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Dream Interpretation: Hugging 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Hugging? Discover the significance of seeing a Hugging in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Hugging appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of hugging someone or being hugged symbolizes comfort, love, and affection. It represents a need for emotional support and a desire for intimacy. It can also indicate a need to forgive or be forgiven.

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🧭 Direction


Think about who you were hugging in the dream and how it made you feel. Is there someone in your waking life who you need to reach out to for emotional support or forgiveness? Alternatively, if you were hugging someone you don't know, it may represent a need for more social connections and intimacy in your life. Take steps to reach out to others and build meaningful relationships.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of hugging evokes feelings of warmth, comfort, and affection. It signifies a deep connection with someone or a desire for emotional support. This dream may bring about a sense of security, love, and happiness. It represents the need for human connection and the importance of physical touch in our lives. Hugging in a dream can also symbolize forgiveness, reconciliation, or the need to mend broken relationships. Overall, this dream elicits positive emotions and a longing for emotional intimacy.





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17 Jul 2024



A ex friends with benefits confesses she been sleeping with my friend and a lot of other men bc I hurt when I told her I liked someone else hugging someone else laying with someone else she showed me pictures of my friends she didn’t know I already knew cus my friends told me that he was with her that he did it behind my back

12 Jul 2024

Text message


For some reason I had two therapist the one I have in my waking life and another one that was an unfamiliar white man. I went to this outdoor event with a band playing music and my white male therapist was there. We ended up chatting and he was saying something to me and I couldn't make out what he said. He thought I was listening to him but really I didn't hear what he said. He got upset with me for not listening but I explained to him I couldn't hear him over the band. He was pretty defensive but we moved on. Later on I met a new unfamiliar female friend at the event. We chatted and the same thing happened and I couldn't hear something she was saying and she asked me do I need to repeat something to me three times and she mockingly told me something three times and I told her don't do that. I couldn't hear her over the band. Later on we were hanging out and I was telling her about how I’ve experienced losing two friends in my lifetime. The one who broke our friendship a few years ago and another friend I was close to back in college that I distanced myself from her after several instances of her crossing my boundaries. The friend I broke up with I reconnected with her soon after I moved to NC. She apologized for her actions towards the end of our college career and soon after but our friendship never quite became close again. Nor did I ever wanted it to. And now we just follow each other on social media and that's it. When I started to tell her about the friend that broke up with me I decided to pull up our last text message exchange ad share it with her. I pulled something up and started reading it but it wasn't the text from the old friend I quickly realized it was a text message from my white male therapist. Accusing me of lying about not listening and that I lied to him that it was the band. He shared a long paragraph indicating other negative untruthful things about me and that he no longer wanted to be my therapist. But I also felt like the therapist was acting pretty unethical because I had this feeling he romantically liked me. Anywho, after reading it I was really hurt. I was hesitant to share the text with my new unfamiliar friend because he accused me of not listening just like she did earlier but I gave her heads up of that and told her anyways. Later on I met with my black female therapist who is actual my therapist in my waking life. Told her everything that happened with the other therapist and she was very empathetic with me and felt sorry that I experienced that from a fellow therapist. I felt seen and heard like I usually do with my therapist. Later on I went to a party and I saw my therapist there. We chatted and quickly became actual friends. I was dating this guy and it was early on in our dating life and after several interactions he became pretty pushy. There was a moment I told him I really liked him and he told me he loved me. Which I thought was weird cause it was very early on. And he flirtingly insisted I tell him I love him back which I didn't want to but I did cause I didn't want to make me feel bad. I felt love-bombed and I got a feeling that I was starting a new abusive cycle similar to the one I had with my abusive ex in my waking life at the beginning of our relationship but it just looked differently. Later on my therapist was realizing how pushy my date was being to me and she decided to stand up for me and tell him to back off and stop treating me that way. She later on told me this isn't something I wouldn't do as a therapist but since we're friends now I can do that. We hugged and I felt bitter sweet. Because I was happy to have her as friend but I also knew that meant she had to terminate our therapist-and-client relationship because it would be unethical for us to still be connected this way. I was worried about finding a new therapist because she was the first therapist in my waking life I really felt fully connected to and I've made significant progress with. All my other therapist weren't the right fit. Later on in the dream, I was hanging out with a bunch of people seemingly friends but my estranged brother was also there. We were playing different outdoor games like football and soccer. I helped kick off the games and get everyone excisted to play we would start playing and then when my brother decided to leave to do something else people would stop and start following him. In the last game we started to play soccer and he went inside to do something else and folks just started playing. And I asked why folks were folks were leaving and not interested in playing anymore and it was basically because my brother left. I hated that. It was like folks followed up and didn't think for themselves. It kind of remind me in our waking life before I stopped speaking to my brother he was a devout Christian and a pastor. Very gifted preacher and at some point became a youth pastor at a church in Randolph, MA. After a few years he wasn't seeing eye to eye with the main pastor there and decided to leave, a lot of folks left the church as well. He attempted to start his own church and that kind of dwindled down but he still had devout followers one of which was one of his youth members at the old church and they started dating. She was 15 when they met and he was 27. They didn't have a relationship beyond pastor and member until she became of legal age soon after she went to college and they started to like each other more than friends. A few years ago he converted into a Black Hebrew Isrealite. We started to become more distant soon after I went off to college and he became a youth pastor but I decided to stop speaking with him altogether soon after he became a Black Hebrew Isrealite. He was more unbearable, condescending and patronizing. It was miserable to speak and relate to him. Now we're completely estranged and he married that young woman he basically groomed. The dream ended with everyone not playing soccer anymore and i had this feeling of annoyance against my brother again and I once again kept my distance from him.

