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Dream Interpretation: Pool 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Pool? Discover the significance of seeing a Pool in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Pool appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This signifies your inner feelings and emotions. It also suggests that you tend to keep all your feelings hidden deep inside of you. These emotions don't always have to be negative, sometimes you find it difficult to express even your positive emotions, and a pool dream reveals that it's time to let it all out.

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🧭 Direction


Pay attention to your mental well-being. Your mind is a storehouse of all the things you go through over the years. If you feel vulnerable or anxious, it's time to evaluate your life, navigate through your emotions, and find a resolution to all your dilemmas.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a pool evokes feelings of relaxation, tranquility, and rejuvenation. It symbolizes a desire for emotional and mental refreshment, a need to dive deep into one's emotions and explore the depths of the subconscious. The pool represents a safe space to unwind, let go of stress, and find inner peace. It signifies a longing for a break from the chaos of daily life and a yearning for a sense of serenity and balance. This dream suggests a need to connect with one's emotions, seek solace, and find a sense of clarity and renewal.





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18 Jul 2024



This was not my last dream but I know some people may relate to this. Once upon a time… I was on an island. But then I walked into town and it looked like Greece. Weird. I was walking down the path and made it to this pool that had a few people in it. They gestured for me to get in, so I did. But then I locked eyes with this guy. (Omg this sounds like wattpad I swear.) He was legit my type to a T. Like I swear this dude was perfect. He even had an accent. This dream felt really real to me because we were having flowing conversations, I could hear music, I could taste the food, it felt all too real. But then he said I have to go. Legit perfect timing because that’s when I woke up. But I felt heartbroken because I felt so close to somebody I don’t even know.

13 Jul 2024

My crush


Riding on a train, going to Enoshima-Hiratsuka on a cloudy day There’s station buildings, malls and glass-roofed escalators My friend’s house, of the friend I used to have a lesbian crush on(and still sort of do) Kindergarten by the hostel house that looks like the one I and my auntie’s family stayed by the beach of Rimni, Italy In my room there(and my best friend’s), a specter of a bride whose bouquet as well as her dress’s stomach and below is covered in old blood There’s also a pool by this place, how nifty Running around the hostel upstairs and downstairs until the kids’ go-home time

9 Jul 2024



(This is the first night we got this person living out our house for 15 years who no longer needed to be staying here anymore.) but I had a nightmare of someone that was trying to come in our house and I keep trying to wake my bf up and shake him, slap him, screaming at him to wake up someone is coming and he just wouldn’t he was snoring soo loud and wouldn’t wake up no matter what I did and how scared I was. Then I would wake up back in my room and everything was fine just to come back to the same dream of me then in at the bottom of a pool looking up at someone staring at me then jumping in the pool and everything turned into slow mo of me trying to swim away and in the pool was my bf still sleeping in our bed with my dog and I get into the bed again repeatedly trying to wake him up and try to help and save me from this person coming for me.

8 Jul 2024



My dream took plac e at an old elementary school except for the gymnasium was a pool. I was there with my two sisters my grandmother her sister and my three nieces and one nephew they were baby still and unable to swim on their own and make up losing my niece and finding her at the bottom of the pool she was still alive obviously but my great aunt was drowning and when I brought her up to the side of the pool she had a shoe Mark in her face and she was all bloated up like she was dead for a while in the water but she sat up and she was still able to communicate then I couldn't find my nieces and my nephew anywhere I was looking for them in all of the classrooms and then I went outside to look for them and couldn't find them in any of the groups of kids I was yelling at Lexie's name then suddenly I was in the middle of a group of kids and I was turning into a werewolf drooling

