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Dream Interpretation: Festival ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Festival? Discover the significance of seeing a Festival in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Festival appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

A festival in a dream represents celebration, joy, and happiness. It may indicate a time of socializing, meeting new people, and enjoying life. It can also symbolize a need for relaxation and taking a break from the daily routine.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


This dream may be telling you to take some time off and enjoy life. It could also be a sign that you need to socialize more and meet new people. Consider attending events or gatherings that interest you. Alternatively, it may be a reminder to celebrate your accomplishments and enjoy the fruits of your labor.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream of a festival evokes feelings of joy, excitement, and celebration. It signifies a sense of community, connection, and the enjoyment of life's pleasures. It may also symbolize a desire for fun and adventure, as well as a need for social interaction and a break from routine. The dream suggests a time of happiness, positivity, and the opportunity to let loose and embrace the festive spirit.





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18 Jul 2024



I was at a festival, I saw my sister and her friends. I thought they wouldnโ€™t recognise me but they did. They told me I looked tired. Then I tried to buy some chicken from a food stall, the man said theyโ€™d run out although there was plenty of food left on the display.

22 Jun 2024

Swimming Pool


I dreamt that I was going to the cherry festival in Ohio. I was wearing a dress, at first. I was working at a table and had gathered up citrus peels. I walked over to the mill pond, and walked into the pond to toss the peels in it. I wondered if three peels would hurt the fish in the pond. The peels were on the bottom left side from whereI stood. I then walked out of the pond but then I was wearing a tank top and shorts, and the pond turned into a swimming pool with steps to get out. I looked back into the water and it was clear blue like a pool would be. My tank top was stretched out because of the water and I pulled it down to cover my fat belly.

15 Jun 2024



I was rehearsing for a performance of a song I wrote in real life. I was playing it on the piano but was messing up the notes, so I had to rely on a demo CD of the instrumentals. I was trying to rehearse to that and the CD seemed compromised or recorded over because it was skipping. I was supposed to perform very soon, but I was hiding in a back room trying to sing along to this skipping CD. So I went back to trying to play it on the piano and I started singing a song by an actual music artist and felt like I was ripping off their song. A 90โ€™s-2000โ€™s television was playing Degrassi while I was rehearsing. When I was getting ready to be on stage I put in these hair extensions that were a different color (my hair naturally is black/brown but I dyed it strawberry blonde, and in my dream it was my natural color but the extensions were the strawberry blonde color and it wasnโ€™t matching). Before that, my little brother was helping me do my hair and without me asking, he put extensions of a different hair texture in my hair (curly extensions on straightened hair) and I took them out immediately because it looked bad. I noticed my soulmate and his best friend were front row in the audience where I wouldโ€™ve performed, the stage was like a festival stage with a ramp in front of it. But I went to the back when I left to rehearse last minute. I just felt so unprepared for this performance.

7 Jun 2024



My helper and I were at a festival for Chinese New Year At Flanders Square. We wanted to take a photo with the cute props they had in the front everything was sold out. So we walked to the back luckily a seller had one I could buy. It was very expensive $40. So my helper had $50. She was going to give the money as the wind suddenly blew all the money onto the road. I quickly ran to take the money luckily the car stopped or else it could've run over me. When I saw the money is was shocked. There was a 125-dollar sgd note aswell. We bought the prop took pictures and went home happily

27 May 2024



I dreamt about a strange festival where I wanted to help but no-one noticed me

26 May 2024



Dream that my cat suddenly acted weird and suspected he was sick after ingesting something inedible. I brought my cat to a doctor who took very long to see us and when he finally saw us and he said he could not treat him and wanted me to bring him to the adjacent hospital so I did. I was crying and worried the whole time. During this period I was sharing a room with a guy friend whom I do not know in real life. We were good friends who shared a bit of intimacy but did not have sex. My sister asked and was shocked we did not sleep together after staying together for so long. He was helpful and supportive but we were not together as a couple. Later I went to visit my parents who were staying outside in a huge tent where people were gathering together to celebrate a festival. My parents got us leftovers as breakfast as we had to rush to school after that. I ate breakfast but I went to see my cat instead. My cat was fine and I was relieved. When I went back to see my parents my husband was there and I ran towards him, crying and happy to finally see him again. My guy friend and my husband greeted each other and thanked each other for taking care of me.

