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Dream Interpretation: Living 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Living? Discover the significance of seeing a Living in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Living appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This represents growth and change. Life is messy and always evloving, just like you.

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🧭 Direction


Whether you see something that is living which surprises you, or you find yourself living somewhere unexpected, your mind is trying to show you an area of growth and change in your life. The story is not over, embrace the mess and learn to find the opportunity in every situation.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of living evokes a sense of vitality and fulfillment. It brings feelings of joy, contentment, and a deep appreciation for the present moment. This dream signifies a strong connection to life and a desire to fully embrace and experience all that it has to offer. It instills a sense of purpose and reminds us to make the most of every opportunity. The dream of living inspires a positive outlook and a renewed sense of gratitude for the beauty and wonder of existence.





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Dreams of users containing the word Living

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15 May 2024



Living and Being by the ocean

29 Apr 2024

Haunted house


Living with my dead mom in a haunted house

8 Apr 2024



I was in my own version of Barbieland from the Barbie Movie. It was awesome honestly, i had such a good time it was hard to wake up. Feels like im living another life in my dreams

7 Apr 2024



I went on short vacation with a mother and her daughter. They were both grown. We rented out an air bnb and we were smoking and drinking and having fun. The day it was time to go, we were riding and I remember the daughter say “I haven’t smoked today.” And she motioned her hands to her mouth as if she was smoking. On the way to the airport, I was riding in her daughter’s car and we missed the exit turn to exit out the neighborhood to the main road. We decided to back into a driveway to turnaround and go back to the exit. I saw a man with dreads and wife and kids out on the porch. They were dressed in African clothing and jewelry beads. The man had African three drum set. They were about to make music. So we turn around and head toward the exit. I checked my phone to see if the mother and daughter had the same flight and we did. I don’t remember the flight exactly but when we landed and got off. I didn’t hear from the women again until we went to work. I talked to them and jokingly told them that they left me at the airport and disappeared. At work, we have a huge class and after eating lunch, I assisted the class with throwing their plate away. One causation girl didn’t want to hug me at first, threw her plate away, and smiled at me. Then she came back to hug me. After that, we let the children paint on two tables. I was coaching the teacher to tell her not to set out too much paint paper or it will get overwhelming. After some time it was time to go outside to play and we had some children that were still in the classroom. I had to say “who wants fish sticks” in order to get the children outside. Then I said we are playing kick ball to go outside. Some children went outside but some still wanted to stay inside. I went outside with the children and let the teacher know to stay inside with the rest of the children. Once we got outside, we had to climb down from these concrete steps and jump near a bush. I was a bit skeptical but the children had did it with no problem. I jumped and may have jumped to somewhere else because now I’m in the back of this house and I walk though the house through the front door. The house is empty. I walk out the front door and walked down the steps. The house is on a slight hill. I street walking on the street and noticed that this house is next to my childhood home. I walked up the street to get a better look at the home and some things are different about the house like a two garage door. There was also a shed in the back yard. Everything else resembled the same about the house. I then started to walk back to the house o came out of thinking to myself, “wow I’m going to buy this house and it’s right next to my childhood home.” I checked the address and noticed that it had two different numbers. The number in the black mailbox was 4145. The number address on the house said another number. I then realized the house has two door and that it was a duplex home. I tried to remember what door I came out of. When I went back inside the house, I then heard noise. There were squatters living in the house. Some were in the bedroom, and kitchen. As I’m walking out the back door I hear police sirens. I looked at the latch to see if it unlocked. I opened the back door which was another location and jumped into the lake to swim to the other side. I woke up

7 Apr 2024



I was in Tallahassee living with Dajuan, and I had the ability to travel back in time, to when I purchased things, and had them at the house/apartment we stayed in. I was going through items I had like mouth pieces, Basketball Jumpshot video recording shades. In one room we had two beds set up,In the middle, A queen sized mattress For Dajuan, to the right, a twin sized mattress, for Ari, and to the left an empty space where a twin sized mattress was for me. Representing my mattress being gone for a season. That’s all I know

6 Apr 2024



Ok so I had just gotten out of my home but only into sober living. The lead lady there gave me meth and let me smoke it. The other lead lady went through my things and found it. So I remember talking to her about it. And then begging for my cigarettes. Which she did approve but I was also thinking anout how I was going to find a little bit of meth left.. and I’m ashamed of that. I don’t know where these dreams are coming from.

