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Dream Interpretation: Lake 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Lake? Discover the significance of seeing a Lake in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Lake appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol acts as a window into your unconscious mind and emotions. It reflects your emotional state, personality, and your unconscious identity. This suggests that you will soon encounter emotions that were previously hidden within you.

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🧭 Direction


Your emotional state holds the key to everything you are currently going through. By looking inside, you will find the answers to what lies below the surface of your awareness. Use this and the power of your unconscious mind to gain insight.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a lake evokes a sense of tranquility and peace. It symbolizes emotional depth and introspection. The calm waters reflect a desire for serenity and a need to connect with one's emotions. It may also represent a need for relaxation and rejuvenation. The dreamer may be seeking a sense of balance and harmony in their life. The lake symbolizes a journey into the subconscious mind, inviting the dreamer to explore their innermost thoughts and feelings. Overall, this dream elicits a sense of calmness and a longing for emotional fulfillment.





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Dreams of users containing the word Lake

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18 Jul 2024



It started with me hanging out in my yard, and there were these two huge owls in our trees, they were flying around and landing on branches and I kept trying to get a picture cause I was like "Wow owls are big" cause these things were like the size of an eagle and they were our during the day so I could get a good shot, and at one point I saw a huge dead fish in the trees too (bigger that the owls), but I figured the owls took it from the lake, then after a while of watching the owls I found some people in our yard, it was these two girls who were sisters and a boy and the boy was making jokes about the sisters so I stepped in and started joking about him and then eventually he picked me up and I acted all like I didn't want to go where they he was bringing me, playing it up for laughs, he opened the door to the motor home in my yard and there was more giant dead fish hanging on the walls which was gross, he threw me in and blocked the door, and then I went to the front and joked "Oh no, how will I ever get out of the motor home that MY family owns" and then I started to drive it around the yard but I was having a lot of difficulty mostly with the breaks, so then I managed to park it back where it goes but it was like three chunks where one was the camper part, one was a storage part, and then there was the drive part and the parts had detached in the yard so I had to go get the other parts and hook them back up before I got in trouble, at the end of the day the boy and two girls wanted to be friends so we all exchanged names and then I found a crystal and my uncle said that it needed to go to the top of a mountain and a couple people came with me, a couple of friends who weren't the ones I just met, but we were traveling up this mountains for days and eventually we got to the top and put the crystal in, and then I woke up in this weird village, and I turned to my travel partners and asked if they remember what happened or how we got there, and then there was something about rock shops and then we started going up another mountain and it was a different material that the other one, and them we found a rock shop on the mountain and I got a necklace of four elements and my friend said it was fitting because I could bend all four elements and then I remembered my uncle who could bend water like it was fire (like how Iroh from Avatar will use other elements techniques in his bending) and then I thought I woke up and my friend Amber was in a sleeping bag next to my bed and she said "sorry I had a weird dream about you, I don't want to make you uncomfortable" and I was like "you didn't make me uncomfortable in my dream you were cool" and then I started trying to describe the mountain dream to her and then realized I needed to go back further and then as I was describing the owls I saw a hawk with a really big beak sitting eye level with me on a towel rack on my bedroom wall and when it opened its beak to make a noise I actually woke up.

18 Jul 2024



I was at a lake house with my cousin and aunt and a few other people. I went out on the dock to fish. The dock was very long and when I got out to the end it was swaying all over the place like it was both having a hard time holding my weight and it was caught in some river flow or something because the dock was partially submerged and swaying back and forth very exaggerated. I was trying not to fall in so I made my way back to land. My cousin said they were all going out on the boat in a little and wanted to know if I wanted to go. I said, yeah, give me a few minutes though. I went inside the house to go to the bathroom. I was going to the bathroom and for some reason I kept needing to wipe constantly after like j couldn't get clean. The bathroom had only 2 or 3 walls so was exposed to the people walking by. My cousin came in and was saying they were gonna head out and that I needed to hurry. I told him just a minute but a minute passed and I was still trying to clean myself and he kept saying they were gonna go and I needed to hurry up I got frustrated and raised my voice and said, then just go.