11 Jul 2024



This was a few weeks ago. I was visiting my family in Texas. My cousin Elizabeth came over and she was hugging me tight and never let go.

10 Jul 2024



I went apartment hunting and found an apartment of interest. This man told me that I can look inside the apartment. When I got there there was someone else with a roommate that was already living in it but they were kind to let me see the rooms. I saw an old friend from middle school in the apartment. We cried and hugged. I asked about her parents and siblings but she didn’t tell me her sister had passed away which I already knew of from Facebook. The apartment was odd shaped, there was a play room for their pets which was shaped funny. Walking on the carpet I stepped into a hole which wasn’t visible. I removed my food and kept walking. Next thing I know I was at work and this office assistant was going around giving us things like fancy pens, desk toys to play with that someone had donated to our workplace. I found a fancy pen and the office assistant said something acknowledging that she wanted it. I said ok you can have it I have fancy pens at home.

30 Jun 2024



I was back in the memory of where I got to last see my grandma. I walked into the small room and seen here with her white hair tied up in a bun. I kneel beside her bedside and take her hands and star deeply into her eyes not wanting to let go. She smiles at me and squeezes my hands. I put my forehead against hers and tell her she’s beautiful. I do everything I can to just stay another moment. She’s uncomfortable with the silence but I am not because I love her so much and don’t want to lose her so I stay there. Eventually, as I felt I couldn’t get close enough to her, I climb into her bed with her and I interlock my arms with hers and her hands and we lay in the bed together side by side holding each other. In that moment there’s no where else I’d rather be.

28 Jun 2024



I had a dream that i was living in a 2bedroom apartment with my ex. While the situation was awkward i knew we were not together. I invited a friend over, who i find very attractive. He is cery muscular and we have a flirtatious situation where im hugging him and caressing his chest and back. He can’t stay over and i say its ok, i explain my living situation and he says he will be back later, he just has to make arrangements for his daughter. While he is gone i walk down the street in the neighborhood and i find that robert downy Jr is throwing a house party. We meet eachother on the street and we are talking in his door way. I think this is so cool that when the guy lets me know hes back at my place i avoid going back. I also meet mat damon on RDJ porch. Mat. Damon and i are really connecting. Robert says “lets take this inside” and now im at roberts house party bbq. I keep hanging out with mat damon

27 Jun 2024



I was leaving a restaurant with someone when I notice that the owner is standing by the door and it’s this guy I knew back when I was really young. He has always had bars and clubs and restaurants, he’s quite short, average looking, has been with the same girl since high school and the rumour is he’s abusive with his wife. Anyway our eyes meet and he recognises me and I go to him and hug him and kiss his cheek and say “hi, so nice to see you! You remember me?” And he hugs me back and says of course, how could I not remember you! And we start to kiss, not deeply or anything but more short kisses while I also am leaving. I feel almost a bit exhilarated that we’re kissing. I’ve seen him almost every time I’m back home these last years and I haven’t seen anyone else from my youth. At the same time I remember thinking I’m the dream how typical it is for me to always get involved with the wrong type of guys. I wake up because my dog wants to get in bed and then start dreaming again but can’t remember what other than that he was there again.

