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Dream Interpretation: Elevator 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Elevator? Discover the significance of seeing a Elevator in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Elevator appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

It indicates your confusion and dilemma about the things that are happening in your life. Elevators go up and down, and as a result, reflect how your life is full of twists and turns. There could be something that makes you feel low; however, there are also things in your life that make you happy.

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🧭 Direction

Daily events

Listen to your inner voice, accept the changes around you, and decide about the path your life should take. Try and adjust yourself to attain more incredible things in life, both spiritually and physically. Being confused will not help, instead, take help whenever possible and be sure about the path you want your life to follow.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being in an elevator can evoke a mix of emotions. It may bring about feelings of anticipation, as the elevator represents a journey or transition. There might be a sense of excitement or nervousness, as the elevator moves up or down, symbolizing progress or change. The dream could also elicit a feeling of confinement or vulnerability, as being in a small space with limited control can be unsettling. Overall, the emotions associated with this dream can vary depending on the context and individual experiences, but they often revolve around the themes of anticipation, change, and vulnerability.





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18 Jul 2024



It was night and I was in a restaurant with my family, we were all done eating so we got up and walked to the exit and that’s when I saw an old friend (ex crush) enter the restaurant. Him and I made eye contact and for some reason I just wanted to go up to him and talk to him. Then suddenly I was in this art gallery with him and my sister trying to figure out a way to get out, then I was trying to get into an elevator with him alone, when I did I hugged him and finally feeling satisfied to being close to him. That’s when my sister opened the elevator door and i immediately separated from him. That we left the gallery and he drove us back home in his car. I felt the urge to kiss him there, but i didn’t.

17 Jul 2024

Building (Place)
Full Moon


I was getting on an elevator on a huge building with a bunch of people. We were going to the very top floor. When it got to the top Floor something went wrong - the doors didn’t open and the elevator started to plummet. I remember grabbing onto a railing and thinking I was going to die. A woman (who I think was supposed to be my friend Molly) whipped out her phone and somehow got the elevator to function before we hit the ground. It was miraculous. We made it to the top floor and split up. I climbed a huge metal structure to the very top of the roof and found a metal bench perched up in the air. I climbed onto it as another person did too. His girlfriend and friend came on as well and I said “I got here first, I hope you don’t mind but I’m not leaving” and they didn’t mind. I looked around at the cast night sky and took pictures of the distant golden city. The moon behind me was bigger than anything I’d seen and was full, glowing red.

17 Jul 2024



so my dream started in New York City I was with somebody and we were going throughout the city and it was time to go into a building. There was a woman we were going to the building to meet and to get to where we were meeting we went into the elevator and went up up up till we got to the right floor When we got out of the elevator, we walked over to some woman's apartment and it seemed familiar to another friend's apartment that I have in New York in real life. When we walk into her apartment, she's about 5'1 or 2 with dark, long hair and pale skin. And she has two sons and at least a daughter. And two of them were to the right of me and one of them was to the left. I look around and there's a table to the right of me and stairs and the kitchen is to the far north east. The place looked so big considering it was a New York City apartment. The person that I was with wanted so badly to look around the apartment. Maybe take some pictures or just explore. So they asked how much this will be paid for her apartment. And she said, oh, I pay $20,000 a month. I thought that was so cool, that's a lot of money to spend each month, but you could tell that this place was so nice because of it. We keep going from that scene, and we end up moving straight into a big building. It feels like the same building, but it wasn't the woman's house anymore. But instead, it was where a bunch of jobs were taking place. it was basically like a mall but instead of shopping each room was like a different office or job so it was just like one big place for a bunch of different jobs to take place and we had this man lead us through to show us everything and it felt like an orientation It was in New York City so I was like thinking about oh I would have to move here to have one of these jobs but like I'm okay with that because I was in the orientation I remember us walking around and looking at the different jobs. There was like a cafeteria type looking at this one room in the corner and it didn't have walls. It just had window walls so we could see in there. And the guy was telling us that every room acts as its own independent job or independent place. But we can all come together in community, you know, like in the cafeteria or the hallways or other places. I remember looking into the job room that he was showing us and there was a nice little table for snacks and a bunch of chairs and a desk. Then we started walking by down the hallway after that, going forward, and to the right of us were all these big windows leading to outside, and to the left were more rooms and doors. It was such a big building for being in New York City, I thought, and I had been somewhere similar in a dream before in New York City, so it felt like a similar location and place to the other dream I had before. I do remember liking the orientation and thinking how easy it was because I didn't even know I got the job until he started doing orientation and I was like, wow, I must have got the job. So it felt pretty easy going and simple and I liked being in a different state. Then that part of the dream ends, and I'm still with somebody else, but my friend invites me over for a dinner party. She says that I should come over for a dinner party, and I also get the feeling that I'm in a different state, but doesn't necessarily feel like New York City anymore. In real life, this friend lives in Delaware, so it might have changed to there. She asked us to come for a dinner party and I remember like doing the U-turn trying to get there and it being a little difficult but I still made it happen no problem. When we got there I was trying to surprise her with something like some kind of food like a donut or cookie or like I remember trying to surprise her with something. and i come in and i'm in like the front porch and there's a bunch of stuff in there which there's not usually stuff in there in real life and i'm like going through stuff trying to figure out what to get them after like making a couple u-turns turning around like figuring out how to get back to their house for this dinner party and then out of nowhere the friend that invites me ends up coming through the door and I was so shocked with her appearance she had her hair like all done and volume and curled up kind of like the 20s she was kind of like a brunette version of Marilyn Monroe with the red lipstick and like the whole face makeup and the long white dress so I definitely underestimated how fancy this dinner party was gonna be she looked so dressed up so put together and I usually never see her like that I've never seen her in a dress and makeup like that before and I remember her boyfriend was there like kind of in the background and I was excited to join the dinner party there was another part of the dream that I remember sleeping over somebody's house because we were still out and I slept on the little air marks the floor and my friend slept on the couch and I remember when I got there my friend wasn't there and I was looking for the keys that they had hidden so I could go in their house and wait for them

