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Dream Interpretation: Breathing 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Breathing? Discover the significance of seeing a Breathing in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Breathing appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of breathing represents the essence of life and vitality. It may indicate that you are feeling relaxed and at peace. Alternatively, it may suggest that you are feeling suffocated or overwhelmed in your waking life.

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🧭 Direction


Take a moment to focus on your breathing in your waking life. Are you feeling stressed or anxious? If so, try practicing deep breathing exercises to help calm your mind and body. If you are feeling suffocated or overwhelmed, consider taking a break or seeking support from loved ones. Remember to prioritize self-care and take time to breathe.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of breathing evokes a sense of relief and tranquility. It signifies a release from stress and a feeling of being able to take in life's experiences with ease. It represents a state of calmness and contentment, allowing one to feel refreshed and rejuvenated. The dream may also symbolize a need for relaxation and self-care, reminding the dreamer to take a moment to pause and focus on their well-being. Overall, this dream brings a sense of peace and harmony, encouraging the dreamer to embrace a more balanced and mindful approach to life.





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Dreams of users containing the word Breathing

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7 Jul 2024

Sleep paralysis
Living Room


I recently had a dream where I thought I was asleep, but I was awake. Before the occurrence, I was watching TV with my husband. I was trying my best to stay up but I was really tired. Eventually my husband went to kitchen and that's when I immediately felt a tingling / vibration all over my body. both of my ears were ringing I tried to get up out of bed but I couldn't. It felt like weights were over me. I finally was able to get out of my bed. It was really hard for me to breathe as I was walking down our hallway. I noticed when I walked down the hallway it seemed different but the it look the same. The hall was way longer than what it is in reality. When I finally got to living room I seen my husband but he just was staring at me and I was telling him I couldn't breathe he ended up walking past me, as if he literally couldn't see me and then I followed him back to the room. I was telling him again that I couldn't breathe and then I laid back in the bed with him and I turned over and asked him can he turn off the TV and that's when I realized I was awaken from the dream.

24 Jun 2024



I was running inside of a Mexican candy store similar to the ones my family goes to a lot in downtown LA. A ghost or demon was chasing me and eventually I got somewhere and thought I was safe. Then I couldn’t move and it was hard to breath. The demon or whatever it was grabbed me and opened its mouth. It was taking my soul and I was suffocating, I woke up gasping for air.

24 Jun 2024



I was in an open field with a tall metal fence in the back. I was running with a group of people. It was war. People were being shot left and right. My group ran as fast as we could but I didn’t get over the fence fast enough and was shot multiple times. They caught us for a bit and put us in a contraption that had spikes inside of it that would stab us if we moved around. I escaped next and ran away. I found my best friend, Russell and he carried my body to the hospital but there were so many people there that needed help too. I was standing in the middle of the room, gushing blood out, begging for help. I can feel the blood draining my body and I feel weak. I’m whispering now, begging for help. No one came. I collapsed. After that it was like I was in a dream in a dream. I think I was fighting for my life, in a coma. I could hear my family and friends saying to “stay strong”, “come back”. The only thing I could focus on was breathing in and out. I didn’t want to die. My son woke me up because I was scaring him in my sleep with crying and screaming.

11 Jun 2024



I see a futuristic space plane that is taking up a pair of astronauts. The pilot is taking up an older man who has a respiratory disease as part of his treatment. Breathing in zero gravity is part of the treatment. He takes him up for short intervals of about 20min, multiple times a day. Then I see they give his daughter, or grand daughter, a ride into space. The little girl is so happy. My wife and I are there watching from a platform. I see the young girl introduced and I see two women, Lauren and Patty. It's Laurens daughter getting the ride into space. "which one is Patty?" I ask my wife. 'the one in green, in the st. Patrick's day dress. Lauren is in blue. "oh, ok". I say. We smile as the little girl climbs into the space plane, in her homemade space suit/astronaut costume, and gets a ride up into space. The plane tilts up into a vertical launch position and blasts off, flying away into the distance.

8 Jun 2024



I dreamt I was taking care of a kitten that had a very big worm stuck in it’s stomach. It crawled out of the kittens throat and I was worried the kitten could not breathe

8 Jun 2024



Some guy tried to rape me and he beat me up. I ran and got away and ended up at a high area I had to jump off of to keep gettin away and once I landed all the cops were there. I was surrounded around random strangers with severe injuries needing the hospital and before the cops made it over to me. The random guys gang came over and shot a lot of liquid heroin into my mouth to kill me. I was in so much pain that I willlingly drank the heroin. Then I felt like I stopped breathing and woke up.

7 Jun 2024



In a car with my son and his dad and a man driving who I didn’t know. He was driving fast on a busy road and kept turning around to argue with someone on the back but I could not turn to see who it was, I begged and pleaded several times for the man to look at the road and told my little boys dad to make him look at the road. I became panicked but no one else seemed to be concerned, I had mild panic attack and couldn’t breathe.

