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Dream Interpretation: Four ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Four? Discover the significance of seeing a Four in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Four appears in your dream โœ…

Four symbol
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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This dream symbol reflects your personality like being practical, loyal, service-oriented, hard-working, reliability, stable and honest. However, the shadow side of this symbol represents a dogmatic, dull, rigid, and stubborn side of you that lacks imagination and ultimately limits your self-worth.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction

Good fortune

Take insights from your dream and notice what personality traits connect with you deeply. Is it the positive or the negative that speaks to you? Try to be flexible with your methods so you adapt to the changing environment. Stop putting yourself in a cage by limiting beliefs. You are more than you think!

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of the number four may evoke feelings of stability, balance, and order. It signifies a sense of grounding and practicality in your life. This dream may also bring about a feeling of completeness and wholeness, as the number four represents a solid foundation. It suggests that you are seeking structure and organization in your waking life. Additionally, the number four can symbolize reliability and dependability, giving you a sense of security and trust. Overall, this dream may leave you with a sense of calm and reassurance.





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6 Aug 2024



I'm with four other people, and we are discussing what we want to dream about, as if we were reading our dreams. And the four other people, they say, let's just go and sleep together, as in rest. And I'm trying to convince them, we will feel more rested when we will go on an adventure. We should meet in our dream and then go on a path that we haven't explored yet. Then we will wake up and feel more rested. And the four other people, they don't really want to listen to me. So we all fall asleep and we meet in our dream. And all they want to do is sleep some more. And in the dream, they wake up and they feel unhappy. So I tell them, I told you guys, come, you're unhappy because we just slept, we will feel more rested when we wake up and we will have been on an adventure in our dream. So there's a path in our dream, and I tell them to follow that path. And then I woke up.

26 Jul 2024

Roller coaster


I was in an elevator going up and I missed my floor and went to the top. Then I almost missed the button to come down to the fourth floor, but I hit the button just in time as it came to a hall. The halting of the elevator made new noise that made me feel , like a roller coaster ride almost and it felt like my brain was being sucked out of my head almost. Itโ€™s hard to put two words, but thatโ€™s as close as I can come. The doors opened and I got off the elevator. It seems like there was somebody there to talk to, but I canโ€™t remember. Then after a series of events, I realized that I had passed over. I was spirit or soul and I still felt like myself mostly, nobody could see me. My head felt different and it felt different but not much different. I canโ€™t remember the specifics, but I feel like I was helping myself after I died I was helping somebody else. and Iโ€™m not sure if it was that dream or some other dream but it was dark and there was a mouse that scurried off on the ground

7 Apr 2024

My crush


At my grandparents with my brother and getting on the back of the four wheeler and being chased he spee up the hill to his friends house bit it looks totally different from in real life there's a fence and a maze walkway to the door of his friends house it's r rally dark out and we see bright lights in the field behind the trailer. There are the giant dark skeleton things pushing these machines over the ground. Suddenly we re behind the trailer and there's more fence and hanging tarp one of the skeleton things looks in our direction and begins coming towards us across the field. We try to quickly hide I roll under the tarp and my brother plays dead right outside the tarp. I keep saying Craig get in here but he doesn't move I was scared for our lives. The skeleton pushed his machine as I watched he rolled it right over my brother's head as I watched and did nothing I felt my chest crushing and I didn't do anything to save him I layed there I felt like I was dieing inside my muscles felt like they were ripping off of my bones and I woke up gasping for air in teats and cried and screamed I felt all that pain in my body and felt hatred towards myself for not saving him. I have dreams of him dying I'm different ways all the time and I try to save him but never can I feel like I get so close then he dies horrifically right in front of me eveytime. I can never save him

6 Apr 2024



Me, my cousin Malia, and my grandma Aba were wedding dress shopping for my aunt Courtney. I'm not sure why we were wedding dress shopping for her because she's already married but we were. We were smelling perfumes and I really liked the way one smelled and it was only 10 dollars and 47 cents and I had 4 dollars and 97 cents so I asked Aba if she could spare me the other 5 dollars to get the perfume and she was like "Hmmm, I don't know. I have to get thi Beef jerky." And the wedding dress store was inside a gas station and she was looking at this shelf that had a bunch of random stuff on it like beef jerky, already filled up blue raspberry icees, and other things. I was like "Okay." And then went to wander around the gas station. And in the gas station was also a bookstore so I was walking around shelves of books and I saw one of my friends and her friend and they were like trying to avoid me and she was whispering to her friend "We'll have to go left, right, around the bouncy house, and over the shelf to avoid Amaree." And I just thought that it was stupid and childish that they were avoiding me but I didn't really care. And then Malia comes next to me and says "They're obviously avoiding you." And then I walked around looking at more books when I noticed that my friend and her friend were right behind me trying to stay hidden but I noticed them so my friend started running and went past me

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