coming from behind. i try to climb the fence but i cant get any purchase. i remember i have done this before in a previous dream. i remember the technique and i get to the top. i start to go over the fence before i remember what i learned in the previous dream about how to get over to them (theres two guys - they reminded me of my brothers friends derek and someone else. i dont remember the thing i just remembered so they grab me and i start kickkng and fighting and trying to get over the fence but i cant get over. and then i wake up

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