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Dream Interpretation: Cartoon 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Cartoon? Discover the significance of seeing a Cartoon in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Cartoon appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of cartoons symbolizes your desire to escape from reality and responsibilities. It may also indicate that you are not taking things seriously enough and need to be more focused. Alternatively, it could represent your playful and carefree nature.

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🧭 Direction


Are you feeling overwhelmed with responsibilities? It's important to take a break and have some fun, but don't let it distract you from your obligations. Try to find a balance between work and play. If you are not taking things seriously enough, it's time to buckle down and focus on your goals.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of cartoons evokes a sense of joy and nostalgia. It brings back memories of carefree days and innocence. This dream may also symbolize a desire for escapism or a need for lightheartedness in one's life. It can represent a longing for simpler times or a wish to reconnect with one's inner child. Overall, this dream elicits positive emotions and a sense of playfulness.





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Dreams of users containing the word Cartoon

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29 Jun 2024



I’m having a hard time remembering how my dream started, but I know it had something to do with an evil lady trying to summon the Demon King by killing a rare species of crab. I remember that she took her boat and her crewmates to an island and tried to kill the crab. I tried to stop her by going back in time, but that didn’t work so I just called the police on her. After she got arrested, she tried to get revenge on me, but failed. Then, my dream suddenly cuts to a group of men at store. The leader of the group only had hair on the side of his head. He lead everyone to the frozen isle and showed them a bunch of frozen donuts. The guy said that the frozen donuts weren’t only delicious, but also had magic properties in them. Then, he started eating the donuts. The rest of the group followed him and ate the donuts as well. After a while, they noticed that nothing was happening, and the group leader got all sad. He said that he was hoping that the donuts would have given him the power to time travel so he could fix his mistakes. Suddenly, he got pulled into a portal. After landing on the other side of the portal, he noticed that he no longer looked human. He looked like he was from a video game, “Minecraft” to be exact. Before he could figure out what was going on, he ran into Link from “The Legend of Zelda.” The two of them had a short conversation before going their separate ways. Then, Link morphed into dream me. As I walked around, I saw an amusement park nearby. I wanted to go there, but it wasn’t open yet, so I went inside a nearby building to wait and relax. Unfortunately, the building I went into was filled with monsters and demons. Which made the worker’s jobs even harder since they worked at a mental hospital. I saw all the demons running around and was going to leave, but then I saw my friends in the lobby, so I went over to them. They told me that one of my friends is still trapped in the building and that they happen to have a crush on me. Now filled with determination, I ran around the building, looking for my friend. I found her in one of the patient rooms, folding laundry and watching tv. We hugged each other after getting reunited. After that, we found a secret room in the building that allowed us to transform into what we truly were. I got transformed into a demon and my friend got transformed into a angel. After that, we talked for a bit before deciding to go defeat the Demon King and leaving the room. I’ll never know if we succeeded because my dream ended after we left the room.

27 Jun 2024

Video Game


all i remember is trying to escape from a whale that kept multiple people trapped in one cartoon reality, and he looked cute and harmless in the cartoon reality but if we wanted to get back to the real world we had to first escape multiple different fictional worlds, like it was a tiered game. it would start with the cartoon world, then a semi realistic cartoon world like the last airbender's art style, then a 3d realistic world like video game graphics, then the real world and i had finally made it to the real world but the whale wasn't cute in the real world he was huge and he was scary and he had everyone he captured in cages, we were on a boat in the middle of the sea and i had to find a way to free everyone while the whale would sink the ship to try and kill me i dont remember how it ended

27 Jun 2024

Video Game


My dream from last night was really weird. It kept switching between two separate stories that weren’t related to each other in any way. The first story focused on Dream-Me doing daily tasks in unusual ways, while the second story focused on the apocalypse and how fictional characters were dealing with it. It was so strange, because I would watch myself write an essay or play a game or go to the bathroom, then watch the worlds that fictional characters live in get destroyed. At one point, Dream-Me was hanging out with her boyfriend and reading an online book to him, when my dream suddenly cuts to Homer Simpson from “The Simpsons” trying to survive a tornado while his town is getting flooded. The whole apocalypse thing ended with a bunch of cartoon characters from movies and tv shows swimming around in the now flooded Earth, while Dream-Me was in the living room playing “Tears of the Kingdom.” Also, one of the characters from “South Park” was missing their face, and my dad found a way to play “Tears of the Kingdom” on the computer instead of the Nintendo Switch.

