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Dream Interpretation: Falling 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Falling? Discover the significance of seeing a Falling in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Falling appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Such dreams are associated with anxiety, disappointment, and instability in our waking life. It also suggests that you are making some plans be it a job or personal, but those are too high for you to achieve. However, please note that if you have a medical condition, such a dream indicates a drop in blood sugar while sleeping, so please be careful.

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🧭 Direction

Bad omen

Make only realistic plans, which you can easily achieve without any worry. Keep away from things that cause stress and strain. If you have any medical ailment like blood sugar fluctuations, remember to cut out sugar and monitor your health regularly.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of falling can evoke a sense of fear, vulnerability, and loss of control. It may generate feelings of anxiety, uncertainty, and helplessness as one descends into the unknown. The sensation of falling can symbolize a lack of stability or a fear of failure in waking life. It may also reflect a sense of being overwhelmed or out of balance. This dream can leave one with a lingering sense of unease and a need to regain control and stability in their life.





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Dreams of users containing the word Falling

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18 Jul 2024



Dreamed I was hanging out at a skateing ring and I fell in the cement skateing bowl. No one helped me get out and I just quietly picked myself back up. Then I dreamed I saw an old friend. I woke up.

18 Jul 2024



In this dream, I was in my houseboat and it started to rise up as if it was flying in the air like a balloon. My children were there with me and my ex-husband and my ex husband tried to keep the children safe while we were flying through the air and the doors were opening and we were almost falling out of the house. There were other people that were trying to help us from outside of the house, but they could not reach us.

17 Jul 2024

Building (Place)
Full Moon


I was getting on an elevator on a huge building with a bunch of people. We were going to the very top floor. When it got to the top Floor something went wrong - the doors didn’t open and the elevator started to plummet. I remember grabbing onto a railing and thinking I was going to die. A woman (who I think was supposed to be my friend Molly) whipped out her phone and somehow got the elevator to function before we hit the ground. It was miraculous. We made it to the top floor and split up. I climbed a huge metal structure to the very top of the roof and found a metal bench perched up in the air. I climbed onto it as another person did too. His girlfriend and friend came on as well and I said “I got here first, I hope you don’t mind but I’m not leaving” and they didn’t mind. I looked around at the cast night sky and took pictures of the distant golden city. The moon behind me was bigger than anything I’d seen and was full, glowing red.

16 Jul 2024



my father brought my brother and i to work with him (hes a firefighter). we were out on this rig in the ocean where a lot of his firecrew were stationed. my brother and i talked and got to know everyone, some of them knew us when we were younger and some of them were new people we had never met. the rig had giant hole in this middle with this elevator thing that would bring people up to the rig from the ocean. it brought up a couple people throughout the dream but not many. one of my dads crewmates fell down the hole and nearly died, but he barely grabbed onto the edge, saving himself. when it turned to night the rig suddenly transformed into my grandparents house with my grandparents now present. my grandmother offered my dad, brother, and grandfather cookies. everyone else that was there before had vanished.

12 Jul 2024



Dreamt my daughter was leaving for campus the morning after and I suddenly remembered I hadn’t washed any of her clothes. Our cleaning lady was there and said she could help me out and I gladly took her up on her offer since I felt very stressed out. We loaded the washing machine with the clothes and I went into the kitchen to get us something to drink and looked at the clock in the wall and hours had already passed by! I ran into the laundry room that now was outside for some reason and it was packed with hanging drying clothes and towels and sheets - more or less everything except my daughters clothes. I panicked and started running around trying to find the clothes and suddenly there’s also a strong wind tearing the clean laundry away, making them float in the air and away from me. I reach out and find myself half anting off the building and we’re really high up. All the clothes I need and some sheets and towels are right at the edge of a ledge, if I lean over and out I could probably get them. My phone starts ringing and I answer it even though my grip on the wall is slipping and I’m risking falling over. It’s my daughter and she’s really stressed out, almost yelling at me, wondering where I am! She’s at the airport about to board the plane and she doesn’t have her suitcase or her things. I tell her I almost got it, just wait five minutes and I’ll get it to her. At that moment the wind picks up and I drop the phone over the ledge seeing it falling towards the bottom and I feel my grip loosening and then I wake up.