18 Jul 2024

End of world


I’m in Rome or a mix of said city with another in Italy or Japan We’re sightseeing and then getting away from some shady people that tries to snatch away our shit or better yet ourselves Gothic cathedrals, Trustevere, winded narrow roads and piazzas like Venice My friend drops an earring while running by the river so I come retrieve it, it’s by a sidewalk with some guardrails and park-like section with trees Police comes and takes care of it for us but we don’t rly vibe with them They find lots of other jewelries dropped and forgotten by tourists and makes us identify them My friend’s was this two-stone earring of blur sapphire or lapis lazuli I ask them if I am allowed to take what’s not mine and they shake their head Aw :( There’s this rly cool agate/turtoise shell made long earrings that could probably touch my neck if I wore it There’s some other stuff made of pink-purple ish striped seashells some violet-colored gem earrings, some orange, others jade We begrudgingly only take one more plus what’s ours after long negotiations with the officer Scene changes I’m at Como, Lake Como The weather is cloudy(as I remember it to be when I went there) and surroundings look a bit like a mix of Como and that of towns/sites/regions around Mt. Fuji(Fuji-Yoshida, Fuji city, Lake Yamanaka, Oshino Hakkai) I’m basically doing a parkour metro run through the Italian-looking parts of city streets by the caldera-formed lake, racing against time to retrieve somethings scattered across the map owned by certain NPCs There’s characters from the game Twisted Wonderland and all other kinds of games that I like: Final Fantasy XIV and XV, Assassins’ Creed Revelations and Unity They all explain to me what I’m running from and what I must do and stuff, give me their own two cents on how they take the end of the world(think Termina from The Legend of Zelda: Majora’s Mask) One such person I encounter in a deadend alleyway, Ruggie Bucchi and Malleus Draconia idk we vibe and shit, argue and eventually just go along with the missions Honoerable mentions: Leona Kingscholar, Azul Ashengrotto, some other characters from Twisted Wonderland plus Y’shtola, Thancred Waters, Estinien Wyrmblood from FFXIV, Aranea Highwind from FFXV, etc. Once I come back to the lakeside past the duomo(Cattrdrale di Santa Maria Assunta) it’s kinda sunny and rainy at the same time, rainbow in the sky but everything looks a bit washed and pale, time’s up The whole scenic composition looks loke The Judgement arcana from Rider-Waite-Smith’s tarot

17 Jul 2024



A brown and white guinea pig named Antonio (nickname novio.) He became famous for being dearly loved and very guapo. Longest loving Guinea pig, world record. Lived to be 15. He often swam because he lived with his owner on an icy lake.

17 Jul 2024



I have to swim across water that’s infested with alligators. Other people are with me, and we are all swimming in a lake across/above a wooden railing. My strategy is to stay on the railing to try to avoid the alligators

16 Jul 2024

Airplane Crash


I was in some sort of lake or something like that with people swimming and just having a good time. As we were swimming we look up and see a plane, at first we thought nothing of it until we realized it was coming closer, then someone goes “is it coming towards us?” Eventually the plane goes full speed towards the lake like it was trying to attack us like the kamikaze pilots back in WW2

11 Jul 2024



Wandering about in the foggy Hakone regions, mostly near Lake Ashinoko Having sex with my father, being chased around the plain filled with pampas grass and patches of grassy autumn fields Scene switches and now I’m on a highway bus, on my way to the observatory/museum/community centers on some high altitude areas around Mt. Fuji I’m with my best friend Maka, whom I had bonded over our shared (bad) experiences wtih our bossy and bullying classmates back in middle school We arrive, go through some sort of an attraction/projection-mapping show in a mini-theater, with the 3D glassrs, swinging chairs and water spraying and stuff to make the whole thing immersive It was about some planes or the people who had built the first electricity line on Mt.Fuji or smth like that Pioneers either way Once we’re done and get out, we’re free to roam and wander for the day We decide to go to the nearby aquaduct/dam/marsh/park, either way close to the waters and the untouched nature Me and my besfriend walk through narrow paths in nature, have a little picnic by the plains, gaze in awe at the marshlands, its autumnal-wintery-summer vegetations somehow coexisting in the same area On our way to the ancient aquaduct we see rainbow in the sky, and the sunny rain The whole classmates who are there rejoice, as they’re a rare and lucky phenomenon, a sign of auspiciousness

