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Dream Interpretation: Ritual 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Ritual? Discover the significance of seeing a Ritual in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Ritual appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of a ritual symbolizes a need for structure and order in your life. It may also represent a desire for spiritual or religious guidance. This dream may also indicate a need for closure or completion of a certain task or project.

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🧭 Direction


Reflect on your current situation and see if there are any areas in your life that need more structure or organization. Consider exploring your spiritual or religious beliefs to find guidance and support. If there is a task or project that needs completion, focus on finishing it to bring a sense of closure and accomplishment.

❤️ Feelings

The dream about a ritual may evoke a sense of curiosity and intrigue. It can bring about feelings of mystery and wonder as the dreamer explores the symbolic meaning behind the ritual. There may also be a sense of anticipation and excitement as the dreamer engages in the various actions and ceremonies associated with the ritual. Additionally, the dream may elicit a feeling of connection or belonging as the dreamer participates in a shared experience with others. Overall, the dream about a ritual can evoke a mix of emotions, ranging from fascination to a sense of purpose and unity.





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13 Jul 2024



I was with my husband and we found out that if you took this one special rice to this one place you could get healed and a lot of other cool things after a ritual was done with it but it was very difficult to get. My grandma was helping us get there as well but a lot of others were doing the same thing we were doing and the place we had to go was extremely protected with guards and different traps like bugs that crawled on you. Eventually we did give up since we realized it would be safer to just not deal with everything going on and we stayed in the car

30 Jun 2024



The dreaming had started where I was with a younger version of my brother. It was dead of winter cold and dark outside. Before us was a burger King I specifically remembered that it was a burger King because of the purple burger King bags. It was snowy and my brother Clay and I where outside the burger King completely naked and young. We saw a ritual pond. The pond wasn't very deep with water but had a large layer of ice built up from the snow on the ground. I was so cold in the dream I started picking up snow from the ground and packing it on my body to try and retain a little bit of heat until the snow melted. Suddenly as I stepped into the ritual pond some of the ice broke. I fell in the shallow water on my back and the water was warm. Like a bath. I started to splash around yelling at my young brother that it was warm he should get in. I decided in the dream that I should make a snowboard out of the snow that had built up on various steps in this pond. I began trying to mold a snow board made of ice and snow but to no avail. I then decided to jump down a hill behind the burger King, down the hill was a harbor and on that harbor was a massive ship port. I jumped in humanly down the hill and landed near two guards. Those guards had dirt bikes. I began stealing one. I started to ride off after the guard hit me a few times. After pulling off the bike started pulling to the right. But I didn't crash my brother started running and cheering me on as the guards gave chase waving thier swords. I kept driving the sputtering of the motor from the bike was loud and snow bellowed up from each side of the wheels as I rode which splashed some of the cold up into my face. I reached a dead end which was a loading area to another level. I doubled past the guards which had belived I went through the portal to the other level and met up with my brother who had kept cheering me on about me running. Suddenly a darkness and anxiety washed over me. We rode the bike a bit more but realized the only way we could leave the area was through the portal to the next area. We didn't want to leave our bike behind and it disappointed us, my brother then found a small hole in a fence which looked to defy the laws of this worlds physics but it had a large text over it that told us to enter it. My brother looked at me and then smiled and walked through. When he did a lump in my throat formed as I knew that what he just entered lead to the same place as the other portal and no matter what choices we made as young children we still had to go to the next place in this dream world. I accepted my fate even though I wanted to stay I knew it wouldn't last forever. I walked through the secret passage. I then was transported to a large yellow walled building with checkers floors and I was standing infront of a large mirror with my brother Clay. We suddenly started changing in to deformed amalgamations of discusting creatures. I became as round as a ball with a large eye in the middle of my body and my limbs where all streached out and large and hairy. I wasn't able to see my brother but my soul was screaming. I then awoke To my mother. I was 25 years old and with my mom and my brother Noah and my wife. I had the most terrible nightmare. I began trying to explain and relive my dream telling my mom about my dream. She kept trying to stop me from discussing it as it was just a dream. I was shocked and sad nobody wanted to listen to my dream and help me find the meaning. I started trying to explain again each time I began explaining the dream I had got more foggy and unreliable. My mom started to explain to me that my brother from the dream was now coming to visit. My brother from the dream was also now calling himself a woman and dresses like a woman. I started to become frantic with anxiety. Upon arrival of my brother who came home from the army with all his stuff he showed up and I was supposed to spend the day with him. Trying to relive my dream. I began trying to choke him by putting him in a head lock and seemingly unphased by my attacks. He made remakes on my techniques and even criticized me on my abilities to attack him even though he is a woman. I began to grow frustrated trying harder and harder until I gave up. From that point I started to yell at him and cast him out but nothing that I did could get him to leave me be and leave me alone. I began to realize around this time that I was in some wierd dream scape again. An extremely odd world with was filled with bizarre wonders and physics defying buildings and structures. I started to sob. Clay showing me all his stuff his cloths, talking about mom. He began to unpack having a normal one sided conversation. He pulled out big boxes and inside them he had plastic bags filled with booklets of his personal drawings and art he made. I remember from this dream seeing them each one was crude like a young boy had drawn them. They where good drawing impressive for a 12-13 year old. I started flipping through the pages of some of the booklets and saw little pokemon and characters he had drawn along side a name and type. Even the hand writing was child like. Seeing the drawings sitting there seeing this child like stuff then made me feel overwhelmed with sadness for my brother. I didn't feel sad for myself or sad for him but this melancholy feeling began to make me writhe with the most overwhelming sadness that I have ever felt for another person in directly. I looked down at clays drawings and but at Clay who was closely watching my body language checking to see if I had approved of the art. My face remand blank but I had felt so incredibly sad and melancholy. I then woke up feeling frantic and scared.