6 Apr 2024



In this dream at first it was really dumb. At first in the dream I was just thinking of a show we are bear bears and thinking about how cute the bears stack on top of each other and then started thinking about different cartoony and stuff animal looking creatures stacking on top of each other. I then realize that I was spacing out looking out the window in my room. I start hearing fighting and people arguing outside my house. I start to pay attention to what was happening and I see three men two of them were arguing, one of the men pull out a gun and shoots one men multiple times in the stomach. The man that got shot slowly starts falling on to the floor. Another man pulls out a bigger gun and completely kills the man on the floor. After seeing that happen I was in shock I just witnessed a murder. I then realize that I’m in trouble since the two men saw me looking out my window. I hear them heading into my house. I turn off the lights and pretend to be asleep, one of the men go into my room and they shoot one of my curtains and it falls. He gets close to me, I thought I either was going to get shot or raped. The man touches my arm and leaves the room. I’m frozen in my bed, I thought maybe he thinks I’m dead, or maybe he is sparing me for some reason. I hear the other man in the hallway in front of my room saying to go to the attic where my older brother was. It was like they were gathering my family members in the living room to execute them. I hear my aunt’s voice downstairs in the living room and I couldn’t tell if she was the one giving the men orders or a victim. I was really worried about my family I did not know what to do, I was scared, but I later started to realize that it was not real, it was a nightmare

4 Apr 2024

My crush


Me and tyreq, someone I used to sleep with but I’ve known since I was a freshman, decided to hang out. In my head I kept thinking I was in Colorado. The building I was living in was different though and more old, creaky, dirty. I noticed I needed to shower and do my laundry. I take all of my clothes in a few baskets and realize it’s a lot to handle, and then I spend quite some time figuring out how to do all my laundry. I head over to my brothers who is across the street and I see Logan, (a guy I have a crush on now) and I start talking to my brother. I can’t remember what about, then I get side tracked with my laundry. I notice some suspicious huge trucks driving around the neighborhood, but then I just shrug it off. I put some flowers near my brothers fridge - some fresh ones. I see tyreq come out of nowhere and take one to admire, as he is looking at me. His prescence is calming, and like we are supposed to be there. We head to his place and we cuddle. I’m still a bit insecure about how I smell, but I’m laying on his stomach as he shows me a lot of affection. He’s asking me how I like to be loved, holding me. We’re giggling and having a fun time. It’s just peaceful, I reach up to kiss him and the kiss is so passionate and intense and loving, just all around amazing. It felt like the good parts of a relationship that I miss dearly. I tell him I need to finish my laundry and he volunteers to tag along. I smile to myself because this makes me feel safe since I saw some weird cars driving around earlier. As we walk into my old building there’s a lot more people there then usual and it makes me nervous and pass my apartment, we get to the top level and see kids locked up in rooms sitting in the dark all sad and asking for help. I take my phone out to record and we hurry back downstairs to tell the police,

3 Apr 2024



I am living in a 15 storey building. There is a huge party going on the first floor. It was just recently constructed. On the top floor of that building was a seating space filled with cushion toys on the outdoor. The theme of that space was relax garden. That building had a lot of steps but no elevator. So people who couldn't climb, like old people, had to be transported via an exterior makeshift lift. The house was colourful. The entry to the top floor was narrow like you have to squeeze through the narrow pile of stairs.Many people were climbing the stairs to explore the house.The stairs looked unevenly placed but on closer inspection, there was always a way to climb that stair.