23 May 2024



I had a dream that I was going to be working remotely, and we were all at work, we were going to work from a festival site, and we went to this flat, and I was there, my boss was there, there were some other people there, and we'd set up the computers, and they went out, I didn't know where they were, and I was there trying to sort out the flat and make it suitable for us, and it was a bit of a mess. All the things to make food with were tiny, like tiny saucepans, tiny frying pans, and I started to make some food, but of course it was so small, and it was bizarre, because the portion sizes were tiny, and I wasn't sure whether to start work or not, because everybody else had gone out, and I thought, well, do I work, or are they not working today, I don't really know what the plan is. And then I went out to find people, and they were sat in this tent in a festival, and they were all like, oh yeah, we want the beers, so I was asking people what they wanted, and a couple of people wanted beers, a couple of people just wanted to go home and get a kebab, and I went and queued up, and as I was queuing up, there were people on mountain bikes, who had been biking, and I looked to the front, and I said, oh, I'll have a couple of beers, I'll have a couple of Coca-Cola's, and I also have a couple of those tickets to do the bike in and they said no you can't and I was like well, um, these people have been here all day training and you've just turned up and you only have two tickets, so that's okay. On the way back to see the others I took them the drinks and I saw another tent full of sofas and I was like oh, sofas, that's much more comfortable, I'll tell them about that and we got back to giving them the drinks and I forgot to tell them about the sofas because we were talking about the bike in. Anyway, I decided to leave them and went back and when I got back there was a house there and I went in and Paul was there and he said it was his sister's house and we were house sitting because his sister had just had a baby and I said oh I didn't know she was pregnant and he said oh no she doesn't tell anybody, she keeps it a secret until she's had the baby, she did the same when she had the boys and I was like well that's weird and he said oh people used to do that in the old days, they used to hide when they were pregnant because it wasn't something that you talked about. So he then said he was going out and I said oh can I come and he goes oh no, no you won't want to and I said but I might want to come and he said no, stay here and he gave me this paper bag which had pictures of his sister on and the new baby and pictures of the boys and I was like okay and then he went out and he left me and I was there by myself. I looked around and in the lounge was a big cat of chicken soup that had been made.

15 May 2024



There was a forest I walked through and a guy who was trying to take some one away then wrapped her up in a blanket and stuffed her in the back of a truck and it exploded. Then I saved the girl who was burnt because the fire burned her. We crawled under something to escape. But I got arrested for something that I didnโ€™t do after being hurt in the explosion. So was in hospital there was a flower as time passed many people were outside the window of the hospital room watching. Then there was a trial. I wasnโ€™t guilty but the guy said he lost faith in the judge and the prosecutor because they werenโ€™t there to get the actual person who did the crime then a fight broke out, I told someone to go home instead of join the fighting. Then I took a circle thing from my mom and I was trying to go through this door to find something. I took the circular scanner to be able to scan the environment down there. Everyone kept talking trying to tell me what to do and I told them to shut up and went to the door of the cave. The door locked behind me so none of them could follow. My dad had left earlier but when I crawled through the cave I found him swimming near a bridge and he came back to tell me about a shark over there he was battling but I didnโ€™t want him to get bitten and told him to get out the water and go back to land. Then I went to the bridge and over it. There was a part where I crossed the bridge then was transported into the past and danced with a girl who was the same girl I was dating in the future. We had sex in the tent at a type of festival event. Before I realized if we had made it through tough times but then still were together in the future. Then I was crossing another bridge but this time there was a man behind me trying to get me and the girl who was helping me but she was scared to cross at first to solve the puzzle. Then when I went across there was a puppy leading me so when the girl joined me she went ahead and walked across the plank of wood the connected us to the other side. The man behind us tried to reach us and I wasnโ€™t sure if it was to hurt us or not but I stopped the bridge puzzle from letting him get us and let my girl go ahead to safety. When I did that the mechanism sent the plank of wood into the water so he couldnโ€™t cross without the plank of wood. I tried to catch it with another mechanism but it got stuck so I jumped in the water to fix it. Only then I saw two boys and jumped because they were making a raft surf board thing and tried to jump on it but it solidified from powder to squishy stuff. I told them it was hard and then was helping them make the board when they asked me about my girl I was telling them that she is my soul mate and I told them that she was like a princess but also someone who is special to me. When suddenly she came in the room but I was focused on helping the boys but I smiled at her. I forgot what question I was asked before I woke up

13 May 2024



There was this place where there was a cultural festival going on. My mom was trying to help me get dressed in the bathroom but I was getting pissed. Later, someone I wrote an article for at work, that I spent a lot of time on, said he hated the article. At some point masked people with swords and arrows attacked the school. I kept texting everyone my get away plan of running into the forest, getting into a car and zig zagging on the highway so no one catches up to us and recognizes us (or me, they would be driving their own cars). I had to return since my family didnโ€™t listen. At that point we had all driven off the army of people. But once I was inside, the perimeter holding them off began to start shrinking, indicating they were back. Again I tried to escape to the woods. Then a new group attacked that had control over animals. We had to start killing the animals (not me but others). The chief of the attacking army saw that My father was crying whenever an animal got shot.