22 Jun 2024

Demon possession


Lucifer and I were at a cave in hell and he asked me if I want vengeance for what happened in the past and if I was ready for it because while I am letting go of that bad year it still haunts me. I said yes I want vengeance because they was no justice for what happen, then as he has a pen and a journal to write down he agreed and said that Satan told him that and tell me that your wish is granted but you have to be strong and cleaver about it. He then wrote something about a plan and has a pot to put in as it was flaming. He told me come by on next Saturday to have a ritual to he held.

22 Jun 2024

Black Cat


Basically it started off in the train station I saw one of the girls I followed on instagram and approached her saying I like her jewelry cause she sell them online and we was getting along and stuff in the train station, she was showing me all the jewlery they were all like rainbow like how I want it and I'm like 000o these are pretty and then we saw a crystal table with this white women there she had a whole spiritual shop and we was just viewing the crystals the lights were kinda dim not that dim but had purple lights and candles lit up too and she she had a black cat she was white with long grey hair she looked like a beautiful witch I don't remember much but she pulled an empress card she was talking to me about a ritual to save something and she had a ritual candle I think it was purple??? But it kinda looked like my skull candle I can't but like coated in purple stuff and herbs burning it and it was a statue of a women a goddess next to it and she told me something I don't remember. And then my dream switched to land a beautiful place island and I saw all the people I used to work with and we was having fun saying we miss eachother we was playing in the water and seals was mainly there and stuff it was just fun the water was type clear but sandy at the same time and we was just swimming and running around and it was like them straw huts there we would run around and then we went canoeing, and then my pov switched to a small bridge with rocks and clear water sandy like flowing . then my dream switched again to this lady she was spiritual she was a black chubby women head wrapped holding a baby blue quilt and I was in her house with her grand baby I think and her hallway lights was flickering and stuff and she brought it up saying that stupid hallway or some, I was kinda nervous a bit but it really didn't affect me. We was talking about ghost and stuff and she had baby toys so the baby can play with them, and it was a horse one that caught my eye would run around with the baby. Dream switched again to another lady she was tall, black, skinny, with long hair wrapped in like them traditional scarfs she looked like she was in her 50s and elegant I was in a mansion it had old furniture also them African statues and stuff little ones on the shelves and stuff too and we was talking about spirits and how her mom and sister is here spiritually in the house, I was using the bathroom and then I see someone clapping like it was a faint shadow in front of me of a person and they was clapping in joy it was like a women and I told her about seeing a shadow figure clapping and she was like oh that's my mother or sister she's excited you are pretty she's giving you a compliment saying everyone would call you sexy or beautiful and then she smiled and giggles a bit, I'm like oh really thank you, and I was asking her while following her around in home asked her how do you know who's with you like spiritually like for example if my uncle was with me or someone...and she said something I don't remember the name it was something she takes and then she looked back at me smiling but I don't remember In the dream I was like is that mushrooms?? I was making a joke cause it sounded like a drug and she laughed a bit and was like no it's just ##### I'm like ok? and I wanted to continue to follow her we kinda went into a basement, but the dream ended WHICH I THOUGHT so boom I wake up in my bed and i start writing the dream that I just had in my journal but turns out THAT WAS A DREAM TOO.

