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Dream Interpretation: Kissing 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Kissing? Discover the significance of seeing a Kissing in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Kissing appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol indicates your connection, love, and affection toward another symbol. Notice what you are kissing or what is kissing you; there is an important connection between these two things that your mind is trying to identify with you.

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🧭 Direction


Based on the scenario in your dream, it could have multiple meanings. Analyze the symbols to know if the connection you are forming in the dream is familiar or unfamiliar or if it is a beautiful one or repulsive. This will help you to understand whether the unconscious associations you have will help you grow or lapse. Based on this insight, follow the path in your life.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of kissing can evoke a range of emotions, such as passion, desire, love, intimacy, and connection. It may symbolize a deep longing for affection or a desire for emotional closeness with someone. Kissing in dreams can also represent a sense of fulfillment, happiness, or excitement. However, the feelings associated with this dream can vary depending on the context and the individuals involved.





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Dreams of users containing the word Kissing

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15 Jul 2024



I am able to connect and feel energies from earth . I am overwhelmed with joy as feel it through my body. My feet had roots buried in the ground. I woke up a couple times. Every time I went back to sleep I felt it again. There was more people about and I remember have conversations with them on what was going on. I get th feeling they were guides. I have special abilities. I am able to be invisible. I seem to be able to bring people together so they can fall in love. One scene I am walking to a male and female figure kissing on a wall facing a road. I reveled myself and said I am so happy they are together. I felt it was an accomplishment. The male figure seems annoyed I keep popping up out of no where. I made a joke not to worry I don’t watch them during intimacy. He seemed uncomfortable. I am in a tram with a bunch of people heading to somewhere. At some point I feel asleep. When woken the tram is low lit; dark and grey. I see some people are sleeping and some up. Two female figure kept calling me name. I hear the excitement in there voice to get my attention. I for someone reason didn’t respond. I hear them trying to get the male figure next to me to get my attention but he didn’t response to them either. I am in what seemed like a restaurant. I had to use the bathroom. I walk away from the group I am with to find one. The male figure who sat next to me on the tram followed. We seemed to be good friends. We couldn’t find the bathroom and got lost from the rest of the group. We ended up in a cafeteria setting. I see foam and plastic cups. My friend and I grabbed a plastic cup. I walked to a place that seemed like a maybe a warehouse. I noticed the cameras everywhere as I am trying to place the cup in my pants without being noticed. As I am walking out. My friend and a male figure who seem to be a cop and his son was in the patio section of the cafeteria. I rushed over to see what’s going on. I stepped the wrong way and felt fluid going down my legs. I realized the cup I put is in my pocket and had fluid in it. I don’t remember peeing in it. I reached my friend who mentioned he is working. I asked him why when he is off. He laughed and said I have no idea why I am working on my day off. I am not sure what happened but someone shot the officer in the head. I ran off to find the tram. I came across a group of students sitting on benches. There are huge beautiful trees everywhere and luscious grass. As I walk past the group they seem to know who I am and were making jokes about me. I approach the last bench and a female I am great friends with in my waking life is looking at me smiling. I said hey to her and she told me how the student are saying she is finally woke. I made a comment to her saying them kids don’t know what woke is. They aren’t capable of proper hiegene. We both laughed and I proceed to walk to my car. I look left and see a white bus with tinted windows. I felt it was the transportation I was looking for but it’s no longer a tram. I decided to ignore trying to get on and felt it’s better I drive myself to the theme park. I took my phone to call my friend to see if he was able to get on and figure out where is the next stop. I realize I don’t know his number and anyone else contact to reach out. I am at a concert or theater. I walked to a empty seat to pee. A female figure you I felt was my mother looked back at the female figure I fell is a friend to see if see can see the event because I am standing in front of her. I get immediately irritated and walked away fussing that the female figure who felt like my mother is always inserting herself in things that don’t concern her.