8 Jul 2024



my dream started out with me scrolling through tiktok. When scrolling I came across a video that my ex posted which was a video he took at a pool of people trying to discreetly have sex. there was like 12 of them. When I was watching the video i was so disgusted by what was happening and felt myself get transported into the video and be there in real life. The people saw me judging and I looked at them and yelled “we’re literally at a hotel! you can like go up to your room and have your orgy. that’s disgusting” Being in the video became reality so I walked away into the hotel. Before walking away, I thought I was scrunching my ex’s hair but it ended up being a random boy that I slightly recognized. He was like 4 years younger than me and just graduated high school. When I scrunched his hair, I guess he took that as like a sign for him to follow me which was not my intention so I ran to the bathroom. The hotel turned into like this house party for a college. It was some type of celebration going on for the college so I ran to the bathroom in the house. I closed the door and locked myself in there and tried to pee but I guess i didn’t lock it good because the boy ended up coming in. When he came in, he told me that my ex and me were getting into big trouble. Mainly because I called out the people who were having an orgy in the pool and my ex was the one who recorded it and posted it on tiktok. I felt so guilty. When I walked back out, the coach (i don’t even know of what sport lmfao because my ex doesn’t play sports anymore) wanted to talk to me. He let me know that what we both did was extremely bad and we’re looking to pay a fine between $30k to $60k. When I tried looking over to my ex, his back was turned to me. all i could see was his backwards hat, a black shirt and black shorts he was wearing with slippers. He was with a girl who I assumed was his new girlfriend. She seemed like everyone liked her and she was chatting up with a group of people they were with. Eventually the director of their athletic team came up to talk to me (she was a short blonde white lady who looked to be in her 50s - 60s) and let me know that I got lucky I left when I did because I got the less harsh punishment. I will only have to pay $8k - $10k in fines while my ex got the punishment of $80k - $100k. I felt so horrible and told the woman that it shouldn’t be him paying that fine and that it was my fault. I was the one who called out that group of people. She told me not to worry and that he’s her all star player and he’ll be okay. I looked over to my ex once again and he still wasn’t looking at me. All I wanted to do in the moment was go up and talk to him about this whole situation because I felt so bad. His new girlfriend was still around him too but it had seemed like she was getting ready to leave. I started to get a headache and went and sat down. I placed my head in my hands feeling horrible that I was one of the culprits of getting us in trouble and just sat there wondering what I was going to do.

7 Jul 2024

Text message


I was at the big hotel with my family and I saw my boyfriend with his family we both talked in the pool for a moment, then my family told me I needed to go so I packed my things and went back home after I got home he texted me that we didn’t have time to talk much.

5 Jul 2024



I had a dream I was on stage and I turned into a baby and I did a bunch of cool umbrellla tricks with a band playing in the background and after that I texted my dad to send me the videos (I was still in the dream) but then I was saying oh you can’t I’m in a dream and I was sad After that and then I was bored and Somone one trying to get all the floats inside the filter and one of the filters were exploding and you couldn’t open it but Anna’s grandpa fixed it and then somehow I had a turning red mask on me and I showed it to a random guy in the pool after that Somone was about to tell me the spoilers to the minion movie with lol doll water bottles and there was minion figurines and fake cotton snow and the water bottles were made out of steel and when he was about to explain it my dream ended because my sister came into my room and told me to come eat so I wish I knew the spoilers to the next minions movie

3 Jul 2024



I was in a really big hotel it had 6 floors and 200 rooms per floor. I was either working there or something. But I was trying not to be seen by the manager. Then I was at my moms house. She said my grandma made some akutaq for my mom and she made one for me since I have a boyfriend and kids. But I have to understand what it means in Yupik to be able to eat it. I was annoyed and didn’t eat it. I went to the pool the pool water was purple and pink in color. I didn’t swim. Just looked at it.

2 Jul 2024

Old boss


I had a dream where my work threw a work party. But I started seeing pictures of one of my.old bosses (who was nasty and yelled all the time) there with his kids. I was confused as he doesn't work here and never has. There was a pool and people were in fancy clothing. I remember not wanting to go as he was there and my old work colleagues from that same kitchen were there as well I was then on the run for some reason I can't remember a lot of details but I remember ben was there

1 Jul 2024



I had a dream of me in a pool with a girl and i had on sweat pants and i jumped in the pool and busted my face and died i was in heaven and I climb to the top of the tree of life and I had a typing thingy and It talked and said where would you like to go and I typed my family and I was instantly sent to a unknown house with Quan and ej and cam there and I had to sneak in my house and they seen me and freaked out and cam had fixed my vape and said be very careful and I was and then I seen the girl turns out she was my girlfriend of a long time and she was crying so heavy and it felt as if she truly loved me and that was all I’ve ever wanted true love and I was messing with the lights with my supernatural abilities and the next day me,her,my mom,my brother wynston, and my sister Emma all went to dicks sporting goods and we played around and broke shit and I said mom I’m already dead when she said the cameras can see me but eventually I walked by a mirror and seen my arm and 2 syringes were sticking out my shoulder and I freaked out and my mom said Aiden your already dead and I said yea but I still hate needles she said true and they came to terms with my death I was looking over at my brother cuz I said where’s Winnie and he I never realized it but he was older my sister was older I was older my mom still the young hipness she had but I could tell she was older and my heart dropped knowing that it could’ve been a prediction and me and my girl were talking and she was crying about holidays and I said hey I’m always there in spirit as a joke but then I cried to knowing that what she had with me wasn’t normal and I woke up