19 Jun 2024



the devil can in my home wouldn’t leave me and my family alone kept cheating us so i had to do a ritual hold him by his neck when he was really pissed off and then start laughing and saying the words of the rituals

18 Jun 2024

High School


I think we celebrated our graduation from high school. My friends and me stand in a circle, maybe around something in the Center, ritualistically. Some talk to me

4 Jun 2024



I was in a village that I'd dreamed about before. I was in a charity shop amd the woman who owned it could figure out who was stealing from her. But it meant innocent people died too. The charity shop had lots of books and clothes and the people could stay in the apartments above. If she thought you were being deceitful she would start a ritual and people would just poof into thin air until the evil one was left. Then the remaining innocent would have to kill that person. I left my bike unchained by a lamppost and a man tried to steal it. I wouldn't let go of it and hung on with all my strength. The charity shop had multiple levels and people were trying on jackets. I was riding my bike up some steep hills but I loved it.

27 May 2024



I dreamt I was living in a house that was very old, small but with big empty rooms. I was aware that most people would fill the rooms with furniture but I liked the space being open. It was very dark inside, and not pretty, but comfortable. One wall of the house was right up against my neighbours yard, and it had glass doors along that wall. The old doors were unable to be locked but as my neighbour was a quiet older woman, I wasn't worried. One night she came in those doors with a group of friends to perform an ancient ritual - apparently my house was on the old tribal site. I was either out or asleep, but I saw her enter in my mind. I felt mildly annoyed. But when they departed, they left the doors wide open and overnight many dogs got into the house. The next day I was trying to chase the dogs out, they were all ugly, smelly dogs, all mixed-breed strays, and they left faeces and dirt in all my wardrobes where they were hiding, on all my carpets. I was very angry about the dogs. The house want pretty but it was mine and it was damaged. I began cleaning it up.

27 May 2024



I saw a boy in my room with a lady. The boy turned out to be a ghost and wanted to lock himself in a box after the game "5 Seconds". When I interjected and said that he couldn't put himself in a box, the woman's apparition disappeared. He explained to me that he comes from hell and the only way to shade him from it is to lock himself in some thing and then his spirit belongs to that thing. I offered him a candle but he refused. We negotiated that I would lock it in a jewelry box. I tried to help him and do some ritual to lock him in the box, but I had to stop because my mother entered the room. Then somehow the boy's father ran into the house. The boy's apparition started moving around the house and he didn't want to talk to his father at all. After some time he disappeared. His father left the house and it turned out that he had sent some spies to spy on my house. After some time, I realized that I accidentally closed it on my phone and the apparition disappeared because my phone was discharged. The next day I tried to charge my phone so I could contact the apparition again.

