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Dream Interpretation: Poop ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Poop? Discover the significance of seeing a Poop in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Poop appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

Dreaming of poop can represent a need to release emotional or physical waste. It can also symbolize feelings of shame or embarrassment. Alternatively, it may indicate a need to let go of negative thoughts or behaviors.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction

Bad omen

Consider if there are any areas of your life where you are holding onto negative emotions or behaviors. It may be time to let go and move on. Additionally, if you are feeling shame or embarrassment, try to identify the source of those feelings and work on accepting and loving yourself. Remember, everyone has bodily functions and it is a natural part of life.

โค๏ธ Feelings

This dream of poop may evoke feelings of disgust, embarrassment, or shame. It could symbolize a need to release or let go of something negative in your life. It may also represent feelings of being overwhelmed or burdened by certain situations or emotions. Overall, this dream may leave you with a sense of discomfort or unease.





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Dreams of users containing the word Poop

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16 Jul 2024



I pooped and clogged a toilet. I didn't know it was clogged until I followed a stream of water to the toilet. I tried to unclog it but it didn't work at first. I felt gross about getting poop on me. Then my dog plays in the toilet, I knew I would need to give her a bath later.

6 Jul 2024



A priest eating a poop on dark bridge

4 Jul 2024



I had a dream were my nephew was in it and I was about to lock him out of the suv but he got to it. He killed a pedophile that was touching by decapitating him. Then I was with a male lover we were hanging out there was a thick sexual tension in the air. We both had finished working out and were both sweaty. I realized that he had 4 small puncture wounds on his back and so did I. I was also confused as well since he said he had a child which was a daughter when at first he said he didnโ€™t. Then I kept stepping out to go to the store to look at their face masks. There also was a part were there was poop coming into the house from the dogs. And there was scene were Iwas waiting in the fast food line. The guy didnโ€™t inform me to move hence he was burning all of our food.

3 Jul 2024



I dreamed that I pooped in my pants while I was trying to make it home from something. After it happened I wasn't embarrassed and just thought that it feel good and I felt relieved and lighter. I continued to try to get home to change my pants but I kept getting side tracked by running into people and talking with them all the while thinking I should really get home to change my pants. I eventually awoke from the dream before I had a change to make it home

29 Jun 2024

Dead body


I was doing DoorDash with my mom in a foreign city. We dropped off some foo and saw that they were having a memorial for a young woman that had passed away. We went back to the house later to figure out where the memorial was. The memorial took place in a forest with lots of golden brown trees. We noticed that the path was short and covered in dog poop. Once we got to the end of the path, we saw her body next to a river. She was completely naked and covered in poop as well. I became destrot (correct spelling later) and I started crying. I kept thinking โ€œwhy would someone just leave her body there and why would they let dogs just shit on her?โ€ I turned around and saw her family. All I could say was โ€œIโ€™m so sorry.โ€ The older sister went โ€œitโ€™s okโ€ and started getting dressed for the memorial while complaining about her sisters death.

6 Jun 2024



I was at work and I had to stay the night there while my family was doing something at church while I was sleeping I was talking in my sleep because somebody was like Iโ€™m going to take your job and when I woke up my brothers friend was there and we was talking and then out of no where he just started to take a poop it was time to open the store so we did but I realized that I didnโ€™t have any clean clothes to Change into then the girl I work with came and she destroyed the back room saying that she was looking for something but it was just a mess then I was showing my brothers friend how to work there and I turned around and saw some kids behind the counter and I lost my cool I told the to walk around the whole mall and then come back and try again and then we started fighting over some Twix then I was in the car with the messy coworker and my brothers friend then we got lost idk where we was going to then we turned around and I still didnโ€™t know where I was but I was saying hey you guys itโ€™s time to go to work bc we all left the store and now itโ€™s unsupervised but nobody was listening to me then my bod messaged me saying that we had at talk at 12 because I sees that nobody is in the store and I didnโ€™t call and tell him anything then I woke up

1 Jun 2024



I pooped in a jar in a charity shop, in front of people. I was in a large field in a place I was new in. I'd just moved there. I had a new apartment but the locks weren't very good and there always seemed to be people there. A man bought me a coat because it was cold. I ran into a place with a massive lock. A man said I had trapped something inside the lock. He said it stunk. It made me feel sick. There was cake in the apartment and people were slicing it up and having a piece.