16 Jul 2024



my father brought my brother and i to work with him (hes a firefighter). we were out on this rig in the ocean where a lot of his firecrew were stationed. my brother and i talked and got to know everyone, some of them knew us when we were younger and some of them were new people we had never met. the rig had giant hole in this middle with this elevator thing that would bring people up to the rig from the ocean. it brought up a couple people throughout the dream but not many. one of my dads crewmates fell down the hole and nearly died, but he barely grabbed onto the edge, saving himself. when it turned to night the rig suddenly transformed into my grandparents house with my grandparents now present. my grandmother offered my dad, brother, and grandfather cookies. everyone else that was there before had vanished.

12 Jul 2024

My crush


I had a dream that I was swimming in a pond in a field near a country road. And I got out of the water because I noticed this girl Amalia that I have had a crush on for years but never met her in real life. Amalia was walking toward the road and I started walking in the same direction we eventually met and she and I both looked at each other and it seemed obvious we were interested in each other. I was holding my clothes up as I was dressing in them and I kind of looked at her side eyed and had a courios face and said to her “do I know” and I can’t remember what she said but she invited me in the car with her. We drove to a building and we walked to this elevator when we got in the elevator - the elevator had a very interesting design. It started to transform like the wallpaper would shift into different designs and shapes. The elevator started to move sideways which resulted in us loosing out footing but I was able to catch Amalia in my arms to protect her. She looked at me surprised that I was able to stop her from falling and she kissing me. Then elevator stopped at her appartment this uniquely designed industrial loft. Inside she had a few friends. I went to the kitchen at some point and she followed me and me made love. Amalia is beautiful she looks very elegant and had midlengeth to long brunette hair. She is tall and thin but has a beautiful shape. She looks like a model. I am a woman tall and fit I have long brown hair with a lighter tone to it. I have bluish green eyes. I was dressed in pants and a t shirt with cowboy boots. Amalia was in a pair of cutoff jean shorts and a red tank top. I think it was love.

12 Jul 2024



The first dream I had was about my brother being a total creep, making me feel uncomfortable. It was odd because I know that in reality he would never behave like that towards me. The rest of the dream was me actually having the ability to drive, but doing a shitty job. the entire point was so I could get far away from my brother as possible. The other dream that I had was where I met Tommy Wiseau. The location seemed to be in a hotel or just some place that had an elevator.

8 Jul 2024



I was in a car with my family driving and I look to the side to see a tower in the middle of all the highways where there was a mall. Had a very strange feeling that I have been in there a long time ago , a sense of Deja vu. Asked if we could go shopping there and expressed that it feels like it’s been such a long time since we visited there. Everyone else said no but I asked to go alone instead. I entered the tower and the parking lot is empty. Enter the elevator area and avoided some creatures resting there. It was very eerie being in the mall and I finally reached the shopping levels. All the shops were open but no one else was in there. I was exploring the mall , looking for the shops I needed to visit. My mom joins me halfway through the journey in the mall.

29 Jun 2024



I had a dream I was in the midst of an alien invasion but it felt like I was repeating the whole scenario again and trying to find a way to succeed in a few situations like I did in my last life however there was missing piece that werent the same in this one. When the alien invasion started I ran to what looked like a drop down elevatar that looked similar to a window washer who cleans sky scraper windows. I was waiting for a woman to show up but she never did and then messed with the scenario because she was not dating the same guy as she was in my last life. I was then late to running away and stuck inside a military base with what seemed like hundreds of other people, I ran to the bottom floors and I had to be very careful depending on the aliens but in my dream I knew how to trick them and knew roughly what was coming next, I had to play dead in some hallways amongst other bodies that have already gone, in my dream I remembered how I died in my last life and almost wished I died quickly in this dream life because my chances of survival were so low. I did make one friend because they enjoyed my music but after awhile we split up and I managed to make it outside. I was running between 2 ponds and I stopped myself immediately when I seen a huge snake slither out but it had a face with only one huge eye on it and under the eye was its mouth where its fangs hung low from. It didnt sense me anymore and left and then 2 others snakes from the other pond came slithering out. They knew me for some reason, one pursued me and the other stopped the pursuing snake and spoke to it in human language. It said something like “dont do that, thats nani” and that someone else would be very mad. After that I started to quietly make my escape until I woke up

