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Dream Interpretation: Burning 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Burning? Discover the significance of seeing a Burning in your dream πŸ’€ - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Burning appears in your dream βœ…

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πŸ’‘Possible meaning

Dreaming of burning can represent a transformation or a release of negative emotions. It can also indicate a fear of losing control or a sense of being overwhelmed. It may symbolize a need to let go of the past and move forward.

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🧭 Direction


Consider what in your life may be causing you to feel overwhelmed or out of control. It may be time to let go of negative emotions or situations that are holding you back. Focus on moving forward and embracing change.

❀️ Feelings

The dream of burning evokes intense emotions of fear, panic, and vulnerability. It signifies a sense of danger, loss, or destruction. The feeling of being engulfed in flames creates a deep sense of helplessness and desperation. This dream may also symbolize a fear of failure or the need to let go of something in your life that is causing pain or harm. The burning sensation in the dream represents the emotional turmoil and the need for immediate action or resolution. It is a powerful and unsettling dream that leaves a lasting impact on the dreamer's psyche.





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Dreams of users containing the word Burning

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1 Jul 2024



I was a rabbit living in the woods with my rabbit family, until someone (a human) came through and blocked us in our rabbit hole and set it on fire so we burned alive

29 Jun 2024



I was kidnapped and made apart of this cult that kills people that have abused them. Torture them. And then when a member of the cult dies they string them up and burn them, dancing around them to send them off. Even insulting them to try to lighten the mood. It was like a big fucked up family. They were monsters but the love and comradey was real. They loved each other in a way I didn’t think was possible. And there was this dark haired man there. Was kinda like a ninja. He was obsessed or well in love with another member and kinda bullied them for attention. But secretly they’d kill anyone who hurt the. They watch them while they slept and studied anything they liked just so they could relate to them more. He was so desperate for this persons attention he was almost driving himself crazy tho everyone in the dream already seemed a bit crazy. There was a mentor lady that everyone loved. She reminded me of Miss Hoffman. She was so smart and wise and the day she died, the ceremony they performed was so very different from there usual. They did this dance were they summoned forth every element including lighting. And when they pushed over her burial- instead of insulting her like what was natural, they all ran forward and cried at the base of her shrine. Praying for her. Wishing her every good thing and to just be able to see her once last time. She was like a hero to these souls. She gathered cruel beings, killers, bad guys. And she’d find redemption in them. She’s give loveless people a family and purpose. They loved her on a way I’m not sure I could comprehend as I don’t ever really feel loved. She was extremely powerful and No one saw her death coming. Like she β€œgave up” her life for something. I saw a bunch of messy love stories within the dream. The final one being, a great love between a human Witch and a great Titan Prince. He was deathly sick to the point he couldn’t open his eyes or move. His family kept tryna feed him the human. Maybe to give him strength or something but he refused each time. Literally crying. The human was terrified of him cause he was so big. She was like the size of his cheek. But she did her best to relax against his skin because he was normally completely unconscious holding her in his fist. Everytime she’s tense a little his grip on her would tight painfully. She ended up realizing that he was protective of her unconsciously and didn’t realize was was the biggest threat when he squeezed her. If she wasn’t freaking out or his brothers threatening to feed her too him- She and the giant slept like kittens. When they both slept, the Titan didn’t look so scary and monsterious anymore. More like a younger kid holding on to his only life line. And sometimes, quite rarely, she almost seemed to cuddle into his face. To get closer to his warm. 800 or so years later the Titan wakes again and this time the witch girl is the one protecting them. She put a youth spell on herself so she can try to stay with the Titan because he’s like close to immortal and she was only meant to live a human life. But she can’t hold on much longer. The Titan doesn’t say anything as he’s basically just a little kid waking from a long nap. He doesn’t get angry as he can feel how weak her energy is. All he does is try to protect and persevere what little energy she has left. But he too is weak from 800 years of a coma like sleep. Not really eating or moving. Though he’s still extremely powerful. As soon as he awaking tribes start trying to hunt the two (for some reason πŸ€·β€β™€οΈ) as he brings her back to the mortal realm in hopes of giving her soul a lighter existence. He feels this despair, like no matter what he does he can’t save her. And it kills him because if she goes he knows he will not smile again. People are attacking left and right and she’s visually getting weaker and weaker. Her old age catching up to her now that he’s awake and refraining his strength. He knows she will die. Now I didn’t see this next part in the dream but here’s what I think happened. I think he cast some kinda forbidden spell or something to tie there souls together and force her into reincarnation. He would find her again and when he did he’d be a man, not a child. He’d keep her for real. Now to only find and convince her of that as there old situation wasn’t exactly a friendly one and he’s not sure if he even has a likable personality. She only knew him asleep. Also a lot of the monsters in the dreams. When they died, they’d be locked in these night cages and they’d be sad and lonely till random spirits would visit then they’d get all happy and dance around in there cages. Also the Titan had a grimoire of summoning to all his old friends real selves. Kinda like in fate stay night were you could summoning forth a champion but he was strong enough to summon as many as he wanted whenever he wanted. And the human he was facing casually summoned a copy version of stalker guy from earlier in the dream. He got kinda smirky and summoned the real original that easily kicked the humans ass. It was kinda funny to watch. I was the human in the dream that hadn’t died yet. Also the Titan at first looked like this massive scary pig man with tusks and shit. But later in the dream it was like he just turned into a really large young adult guy. Considered a young child amongst his species and hers. He had long, light orange like hair and light sun kissed skin. He looked like he was surrounded by sunlight light later on. Like really pretty