20 May 2024

Serial killer


I dreamed that I was in my dead grandmothers home. It was sold in real life but in my dream it was just left unattended for the last 10 years. Inside I found a serial killer who targets women and children as well as an African American woman who was a court official and worked for the district attorneys office. She was helping him beat his charges because they were part of some satanic cult together that goes deep into our government and societal structure and flies under the radar. I walked in on them in the room on my uncle and they were trying to do some sort of ritual in there because he died in that room and they wanted to use that energy to help Conjur something. I told them they needed to leave my grandmothers house and the man tried to attack me. I scrambled for a weapon and couldn’t find anything but a lit cigarette. I ran out onto the back porch and I noticed a bunch of dried up leaves and vines that were rampant in front of the next door neighbors house and growing all the way to my grandmothers house. In order to keep as much distance as possible I backup toward the neighbors house. The cherry of the cigarette then got blown by a gust of wind onto the neighbors planter on the front window full of dead plants and flowers and leaves. The house instantly went up into flames and became engulfed. I looked in the other window and saw a little baby in a high chair in the living room. I was beating on the door screaming for the neighbors to wake up and get out of the house but they couldn’t hear me. I watched the whole house go up in flames and heard the baby crying inside burning. The lady who worked as the district attorney told me she was going to make sure I go to prison for the rest of my life for setting that fire.

15 May 2024

Old Lady


I had a dream I was with my husband and we are at some family’s house and there was this old lady we didn’t know. She seemed to care about us and told us we had some kind of attachment and gave us some ritual like remedies as a solution. She handed me a small small jar of spices. I took it. Jonathan and I left the house then things started to get very weird, like a game of Jumanji started. We were being hunted, Jonathan by the hunter from the original Jumanji movie and me by Miley Cyrus. We ended up at this very old mansion in our efforts to escape. We went up a stair case on the outside of the house and into a side door that lead to a place I used to work. A bridal shop but they were playing movies for an audience for some reason. My old boss, Sara was there and she was in her way out. I saw remotes on the ground and next to the remotes was a small Chuckie doll, same size as the remotes. I realized right away the doll was an attachment and causing stuff to disappear and reappear in the store. Sarah was to busy to care for me to bring it up so she left then we left because there was no reason for us to be there then either. Going back outside the hunter was off in the distance so we laid down against a small slope in the ground to avoid being seen. But then Miley caught up to us as we tried to make our way around the back of the house. She was agitated and explained she had to do this because of the game. I didn’t see her as very threatening then so I tried to convince her she didn’t have to hunt/kill us. We all stood there talking for a moment then I woke up.

29 Mar 2024



I was at a restaurant with my family. And apparently my ex’s family and him. my ex’s dad and my dad were talking about something I didn’t understand. But they were getting along. I kept catching my ex looking at me across the table. Then he sat right across the table from me. then we went to my school. Me and my ex and a bunch of other people were in line for lunch. We were sitting down in the gym at a school assembly. But we were at my old school. my ex sat next to me and I tried to keep as far away from him as possible. He kept looking at me and smiling at me. Then he held my hand. And soon his arm was around my shoulder. And then we were cuddling. I felt so happy. All my feelings for him just rushing back. Then all of the people went to go get their end of the year report cards. I got mine and he said “that’s not that bad” I had 1 B and 2 F’s.. When we sat down in the gym again a women started telling us things like “no one is perfect, we can’t all be her.” Then some girl walked around putting face paint on people like some ritual. When we were able to leave me and my ex were walking holding hands. I was overjoyed. Soon I hugged him and did that think where I walk to the side and he loses balance. After I did that he yelled- “Stop that! See that’s my problem.” Implying that I was annoying or something. I let go of his hand in shock. I started crying. He then just ran off out of the school building without me. I heard in my head: “please come back, I love you, I won’t annoy you again I promise, just please stay with me.”

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