9 Jul 2024



It starts with me in an old fashioned car, driving through a post apocalyptic world, suddenly someone I know is running after me, but they are infected with some disease. I hurry away and think I have lost them. I end up at this base where I have to crawl over a fence to get to safety. I fall when going down the other side but someone catches me. As I get on my feet we see the infected person from before trying to crawl the fence so we run away

8 Jul 2024



last night I had a dream it was a little bit scattered but I remember it kind of started out like driving but it was over like a beachy skyline so basically like I saw the horizon and there was the coast and the water and everything and it felt cool it felt safe and then I remember like kind of like not crashing but flying off of the cliff or like the mountain that we were on but like I was scared but like I knew we'd be okay but I felt like that inertia feeling when you're really falling like that gut feeling in my stomach and when we landed I got everybody together made sure everybody was okay and you know I led us all towards the beach or so towards like a kind of jungly area but along the edge so that we'd be okay and ironically like we ran into my boss and it was him and the people traveling with me I can't remember I know one of them was my dad and the other two people I can't remember I feel like they were like childhood friends I can't remember their names but then with that, I ended up like working with Voss, with Tristan in order to like create shelter and everything, and like I made some nice clothes and of course my hair was amazing and looked gorgeous with like purple and neon pink tips and I just felt and looked so confident and felt like the goddesses like a water goddess and I just felt so empowered to be by the ocean and I felt seductive and attractive. And I remember I was able to change the weather so that we weren't in danger of like any lightning storms or anything or any monsoons or typhoons or anything like that and when night came everybody was asleep and just let me sleep and we had like very, very, very passionate and thorough and just amazing sex and it felt like it was transformative and like an energy surge almost. Like I felt energized if that makes sense. Almost ascended. Afterwards I felt like nervous and guilty because of course I'm married and my dad was not that far away and so as I was walking back to camp I remember hearing and like I believe it was some type of animal or something and feeling some sense of dread so I know I was in trouble but it wasn't like a bad dread it was like you know me and Tristan can handle ourselves type of thing and before we started the fight I woke up.

7 Jul 2024



I was part of a game show to pretend to be a family I had a son my sister with me and a husband. After the game show was over they dropped us off at a location and told us we’re gonna record you so make your life good. We made a tiny house that could only fit 2 people for 5. My son the producers told him go down that river you’ll get everyone’s attanetion while I was already talking to him he went down and it was like a waterfall scary but at the end it was a regular slide. Me and my son where hurt so the producers took everyone to the hospital we had already made a pre plan to escape everyone but my soon was in the room with the desk we make everyone freeze in the hospital and were also in a school they had an emergency button and called the police we got locked in a libary taht was over flowing with water and I managed to break over a window and everyone escaped. So me my sister my soon and my husband survived. And the criminals helping us and they Gave us a place to stay and a home

7 Jul 2024



In the beginning it was me and my mom and younger siblings wanted to go shopping but my stepdad was like no he and her would go or something like that so i just went to go run bath water so i’m using the bathroom talking to my younger sister and it’s so weird because the window inside the bathroom was actually an ocean so we’re looking outside of it like ok it’s cool my younger sister starts to get inside my bath water so i’m like lol why you in it but i just got in with her thinking maybe she just wanted to spend time and be annoying i’m seeing like broken 1950s old barbie dolls and three snakes but ther are spiraling instead of actually swimming like regular snakes in the ocean window we have then i l farther and see a younger indian man cutting something off then two older men come out the blue looking inside so im like “tiauna do you see them” she sssying they cannot see us and stuff but the one of the men eventually tooo their hand and grabbed me so ima trying to cover myself with the shower curtain and i yell to tiauna to go get help from someone she’s just kindve frozen but she’s by the bathroom door so i’m kinda just like yelling her to hurry. The man who grabs me drops me and i’m falling but the settings changes to like a still loading gaming city like roblox when you first join and things ain’t loading it but like i just see gray and one red block that’s like supposed to be city buildings so i’m falling i start clicking fast on my apple watch button then i eventually fall onto my bed but it’s almost like a mirror is in front of me cause i just look and see me but i don’t look like me i look very animated but broken and scary