27 Jun 2024

Black Dog


A man brings a dog by the house asking if it is ours. He isn’t so we look at his collar and try to figure out who it belongs to. All of a sudden a different dog comes up and I pick it up to hold because it is small. A man comes up in a car and stops because the other dog is his and he has been looking for it. His wife walks up too and I ask them if the smaller dog I am holding is also theirs. Just then the small dog pees on me getting my shirt all wet. The lady says the dog is not hers. All this time my husband is on the phone not paying attention to what is happening. The lady says her dog is much bigger. A large black dog walk up and it a breed I have never seen. The dog is the size of an elephant. The face is different and does not have a trunk. The smaller dog that peed on me gets scared by the big dog and barks at it. I try to move the small dog away so it doesn’t get hurt. I try to get my husbands attention to look at the big dog. I ask the lady what type of dog it is and she says I should know. I tell her I w seen pictures of them in a museum but cannot remember. The large dog tries to get my husbands attention and bumps him. My husband finally looks up and is surprised. The large dog says something to my husband and they shake hands. In a different dream, I am sleeping sitting up in my room when my mom walks in asking me about a shirt. The shirt is not actually a shirt but a pillowcase. I get up so I can help my mom find a shirt and ask my mother why her walker is so far away. I ask her if she is hungry so I can fix her something to eat and she says she is heating up some green beans. She has the green beans directly on the burner not in a pan. I tell her the beans will burn that way and she says they will be fine. The beans start to get black and they are too hot to pick up to remove. She manages to get a few then shows me they are burned. She puts a few in her mouth.

12 Jun 2024



Seeing someone using black magic. In the dream I used my camera to take a photo of the person and from the picture I saw a demon laying next to the person. Then me and a couple of friends confronted the person and and found out that he’s been summoning the demon using an evil talisman in the form of a small chest box. Then me and my friends burned the chest down to find out there was some sort of offering inside of the chest which thrown out of the box all burned down to crisp. I felt shocked to see all that was happening but afterwards also felt so glad to have gotten rid of that talisman as it was very evil of the person to be doing all that evil acts

14 May 2024



Getting burnt with a weird circle with holes attached to a torch and my ex boyfriend not doing anything to help

2 May 2024



I was floating on water and under an umbrella the parts that weren’t under the umbrella burned. So I had to be careful. The water was bright blue and sparkling. I was on a raft with the umbrella attached to it. It was to keep me safe. I was alone.

21 Apr 2024

My crush


Me and my cousin were out in the woods dodging and running away from big missles landing all around us. We tried our hardest to avoid them and ended up hiding in a shack. We got burned by some although it didn’t hurt. I remember we made it back to our family and nobody what let me speak about the terrible events we experienced. It then cut to everyone being at my friends house playing a game my ex crush was there and the friends mum told us we had to go to bed.

