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Dream Interpretation: Hug 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Hug? Discover the significance of seeing a Hug in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Hug appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A hug in a dream symbolizes comfort, love, and affection. It represents a need for emotional support and connection. It can also indicate a desire for physical touch and intimacy.

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🧭 Direction


Are you feeling lonely or disconnected from others in your waking life? This dream may be a reminder to reach out to loved ones and seek comfort and support. It can also be a sign that you need to work on building stronger relationships and connections with those around you. Don't be afraid to ask for a hug or offer one to someone who may need it.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a hug evokes feelings of warmth, comfort, and affection. It signifies a deep emotional connection with someone or a desire for intimacy and support. This dream may also represent a need for reassurance or a longing for physical touch. Overall, the dream of a hug brings about positive emotions and a sense of security.





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18 Jul 2024



It was night and I was in a restaurant with my family, we were all done eating so we got up and walked to the exit and that’s when I saw an old friend (ex crush) enter the restaurant. Him and I made eye contact and for some reason I just wanted to go up to him and talk to him. Then suddenly I was in this art gallery with him and my sister trying to figure out a way to get out, then I was trying to get into an elevator with him alone, when I did I hugged him and finally feeling satisfied to being close to him. That’s when my sister opened the elevator door and i immediately separated from him. That we left the gallery and he drove us back home in his car. I felt the urge to kiss him there, but i didn’t.

16 Jul 2024

My crush


I was at my house and I was leaving for school but it was nighttime and two classmates were there and also my crush, as I was leaving my house I went down stairs but almost fell so i yelled at my crush to help me but I didn't end up falling. When I was finally leaving my crush hugged me and said "don't leave, stay with me". I started to walk towards a tree in my house and in the distance I saw a group of people and more far away I saw my two classmates, as we walked he stopped hugging me and then grabbed my hand and said "let's go with our classmates" and I said "no" but somehow we ended up with them

16 Jul 2024



I was in a big store that looked like Walmart. There were a few familiar faces who apparently worked with me, one of them being an ex-friend named Rosa. As I was sorting SIM cards, I run into a guy and a small child (toddler). He looked very familiar, I knew him from somewhere. He says hi to me and he tells his little one to say hi as well. We have a conversation and he tells me that I am the mother of his little one. I got caught by surprise because I didn’t remember ever birthing any other child but my son Issac. He looked a little hurt and asked me if I didn’t remember a few years back when he got me pregnant. Suddenly, I got a flash of memories. In the memory, I remembered that we had a one night stand and had an accidental pregnancy. I let him know about the pregnancy and that I was going to abort. He begged me to keep his child and told me he would take full responsibility and not ask anything of me. He just really wanted a kid. I was hesitant of keeping the pregnancy but he kept insisting, so I decided to have the baby and give up my parental rights to him. When I had these memories, I felt extremely guilty that I had a child, gave him up and forgot about him. I went over, introduced myself to the boy and gave him a hug. He looked so much like his father and looked only a little bit older than Issac. I let dad know that I was sorry for forgetting about our child and that I wanted the opportunity to be in his life because he deserved to have a mother. He seemed surprised by it but was open to it and then they left. I started to think about how I was going to break the news to my family, Issac’s dad and all my loved ones. Nobody knew about the existence of this boy and I had forgotten about it myself. I wondered how I was able to block the memory out of my mind for so long. I knew I had to make things right, let all my loved ones know about “my first born” and make up for lost time with this boy.

