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Dream Interpretation: Circus 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Circus? Discover the significance of seeing a Circus in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Circus appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of a circus symbolizes your desire for excitement and adventure. It may also represent your need to escape from the monotony of your daily routine. Alternatively, it may indicate that you are feeling like a clown or that you are not being taken seriously.

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🧭 Direction


Think about what aspect of the circus stood out to you in the dream. Was it the acrobats, the animals, or the clowns? This may give you insight into what you are seeking in your waking life. If you feel like a clown, it may be time to assert yourself and demand respect. If you are seeking adventure, try new things and take risks.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a circus evokes a sense of excitement and wonder. It brings feelings of joy, anticipation, and curiosity. The vibrant atmosphere, colorful performers, and thrilling acts create a sense of awe and amazement. The dream may also symbolize a desire for adventure and a need for entertainment in one's life. It represents a longing for fun and a break from the mundane routine. The circus dream can leave a person feeling energized, inspired, and eager to explore new experiences.





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Dreams of users containing the word Circus

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9 Jul 2024

Building (Place)


I dreamt about seeing two of my old close friends at some camp place (we were in a building) and those friends of mine don’t even talk to each other. I eavesdropped and they said they can be partners for a certain activity and in that activity you need three people but I was scared to ask them for some reason if I can join. They went downstairs and I followed them and then outside, it was all muddy and there was a huge forest with a small playground. They grabbed a large blue tricycle (the length was long but the height was the same as my friend’s) and then they rode on it away from two other kids from my old school that I got along with too but not close. Apparently they were playing hide and seek and I watched them play. My two close friends rode the tricycle into this circus like tent. I asked if I could play soon and one of my close friends said ‘of course but just wait until next round because it’s still going!’ in a cheerful tone and I was glad he allowed me to play. Soon, I rode the large blue tricycle away from the two boys that I got along with but not close and I rode it in the tent. Then the dream ended and I woke up disappointed

25 Jun 2024

Childhood home


I dreamt of my childhood home was with my parents. I had to go to the bathroom and so I peed on my parents bed then stripped it and started washing the blankets and sheets And a circus was happening outside of my home. There were several guys who wanted to be with me but I was afraid to.

10 Apr 2024



I had a dream I was at a circus with people from my old religion and we were stuck together on a strange bus that kept falling and putting us in danger

2 Feb 2024



Today was pretty different, I just got a new job and I usually set my alarm 2 hours before I wake up and set 10 minute successions during the one hour before I wake up so I won’t be in a deep sleep. This particular dream I was in some kind of house where the rooms where geometrically off or impossible, I wandered the house and tried to wake myself up, for some reason I couldn’t wake up and then I saw a character from the recent series, “The amazing digital circus”. Pomini, I think is the main character’s name. I saw her and said I shifted, because everything for the first time in all of my dreams, this felt hyperrealistic. Like I was actually in a different world, and the crazy part is that the only way I was able to wake up is when my alarm went off, I could not for the life of me wake myself up. It was crazy but in a good way, I’m actually happy to experience shifting or actual lucid dreaming

29 Jan 2024



Was in a small town building a house. Then traveled to the big city for supplies. Went to the mall. There was a circus there with performers in different rooms. Then I saw my girlfriend there as an exotic dancer. I then traveled down the the industrial section of town. There, I got a bit lost traveled on a highway, then onto the streets, then back on the highway. Then I found the warehouse I was trying to find and went there. I then loaded my truck with supplies I needed. Went back to the small town, I then went disc golfing with some old friends from work. Then there was a storm, so we all took shelter at work. After the storm, we resumed our game of disc golf. I then traveled to the desert in a semitruck. There I saw a great vally.