29 Feb 2024

Running away
Black women


Wow I had a dream I was in a riot. It was started by cheerleaders over racial tensions. See a baseball player who kept being slow to do things actually was faster in the balloon popping contest we did. Meanwhile a cheerleader named Ashley took forever to light a match that was used to pop the balloon. The baseball player Tim finished much faster. The entire game was over before she light the match. We made fun of her as you normally would. But Tim said something about her being a typical cheerleader and she said how dare you make fun of my race. I was like but cheerleaders are not a race! It got crazier as the sky turned black and fire rained down. I remember people throwing molotovs and burning the country side it looked like Jango unchained. As I made my way up a small hill narrowly avoiding fires with a group of kids from highschool I found myself worried I would get my face burnt off. I entered this city it was a big city, like Atlanta or Brooklyn or Chicago I don’t know. And they were setting fire to a bridge trying to burn it down and on the bridge was a train... there was so much structural damage that the train surely would collapse the bridge. I ran towards safety as others played around at the bridge waiting for destruction. I almost got hit by a train but this automated robot that plows the tracks (this isn’t something we actually have irl) was slowing trains to plow. It was above the rail hanging off the bars that the metro trains have you know, where the electric flows into the train itsself. Like a subway. And it had a little hand that would flip snow off the tracks but it was super slow and pretty pointless. I ran across the tracks but when I did I got attached to them. There was a jetpack looking object on my back that attached me to the train and allowed me to basically follow the tracks completely hovering above them like a rollercoaster 🎒 that has you dangling instead of sitting. I wanted free and got free ran off the 3-4 lanes of track and to freedom. I heard do not say these words can’t remember what the words were. I believe it was something like denoting that i wanted back on the tracks. I said them to test it and immediately was reattached to the train tracks, almost getting hit by the train. I got detached but kept saying the words just to get thrown back. Eventually, I overcame the words and was able to resist the pull back to the tracks. I went down into what looked like an old train tunnel an underground rail road. I remember seeing myself in the mirror I was Tilly from a game I played serveral years ago set in the 1899. Tilly was a slave during slavery she ran away and joined a gang of outlaws. Why I was a black woman in this dream idk this dream was wild 🀣 I had a flashlight and when it was shined on the walls it said something. Apparently I was to follow this rail road to the CIA headquarters and tell my story and give intell to the agency. But had a strong fear not to for fear of human safety 🀷🏼 No idea what the info was as I abruptly woke up.

28 Feb 2024



I had a dream that I was dating this guy after his girlfriend died, and she was black and he was white, and they had a sub-twin daughter who's identical, and the girls were, like, younger, but they were old enough, like, they were like 5, maybe 6 years old, when she died. And he, like, ended up becoming a preacher, and I was, ended up marrying him, and I became their mother, and this lady who was, like, a witch, but she was, like, this, I don't know, maybe, like, a fashion, high-end model, director, person, like, some kind of rich lady, but she was, like, evil, ended up taking the one girl that was a twin, like, tricked us, and, like, took her from us, and then they had her in this life of just hell of drugs and bad people for the rest of her life, and the other girls that me and my husband had, we raised her in the church, and somebody ended up burning the church down, and we had to rebuild it twice, and it would have been a tent, this white tent, and the daughter, she was older, and in my dream she ended up having gray hair, but when these people came, and they, they came to, and they were breaking the tent, there was this guy who broke the tent, and then they let this girl who was high in the car, and we found it was my new daughter's, um, now daughter for her whole life, like, we were having this event for her, like, it wasn't, like, a wedding, but it was, like, maybe, like, an adulthood thing, and we were, like, she was, like, talking to us, like, she, she had these, like, these strings, and she, like, had me scribble into them, and it was, like, our name, we all went to it, and it was, like, a letter that she wrote to us, telling us, like, how much she loved us, and what we meant to her, and she, like, wrote me a letter, how much she loved that I was her mom, and I took care of her, and I told her I loved her, and I will be her mom forever, and, you know, I missed, you know, I'll never take the place of her mom, but I loved her as much as she was my own daughter, when we found her sister, she was in the car, she was unconscious, and we took her into the car that she was in, which drove us to the hospital, and the hospital people were blowing us off, blowing us off, blowing us off, because they seen that the girl was on drugs, and they didn't want to help us, and they ended up putting her in this cold wet suit, and, like, blew it up with cold water to wake her, and then, like, freezing cold, and she woke up, and she didn't know who we were, she didn't know who her twin sister was, and then I woke up.

25 Feb 2024



My neighbors house catching on fire ( the house behind Steve & marys) and a black tall creepy/scary figure was right in front of the burning house just watching it

11 Feb 2024

Lucid Dream


This dream was long. I swear it could have been the same one the entire night. I was walking along a path, heading uphill. Soon, I came across a divided path. One led down into the forest. The other led up to a grassy clearing. I take that one and end up spotting a couple buildings. The one to the right seemed like a big family home, but modern-looking, meaning grey and flat. The other to the left was still being built. I realized this as soon as I climbed up to the roof and saw the cement being poured into it. Climbing down, I approached the other building to the right. Once inside, I found myself at a table. A sort of oval-shaped table. And there were other people there, too. Like five of them. They felt elite, somehow. For some reason, Eric S. was there. The elite seemed to glare at me, as if I was less than them. But when Eric vouched for me, saying I was the one who was lucid dreaming, their look turned to one of challenge. I felt like they all could have been real. Meaning that they were meeting there through their dreams. I went outside, onto the balcony, and saw a hill of pure, beautiful green. On the deck there were several broad-leafed potted plants. I looked down at my hands, then looked away, then looked at them again and saw that my right hand had distorted a little, blown up like a balloon, pudgy fingers. I knew I was dreaming. I thought of last night's dream when I looked at my hands on the stairs of my burning house and laughed at how differently distorted they had gotten this time. The scene changed and I was in my home at Piedra Azul in Chile but on the beach part. The tide was out but there were people dragging kayaks along the sand to the left of the shore to a little square storage building that was there. (That storage building does not exist in real life.) At some point I was inside that building, but I don't remember more. I woke up with a burning desire to preserve and remember this dream.

