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Dream Interpretation: Crying 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Crying? Discover the significance of seeing a Crying in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Crying appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

It sometimes symbolizes your sadness and suppressed emotions, which you don't show to anyone. You are too satisfied with what you have that you fail to acknowledge your own worth. It also indicates that you have been under a lot of pressure lately, and you have endured it all along well, but it has taken an emotional toll on you.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

Vent all your emotions and sadness that is holding you back in life. Be prepared for what is entering your life. Examine the things that are happening around you, know what is causing you pain, and work to eliminate it.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of crying evokes deep emotions of sadness, grief, or pain. It signifies a release of pent-up emotions or unresolved issues. It may indicate a need for emotional healing or a desire for comfort and support. This dream can also symbolize vulnerability, sensitivity, or a fear of being overwhelmed by emotions. It is a reminder to acknowledge and address one's emotional well-being.





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18 Jul 2024

Mom dying


Mom cussing me out saying fuck you to me, my sis and my dad because she wS mad, I cried and cried on her shoulder

18 Jul 2024



I was in a crowded hallway at my old school. A man with a small beard came up to me looked me in the eyes and squeezed my boob so, to attract attention, I loudly told him to stop grabbing my boob. No one noticed so I told the teacher and they blew me off and said that it was probably an accident but I tried to say it was purposeful. I wanted to cry because I felt ostracized but I stayed strong because I was at school. I was also stressed because I had homework to finish for science or history class

17 Jul 2024



I had a dream that I had a son. My mom was driving me back from the hospital. We got into the driveway of the house, ig I was living back at home, and I was kind of excited. As we're getting out the car some neighbors came to greet us and see the new baby. I was kind of uneasy because I was trying to smile through the fact that my boyfriend was no where to be found. Where is you boyfriend my mom asked and my neighbors waited for a response. I wanted to cry and scream but I simply said, "I'm not sure. I think he's coming soon. " I started to get my son out the back seat as I was fully recognizing that I was someones mother. I knew it. I knew I would have a son first for some reason. As I started to unbuckle him from the car seat, he started to slip though it. The car seat started to fall apart. Oh wow. My neighbor said. That is not a great car seat. I snapped, I know, I had to use my baby doll car seat because I have no place to put him. I picked him up and held him in my arms. I thought about how tiny he was but that would only last a few days. I needed a bigger car seat. I started to think about the face that I'm responsible for this human being for the rest of my life. I continued to hold him and looked up at my mother. Her eyes were full of pity. Tears began to swell in my eyes. I shouted, I didn't even want a child and now he left me alone with a son! I began to really feel the pain of being left alone. I went inside with my son. As I was walking I was thinking of all my options to get him a car seat. I figured I would ask my dad to buy me a all in one stroller/car seat for my birthday instead of the gift he was giving me. I started planning a baby shower in my head and taking a mental note of everything I wanted on my Amazon shopping list. I laid him on the bed and began to cry again, almost in denial that I was really alone with this child.

16 Jul 2024

Panic Attack


I was on Instagram and I was getting harassed by an individual about me being raped by my ex and I was no longer comfortable going outside. I looked and reported his messages blocked the account and proceeded to search for therapy which wasn't better it was a male therapist who just laughed and told me I was overreacting I shut down and no longer wanted to go to therapy and reported him to the state as I went with my mother the retailed worker said something about the rape calling me weak for not being able to fight the man but the man was like 6 ft and too big for me to fight so I felt bummed out and my dream daughter noticed I was crying and cussed the lady out as I'm sitting in the car having a panic attack calling myself weak, telling myself I'm overreacting and I'm fine. My dream daughter did try to comfort me but I couldn't breathe it got so bad I blacked out and I woke up.

15 Jul 2024



I dreamt that I was dead, and an invisible ghost. I watched to see what people would do upon noticing I was dead and was appalled at what happened: Instead of having a funeral, everyone threw a party! My mom said to everyone how happy she was to not have to take care and homeschool a backtalking crybaby, and went back to work as an acupuncturist. My dad sold my piano and other belongings to buy another house in Vermont, as well as adopt a new son. And my sister was ecstatic to have a new brother, and said that I was the worst brother ever because I didn't play with her all the time. Then my Grandparents also said what they hated about me as everyone cut cake celebrating my death. I cried and went to what was left of my area of the bedroom, and haunted it. Then after a while I woke up and cried.

