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Dream Interpretation: Pooping 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Pooping? Discover the significance of seeing a Pooping in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Pooping appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes the need to release negative emotions or thoughts. It can also represent a desire for change or letting go of something that no longer serves you. Alternatively, it may indicate a need for privacy or a fear of being exposed.

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Reflect on what you may need to let go of in your waking life. Are there any negative emotions or thoughts that you need to release? Alternatively, do you feel like you need more privacy or are afraid of being exposed? Take time to address these issues and work towards finding a solution.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of pooping may evoke feelings of embarrassment, vulnerability, and relief. It symbolizes the need to release and let go of something that is no longer serving you. This dream may also indicate a desire for cleansing and purging negative emotions or experiences. It can bring a sense of liberation and a fresh start, as well as a reminder to address any unresolved issues or emotions in your waking life.





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13 Mar 2024



i had a dream about pooping in public

20 Feb 2024



I saw a girl from a distance pooping a lot by a lake/river and I could hear her sexy grunts and her poops dropping into the water. It was during a very pretty sunset.

6 Jan 2024



I had a dream that I kept having cash transactions with money from this company that was set up like a booth. Each time the person behind the counter was giving me back more money in change than they should have and I was taking it and not saying anything. A couple of time the owner caught the interaction and would make the correction but I still got alot of money from the cashiers mistake. The owner was one of my employees in real life. Then the dream switched and I was the employee of the booth and I asked to go on break. I walked down the street and decided to go to Popeyes. When I went to popeyes I used the bathroom first. When I walked in the bathroom there were a group of girls in the women's bathroom watching this man pee in amazement. Another guy had run in the bathroom after me and when he seen what was happening he went to the next Urinal and started peeing . I looked over on the urinal to see what was happening and it was just him peeing and holding his penis in his hand. I complemented his penis and the girls rushed over to see it. I kept walking into the stall and I had to poop. When I started pooping I realize a lot of guys where coming into the restaurant and they were able to see in my stall. It was like a sports team coming in the restaurant to eat. I just looked at them as they looked at me and I kept pooping. I wiped and it was an issue with the tissue but I am not sure why. The dream then jumped back to the booth I was working at and when I got back the owner, my employee in real life had closed everything and was going to sleep to go work later in the night. We flashed and was at his house and there were a lot of kids that he sent to bed and some of them were mine. I was confused. We started to have sex but it was sneaky sex with the kids in the house. The kids figured it out and was speaking against it and making noise and a couple of them ran out the window. We stopped and started talking about stuff and then I got up to go pee. When I went to pee I realized he had a wife. But when I realized he had a wife I had a feeling I knew the whole time when I was having sex with him. I then realized I knew his wife. Then I heard a commotion and I came out of the bathroom with everything but my skirt on and realized that he had company. I thought it was his wife but it was a co-worker of his. I started looking for my skirt around the room and couldn't find it. The co woeker seen me and the guy I was with started explaining as if we were not together. The co-worker knew something happened he reprimand the guy, looked at me and left. The guy fell back to sleep and I kept searching for my skirt. He never got up and people kept coming in the room asking me questions. I woke up after that. I was calm the entire dream. It was as I was outside my body watching all of this happen

28 Nov 2023



I dreamt that my stepfather (who I hate) was tryint to take care of my 95 year old grandmother (who is very unwell) and he was shouting at her about pooping in the bed

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