27 Jan 2024



I dreamt that I woke up underneath my windowsill, and when I crawled up to look, out my window was a beautiful scene of beach and cliffs, rock, and water. I ran to tell my mom to come and look, but then I remembered where I live, which is surrounded by dirt rather than water. I asked my mom if we could just go visit for half a day, when suddenly she said why don't we go? When we went to visit the water, my mom found a beautiful place for us to stay the night in. It was so wonderful and I felt so comfortable there that I fell asleep right away. When I awoke from that sleep, I noticed a hallway. Even when I woke I still felt as though I was dreaming. I wandered around a corner that opened into a space that was two feet high with white marble open to nature with no windows. I was on the second floor, and to the openness of the space there were beautiful, tall trees and a waterfall. As I walked past the waterfall, it became clear that my next corridor went under the waterfall. As I approached, I began to get wet, sprinkled on by the waterfall. The next thing I knew, I was talking to my mom. She was on the telephone, yelling at our realtor, the lady that sold us the house. That's right, we weren't just visiting for half a week or so, we were moving to this place. Except my mom was angry about the waterfall, and also about the haunted bigmouth bass. The kind where you push the button, and it comes to life and starts to sing. My mom said it was haunted, and it was because of the lady that sold us the house. It was her fish, and she forewarned us about it. She was getting to the bottom of it. The trees in the waterfall were behind me, and out in front of me stretched a beach with white sand and beautifully sparkling clear blue waters. I couldn't wait to be in those waters. The next thing I knew, I was jumping into those waters. The water wasn't cold, the water was not hot, it was perfect, like floating a model on air. As I floated down the beach, I came to the house of a young lady, a lady that I remember from my past, my best friend, Melissa, who I've grown apart with. I'm chasing her in this big vast world, in this city where everybody has a certain gift, a certain power. My power was greater than anyone else's, and I could fly, nobody else could fly. Up out of the staircase I found, in the house, in the trees, under a waterfall, I found an entrance to another space that seemed to fit better with trees. It was a camp, in the forest, in the woods, there were people there, men, women, no children. I took a q-tip outside to clean my ear, when I held it up to the sun, it catched fire and started to melt away. I threw it down to the ground, but I missed. The burning q-tip lit an even bigger fire on the outside of the cabin that contained the staircase to the house. I tried to put out the fire, and screamed and yelled for a fire extinguisher, but nobody reacted. Nobody knew or seemed to know what a fire extinguisher was. Finally, out of the corner of my eye, I noticed one across the way to another cabin that looked exactly like the one I had crawled from the staircase. I yelled, there's one, but nobody knew what to do. I yelled again, there's one, there's a fire extinguisher there, right there. Finally, somebody, or my friends, whom I don't know their name, walked over to the fire extinguisher, got it off the wall, and started walking it towards me when that cabin blew up. I was then rushing to save people without letting my powers be seen by anybody. Somehow I found myself in a school, in a college, not attending college, but just there to help people. My little cabin space that burnt up turned into an apartment where I had placed the accessories that I had to a new phone, my earbuds, the earbuds that previously some kid had to mess with and change them into a hybrid between iPhone earbuds and Samsung earbuds. His friend, I had asked to go over to the fish and see if they got any weird feelings or vibes from the fish, because they were a wolf handler, and being so, I figured they had a sense about things, an intuition. I left those two and continued on chasing Melissa and helping people. Whenever I encountered Melissa, all I could do was smile at her. I couldn't do anything other than be nice and kind and loving to her I rarely got the chance to see Melissa because so many other people were wanting me. When I ignored Melissa and got sidetracked and kind, nice and generous to somebody else, she couldn't see who I was. I was in disguise from her, and I so badly wanted her to remember who I was. Her and I have not seen each other for a long time. I woke up again underneath my windowsill. I got up and looked out the window and I was in a deep Mountain Valley. Everything was black and white the mountains as if it had snowed and I asked a friend next to me if they had snowed and they said it hadn't. I looked again and everything was back to color. That is when I died of heartbreak from not being able to find Melissa. I died with my eyes opened tears running down my face and my friend crying.

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