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Dream Interpretation: Flying ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Flying? Discover the significance of seeing a Flying in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Flying appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

It symbolizes confidence, a new perspective in life, freedom, and control. It suggests a positive change that will enter your life, and you will soar high with esteem and confidence. However, there are also some chances of you being overly confident about the situation, leading to misfortune.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction

Good fortune

Analyse the situation and your emotions. Try and look at things differently, find a new perspective. This will help you boost your confidence and let you find ways to resolve any issues. If there is anything in your life you feel overwhelmed about, work through it slowly.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of flying often evokes feelings of freedom, exhilaration, and empowerment. It symbolizes a sense of liberation from constraints and the ability to rise above challenges. This dream can generate a sense of joy, excitement, and a desire for exploration. It may also reflect a longing for escape or a need for control in waking life. Overall, the feeling associated with this dream is one of liberation and the limitless possibilities that come with it.





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18 Jul 2024



I lost a few credits in a Flight App and I transformed into a girl. I was in a luxury car and I don't know why. It was beautiful.

18 Jul 2024



In this dream, I was in my houseboat and it started to rise up as if it was flying in the air like a balloon. My children were there with me and my ex-husband and my ex husband tried to keep the children safe while we were flying through the air and the doors were opening and we were almost falling out of the house. There were other people that were trying to help us from outside of the house, but they could not reach us.

17 Jul 2024

Old friend


I went into an exotic pet shop. I saw many pets in cages or enclosures. I saw a spider which had escaped. I had to try to grab the spider and put it back in his enclosure. While I was trying to grab the spider, it had wrapped its web around my hand and made it very difficult for me to hold him. As I went to grab the spider after removing the web, he bit me on the back of my hand. I exited the exotic pet shop and went outside. I had people wanting to get a hold of me and I did not want to be caught. I started to realize that I could wipe people's short-term memory. Even so, people were still trying to come and find me, and I did not like it. I decided to run away after wiping a few people's memories, of recent memories. I ran to the top of a building and a man was there who grabbed my hand, he said this doesn't work on me, the spider bit me as well. This meant that wiping his memory of me being there was impossible. He tried to grab me and I ran to the edge of the roof. I said to him that there was no luck, I was going to fly away. I turned away from him, got as far away on the roof as possible, jumped off and flew across the sky, flapping my arms as wings, higher and straight down towards the ocean and the coast. I made it down to the coast, and I thought it would be a good idea to try to live within the cave system on a rock near the ocean, because other people had lived in there before, so it was very possible to live for a short period of time within these caves. When I landed next to the ocean, An old friend from my working life came to me and said don't worry, if you need somewhere to stay, you can shower and sleep at my house. This made me relaxed and a little bit happier. I was in a group of people down on a holiday resort, and I noticed a lot of my father. I quickly wiped the memories of me, went back to the group of people in the holiday resort, and they were trying to do some show. I don't remember the show, and I said I could fly. They did not believe me, so I gave them a small show on me flying around in front of them.

14 Jul 2024

Lucid Dreaming
Waking up


I was in a parade on a truck bed taking to my sister about my nightmare and then did my reality check by plugging my nose and breathing and realized I was dreaming. I was excited to be lucid dreaming and turned to the front of the parade and said, now we fly! The truck lifted off the ground and a popular song started playing that was perfect for the moment. I started flying super fast around the buildings abd river which I could now tell from the sky was London. It was beautiful and I was having so much fun that I woke myself up

12 Jul 2024

Car accident


Me being hit by a car and flying over 2 parallel walls and before hitting the ground I asked god for help and I slowly fell to the ground I saw this guy and he was someone I liked and he left one day and didnโ€™t say anything and then there was a fight on a bridge and people were pushed and we kidnapped a girl