29 Dec 2023

Car Crash


okay so i was on my way home with my mom on route 22 from my bonus grandmas house, and he got into a really nasty car crash. some ‘people’ and ‘firefighters’ came to help, and they dragged our car to a side road. they then dragged us out of the car, barley alive, and took us into someone’s ‘house’. it was not normal at all, it was like these people were from another universe, and using some sort of power to their advantage. they dragged us into their house, and me and my mom instantly got better. we had no broken bones, burns, or anything. it was like whatever force field they dragged us into put us into their timeline. so we are in this house, it’s HUGE inside. there’s tons of kids, adults, of all ages and genders inside. it looked like a foster home almost with just a lot of people inside. anyways, we go in, and they put us in the garage. they have us sit down at separate round tables, and clean ourselves up. we eventually get tired of waiting, so me and my mom ventured off into the actual house. and it was nuts. but we go in, and the owner of the house immediately introduced themself, i say themselves because i swear this thing could shapeshift. i’ve seen them as a man and a woman. so i eventually got away from this thing, and ventured off to a group of people about my age. they tell me their story about how they ended up here, and they were all similar. car crash, nearly dead, and dragged into this strange house. they told me the rules, everyone is to be in bed by 8pm, no phones, no contacting the outside world, and no leaving the house. i instantly got a bad feeling about the house. everyone inside was victims to what was to come. we all heard a little kid screaming bloody murder, and this group of people i was with was like “that’s where our lives are about to go to. they prep us for their dinners and to sell us.” i thought they were kidding at first, but i knew i had to get out of there. i tried finding my mom, but she was already getting along with the house owner. i just watch her from a distance, as i’m trying to sneak onto my phone and texting my bonus dad that we’ve been kidnapped. i literally remember texting him “HOW DO YOU SHARE LOCATION” “PLEASE HELP US” WE GOT INTO A CRASH” “PLEASE”. he didn’t believe me af all!!! he shared a video that showed me how to share my location, but it was way too long and i was just getting more anxious and annoyed by the second. i replied and said “THE VIDEO IS WAY TO LONG JUST TELL ME!!” and he started telling me how to, but i couldn’t read it. i got even more anxious and upset, i just said “NEVERMIND ILL JUST GOOGLE IT. CANT YOU JUST TRACK THE AIRTAG?!” and he replies asking what all the ruckus was. the house owner was over my shoulder at this point so i could do nothing but pretend i was playing a mobile game or something. once the house owner left, i immediately went to share my location, and all jason said was “you’re lying lol. i saw you walk at graduation today!” i was so confused because i had graduated at least 8 months ago. what did he mean he just saw me?! i tried explaining to him this house i was in, and he didn’t believe me at all. i told him to pull up and send police, but when they came, the house looked like no one was home. i said “HOW ALL THE LIGHTS ARE ON AND IT LOOKS LIKE A CIRCUS IN HERE!!” he sent me a pic, and he was right. it did look like nothing was home. i texted him and said “fine, if you don’t believe me, then don’t. we will be dead by midnight.” he laughed and we stopped texting each other. by then i went over to talk to my mom, and tried to tell her what had just happened, and she was brainwashed. she was saying how much she loved it here, and how much she wanted to stay, and how she’s even got a thing going on with the house owner. i told her she’s completely wrong, and that the people running this house was gonna kill us by midnight. she just laughed and said whatever. it was then 8pm, and everyone ran up the stairs to find a little nook to ‘sleep’ in. i tried to stick with my mom, but she was kissing the house owners butt so i just took off without her. i found a black woman about my age, and asked if i could chill with her for the night. she said yes, and told me what the rules are for the night. you can stay awake, but you’re not allowed to make any noise, talk to anyone, or go on your phone. the lights turned off, and the only source of light was under the huge window we were under. she then pulled out her charger, and plugged her phone into the outlet and hit the charger with her blanket. i asked “do you mind if i charge mine too?” and she said “no i don’t, just keep it hidden. don’t let him catch you.” i plugged my phone in and it buzzed. i looked up at her panicked and she said “shhh don’t worry it’s okay, the house owner is a little dumb. he thinks it’s his workers working.”. i noticed the house owner walking around, and me and this girl hid our phones. she pretended to sleep, and i just grabbed my mini sketchbook and pencil, and started doodling. the house owner was right over my shoulder, and i felt nothing but his negative energy coming into my space. i felt so anxious, tired, and depressed when he came into my space like that. it was like he was sucking the life out of me. he eventually moved onto the next few people to check on them. i remember the next morning in the kitchen, i peeked through the blinds, and i saw another house that wasn’t there before. it looked the same as the one we were in, but it was filled with firefighters and fire trucks. they looked like the people who had saved me and my mom from that car crash. the girl i had stayed with said “you’re not supposed to look out there.” i quickly looked away and snapped the blinds back and just looked at her confused. she said “they’re in our dimension as well. but we aren’t supposed to know. they’re helping these house owners pull in victims. they are the ones who actually caused most of these peoples car crashes, including yours.”. i just remember feeling so depressed and shocked that this was even possible. she told me she knew a way out, but it was very risky. i don’t remember what happened after this, but i remember dragging my mom out of the house after she had just almost been killed by them, all bloodied up, and i said “i told you so! now let’s call for help.”. so i guess you could say that girl’s plan worked. i remember trying to tell the police what happened, and they immediately got the fbi and whoever deals with parallel universe shenanigans. they were working on an investigation before i woke up in the waking world, but they finally believed us and kept an eye on us and that area 24/7 so these shapeshifters from a different universe wouldn’t claim another victim or try to kill us.