3 Apr 2024



My family and some family friends had rented a vacation house and we were all having a fun talent show. I was in charge of playing the music from my phone for everyone’s talent acts, and my friend was doing a really cool performance, but my younger brother kept interrupting and trying to steal the spotlight. I noticed that we were all younger than we currently are, my brother being a child and myself a teenager. I told my brother he was being rude and to let my friend finish his act, but my friend decided he was done and to let the next person go. I was trying to look up music for the next act, but suddenly my music app stopped working and was only displaying a government alert message. I tried to switch to a different app to see if that would work, but to my horror, all it was playing was video after video of parents giving their children merciful deaths. I began to freak out internally, but was able to calmly ask if anyone else’s phone was experiencing the same issues. Everyone took out their phones and what was happening on mine was true for every other phone in the house. At this point people were beginning to panic, and I suggested we look outside to see if the people out there were also panicking. The people outside looked like the were oblivious at first, and then slowly, one by one, they all began to notice the disturbing messages, too. Everyone in the house began panicking again, and some of us kids went out to the barn to try and come up with ideas of what we should do. As we were in the barn brainstorming, loud trucks approached and people outside began screaming. Some women and girls all ran into the barn, many of them missing their shirts, and some of my friends began to hide. I ran out the back door of the barn and across the field as fast as I could. I came to a creek and had the idea to walk upstream in the water, so my scent would be washed away in the event that dogs were used to try and find me. Eventually I came to a house that had a couple of horses outside. I initially was going to steal a horse to get away faster, but ultimately decided against it because a horse would be easier to spot that I would if I were on foot. I tried to sneak into the house to steal some supplies, but realized the people living there were in the side of the government and were holding people prisoner to turn in to the authorities. I tried to hide from them under the porch with some others that had escaped. Suddenly, I heard a terrible growling noise, and the other people I was hiding with under the porch became terrified. I noticed a broken piece of plywood, and attempted to hide beneath it. Whatever animal was making the growling noise found us, but I couldn’t see it from my hiding place. I listened in fear as the others j had been hiding with were ripped apart. The creature attacking us eventually came and was standing on the plywood I was hiding beneath, trying to rip through it to get to me. That’s when I woke up.

2 Apr 2024

My crush
New Job


I was at a hospital for high risk and special needs kids. I don't know if i was one of the kids or just there to help. It was all so new to me. I'm pretty sure I was there as an adult to help, but I was just observing for the day. We took the kids to the zoo for an interactive day. We all got a special tour of the facilities and even got to watch them feed the hippos. They gave the hippos watermelons and it was amazing to see them crush the melons so easily in their mouths. The even let a few of us toss the melons into their mouths. It was so cool! The dream shifted and we were back in the hospital. Apparently they had a second of the hospital where they kept some dogs for the kids to play with every so often. One of the new dogs was having a hard time adjusting to the environment and one of the men caring for them asked if I might be able to help. He took me to the room they were keeping her in. It was just an empty room with hay on the floor and a food and water dish. The man said she's too big for the standard kennels so this is what they came up with. She was a russian bear dog who was donated from a shelter that aslo couldn't keep her due to her size. The door to her room was one of those doors where the top and bottom halves can open separately. The man opened just the top half so we could look at the dog. When I saw how massive she really was it was no surprise they had to give her a whole room. She was about 4ft tall at the shoulder and so fluffy it was no surprise why they called her breed bear dogs. She had so much energy and seemed very agitated and even came over to snap at us as a way of saying to back off. I explained to the man how they could improve her living situation to make her more comfortable and explained that she'd need A LOT of play and exercise daily if they wanted her to calm down enough to work with the kids. I suggested we got another man to help us take her on a walk to get some energy out and then do some light training while someone else upgraded her room. The man said that was a good idea then called for some help with the dog. I knew we could train her, it would just take time and patience. I was just watching her pace about the room when I woke up.

1 Apr 2024



I had a dream that I visited my childhood home on F.E. Warren Air Force Base. I was kind of living in the van, but kind of living in the house. I think the house was going to fall down and it was really cold in the winter, so it became necessary to live in the van as well, but there were neighbors next door who would come in and mess up the house while we were gone, so I had to go next door and kind of fix their bathroom. I'm not really sure why. My cat went outside and waited for me, and so did my friend. He was a different person inside the house than he was outside the house, like literally. When we were inside the house, he was just a friendly roommate, but when we were outside the house, he was my friend Jason from Wyoming, who there was a hijab exposition on a parade field across the street, and he came with me, and I was in a wheelchair, but he wasn't pushing it or anything, and then another girl showed up, and she said, I'll push your wheelchair for you, and she ended up also being a Muslim, and Jason basically didn't speak to us at all, but there were some people who were like, why are you in a wheelchair? You're too young to be in a wheelchair. You don't look disabled, but in the dream, like I was having trouble walking. So I needed it because of my hips, and I wasn't wearing my hijab for some reason, but neither was she, so I'm not sure, and I also got free ice cream in the dream.

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