16 Jul 2024

Text message


I received a text message saying merry Christmas from a girl named Jackie I didn’t know which one it was the hit one or the ugly one if it was the hit one I wanted to continue texting to be able to have sex with her later yet things didn’t go so well and she said she was just wishing me happy holidays later a mail lady came to my house to drop off mail and I let her in with the intention ig seducing her and having sex with her yet on the way out the door I tried my shot and told her lemme get a hug I went for the hug but it was forced she didn’t wanna and insulted me and left

14 Jul 2024



I am in a beach then im indoors and there are men all around me. A lot in military uniform and other uniforms. I walk with some of them. One that is taler than me hugs me from behind, he is tall, and strong and i like it and we walk this way to a table. I see his face i wish he was more handsome but hes ok. Then im sitting with another guy who is upset he is rejected by a younger women. I try and explain to him the science of attraction and i add in a layer about age. I say “ if we are both an 8 out of ten, we need to find someone who is an 8 in our age range”

11 Jul 2024



From where I can remember I was sitting at a big table and a bunch of close and old friends were sitting there. I was at the end with Melanie and Lori and Kaleb on my left. Shaggy and Madison were on the right. Next I can vividly remember being in what seemed like a large hotel room with a bunch of beds in it. There was a TV right to the left of me. Then it was Melanie’s bed. Across from me 2 beds to the right was Madison’s bed. The bed to my right was Lori’s. I told Lori I’m going to go talk to Madison. We started talking and I made a few jokes that she was laughing to. Then I got a call from I think Kellen to come downstairs and get him. I said I was going down there and Madison offered to come with me. Then we were downstairs of this huge hotel or event center. I’m not sure. But it was built like the pentagon and the huge sliding doors were air locked and I’m not sure why. And I can remember something showing on the TV saying currently 2 doors are open and it was a big alarm saying only 2 doors could open. Then one door closed and kellen was sitting to my left. I talk to him for a minute then Alfredo (not a close friend, but a cool guy) approaches me and asks how it’s goin. We shoot the shit for a minute then I look at one of the sliding doors opening up. Kris A. was there and it’s his girlfriend. Then Cesar and Mauricio behind him and I felt a sense of joy. Then Cesar said “what were you doing down here. We were going to surprise you” I then pointed at Kellen and said I came down to get him. Then I went up and gave Mauricio a hug and asked him how was the trip. Then an alarm came up on the screen for the doors again. Then I woke up to my alarm. (I set a lot of them to try and wake me up in the morning)

10 Jul 2024



Dream my dead father in-law performed a funeral for a man that we didn't even know. He even provided the casket for the burial. This person was reported lost but we found him in a cemetery in a container next to a grave and my dead father in-law grabbed the dead man and hugged him like he knew him and then I woke up.

9 Jul 2024



I had a dream about my ex and how he rejected me so much while I tried my best to get his attention and love. He eventually seemed to give in, he stayed at my family’s house with me, sharing bed with me. It seemed we were together again. I’ve missed it definitely. It felt so nice to be hugged and cuddled by him. Yet it’s just a dream. He definitely didnt seem to want anything to do with me in the beginning. He seemed annoyed with me until he eventually loosened up.

9 Jul 2024



I was chasing a cute girl through a community of villa or townhouse type apartments. She thought she was quick but I had a type of 6th sense that knew where she was going. I'd get close to her and grab her ass and pull at her underwear. I caught her at the end and gave her a hug from behind. I was having a lot of fun and I believe she was too.

8 Jul 2024



Ok so last night I had a dream that I held a party at my house but my ex was there. We ran out of snacks so I went to the lower cupboard and sat on the floor as I rummaged through it to find some more food then my ex came behind me and patted my head but I had no clue it was him. He then hugged me from behind for like 1 or 2 minutes but then got called out by someone. I was still unaware that it was him. As soon as he left some woman came and stroked my head like I was a cat and I nuzzled up to her like I it felt good.

8 Jul 2024



I dreamt that me and my husband were watching young babies. He was running a bath for them. I walked into the bathroom to find it flooded with water and drowned babies. I frantically picked them up out of the water and as I hugged them up to my shoulder and patted them on the back they would cough up water and be ok

8 Jul 2024



I was teaching a grade school class. But they were overly energetic so I took them outside for some outdoor playtime. I was leading a game but the children kept being distracted by baby deer. Then all of a sudden a stampede of horses was coming right at me. One large brown horse came to save me. He sat down and let me hug him as the stampede went by. I was so thankful to the horse I cried.

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