24 Nov 2023

New Job


This was a dream I had while napping. I was myself but they're wer other people with powers around me. These powers were given by planets or moons. I was related to this lava lizard that could also swim. He had the rage magic. I was also given rage magic because of him and I also had xray night magic. I remember being angry at the lizard because he made me rage and that's why I was given rage magic. There was a fish person who was freshly imbued with magic. She was hungry and almost ate a witch person in another universe. The whole dream was reminiscent of the new series "the amazing digital circus"

21 Nov 2023



I had a dream about my dad. He was cheating on my mom there and brought out his mistress. He seemed so full of love to her, he smiled and even didn't notice my presence at all. He left me with my two sisters, and my mom alone. But my mom would just tell me to let it go. She didn't seem bothered by it, that dad left us, but she was kind of have overthink and pale face at the same time. Maybe because she was thinking of the kids. We are going to a night bazaar, except dad. He was there too, but we weren't going together as family, you know. He was with his mistress. I couldn't enjoy. My mom was bringing us there for fun, but she was in flat face too, and seemed like she hid her emotions. She didn't want to cry, she didn't want us to see her sad. But the moment I saw dad with another lady, I was crying so hard. I think he noticed us, but he seemed don't care and it was like... He did it on purpose. To show that he could also be happy with her, and even happier, not only with us. The vibes of the bazaar was the same as circus 🎪. We also saw the tents that were similar to circus. I don't know, but I only saw ferris wheel and carousel 🎠 We were riding air balloon and went up to the sky, it was night right! I saw my dad and his mistress too, they were dancing and smiling happily. It was really crowded down there, with street foods too. I was watching down and cried. I couldn't stop crying. My mother and sisters were also in the hot air balloons with me, but they just stood there. With no emotions and straight view. Only me, the one who was still watching dad down there and cried. But, suddenly the way we were going up and up, the sky turns so light. Like in the morning. The weather is nice, sunny but not burnt. It was nice. So many trees down there also, but now, I didn't see my dad or anyone. Only grassland. And then, I woke up in reality and found out that I was crying in my sleep. After I woke up, I cried even harder. It felt so real

14 Nov 2023



I was a young girl on a train full of farm or circus animals. The animals were trying to escape. Later, I went to a party with a "dream" boyfriend. Lots of people we know are there. My real life ex husband is there with his real life girlfriend. In the dream, he is in a wheelchair. We exchanged short hellos. The boyfriend and I mingled with other people. Ex husband and girlfriend began to leave early,bso I asked why. He said he didn't wish to create an uncomfortable setting by being there at the same time as me. I said it wasn't, but they left anyway.

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