4 Jul 2024



i was with my sister and her boyfriend and my friend bryce and i was pretty drunk but i was for some reason driving them all somewhere in my golfcart. it was raining and we were driving down this winding mountain and as we were coming up on a sharp turn i knew i was going to fast but i couldnt slow down. the golfcart slid out around the corner and i flew out of it and off the side of a cliff that was at least a 200 foot drop into shallow water. right off the edge of the cliff was a little peninsula that i slammed into and was able to wedge myself between that and the cliff to keep from falling but i had to grab onto the peninsula which isolated me from the land and i was stuck. i watched as my car keys and my skateboard fell 200 feet into the water which was our only way of getting home. all i could feel was fear and knew that it was only a matter of time before i fell. out of nowhere my friend bryce comes sprinting and jumps off the cliff landing perfectly safe in the water to retrieve the keys and skateboard. it was really a spectacle because it was surely a death fall but somehow he was fine. i was still slipping but i knew i wouldnt make it like he did and my sister and her boyfriend were on the other side completely unable to help me. then i woke up

3 Jul 2024



I had a dream that I was back in school again and but this time it was PE and i went to my old PE teacher mister bane, and he told us to go to rocall and we did but we just had to pick a random number I was with my friends and some girls I knew but weren’t friends with, so later I see my old crush there, but anyways there was a Lot of people falling? Idk but I fell but I don’t remember falling, when you fall the bricks told you who helped you up or stoped you from falling, and so my bricks said “chris, Christian, and some other one anyways I stood up and a girl next to me told me that we were gonna have to run all over but the thing is that this isn’t PE class anymore it was my house? My backyard is pretty big so I’m I guess we’re using that anyways mr babe come and tells a girl to get ready because she’s gonna get timed so she got ready on the wall and than I don’t know how I was waiting in my living room and I was next and I put on a movie for my friend Naomi and the boy I liked a movie later I was confused how o was gonna run with black sandals on so I put black socks on to help ig and he calls me over to get ready I tells me to get along the walk and to get ready and woosh off I go but in my dream I’m running and I’m jumping as if I’m doing parkour, I jumped over my plant and I was in the sky and quickly I ran back inside to get my time and I was saying actually it wasn’t even that back it was kinda fun! And he said I got 15 minutes I was I bit like okay whatever 🙄 but anyways he went off somewhere and there was alcohol and my and my friend were thinking to get drunk and I just drank wine the smell of alcohol was to strong but I was drinking a lot and than we did footies to make our feet glow?like anyways he comes back and tell Naomi to get ready and I ask if I can run with her he said okay so we are waiting outside he he’s about to show her where to get ready and run but she stranded there nervously and says I need to pe so she runs to go pee and like maybe 5 minutes later she comes out and Chris my crush went back on the couch to sit and watch the movie I had put on black socks again and she comes out and whispered to me “I was bad. I saw what? “My Period was really bad chris had to help me” and I don’t remember every thing else but we didn’t run anyways we were back inside the house and family came over I said hello to everyone and I seen someone I never knew she was very fat her face was very big and round and I was shaking her hand she just looked at me she was pale with dark brown eyes, and her hair back in a ponytail wat looked either dark down or black and she was just smiling at me snacking my hand I was confused buy anyway we went to drink some more and my cousin who drinks a lot comes over and sees us and I walk up to her and hug her and say hi, she says well your drunk. Personally I don’t feel dunk but my friend is and she has the wine in her hands and I was scared she was gonna tell my mom as I’m under age and she says “can I record you guys I was like “ what the fuck” I knew maybe that she was gonan try and get me to look drunk and show my mom but I don’t know why I said yes. Later I try not to act drunk and I she put a filter on and recorded us we were all there on the phone and I see McDonald’s? And I’m hiding behind her t to not show my face than I remember I didn’t have lashes on this whole time and I was like bruh🤦‍♀️🙄 because I feel more pretty with lashes and than I remembered chris my crush saw me without them on and that we never even ran and where was mister Ban? and my friend said well I got at least a 10 minutes she says chuckling i laughed as mister van didn’t even time us or that she didn’t even run she maids up her own time anyways THATS IT

2 Jul 2024



i dreamt me and some people i knew, who were kinda friends but kinda weren't, went to a bridge and they all wanted to skateboard together but the bridge was unfinished and very high up so it was very easy for someone to fall off. i didn't want to skate on it so i chose not to but the people i was with did, and they all ended up falling one by one and died, i felt terrible and i tried yelling out for them to pay attention because they were close to the edge but they fell anyway. i couldn't believe they were actually gone

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