13 Jul 2024

My crush


I was at a college or at a work environment. I was in a lunchroom getting lunch with my friends, and we all got in line, but people kept Cutting in front of me so I eventually got straight away from my friend group, when I eventually made it back to the table, I sat down across from my crush, and I grabbed my fork and started to eat my macaroni and cheese, but I looked down. It just started sobbing. My crush looked at me and started chuckling and she asked what’s wrong and I said really long hair in my food. then found out that I was told to stay longer at lunch, my lunch got extended an extra hour, so I was there for two hours while everyone was already gone by the one hour mark and I had to stay behind. I was sad at that too because I couldn’t, be with my crush.

13 Jul 2024



I went to Ennis to stay and have a little vacation in a hotel. As I drove myself over there I was extremely tired. I parked my car and I was so tired. I went into the hotel. I ate dinner alone. I heard my granddaughter in the next room, talking to her mother and her mother‘s boyfriend and she was talking about drinking. She was with her friends. They were being very naughty. Then walked down to the lobby to leave and I saw my ex-husband and his friends. They all asked if I had been drinking. I said no I had a very bad headache. Then realized I had forgotten my sandals in the room. I ran down the hall very fast. Had to get my key because I’d already checked out. Then I went into the room and I couldn’t find my shoes. And one of the hotel staff was with me. They were my favorite Birkenstock sandals. then, just sat down on the floor and cried and cried.

12 Jul 2024



I was in a grocery store and a woman wouldn’t leave me alone she kept picking on me and everything. There were two cats in the store with us but one was hurt, the woman said she was looking for a cat and we asked if it was the calico cat that was hurt she said yes, and began stabbing its skull. Me and my mom freaked out because we didn’t understand why she did that. The other cat was alive and well so I tried buying him before she would kill him, when I tried buying the cat the woman kept messing with me and kept touching the scanner. I turned around and told her “ do it one more time and see what happens” she continued to do it so I punched her forehead with my left hand, so I wouldn’t hurt her as bead since I’m right hand dominate. The lady was then on a motorcycle with her boyfriend in my driveway, the grocery store turned into my garage and my mom told me her head was badly injured. My little brother agreed and my dad look over and said he was proud and that I could have that cat as a reward. After that I went back to the woman still in my driveway and spoke to her, she was crying and started yelling at me. I got her to stop and I said I was sorry that what I did was unacceptable and not okay at all, that I let my anger get the best of me. Then I said she was also in the wrong that what she did wasn’t okay.

10 Jul 2024



I had such a strange and vivid dream. I was working as a detective. Me and some other people were working on a case about this girl that went insane and was killing people around the area. On the first night, we found three dead bodies. It was very strange, and something about the whole thing felt so real. The next night, we were working again. This time we found five dead bodies. It made me feel so uneasy. As I was walking back home, I was walking below an overpass when I saw my girlfriend. I knew we were together, but this is the first time seeing my girlfriend in my dream. For some reason, this case really had me stressed out, and in my dream my girlfriend was the only person I had in my life. For some reason, she looked at me, and said that we can no longer be together and she smirked and looked at me like it was a joke. I asked her if she was being serious and she looked at me and just smiled, ending it. As I walked through the dark and gloomy night, I ran into a group of girls that came up to me and asked me if I was single. I jokingly said “I wasn’t up until a few minutes ago”, and just walked through them. Days went by, and I couldn’t shake the fact that I lost the only important person I had in my life. Why did she leave me? Why did she laugh when leaving? I had so many questions, but knew that I’d never get the answers to them. A few days later, I was sitting behind my truck, and turned around. For some reason, in my trunk I had everything she ever gave me. I began to cry a waterfall, wishing she would come back. I impulsively began talking to new girls. No matter who I spoke to though, none of them were like her. I was so hurt, confused, and angry, but no one could replace who she was to me. I went back to working on my case, trying to forget about her. As I headed back to my office, I worked for a couple of hours, trying to piece any evidence of where the murderer was. I had no leads. I couldn’t keep my mind clear. I went on a break, but as I sat there, I looked at my phone, expecting to respond to her messages like I would’ve done before. There was nothing. I felt a heavy sorrow in my heart. As I sat on my truck, I started receiving pictures from her. They were all pictures of her making silly faces and smiling, then she asked me through text “why have you been so distant? Why won’t you send me pictures of you like before? Are we not friends”? I didn’t get it… It felt like she was mocking me… looking at her beautiful face through the phone made me cry again, wondering what went wrong. Why did she leave me with no explanation??? Why did she have a smile on her face when leaving??? Why is she acting like nothing ever happened??? I went back in, and called it a night. A few nights later, I was on the clock, and me and my colleagues went to an apartment complex where we heard there was an alleged girl walking around stabbing people. It had to be the murderer. I still wasn’t able to concentrate after what had happened with my relationship in the last few days. We split up around the building, seeing if we could find any clues. I was in the top floor. Every door to each room was open. I felt uneasy. Petrified. As I went door to door, I soon came to realize that everyone in this building was dead. Murdered. I began to panic. There were so many things going through my mind, but I couldn’t do anything but panic, cry, and run. This was nothing like me. I would always be able to stay calm and collected. After my girlfriend broke up with me, I started falling apart. My heart was turning to dust. I ran down the hall, trying to get to the elevator, when I saw the girl who was causing these murders walk out of a room right in-front of me. I froze. I walked back gasping for air, when I fell back. I stared at her as tears ran down my face. I stood up, but couldn’t move. She ran towards me with the knife, slitting my throat. I fell back gasping and crying, as she stood over my body, and began to stab me in my stomach over and over again. I laid there crying, as I bled out. She walked away, smiling. I heard sirens, but my vision began to go black. I couldn’t feel anything but the tears running down my face. I began to think of when I was still with my girlfriend, remembering when we were together. My whole life flashed before my eyes. I wondered; if we were still together, would I have been able to take down this murderer? End this horror? I replayed my whole life with her right before death. At the end, she broke up with me just like before, and it felt like i was being stabbed once again. Keep in mind, I am no detective nor plan on being one, but that was what I was in my dream.

