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Dream Interpretation: Death 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Death? Discover the significance of seeing a Death in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Death appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbolizes transformation and new life, letting go of the past. It suggests the death of old habits and destructive behavior preventing you from success. This also represents violent and aggressive energies hidden inside you. Other than this, it can also signify your sexual frustrations.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

Find ways to let go of the past and express the primal and fierce energies that lie within you. These energies can either make you feel empowered or afraid. You must learn how to accept them and allow them to motivate you. This can also express sexual frustration that you may need to pay closer attention to and resolve.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of death can evoke a range of intense emotions, such as fear, sadness, and anxiety. It may symbolize the end of something significant in your life, whether it be a relationship, a phase, or a belief. This dream can also represent a fear of change or the unknown, as well as a reminder of mortality. The feelings associated with this dream can be overwhelming and unsettling, leaving you with a sense of unease and introspection.





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18 Jul 2024



UGHHHHHHH okay so my next dream was a lot. The first part, there was a shaman like man with dark brown hair that said he’d come for me soon. I can’t remember much from that but I thought he was mine. Now idk Then there was a dragon of lightning that would shoot creatures from his realm that passed through the veil. He was pretty cool. He said he loved me. I had blonde hair, nearly white. I was really pale, looked like Conney that I knew. This guy had darker hair and pretty eyes. He was quite young but then again he was a dragon so that might not mean much. He felt like my best friend. I thought he was really cute Then there was another dragon. Pure white. I remember him the best. He took care of me, actually we had a very strange dynamic. It felt like he was my dad or something. He was possessive but extremely polite. He followed me around and protected me from things. Interacting with him was just strange. He was super super duper old. He liked me for some reason. I think I snuck off to the dragon realm, they had this massive city that I wasn’t exactly aloud but but no harm came to me. A guard saw me yet kinda pretended he didn’t? The white dragon was worried and came for me there. I saw a lot of cool things- but eventually we got a place that was like a hotel room. I was supposed to sleep in the white dragons bed- tbh I’m not sure if I was supposed too but that’s what I thought in the dream. When the white dragon came upstairs he got really cuddly with me. I felt like I was half asleep- like I couldn’t really process what was happening. He sat me on the couch in the corner of the room, facing the beds, and started touching me. His fingers went down to my panties and started rubbing me and my whole body started to feel on fire. I felt like I needed more. Yet I was so sleepy I felt I couldn’t really process my body’s movements. I pressed myself into his hand. I felt so impatient. Needy. He wasn’t touching me enough and I needed more. I couldn’t understand why he was so slow, why he started but didn’t continue. I eventually kissed his neck but it kinda just came off in my mouth? I thought that was so gross. I think I ended up dying- I went up this elevator to the next life and I saw the white dragon. He was real angry, in despair. But he had a dragon egg. My voice seemed to come from the egg. As I passed on. He clutched the egg really tight to his chest and had a destroyed look about him. It didn’t quite make sense.

18 Jul 2024



I also had a #dream I was in the #three-kingdom era, I was some brother for a #prince, the #prince killed one of my #sons so I killed him, another kingdom won over the #war but I was it's chancellor, I realized I'm #Koumei, after all that ended the #maghouls came to take over our kingdom but we fought fiercely against them. Then it came to our era, I had #drawings for a lot of the things that happened, one of them was the death of #Koumei, I drew him #sleeping #peacefully inside his #bed, Hugging the #fan his #wife gave him with his #blankets.

16 Jul 2024



There was a women possibility she was with me but she was sick she had some sort of destiny to die early yet she was pregnant with triplets and I was thinking if she was was going to be able to give birth and how it might kill her bc it all the energy it would take

16 Jul 2024



I found out my dads death was a murder and my boyfriend knew who didn’t but wouldn’t tell me

15 Jul 2024



I was like five different vampires who had been like not from the same breed or something i didn’t really understand what the difference was. But we had been getting killed because we had been different, the way we had been getting killed was kind of brutal…. It was only like flash scenes when i was having myself getting tortured… one was having my organs taken out- like my ribs being beaten as well just completely destroyed…. Was laying down while it happened and bound with ropes. Then i remember this was getting closer to the end, i was then another vampire and rebellious a bit, because i overheard one of us being an exception. They had been apart of our deaths and torture too… one of us betraying us and partaking in our deaths… she was accepted because apparently her bloodline was also mixed with the ones she is killing with. she wore red. It was like the only color that stood out for me. Then i got horrible death. Then i switched to another vampire…. This scene particularly interested me tho…. This character was interesting… he kind of reminded me of Oh Sangwoo but like smaller and more vampiric… he had red eyes, he was wearing a grey hoodie. And he was coaxing me… saying that he loved me. And he asked me “remember what I love about you the most?” Then he shoved one of his fingers gently into my mouth and showed me, i have this sharp fang, its different from all my teeth is what he was getting at, he told me to bite… and i did.. because he kept pressing his finger tightly on that fang… and his finger suddenly started to pour his blood inside my mouth…. I could taste it… could taste the iron inside, then i started feeling dizzy and disoriented, i have no idea if it was poisonous blood to actually kill me because theyre trying to kill our breed or if he was giving me his powers and pretended he was killing me… i dont know… but it felt odd and intense and i woke up feeling dizzy and a headache. The color red was the only thing that stood out to me other than black. Girl in red dress, the ribs and organs ripped out of me red, his eyes red and his blood red.

