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Dream Interpretation: Cemetery ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Cemetery? Discover the significance of seeing a Cemetery in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Cemetery appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This is a symbol that you have survived all those challenges you have faced in your past. It is a sign of your resilience and change, indicating that you had to adapt and change as you fought and conquered the death around you. Continue to allow life to change and grow you to become stronger. This symbol also signifies a challenge that you have overcome in the past.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction

Good fortune

Feel encouraged by your resilience, take a moment to appreciate and grieve the struggles of the past, and let the wisdom of these challenges grow you as a person. This symbol is a final resting place, so take time to rest as you contemplate over the things you have done and will be working on in the future.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of a cemetery may evoke feelings of sadness, grief, and contemplation. It symbolizes the end of something, whether it be a relationship, a phase of life, or even the fear of mortality. It can also represent a need for closure or a reminder to let go of the past. The atmosphere of a cemetery may create a sense of unease or fear, reflecting the unknown and the mysteries of life and death. Overall, this dream may leave a lingering sense of melancholy and reflection.





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Dreams of users containing the word Cemetery

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10 Jul 2024



Dream my dead father in-law performed a funeral for a man that we didn't even know. He even provided the casket for the burial. This person was reported lost but we found him in a cemetery in a container next to a grave and my dead father in-law grabbed the dead man and hugged him like he knew him and then I woke up.

7 Jul 2024



Sitting down in a cemetery in the day sun shining down

2 Jul 2024



I was at a buffet with my sister for dinner at night. her and I were in the front of the line waiting to get salmon that was being offered, but there was a hold up because my sister wasnโ€™t old enough to get salmon which I found strange. Either way, I ended up getting salmon And putting some on her plate as well. The dream transition to me being at a cemetery with my grandma on my dadโ€™s side who had passed away and a man Iโ€™ve never met before who seemed to be my great grandfather. My great grandfather was old and frail using a walking stick. I was helping him walk down the stairs of the cemetery by holding his body and hand. as we were walking down my grandma and my great grandfather were talking about a flood that had affected the area a little while ago. All of a sudden, my great grandfather started getting a weaker and more frail, and started to slowly collapse. The dream transition before he collapsed. The dream then turned into me playing baseball on Wii sports with someone, but I wasnโ€™t able to hit any of the pitches that were thrown to me and I ended up going the whole game without scoring. even though it was frustrating wasnโ€™t too upset because the game ended in a tie, zero to zero. Then all of a sudden I was playing football in a football stadium and my team was losing and I couldnโ€™t do much about it, which was frustrating. We ended up losing the game. afterwards I found myself playing a game of soccer against some younger Italian kids and again I was frustrated because weโ€™re losing to kids I know I shouldโ€™ve been able to beat

21 May 2024

Childhood home


I find myself in a coffin as a 12 year old boy. I am wearing all white robes. I underneath my robes I am covered in sweat. This is clearly the aftermath of the rape I experienced at that age. I can also smell the order of my perpatrator on me. As I get out of the coffin I read the headstone which reads "Hayden G 1995-2008" which is the year I was born, and the year I was first raped. I walk around the cemetery and find many empty graves. These graves all appear to be children who were abused at some point in their lives. I leave the cemetery and enter my perpatrators house. However when I enter the room in which I was raped there is nothing there except a coffin with his name on it. Then I walk to my childhood home and I am greeted by my mom. I ask her what happened to my perpatrator and she doesn't even know who he is even though is real life she knew him.

5 Mar 2024



Iโ€™m dreaming of walking in a cemetery with dread that my childโ€™s name is on one of them

27 Jan 2024



I dreamt I was at a cemetery and I was looking for the grave of my great-grandmother and grandfather and someone I knew worked at the cemetery but she was busy and there were some folks who were waiting for a tour or something with this person and the next tour wasn't until 1pm and they were talking about having to wait and I was there just to find the information about my grandparents grave and so I was just kind of talking to them and explaining to them how the scheduling worked and why they did have to wait and yeah I guess just trying to talk them through it, calm them down when they were upset but without feeling any kind of responsibility for it. I was just there and just talking them through it but then I got what I needed. I found the section where my great-grandparents grave was and I was going to set out to go and look for it and I met up with my friend and we said hi and that was the end of it. I went and found the grave.

20 Jan 2024



I was at a park sitting on a bench with my ex boyfriend and he told me he had died and that this was his ghost. He brought me back to his grave and we had a date at the cemetery.