29 Jun 2024



I was at a ski resort with my sister and Jojo. we got on the chairlift at night, but it wasn’t snowy and there was no snow on the ground. We were surrounded by pine trees. Each of us had our own chairlift I was in the front and then there was JoJo and then there was Sadie. There was some eerie feeling about going down this chair lift at night and all of a sudden when I looked back, I saw my sister as her self standing down on the ground behind jojo and I. I had no idea how said he got down there but me and Jojo are still on the chairlift. My sister looked at me kind of sad and disappointed that I was leaving her, but I I had no choice. I was still on the chair and she said she’ll meet us inside the ski Lodge. As joão and I continue going down the chairlift somehow JoJo’s chairlift started getting closer and closer to mine until she was nearly on top of me. I remember looking up at her and knowing something this was going to happen. All of a sudden, a dark ghostly figure sucked itself into my mouth from JoJo. When it entered me, I felt a whirlwind in my body. I try to stay calm and just let it play out, but it felt like it wasn’t going away unless I fought it and forced it out of my body. I felt as though the fight matter because it felt like I was almost fighting with myself. I would pin it down, but it’s still one to come back at me and it almost felt like it was a part of me. When I finished tussling with this thing, I woke up in my bed and outside my bedroom door was still dark out. I checked the clock and it said 4:38am. I saw an old high school classmate biking to school with a small backpack and a school bus getting ready to pick up kids which felt strange because it was still very early. I went back to sleep in the dream and that black go, figure came back again, and the tussle began again. I again tried to just let it go by and threw me in my body being stronger than it by encompassing love but again that black ghostly whirlwind into my body wouldn’t go away until I fought it off again. In my dream, I woke up again and was walking in a underground parking garage. One of my ex-girlfriend walked past me. We didn’t say anything. We just acknowledge each other and continue going on our way. I want to take the elevator up to my room and accidentally went to the floor above my room, which was floor 7 instead of floor 6. When I got to floor seven, I walked out, and saw an old classmate and friend Alex Bailey, who was playing with the soccer ball and realized that it was my floor and walked back into the elevator, and I was caught by surprise because there was a black guy in the elevator. It scared me he laughed, and I asked him have you been here the entire time he said yes And I had no idea he was there I was surprised that I didn’t notice him. I finally made it to my room again and went to lay down and yet again the dark black ghost came to my body and again I had to experience this whirlwind go through me as I tried to just accept it, let it go and take it course, but it seemed like it wouldn’t stop until I fought it so I fought it again. When I woke up again I woke up to a muscular black guy in a hot tub behind me that looked like Jamie Foxx. Then all of a sudden a black lady appeared in the hot tub and they started having sex. As I finally woke up from the dream in real life, I felt disappointed that I wasn’t able to allow this black ghost in the whirlwind created to naturally pass through me. I also noticed that I had a tightness and contraction right where my heart chakra is.

29 Jun 2024

Parking Lot


I was parking in a parking garage with a friend and two men came up to us to rob us with stun guns. It was a groundhog day situation where ut kept happening and I had to figure out ways to defeat them. I lost everytimw until we finally grabbed their weapon and fought them. The next level of my dream was like a video game. A different friend was now in a wheel chair and I wheeled her out of the garage into an elevator. We end up in some temple run style obstacle course where we had to jump the wheelchair over a gap in a bridge.

28 Jun 2024



One of my dreams I was back I think mansion like building it was filled with groups of people, and I walked down with a group to the elevator, and they got off the level and she asked if I’m coming cutie referring to me. I said maybe later I was honored and they were a little sad and come now, but it felt cool and another dream I was at my ex-girlfriend‘s environment and for some reason there is a crazy dog there like a pitbull that was just attacking anybody in that site and so we ran across my other friend his girl that he’s with and we all had to hide in my car when the pitbull was running up at us, but the girl couldn’t get in time into the car. And so some part of me, or I experienced the point of view of another creature that was around that goes beast mode on the bulldog, and I begin fighting the bulldog like crazy, but I wasn’t too scared because I felt very powerful. Another dream prior to that I was in some weird environment where it felt like Tulum but Dubai and a lot smaller and no people and it was really quiet and it was a weird vibe. I don’t know why I was there, but I didn’t last there too long.

25 Jun 2024



Also, at the end of my dream, it was a very adventurous dream, a very positive dream. It was very fun, a lot of celebrities, there was a lot of parties, and actually it was a point where I was really getting tired of going to all those parties, and I just told my friends, I'm like, I just want to go to sleep, I'm tired, and it was a lot of excitement. At the end of my dream, also, I was inside of an elevator going up, and right before I woke up, the elevator door opened up.

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