14 Jul 2024



I had a drean that my brother and father died

14 Jul 2024

Best Friend


My best friend and I were suffering from retinal illness, probably cancer. We both were scheduled for surgeries with little chance of survival. I found out I had a slightly more chance of survival than her. I didn’t want to survive because everyone was expecting me to die and I wouldn’t be with my best friend. Then I didn’t know my friend was going in first and I didn’t get to say goodbye so I was very upset.

14 Jul 2024



Me and like 3 or 4 friends went on a trip to this property out in the woods. The house amd property were very large. We would somehow get separated here and there and would be confronted by nightmarish monsters that would try to kill us. We would have to fight for our lives many times there was a human bat with its chest opened as a mouth with huge sharp teeth, a guy with large needles sticking out of him all over that he would use by pulling them out and stabbing us with them, a couple monsters that jumped out of this giant TV and a lot more. I had to violently kill these monsters with whatever weapon I could find. There was carnage and blood everywhere. Arms and finger getting cut off, using chairs to bash in the rib cage and bare hands to choke and gouge out their eyes. It was terrifying every time. I would sometimes have to fight these monsters alone as we would somehow get separated. In the middle of this dream I remember being in this big public bathroom and had to take a shit in the urinal for some reason. There was also some teacher lady that was helping find something I lost and helping me to find a sink to wash my hands. At the end we are packing up happy to leave the place but for some reason needed to get behind the house far uo a hill which began changing like shape shifting and glitching from a peaceful path and hill to a hellish climb up this hill with a dead body skewered on this cross, it was a dead police officer or something. Me and my friend got up the hill and had to face our friends but they were dead monster versions. I had to kill the two girls and he had the guy. I bashed them in till they were a bloody mess and he cut off the fingers of the guy so he fell down to the cliff side where I was and now the monster guy didn't just have no fingers but he was missing his arms from elbows down. I kicked him off the cliff or something. We then briefly saw some computer screen that showed a spreadsheet that showed all of the encounters we had including the last one where it said our names and said something like, to face their friends in battle to the death or something. I pointed and was like look at what it says and right then everything glitches back to normal and the spreadsheet read just something normal like go hiking with friends or something like it was an itinerary.

14 Jul 2024



I dreamed of my dead older brother. We were talking and he asked me about my brothers. We talked a lot. Then I suddenly asked him: How did you come back to life in the first place?? He said, “I forgot that you prayed for me on the day of Arafah that I would return, knowing that on the day of Arafah, I actually prayed that he would return.” Then he said, “And I bought the Angel of Death and woke up from the dream.”

13 Jul 2024



I was a begger on the street. My clothes were rotten and torn and I smelled awful. I was holding a sign and asking people for money, I felt so much shame and guilt for not being able to afford to live. Everyone was so mean to me, some people threw food at me, others spit on me, kids laughed. I felt like I wanted to die. So I pulled my pistol out of my shopping cart I was pushing around, and I shot myself in the head.

12 Jul 2024



I had a dream I was going to Wisconsin and there was a boy a little bit older than me and we were going on the same flight so we started talking then when we got to Wisconsin he gave me his number and we just hit it off and we became really good friends and we hung out a lot because I was going to be in Wisconsin for 2 weeks but on the last week I found out I have cancer and won’t make it so I tell my family and everybody flys out to Wisconsin to see me and while my other bff is there she was like “ your gonna die with no first kiss” and I was like maybe not because I thought Oliver the boy liked me so I went to my bathroom and brushed and scrubbed my teeth then I swallowed some mouthwash and went into his hotel room and was like “ wake up I need to talk to you about some serious” so he got up and was on his bed kneeling and I was like “ you’ve been my bff and I’m so glad that you trusted a airport stranger” and I hugged him then he kissed my forehead and I went back to my hotel room and was so happy then after that I would like joke around and touch his hair, arm and then came the day that I had to say goodbye and I was with him all day saying “ I’m gonna miss you” and “ I’m gonna watch over you” while he was crying so we got to the airport then I woke up

12 Jul 2024



I was in third person, but following the story of Deadpool, but as if Deadpool was also me? I was looking into my first lair, and then I bought my first box full of cans of this alcohol lemonade? Or spiked soda. Then I was helping out with a daughter and her packing meals to deliver to her school. I completed that. I called Peter Parker, and was going to ask him for a favor, when he says he was going to ask the same. Peter’s girlfriend is giving him hell, and he needs somewhere safe for him and his mother to live. And I said, “tell you what, I won’t kill your girlfriend, I’ll offer you my house as sanctuary. You deliver these meals to my daughter’s school. Deal?” We agree, explore the city, falling but catching myself unharmed picking up more alcohol and Peter and his mom. There’s at some point a dramatic shift in days, ballpark, and such. We find out Peter’s mother is dead…and Peter is grieving. I am (as Deadpool) aching for his pain, but I will grab a can of alcohol…and head out to fight who killed Peter’s mom. On a mission, enraged.

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