29 May 2024



Had a dream I was outside on my driveway and hiding from my neighbor that is crazy lol and my mom came home from a workout and I was hiding from her she went though the front door I was worried she’d see me but didn’t. This was about 6 am in the dream where I’m usually going to bed as she’s waking up. I also dreamed I was at a hotel 🏨 and there were animated people dressed up as cartoon like goofy Donald and Mickey as if it was its own Disney and tables to eat at big lavish tables. Hotel room we stayed at was nice it felt great and happy. I was also at a bar where people all welcomed me and my friend Charles sang to me the Kelloggs Song Tony the Tiger 🐅 Peter is more than good he’s great and we were laughing and cutting up and being silly and he was happy and we were hanging out. Another guy said he had the same last name as me. Said it’s a British or Irish name I feel included and accepted because lately I haven’t been I’ve felt casted out or forgotten about and like I don’t matter but it’s taken me this long in my 30’s to realize I do indeed matter to this world no matter how people narcissisticly treat me.

27 May 2024

Dark Room


I was dreaming and I woke up in my room and it was dark and I heard creepy noises. I opened the door and it was very eerie — I then heard sounds from my mum’s bathroom and I saw lots of blood and gore. For some reason, I didn’t react the way I usually would. I then went back to my room and then saw a cartoon character dead on the floor. Then, there were some other cartoony characters that talked to me and they told me that there was a monster roaming around and someone was controlling that monster. The two cartoony characters went to the person controlling the monster and sadly the person threatened them so they drove off and then there was a sign saying ‘the end’

24 May 2024



I had a dream that my husband and I lived in our old house in sunvslley we had our kids and they were grown we jut got a weener dog and puppy. And s neon colored pet spider looked like a cartoon and a hermit crab. They were all so cute. Then Selena was in the dream she is my sons girlfriend and we were cleaning out school lockers.

12 May 2024



I dream of going to my maternal aunt house I was passing through my mom's school where she teaches and two kids where there doing something and when I passed towards them they teasingly said hii and I also said hii weirdly but then they started cat calling me I got furious and abused slangs some words to them they got crazy and a started poking needles all over my body I was in pain all the needles were covered with blood . I started screaming but I couldn't then they started hurting with knives at last I balance myself and took them to maternal aunt house in the room where everyone was there even my dad I was embarrassed to tell them I got cat called by these kids and told everyone what they did to me then I don't remember them I dream of sinchan and his dad it's like I was watching cartoon on tv and I saw nanako didi the character that sinchan loves the most but she got deaf and we was doing some sign language with her hands she was doing something cool

10 May 2024



A nostalgic playground I had to explore and find a birthday cake I saw relatives cartoon characters even my dog along the way and the final challenge was a pole I had to climb to get the cake I made it and took a piece of the cake and it tasted awful I then ran away a big black monster was chasing me i wasn't scared of it though I was running through my neighbour hood