22 May 2024



I had a dream of a poo in a toilet

20 May 2024



I was at some wedding or ceremony for an old friend from school, Jessica Best. The ceremony was Gothic and there was this parade of people dressed in black and dressed with stilts and beaks and they were marching through a dark forest. There was a giant church and inside were tons of people on both side of the church with a separation in the middle as a large walkway. They were talking about a friend I recently became estranged from. He was going to have a concert because he's a rapper. They asked if I'd support him and I said yes absolutely and agreed to talk in an interview on him or something. Then I was back at my mom's house with a friend from childhood, James Block. I was worried because I had to get ready to be somewhere but needed to workout and didn't have time to. I was sitting on the couch with James and then my mom came downstairs and asked if I was ready or something. I then got up and realized I had some cement looking poop in my pants. I touched it with my finhers and it didn't smell like anything so I wasn't sure what it was but assumed it was poop. I rushed upstairs to change and had no underwear. My mom came into the room and I had to cover myself and try to hide the poop underwear. I then found myself in a room with a bunch of people, including my ex girlfriend and her parents. I said hello and they were happy to see me. Her mom was laying down and had become bald. She looked like she was very sick. I felt sad about that. I then was in some motorhome or something and she was changing and I accidentally saw her naked. Her body was better than expected. Her breast's were huge and tagged so much they nearly touched the ground. I was at first embarrassed and turned away as she was trying to get dressed I think but then I just gave up since she didn't care and I just acted normal and did my best to keep eye contact.

11 May 2024



I can't remember all of the dream that I had, but parts of it were nightmarish, while others were okay. The part that I do remember was that a friend, who isn't real in life, and I were walking around a large office building trying to find something. We had to be careful because there were some people that were after us before we got in. Not too sure if we weren't supposed to be there or not. We go up a few floors looking around, there's a bunch of files haphazardly crammed together in their shelves at practically every work section. We get to a corridor with glass panneled walls like many places have, but the bottom was metal. Like a stainless steel that went up the walls. The corridor was small, but turned just a little. I assume it was just to accommodate the floor plan. We stopped near the entrance to the other side of the office to regroup and talk about where we should look for this item especially if we were to avoid whoever was after us before. For the moment, we were safe. A man hurriedly came up to us carrying a pig and asked if we could watch him for a few minutes while he goes to take care of something. We say "yeah, sure. We'll take care of him." He says thank you and quickly runs off. The pig is pretty clean looking and fairly small. He doesn't really do anything but lay there relaxed and at ease. In the corridor there was a large amount of clothes and other odds and ends that were just laying around behind us. Not trash, just random junk and laundry that I assume was mostly clean. Suddenly the pig seemed to move a bit and about 2-1/2 ft worth of his lower intestine started to steadily come out from his rear as if it had somehow prolasped. We start panicking because that's not normal and shouldn't happen. At this point the pig starts to poop and we start panicking more trying to push all of the stuff behind us back further since we don't know how much this pig is going to go. It turned out to be not very much and the pig's intestine goes back up inside of him. Suddenly a very small puppy with dark brown fur similar to a retriever comes in wearing a blue collar. The puppy immediately goes and starts to eat this pig's poop. I quickly grab this puppy up to stop him and yell "Hey! No. You can't eat be eating poop!" in order to discipline him. The small puppy now has small traces of poop on his mouth, paws, and ears. He looks at me with the biggest saddest eyes I have ever seen and I feel awful for yelling at this puppy. I feel like I have hurt him so deeply by yelling at him and I feel absolutely heartbroken looking at him. The man who dropped the pig off then takes the puppy out of my hands and takes the pig back. We told him the pig went on the floor and he sad sorry and thanked us for taking care of him while he was gone. He once again rushed off. I don't remember what happened after that.

10 May 2024



I I had a dream that I saw a frog made out of dog poop and it was hopping away from me, it went into a pile of laundry, when it jumped back out ace stopped it was just dog poop.

17 Apr 2024

Break up


I dream of I worked at a bar/restaurant as a bartender, the bar would shit down to shoot tv shows on. I was also living in California again but instead of a studio I had a beautiful house. I was dating this guy that used to be my neighbor and I didnโ€™t like it. He had a dog that was smelly and he he seemed like he was freeloading off me. His dog would poop all over the neighborhood and my nice neighbor would ask me to pick it up because he wouldnโ€™t. Later I went the same bar for work but asked to go to a different location, at this location there was a lot of famous people that worked there including Joe Rogan and the host of the TV show Catfish. I told the host that I thought I was a lesbian and wanted to break up with my boyfriend. Later I got a text from a UFC fighter that was a girl hitting on me. I guess Joe Rogan found out that I was interested in women and asked her to hit me up.

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