9 Jul 2024

Killer whales


We were visiting Arizona. A hot, warm orange and yellow desert. On top of a hill there was a large, orange brick castle with 4 large towers on each end. There was a town that was inside, along with a large natural lake filled with killer whales. When walking inside it seemed to be a tourist location- many different weddings were occurring. There were also locals working in shops. I remember walking through a shop and noticed some really cool shirts. Later we were in the lake and I almost got attacked by the whales.

8 Jul 2024



I had a dream with big alligators. There was a lake with beautiful turquoise colours and at the other side of the lake were alligators waiting. Then I saw like little people in cages, couples in cages that the alligators will eat later on. Then, the lake got full of people and the alligators hide in their corner, but I was watching them closely. They knew I was watching them. I didn’t want them to eat the people that’s was at the lake. They remain calm and at their place when I watch them, but in occasions I had to hide behind a wall cause the alligators from the corner were a little upset. There was a part of the lake that have dense algae, vivid green algae, so dense that was impossible to get a boat in that area of the lake. At the end of the dream, the big alligators remain calm, kind of hide at their place, people were having fun at the lake and I was able to move further from the wall I was.

1 Jul 2024



I was at a lake with my 2 of my friends. Suddenly, 3 cute guys appear next to us. They asked us if we wanted to go to Florida. We all agreed. My two friends and 2 of the guys entered a car and drove off. Me and the other guy entered his car and started to drive off as well. I fell asleep in his car. When I woke up, I was still in his car, and he was still driving. I looked around and noticed we were in the middle of a dense pine tree forest. “This doesn’t look like Florida,” I thought to myself. The guy pulled up to a clearing in the forest. There was an old trailer, with tons of trash surrounding it. He parked the car outside the trailer, then asked me to come inside the trailer. I agreed and went with him. When we entered, I asked if we were still going to Florida. He told me no. He said that him and his grandma were going to eat me! He tied me up and put me in a chair by the trailer’s oven. I watched as his grandma prepared knifes and forks to skewer me. Then he untied me to put me into the oven. I pushed him away and ran out of the trailer. Suddenly, the car was gone. I grabbed a Swifer wet jet mop, and rode it like a Segway out of there! I rode the mop all the way to a park my friends and I used to hang out that. By then it was the middle of the night. My mop had broken and the guy was chasing after me in his car. I ran into a cop and begged the cop to help me. Just then, the guy appeared next to me. He told the cop that I was his crazy girlfriend and to not listen to me. The cop wouldn’t help me, and agreed with the guy. The cop handcuffed me and put in the guy’s car.

30 Jun 2024



We have rented a boat in a neighborhood lake for only $5/hour. At first it’s just the boys with us but then we pick up Lilly too. It’s so fun being on the water in the boat. The boat tips over and everyone goes flying out and I watch for each kid to come bouncing up in their life jackets. Everyone is OK.

30 Jun 2024



People from my middle school, this guy i like, and i were at this summer house ive never seen before. I remember one night going into the woods with the guy i like and our friends, but everyone else chickened out. At some point, i dont remeber completely but somethibg mustve happened because when we got out, i was in pain and seeing all these weird colors and shapes all over the world. I ignored it but i relaized everytime i touched something, these colors and shapes came back . At some point, all of us ran into the lake and i swam out super far with some of my friends and this guys, when we realized because of my injury, it was fatal for me to swim this far. After that, i remeber rushing to swim back, but it was too late. I woke up then

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