11 May 2024



My mom myself and a few others were trying to get ready on time for my wedding. The date was May 29th. I kept checking the time line for when things were supposed to occur. The hair was on time, than makeup was not doing great. Than I was scrambling to figure out what time line up was and it kept getting later and later in the night. Than my boyfriend walked in and I’m freaking out and saying that I can’t figure out what time line up is. I can’t remember what time it was supposed to be and the venue is saying they didn’t even have a wedding for today. My boyfriend grabs my face and holds it tight facing him and he tells me to breath and focus on him. He tells me that we never needed the ceremony anyway, that it was for the parents. That I looked gorgeous and shouldn’t cry so I didn’t mess up my hair and make up. He takes my hands and pulls me to this market looking area where there’s all these stalls filled with different things. It’s close to midnight now and he turns to me and says “don’t worry, I’m not leaving all of this any time soon. Look how fun and beautiful it is here. Everyday is unexpected and so much fun.” I looked around and noticed the dancers the music the different dance costumes the snakes the animals the bones the jewelry the many different plants and turned back to look at him and than I woke up.

10 May 2024

Husband cheating


My husband cheated on me with a faceless woman and I ended up crying. I was hurt but I moved on but I never felt happy. I couldn't breathe as I fell into pitch black darkness feeling abandoned.

6 Apr 2024

Sleep paralysis


As soon as I fall asleep it starts to happen. I’m aware I’m asleep with my eyes closed but can see the ceiling of my room as if I’m laying there with them open. I then feel my blanket slowly getting tighter wrapping around my chest and shoulders with a forceful weight on top of me not being able to move with only the odd muscle twitching of me wanting to wake up but feeling so drained from it. I then hear as if it’s old nursery rhymes coming from a middle aged women from the futhest distance of my room with the sounds of a rocking chair and a set of knitting tools being used. Thankfully it got to the point of me eventually waking up but felt very long as I was In a loop of it all happening over and over. I woke up laying in my bed sheets that were drenched from my sweat. I then looked at the time on my phone and I was only asleep for 30 minutes. I’m having dreams like these far to often each week and I’m starting to hate going to sleep. I started having all these nightmarish dreams for the past year and half and feel as if they are becoming more and more vivid each time. I believe it’s some sort of sleep paralysis but I have had past dreams where I have delt with it and then felt myself being popped out of my body floating up to the ceiling with my breathing sound as if I’m wearing a astronaut helmet looking around the room at myself sleeping but feeling very relaxed when I get to this part I feel as if it all starts with sleep like paralysis then if I pass that all with out having feared it I then go in to an Astral projection sleep. I have only experienced the astral projection a few times but don’t last long nor go far from room in it as it is all quite scary for me.

6 Apr 2024



I had a dream where I was driving a vanand I was on my phone and then a cop pulls me over and I was like “ dang they got me for me phone “ and I told that I shouldn’t be on my phone but they never said anything and open all the doors and now I was in the back of the van and the pick up the van with a crane now they van I being pick up while I’m the van and they flip the van to its side and I fell on the floor and right when I fell I started throwing up on the street and I woke with barely breathing

6 Apr 2024



I went to bed, and I fell asleep, obviously, and then I must have started dreaming or whatever, and so there I was, dreaming, but I'm awake now, but I'm in the same bedroom where I was asleep, and now it's like I am up in the corner of the room, looking down on myself as I sleep, and so there I was, a fly on the wall, but me, looking down on myself, I'm sleeping on my bed. Okay, so then all of a sudden, I look over to the, I guess my right, and I look down, and I could see this mass, this dark mass, that forming, kind of coming up under the door and up all, like, onto the wall, and it was creeping, like, you know, and it was making its way slowly to where I was laying, and it came up onto the bed. This is all, like, taking a while, and it comes over me in my sleep, as I'm watching myself sleep, like, you know, and as I was sleeping, all of a sudden, I can see this black mass start going into, like, as I'm breathing, it's like I'm breathing it in, and then, and then, and then, I'm watching this happen, but then all of a sudden, I wake up from my dream, night terror, whatever you want to call it, and I was choking, I woke up choking, and I sat, I was sitting up exactly how I had seen myself in this dream, and it was so weird, it was so weird, I don't know, like, I, like, it made me cry, and I don't even know if, like, I don't know if that was even a dream, or if, if that is, if there's paranormal, or I had an outer body experience, I don't know, so maybe you can decipher it, but at that point, I had had night terrors for, like, three, four years in a row, anytime, anytime I fell asleep, I would have terror, terror, it was always terrors, so, I don't know, maybe you can help me analyze that one, it was the freakiest thing that ever happened to me, and, and it was in my dream, I guess.

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