15 Apr 2024



During a class field trip, we stayed at a hotel. We entered into our rooms and we were getting ready. Unfortunately, I realized I had to use the bathroom bad and our room bathroom was occupied. So I was forced to do my business on a portable toilet in the middle of the room with the door open. As to why we didn’t just shut the door or I didn’t just go to another person’s bathroom confuses me but either way it was pretty awkward. Before we knew it, it was night and it was time for us to go to bed. I shared a bed with Alextin and we made the bed quite comfortable. It was covered with blankets and we even made a little divider out of blankets for some privacy. It was dark and the room was almost pitch black. A small phone had a small dim that kept the room still visible but barely. I could tell whoever had their phone on that they were watching some sort of cartoon. I was not very tired but luckily for me, Alextin wasn’t too. It was quite a surprise because usually Alextin would take any opportunity to get some sleep. She was also surprisingly quiet playful too. Not to say that it’s unusual to see her that way, it’s more that she was this playful during this time of the day. She’d tease me by hitting me with blankets and slightly pushing me around. We were talking about something but I can’t remember what it was. All I know it was something nostalgic about our childhood. This would continue until we both fell asleep.

4 Apr 2024



I can’t remember how my dream started, but I know it had something to do with my grandparents house, the scientist guy from “The Simpsons,” and a black hole. I think the scientist was talking about black holes in my grandparents house. Anyway, in my dream, my mom, dad, sister, and I were all at this buffet mixed with a sit-down restaurant. We were talking and having a great time, when one of my friends came out of nowhere and started talking to us. She convinced my sister and I to go to a nearby store, and my dad went with us to make sure that we were safe. Once we got to the store, I noticed an invisible barrier around it and started freaking out. As it turns out, it wasn’t invisible barrier, it was just glass. Glass so clear and clean that I couldn’t see it. Once I got into the store, my dad disappeared and was replaced by another male shopper. Dream me failed to notice that though, she was too busy looking at what the store had. Meanwhile, my friend and the random shopper tried on some animal masks. As I was walking around, I found the ‘Anime’ section of the store. (Anime is another word for Japanese cartoons.) I saw that this section of the store had a membership option. I looked at the membership rules and saw how strict they were. The rules said that I could only watch certain animes and then listed the ones that I got to choose from. I decided to leave after reading the rules and went looking for my friend, but I couldn’t find her. That’s when I noticed two dolls in plastic wrap by the front register. They looked eerily similar to my friend and that random male shopper. They even had the masks that the two of them were wearing. Then, I heard a baby cry in the employee lounge of the store. It caught my sister’s attention too. Before anything else happened, my dream cut back to my mom, who was still at the restaurant. Everyone’s orders had arrived at this point, and she was playing with her food. Somehow, she created a black hole while playing with her food, and the scientist guy from The Simpsons started talking to her. He was like: “Don’t worry, this isn’t a real black hole. It may look like one, but it’s actually a worm hole. So, if it reaches critical mass and pulls us in, none of us would die.” Then, the black wormhole starts engulfing the Earth. It transports Earth to an alternate universe, which changes our reality. The biggest and most common change were people turning into animal hybrids. There was this surfer guy who turned part octopus. There was this young farm boy who turned into a goat person. It was weird. Anyway, dream me failed to notice what happened, and instead went into the employee’s lounge to see what was going on. Before I could get inside the room though, the cashier yelled at me, and I ran out of the store in fright. I ran into a random neighborhood and finally realized that my reality had been altered. I find the scientist guy from The Simpsons and run up to him. I tell him how I think the store I was at was turning customers into products and selling them to other customers. He told me that he couldn’t focus on that right now because he needed to find a way to fix everything. Shortly after saying that, he fixes everything and makes a documentary about the incident. It showed what the experience was like for both universes. While I watch the documentary, everything slowly goes back to normal. I teleport to my house, my family fades into existence, and we all sit down on the couch. Now that everything is back to normal, dream me feels safe and happy. (And then, my dream ended and I woke up.)