12 Jul 2024

My crush


I had a dream that I was swimming in a pond in a field near a country road. And I got out of the water because I noticed this girl Amalia that I have had a crush on for years but never met her in real life. Amalia was walking toward the road and I started walking in the same direction we eventually met and she and I both looked at each other and it seemed obvious we were interested in each other. I was holding my clothes up as I was dressing in them and I kind of looked at her side eyed and had a courios face and said to her “do I know” and I can’t remember what she said but she invited me in the car with her. We drove to a building and we walked to this elevator when we got in the elevator - the elevator had a very interesting design. It started to transform like the wallpaper would shift into different designs and shapes. The elevator started to move sideways which resulted in us loosing out footing but I was able to catch Amalia in my arms to protect her. She looked at me surprised that I was able to stop her from falling and she kissing me. Then elevator stopped at her appartment this uniquely designed industrial loft. Inside she had a few friends. I went to the kitchen at some point and she followed me and me made love. Amalia is beautiful she looks very elegant and had midlengeth to long brunette hair. She is tall and thin but has a beautiful shape. She looks like a model. I am a woman tall and fit I have long brown hair with a lighter tone to it. I have bluish green eyes. I was dressed in pants and a t shirt with cowboy boots. Amalia was in a pair of cutoff jean shorts and a red tank top. I think it was love.

3 Jul 2024



Why do I keep having a dream of kissing my ex

2 Jul 2024



I was in a nice, luxurious house, sitting down by a window, looking out at a beautiful garden and this random guy, who was my husband, was leaving. He looked at me and asked, "Have you ever kissed anyone?" and I replied "No". He smirked and sat next to me and we started kissing but it went even more spicy as we ended up French kissing each other with tongues, heavy breaths and moans before his mother/sister knocked on the door

2 Jul 2024

My crush


I was at the park kissing my old school crush

2 Jul 2024

Three People


I just had a very erotic dream, even though nothing really sexual happened. I was in a house that felt familiar and I was sleeping off a hangover, which is kinda unusual since I don’t drink. A man comes down that is wearing a chefs coat and hand me a glass of water and tells me that it’s time to get up , I kinda look at him confused and I asked him why, and he smiles at me and the chemistry is just off the charts. I start to drink the water and then I ask him are you here to cook lunch? He sits down on the bed beside me and I am naked under the covers, and it’s like he’s trying to care for me because I’m not feeling well. He’s like rubbing my arms making me drink the water and then he takes a sip of my water and he loses a tooth into the cup of water. when I see it, I look at him and I said that is kinda, because I lose teeth all the time too! And then we kiss and as we are kissing into the room files, a whole group of people of what I think is three men and two other women. two men and one woman get into the bed and one of the men get in behind me, and is kind of holding my upper body up with his. He’s explaining to the man that I’ve been kissing that it is important to hold the woman’s upper body up the other couple also get into the bed. I’m not exactly for sure what’s going on but the chemistry with the man that I’ve been kissing is so, hot and passionate that I’m just kind of going with the flow. until the man that did not get into the bed pulls out a video camera and that startles me. I grab the sheet around my body and get up out of the bed because I’m not going to be on video camera, doing anything sexual with these people however, the man that initiated all of this, that I had the chemistry with is not upset. He goes and gets me another glass of fresh water and takes it to me while I’m in the restroom. He tells me it’s OK that he is not upset that he understands, he tells me to drink the water so I take another drink of water and then he kisses me deeply and then I wake up.

30 Jun 2024



I had a awesome looking jacked army green ford bronco that I had bought with my money for a first car and my stepsis crush thought it was really cool and in my dream I think we might’ve kissed or had sex. Most dreams with her do so I’m assuming but I just remember the bronco part

27 Jun 2024



I was leaving a restaurant with someone when I notice that the owner is standing by the door and it’s this guy I knew back when I was really young. He has always had bars and clubs and restaurants, he’s quite short, average looking, has been with the same girl since high school and the rumour is he’s abusive with his wife. Anyway our eyes meet and he recognises me and I go to him and hug him and kiss his cheek and say “hi, so nice to see you! You remember me?” And he hugs me back and says of course, how could I not remember you! And we start to kiss, not deeply or anything but more short kisses while I also am leaving. I feel almost a bit exhilarated that we’re kissing. I’ve seen him almost every time I’m back home these last years and I haven’t seen anyone else from my youth. At the same time I remember thinking I’m the dream how typical it is for me to always get involved with the wrong type of guys. I wake up because my dog wants to get in bed and then start dreaming again but can’t remember what other than that he was there again.