27 Apr 2024



So, I had a very interesting dream. I was about to fly to France and I went to pick up my car for some reason before preparing to go to France and to go to Cannes Film Festival. I was with a friend and there were a lot of people. Some people started to speak French and then they gave me a car and me and my friend got in the car and started to drive and the light didn't work. It was raining, it was night time so I got out of the car to see if the light is working. I'm just making sure it's recording. I got out of the car and I said, Oh my God, this is not my car. This is an old Mercedes. This is an ugly Mercedes. This Mercedes doesn't work. The light is not working. Where is my car? So, we had to drive back to the car place and said, I need my car. You guys gave me the wrong car. That was a little annoying but then we ended up going to France. We waited in line to get into the festival. I didn't know how but I was flying with my friend and Johnny Depp and Lil' Rose in a private jet and it was really, I don't know why they were in my dream but they were in my dream. It was overall a very fun dream, a lot of meeting new people. It was really exciting and I was really happy. My friend was really happy and we had so much fun. We met incredible people and it was like, it felt really important trip and I was very happy when I woke up.

25 Apr 2024



The dream started out at a bowling alley and I was the lead singer of a fall out boy band. We performed and everyone was loving it even though I felt like I didnโ€™t know the words very well. When we were done I decided to bowl a game with everyone and I was doing really well. Someone tried to get me to play darts, but I told them I was busy and maybe later. And then we ended up at a music festival and we had golf carts. I canโ€™t even remember we what I wanted to do so badly but it was the opposite of what my group wanted to do and I felt like everyone was ganging up on me, in particular, my friend Aubrey. So they all left me and then I started rampaging the campsite and yelling and then I went to a water park pool thing and just swam by myself until I woke up.

23 Apr 2024

Red Eyes


Figured out I was in a mental asylum or something and my life experience were mental movies. As soon as that happened, I started to become increasingly aware of a red eyes โ€œbadโ€ or crazy person, the third pair of eyes in the life sequence. We played different games across many lifetimes, during some I had to look for it to access the next, in others I had to hide from it. I remember Beni( a former friend from real life, that broke our almost 2 year friendship because I ate a coconut milk from his fridge without telling him) and a festival of sorts. At one point, there was a bald dude in a blue suit who told me something and hinted to a notebook for me to write on a desk in front of him. I tried to ran after him but none of the others in the room could see him and then I thought that I can waste my life trying to chase after something in my mind and lose whatโ€™s outside of myself on this path. There was a party at some point, maybe even connected with other lives through some temporal points(idk how to call them) as in a common space between lifetimes. I remember walking with Daria B. (another real life friend, a girl that I felt perhaps a platonic connection to and still are very good friends, also she told me about her dreams and the dream really felt like more than a dream when I woke up, a liminal space perhaps ?) through some back alleys and thinking that at some point I used to walk freely on the main street but now I felt good in hiding from the โ€œmainโ€ views(the vision belonging to the majority of people). At the party, there was a girl resembling Ana D. ( a beautiful, I believe shy girl that was a former team member in the studentโ€™s league department but ended up not showing up at all, instead following her own path and becoming a photographer, also I didnโ€™t talked to her that much). We danced around, had a good time together, we even started to get close physically and my pelvis area and hers were touching. Eventually I lost track of her, spent time with lots of known people from different times in my life, had some abstract missions. Found her towards the end of the party with a guy after they just finished fucking and told me that she only likes big dick guys. During another part we hid in some vents because of some mercenaries searching for us. We fucked sometime later but as soon as I penetrated her it was so anticlimactic and her skin even started to turn into plastic, and I ejaculated almost immediately. Also to note that while I was falling asleep, I felt some โ€œimaginaryโ€ (more like supernatural) entities that hovered around me, communicating to me telepathically about how my thoughts create reality and of the otherworldly power I possess through my higher-self.

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