3 Apr 2024

Running away


My dream started out with me at a tourist attraction. I was walking around and taking pictures. Dream me was having fun there. After it closed, I went back home, but my house wasn’t there. Then I was like: “Oh, yeah, I still need to build my home base.” Why? Because my dream turned into a survival type game where you need to build everything yourself. After I finished building my base, my sister came to visit me. The two of us hung out before one of the guys from the tourist attraction came knocking at my door. He told me that I was in danger because there’s a bounty hunter chasing after me. Apparently, the hunter is a highly advanced robot that appears to be human and uses she/her pronouns. Upon hearing this, I start setting up traps for her, but she destroys my home base before I could finish. After seeing the amount of power she has, my sister and I run away. We go our separate ways and I eventually come across a bunch of cartoon characters. There were characters from Avatar: The Last Airbender, Steven Universe, and Scooby Doo. Together, we go on an adventure that ends with us forming a giant key in the clouds. After we got the key, we use it open a door to a building in the middle of the desert. We go inside and see that the building is actually an indoor water park. We walk around for a bit until that robot from earlier comes out of nowhere and attacks me. My cartoon friends were able to stop her and throw her in the water, causing her to malfunction and break. I thank them and decide to leave. I decided to act like none of this ever happened. So, I head to my old high school building and start acting like I’m a student there. Everything was going great, I had friends, my sister was there, and I even got a boyfriend! But, everything changed when I got on the school bus. I noticed that my bus driver was everywhere, like she had cloned herself. I also noticed that the other bus drivers, from the other buses, where all invisible. Once my bus driver took a wrong turn, I realized something was wrong. So, I jumped out of the bus window and ran away. While running away, I came across my sister, a nun, and a young boy who claimed to be the nun’s son. The 4 of us started to who knows where, when we came across a bunch of flower buds. (Flowers that hadn’t bloomed yet.) We picked them up and decide to plant them. While planting them, the Joker from Batman starts driving towards us in his green and purple car. My sister and I hide, while the Joker threatens the young boy. I go to get a weapon so that I can defeat him, and he starts threatening my sister. I run over and punch him in an attempt to save my sister. Then I was like: “Remember me?” and I glare at him. Before anything else could happen though, my alarm goes off and I wake up, ending the dream early.

29 Mar 2024



I went to live with a foster family in England at the age of 10, happy and hopeful that my life would change for the better. They deceived me, and carried out a coup d'état luke the handmaids tale, and forced a puritanical society where it was acceptable for 15 year old girls to marry their fathers if their mothers died, only church and oppression were accepted. They banned clothes, books, technological devices, cartoons, comics, music, movies, cosplay, nana, EVERYTHING. 5 years passed and I still lived in the basement I thought would be my room. it was still decorated the way it was before the society was implemented, but they threw away all electronic devices they could find. but they didn’t know i hid my phone and books and charger. they didn’t know i still had everything. I discovered that I could use my things hidden. my mother was a bit unstable and I was accused of killing my foster sister's husband (which I did because he tried to hurt me, and then I kept his hair in a box in my room). I started watching YouTube videos and reading a book about nana and listening to music in secret. Once, I tried to escape, but they found me and beat me. Another, my foster mother had music playing loud and accidentally shot something. I found a gun too, and started shooting knowing she wouldn't hear it. I just wanted to feel something. when my foster father arrived, he smelled the gunpowder and found out. The mother gets sick. The father starts to show interest in marrying me. I go out with the foster mom and three of her friends, and they all talk about how amazing it is that he wants to marry me. I was 15 years old. "that's disgusting!" I scream, but they don't want to know. “It’s natural,” they say. The wedding day arrives. I almost vomit. In the end, instead of leaving with him, I hit his head against a wall and ran home. There, I see my foster mother in a state of shock and despair. I don't think she was so cool with the idea of him marrying me. She looks into my eyes and screams “electrify my heart!”. She was an executioner; At home, we had machines to take the lives of people who were sentenced to death. Without thinking twice, I connected her to the wire and pressed the electric chair button. she was immediately electrified. When she died, I cut her hair and put it in the box with the other one – but she had so much hair that the box didn't close. it was a big mix of blonde from her and black from my foster sister’s husband that took up more space than it should have. I pack my bags as quickly as possible and leave the house, heading to the house of an old friend who would help me escape before my foster father and now husband could find me.

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