26 Jun 2024



I found myself wanting to kiss a girlfriend and we weren't allowed to, I was in a car as a passenger and upset about not being able to drive. I remember not taking my medication and wanting to find it, I found myself in a house with many floors and wooden steps and empty rooms, I found my medication floating in a pool.

25 Jun 2024



I only remember fragments of the dream. I remember being on vacation with my two younger children and they were swimming. Somehow I knew I was there with a new love, not my current husband. They were so happy and we were surrounded by lots of people that we knew. It felt relaxing and normal and safe. The kids were swimming on a mattress and a large swarm of insects or mosquitoes arrived and everyone got in the water to help the kids to shore safe and sound. The insects surrounded me and crawled inside my clothes. Strong arms dragged me away and suddenly we were inside, my kids having a shower and people fixing lunch while laughing and talking. I was safe and happy. My new love came in the room and said “I haven’t said hello to you” and started kissing me and I felt happy and safe but a voice in my head said “you’ve felt like this before and it was always a lie”. And then I woke up

24 Jun 2024



I dreamt that my college student daughter was pregnant and that I kissed a man who looked like Judd Nelson.

23 Jun 2024



I saw a unicorn again in my dream, he said he didn’t hate me even though I was raped. He said if I needed a friend I could call for him in my dream. That’s unicorns could still like me even though I’m impure. Though he said he thought I was pretty pure I was at a camp, with kids of all age ranges. I felt like the only adult though. It felt like Camp Shamina but there was like weapons lining the walls, armory’s, open fires, people fighting/yelling, and like war horses? Interesting fucking camp. I started off hangin with Rose, but then she turned into Olivia and she wanted to introduce me to her Blonde guy friend. He kept staring at me with this interesting expression? Like he wanted to know something about me. He had really pretty blue eyes I wanted to take a picture. Me and Olivia shared a waffle with strawberries and whip cream 😋 it was so freakin good Anyways I met another guy He had a dark aura about him, actually trying to recall him is next to impossible, like I can see his face but it’s all shadowy I can’t remember any features. He seemed real Gruff and stoic? Possessive? Dominant? Yet he kinda went along with anything I wanted so it wasn’t really that intimidating in my opinion. Ima skip past the beginning and just yeet myself over to my time with him. I’m not sure how it started but he said he was my stalker. He said a lot of things really but all I could really focus on was his body. And then he started touching me. Kissing and licking and it felt so good I sorta just melted into him. All I could think about was how badly I wanted him. He was a bigger guy- super muscular and maybe scary looking? He didn’t seem that way to me though. I actually liked his personality quite a bit. He was rough and all I could think was I wanted more. I was out with Olivia and her guy friend. It was this tall blonde guy with glasses. Home bro crashed it and was like I’m taking Brianna home. One thing lead to another and we were having sex. I just wanted more, more more. It wasn’t enough, I felt addicted. He had a bit of a rough personality but compared to most people in my dreams, he seemed to actually respect me, and my body. I have no idea what he was thinking as he was fucking me but he seemed to think that once was enough. But as I dragged him upstairs into the duck bathroom I assured him I needed him to keep fucking me. I wanted it raw. And as he lifted me into his arms, his cum dripping down my ass from when he pulled out. It seemed like he was ready to give that too me. I was really embarrassed though. I worried he thought I was gross. Though when I had the thought it was like he could hear it and it shocked him. 🤷‍♀️ I can’t remember how he replied to me but I think it was something like “You crazy girl.”

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