25 Jun 2024



Sometime last week I posted a picture on Facebook. A few nights ago I had a dream about checking my notifications and saw that my friend Laura liked that picture. She then sent me a message on Facebook messenger asking me what I’ve been up to since graduation. I asked her the same thing. We ended up talking for hours and she told me that she missed me over the years. We then met up somewhere and we hugged for a long time. We then started dating and eventually became a couple. I hope we reunite soon and talk. She was a cool kid back in high school. I’ll never forget when we would playfully pick on each other.

25 Jun 2024



I got my first apartment. It was haunted by a ghost who made people feel so awful that they committed suicide. I went out to get something and left my front door unlocked. When I got back, it was wide open. There was a man sleeping in my bed and 3 young girls ages 0-4 in my bedroom as well. I already knew that the bedrooms were haunted so I woke the man up from his nightmare and made sure he was alright before telling him “this is my house” Then, I transitioned into a large room with a trampoline for a floor. The ghost was holding me and others in the room, including monster hunters Sam & Dean Winchester. We learned after looking at a few deaths that the ghost would make us do and feel the opposite of what we wanted to feel. So to escape, we had to say negative things and try to feel negative feelings just to stay alive. Eventually, we lured the ghost out of the house that she brought us to, and was able to capture her and get her to cross over. After it was over, I remember hugging Sam with the sun rising in the background. I felt safe in his arms and I didn’t want to let go.

23 Jun 2024

New house
Parking Lot


I remember the first part of my dream I was in some restaurant watching my friend eat. I remember her saying that I should’ve been calling James to come get us from here . Then my dream switched I remember walking outside and seeing alof of my family in the parking lot . A lot of my cousins I haven’t seen in a while . My cousin Dakota I actually hugged and talked to for a while I remember saying that I need to come to Atlanta where she lives to visit. Then I remember walking into this new house apparently it was my new house it was nice I remember I had plants hanging up everywhere I started watering all the plants with a spray bottle.

21 Jun 2024



I was walking up the road following an ambulance that was being driven by a man who I think was my boyfriend, he pulled over to get out. He kissed me and asked me to look after his dog when sirens sounded and said he had to go. I continued walking with the dog up a local road and then can to a big hill, approaching the brow I noticed that everything around me had changed, my surroundings had become almost futuristic. I was given a special belt to help me navigate around the new installed technology and found the hospital. While in there I tealosed I did not have a lead for the dog and struggled to keep it still. In the waiting room were two other women. One was sat in front of me without noticeable injuries and the other in a wheelchair beside me who had many injuries on her face and dried blood around her head. I had an urgent need to find this boyfriend and give his dog back but no matter what I did I could not find him. Another man who drove with him appeared and took the dog saying nothing. Before leaving the hospital I hugged the injured woman and told her to take care of herself. I returned to the brow of the hill to search again and noticed something strange going on. It was like being in a life musical, lots of people dancing and singing and I remember feeling sad that I wasn’t a part of that m. Suddenly a man approached me from behind, his front was touching my back and I jumped and started to shake but I didn’t turn around, I already knew that he wasn’t going to burst me for some reason, he was taller than me and so his head was over my shoulder and he spoke softly into my ear, he apologised for frightening me and told me I didn’t have to be afraid and that I was so beautiful that he had to come to me. I said I had never had a someone approach me like this and I suddenly felt very safe. After a moment he was gone and I continued searching for the boyfriend. I saw him in what looked like an ambulance windshield in front of me, except it was a large circular transparent building that was turning around like a merry go round. He was with other medical people and seemed to be looking for something as well

20 Jun 2024



I am cooking homemade cheese puffs. I am stirring cream cheese, guacamole, and cheese powder. I am covering the crispy balls with the mixture I made. Brittany Mahomes is consoling a a friend who has just gone through a breakup. She and another girl are sitting by her and hugging her.

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