10 Jul 2024



I went apartment hunting and found an apartment of interest. This man told me that I can look inside the apartment. When I got there there was someone else with a roommate that was already living in it but they were kind to let me see the rooms. I saw an old friend from middle school in the apartment. We cried and hugged. I asked about her parents and siblings but she didn’t tell me her sister had passed away which I already knew of from Facebook. The apartment was odd shaped, there was a play room for their pets which was shaped funny. Walking on the carpet I stepped into a hole which wasn’t visible. I removed my food and kept walking. Next thing I know I was at work and this office assistant was going around giving us things like fancy pens, desk toys to play with that someone had donated to our workplace. I found a fancy pen and the office assistant said something acknowledging that she wanted it. I said ok you can have it I have fancy pens at home.

10 Jul 2024

Abandoned home
Blonde hair


I was in a new place with my mom. My mom took me to meetup with a friend and slipped me some cash not knowing if I needed it. It was all the cash she had. Supposedly the bakery place I met my friend at was really good. I got some banana bread slices and a cinnamon roll like my friend did. I remember the price for the banana bread being $35. I hadn’t realized my mom gave me extra money until I pulled the cash out of my pocket. I did my best not to use the money she gave me. I remember having a bunch of 20 dollar bills and some 10 dollar bills and some 1 dollar bills. The money my mom gave me was a few of each while the cash I initially had was a bit more than that. After that my mom had me and my friend in the car with her while she drove to an abandoned apartment complex. She got inside this bin that looked like a giant blue post office box. I was initially going to get out until my friend told me not to as it’s a place to go to when you need to cry. The next thing I knew is that a stranger with blonde hair came and pressed a button and the giant door then started sealing as it began to work like a garbage truck. I raced out of the car fearful my mom was in danger, crying as I wanted to make sure my mom was okay. As I opened the door and the guard behind the door was slowly pushing my mom further in, she yelled at me to close the door. I was crying hysterically as I was beginning to realize that’d be the last time I’d hear her voice. I woke up after that

10 Jul 2024



Hello I wanted to say hi today and this is my waking life I had probably the best week and the best month of my whole year. My parents are gone for one more day and then comeback for a month and then go back to the Carolina’s. I had a good visit with my doctor and everything was pure class and happy. Had some crying spells 🪄 when I was thinking of Briggs my Neighborhood Dog that was so sweet. 🥹 I could just cuddle him right now like Pei Pei I feel emotionally charged happy excited and more full of energy and life as I’m off the Melatonin I can function better. Took my meds a bit late but it’s ok I’m ok. I had this thing I wanted to say… I was crying today after the day was over bc I’m home alone but I keep myself busy, I saw 👀 a cockroach 🪳 scurrying or climbing the wall, I usually smash 💥 em I got so excited in a sad 😭 way so melancholic I cried like a baby. I said to the cockroach 🪳 it’s ok 👍lil buddy I know what it’s like to be alone, and climbing the very obstacles in life but yet still alone sad 😭 and I’m crying now I’ve made it this far and I’m strong 💪🏻 and I feel the same for cockroaches as I’m spiritually awakened like a monk in a monastery. I feel so bad for those little bugs I’m alone and so is that thing I could use some company bc I miss my ancestors and so do they. They climb the walls like in the movie the mummy or Indiana Jones raiders of the lost ark. Same lighting and ceiling height. I’m so sad for those looking for their loved ones I feel the same maybe their happy or sad looking down on me. I sure hope they can see my overall achieved beliefs.

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