9 Jul 2024



Had a dream I was flying and I saw my old teacher Mr Burns Floating As Well. I came to him trying to call his name and At first he didnโ€™t say anything. Than he turned his head and he told me how we can all astral travel. I was with OTR CHAZ at the store and syd was on the phone but I hung up because I didnโ€™t want chaz to see me on phone with Syd. My friend Zhaydn was drawing pictures for me and I liked the way most of them looked. Than Me & My Mom & My Stepdad were having a conversation. Also, in the dream a homeless man was telling good things to my mom about me. Towards the end of the dream me and otr chaz was going down a hallway. In the hallway we say Blue benjamin sleepy & he had a crowd of people with him but me and otr chaz decided we would go our own way. We were on the way to a performance and Zhadyn and i drew a ugly picture for the show that none of us liked. So otr chaz told me go on stage with something else instead. Zhadyn told me go on stage with mg album cover. Dreams can be deeply personal and often reflect our subconscious thoughts, feelings, and experiences. Here's a possible interpretation of your dream: 1. **Flying and Astral Travel**: Flying often represents a sense of freedom, control, and escape from daily pressures. Seeing your old teacher, Mr. Burns, floating and talking about astral travel could symbolize a longing for spiritual growth or guidance. It might suggest that you're seeking higher understanding or a different perspective in life. 2. **Interactions with OTR CHAZ and Syd**: Being at the store with OTR CHAZ and hanging up on Syd suggests a conflict or fear of judgment. It could indicate that you are concerned about how certain relationships or actions are perceived by others, especially those close to you. 3. **Zhaydn's Drawings**: Appreciating most of Zhaydn's drawings but not all could symbolize creativity and self-expression. It might reflect your own creative process and the acceptance of not everything being perfect, yet still finding value in the effort. 4. **Family Conversation**: The discussion with your mom and stepdad represents family dynamics and communication. The homeless man's praise for you to your mom suggests a desire for recognition and validation from your family or community. 5. **Decision in the Hallway**: Walking down a hallway with OTR CHAZ and choosing a different path from Blue Benjamin Sleepy and his crowd might signify making independent choices and not following the crowd. It reflects a desire to carve your own path, especially in the face of peer pressure or societal expectations. 6. **Performance and Album Cover**: Preparing for a performance and the incident with the ugly picture indicates concerns about presenting yourself and your work. OTR CHAZ's advice to go on stage with something else, and Zhaydn suggesting your album cover, points to self-confidence and trusting in your authentic self and past achievements. Overall, this dream might be highlighting your journey towards self-discovery, the balance between individuality and relationships, and the pursuit of personal and creative fulfillment. It suggests a need for spiritual growth, self-acceptance, and validation both from within and from those around you.

9 Jul 2024

My crush


I am very focus on connecting 3 gemstones to do something in the spiritual world. My sister introduced me to her crush. He seemed extremely younger than her. I am sitting in the middle of beautiful garden. It was nighttime with lights everywhere. The grass was lushly green. Breathtaking! My dog was watching me while I am working. They disappeared and I had a feeling they were missing. I am having dinner with loved ones. I am in a car driving with a female figure. The vehicle was flying. I am in a lab and the subject is dying. I couldnโ€™t save them because they slapped me. I am having dinner with a male figure. He pours himself white wine. I held my glass cup and he begin to pour wine into mine but didnโ€™t stop as the wine overflowed out the glass cup. I am to get married but I canceled the wedding. Everyone was upset. I am sitting with my dad talking to him. I am telling him I can control my emotions now. I am in a space ship flying to a hospital. Itโ€™s night and I am outside of a building. The spaceship is behind me. Someone comes out and hands me a form. The form is a digitial device shaped like a mini spaceship. As I am choosing the answer to the questions being asked, the mini spaceship is flying me around. I am not sure if I was flying in circles or randomly.

9 Jul 2024



I'm at the end of a trip, training or something, and we're all headed out to the airport to fly back home, and I don't know when my flight is leaving, where it's leaving from, and then at what time. So I'm being asked, do you have time, do you have to go to the airport directly, or do you have time, are you also going to Sacramento, and I have no idea what they're talking about, so I'm looking for my boarding pass in my emails, in my bag, I'm looking for my passport, and before I know it, I'm on a flight to Canada, but I need to go home to Amsterdam, so I don't know why I'm flying to Toronto, so during the flight to Toronto, I'm looking frantically for my boarding pass, I'm sending Borja an email, I'm asking, can you help me, I don't know where my flight is, he doesn't respond, so I'm looking, I'm doing the same thing over and over again, go through my mailbox, go through my wallet, I'm looking everywhere, I can't find it, so I'm getting out in Toronto, I'm pretty sure that's not where I need to fly, I almost lose my passport again, and then I wake up.

8 Jul 2024



I was flyer over a city then go to an ice skating rink with my boyfriend, i was dancing and flying and skating. We leave and when we come back to the ice skating rink everybody that was there had drowned or frozen to death because the ice shattered. I started crying in the dream and blaming myself for everybodyโ€™s death because i was skating on that ice minutes before

8 Jul 2024



My dream was me going into a old New York house and when I went to the stairs and I was talking to a few people I turned around and I realized it was someone staring at me. The man he had wide black hat on and a colorful face mask that covered his nose and mouth. I asked him who are you and what do you want? He was reluctant to answer and he did not he ended up throwing a green handkerchief at me. And I was so afraid that it will touch me I flew off the stairs and I walked into the street and I told him no no no no you're not going to get me. He shook his head yes and he threw a blue hat at me. It was kind of like the wide hat he was wearing and I also resembled a handkerchief at the same time. Whatever it was he threw it at me and it grazed my cheek. I've been panicked. Then woke up.

7 Jul 2024

Making Out


Last night i had a dream that i flew on a plane to a summer camp thingy. It was a rip-off of a camp Iโ€™ve been to irl but in the dream we did a scavenger hunt and all of the fictional characters from my favorite fandom โ€˜ghost and palsโ€™ were there. In the scavenger hunt we find out about the characters but my brain is stupid asf so all the lore was incorrect but we got a Henry x Nancy making out scene so that was nice. Anyways in the rest of the dream I flew home and TONS of bees and gnats were chasing me and I got over my fear of them.

6 Jul 2024

My Room


There were bugs flying around my room but they were saying nice things about me?

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