3 Dec 2023

New Job


Two boys being chased by an older man. He was tall with white hair and a heavily lined face. He was in a shiny black car. The car was an old fashioned make but it looked relatively new. The boys were short one had black curly hair and the other had brown curly hair. They were running down an old stone road which was cracked and broken and seemed to almost blend in with the landscape. The road was in the middle of a field of dead wheat bushes. There was a big black metal gate with a red brick wall around it. Behind the gate was a cemetery and a church. The church was made of white wood and looked old as it was starting to crumble and break. The brown haired boy made it to the church and sat on an old bench in amongst the gravestones. The black haired boy was still being chased down the road by the man. When the man saw the church he did a sudden U turn and drove away quickly. The boy felt an ominous feeling in his chest as he looked at the church but he went in and found his friend. Now the car was gone they both realised how ominously quiet it was. They could smell the crops rotting in the fields and the crumbling wood from the church. They realised they had absolutely no idea where they were and how they got here.

3 Nov 2023

High School


This dream was very choppy, it also could have been two separate dreams in the same night that went into each other. It started with me, I was selling tickets to watch a football game. It was weird because a lot of the people who were buying tickets to said football game were people I went to high school with. (Iโ€™m now 20) In this part of the dream it was like I was younger, maybe 16. Basically in my dream I was rushing to get my house clean to watch the football game, but the football field and bleachers were also inside my house. In my dream I could jump up and start flying. I would fly by everyone I knew sitting in the bleachers almost to show off. At one point I flew over the football players of my favorite team. The odd thing is that nobody saw me or said anything to me. I was a ghost. Suddenly, the scenario changed. All the bleachers, the field, and players were gone and it was just my house. I was rushing to find a tv to get the game set up for everybody who came but I couldnโ€™t get it set up and I felt super embarrassed, my house was super messy and I was poor, I didnโ€™t have cable to even watch the game. Thatโ€™s when the dream cuts to a completely different setting, I was following my family members back from somewhere but we were all in different cars. We stopped at a gas station and some how i was left in that town at the gas station by myself with no vehicle. Completely stranded. Somehow the dream cut again and I was with 3 of my friends and we were all stuck in this other town thatโ€™s about 20 miles from where I live. We tried calling people, but to no avail, for some reason we could not get a hold of anyone. This town was completely empty, no sign of life anywhere, it was dark, and there was a red haze over everything outside. In this dream, I was close with somebody that I havenโ€™t talked to for years now, I was never close with them in real life itโ€™s just somebody I know from school. This person was not at his house, but we stopped at his house to get some stuff for our journey ahead even though he was not home, we just let ourselves in and I took one of his hoodies. We then made our way outside his house and I put the name of our town into my Maps on my phone. The route that was the fastest was down a spiral mountain that our town was at the very bottom of and we had to walk through a super long cemetery that went all the way down this spiral mountain. It also had that red haze all over it. There was 4 of us total, one of my friends refused to walk through the cemetery so she started trying to find a different route even though this one was the fastest. Originally one of my friends stayed back with her, and one of them was going to go with me, but when I turned to look behind me, all three of them were still standing back there, looking for a safer way. I made the decision to keep going but before I made my way to the cemetery I woke up.

21 Oct 2023



In this dream I was running from a killer clown. I was with two of my friends, and somehow we ended up on top of a firetruck, the clown was chasing quickly after us on foot. The firetruck ended up, taking us all the way up a hill, and on top of this hill was an old cemetery, however, it was not just a cemetery. It was also an abandoned carnival. Somehow my friends and I got separated, and I was running through the cemetery/abandoned carnival I heard gunshots. Eventually, I realize that all of my friends have been shot by this clown and I was the only one left alive. I started running down this hill, but the terrain was really rough and eventually the clown did end up shooting me as well.

21 Oct 2023



In this dream I was running from a killer clown. I was with two of my friends, and somehow we ended up on top of a firetruck, the clown was chasing quickly after us on foot. The firetruck ended up, taking us all the way up a hill, and on top of this hill was an old cemetery, however, it was not just a cemetery. It was also an abandoned carnival. Somehow my friends and I got separated, and I was running through the cemetery/abandoned carnival I heard gunshots. Eventually, I realize that all of my friends have been shot by this clown and I was the only one left alive. I started running down this hill, but the terrain was really rough and eventually the clown did end up shooting me as well.

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