1 Jul 2024

My crush


I was in a school-like setting. I sometimes one a staff member and it sometimes felt like I was a student. At some point I was in table reading for a play we were putting on.i had a big part as a detective. One of the members of the play was this guy I used to have a huge crush on when I first moved to NC we had a very brief fling at some point. He kept on missing parts of the reading because the playbook was small and text was too. I try to help him during the reading. And mention to the whole class the book was too small and the text was too. I had to highlight my part, read the book very closely, and highlight my part to follow along. I mention that I would be willing to take copies of the playbook and share it with everyone so we can easily read the playbook. Myself and former crush bantered about how we would definitely have to memorize this cause it’s hard to read. In another scene, a popular social media influencer Amanda Seale’s and I were in the same classroom we were about to watch something. I think the police academy was going to provide us lecture on their process or something. I asked how long does it take for a detective to be trained and they said something like one month. I thought that was so crazy and so minimal for a murder detective to only be trained for one month. I mentioned it to Amanda and other folks in the class and demanded they increase that to at least 6 months. I also remembered being in a staff room. And the school had limited funding but this white male teacher was very proud to report he was able to get 8 pool tables so we can play with the kids (they were of high school age). I remembered earlier the kids wanted to learn pool and they had one somewhere and he was able to get 8 of them. And I think we were all happy to hear that report. I mentioned During recess time if it was raining they can all go to the cafeteria to play pool or do other activities or during lunch after they ate. I do remember hoping we also had foosball and hockey rink table too. I remembered playing those a lot in the after school program I used to work at in high school and in my early years in college.

30 Jun 2024

Abandoned home


This is how I remember my dream in order I was at mcdonalds and for some reason In my dream I remembered arguing with someone about how American mcdonalds is better then the one in the UK so I ordered breakfest from the American one and then all of a sudden I am now In the UK mcdonalds and I ordered breakfest to and it’s the same except instead of butter and syrup they also give you jam and there accent where different and then after that I was with someone and we where sitting down and there was a very attractive lady with us and she was into me and I was into her so she said we should go back to her hotel and we did but when we started taking our cloths off to have sex she turned out to be transgender and for some reason it kept replaying us taking our cloths off and her relieving she’s transgender and I was disgusted and then after this somehow I returned home and me and my brothers where getting ready to go do special forces training for the military but it was hard for me to find good cloths and tools but eventually I found it and I went to get my brothers but they weren’t ready and one of them said to me “you have no responsibility your nothing” but I just said “ok I’m 16 I don’t need to” and then I left all of a sudden I am now in this huge area with broken and abandon buildings but it’s all over grown with nature and we are caged in this huge area and it’s the apocalypse plus there’s a zombie outbreak but I was with my friends we all had guns and where ready to take them on so we started looking for a place to go eventually we split up and then I was alone but then I found a new group of people and they where all my age I introduced my self to everyone and so did they and I stayed with them we had a camp fire and everyone was around it snd people also was guarding it with guns just in case, some kid saw my gun and said “ what the hell is wrong with your gun” apparently I built it wrong so he took the peices apart and but then back together and now it was a good sniper rifle, so I aimed down the scope cuz I heard something and it’s a kid and his mom arguing the kid said he wants to go with grandma and runs away but then the grandma pops out of the corner and I accidentally shoot the grandma cuz my finger was on the trigger, then we saw 2 people getting sick they where our friends we knew that they had the zombie virus, we didn’t wanna waste bullets so I stomped on there heads but one of them wasn’t dying or hurting he was just chilling, after this somehow we where escorted out of this caged apocalypse area and we where told we won, we where taken back to our schools as champions to celebrate we jumped into the school pool and then got out and listened to what our coach had to say, the whole school was there at the pool to celebrate our win it was awsome, after that the school day was over and I started to walk to where I get picked up but along the way I somehow got into a candy shop and they gave me this 2 huge empty chocolate eggs just because and then I left and as I was walking back everyone was being really friendly to me eventually I got to where people park and was walking past cars and everyone was playing the same song and 1 car before mine there was a naked lady in the car and I was confused but I walked to my car and when I got in there was fast food and that’s when my dream ended. No where in this dream though was I worried or had anxiety which is really weird

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