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Dream Interpretation: Stairs 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Stairs? Discover the significance of seeing a Stairs in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Stairs appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This symbol is deeply connected to your emotions and reflects the connection between your conscious and subconscious minds. It suggests that you will have spiritual growth and will soon move towards a more fulfilling lifestyle. It often suggests that you are trying to forge a connection between logic and your primal desires.

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🧭 Direction


Enjoy the good things that you encounter in your life. You will soon find yourself reaching towards your higher self. An inner voice will try to guide you; listen to it as it helps you achieve success, knowledge, and progress in life. If you find yourself struggling with doubts and negative emotions, it's best to resolve the issues causing your concern.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of stairs can evoke a sense of progress, growth, and achievement. It symbolizes the journey towards success and reaching new heights. Climbing stairs in a dream may bring feelings of determination, ambition, and the desire to overcome obstacles. Conversely, descending stairs might evoke a sense of regression or fear of failure. The dream may also reflect a need for self-reflection and introspection, as stairs often represent personal development and self-improvement. Overall, the dream of stairs can elicit a mix of emotions, including excitement, anticipation, and a sense of purpose.





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17 Jul 2024



so my dream started in New York City I was with somebody and we were going throughout the city and it was time to go into a building. There was a woman we were going to the building to meet and to get to where we were meeting we went into the elevator and went up up up till we got to the right floor When we got out of the elevator, we walked over to some woman's apartment and it seemed familiar to another friend's apartment that I have in New York in real life. When we walk into her apartment, she's about 5'1 or 2 with dark, long hair and pale skin. And she has two sons and at least a daughter. And two of them were to the right of me and one of them was to the left. I look around and there's a table to the right of me and stairs and the kitchen is to the far north east. The place looked so big considering it was a New York City apartment. The person that I was with wanted so badly to look around the apartment. Maybe take some pictures or just explore. So they asked how much this will be paid for her apartment. And she said, oh, I pay $20,000 a month. I thought that was so cool, that's a lot of money to spend each month, but you could tell that this place was so nice because of it. We keep going from that scene, and we end up moving straight into a big building. It feels like the same building, but it wasn't the woman's house anymore. But instead, it was where a bunch of jobs were taking place. it was basically like a mall but instead of shopping each room was like a different office or job so it was just like one big place for a bunch of different jobs to take place and we had this man lead us through to show us everything and it felt like an orientation It was in New York City so I was like thinking about oh I would have to move here to have one of these jobs but like I'm okay with that because I was in the orientation I remember us walking around and looking at the different jobs. There was like a cafeteria type looking at this one room in the corner and it didn't have walls. It just had window walls so we could see in there. And the guy was telling us that every room acts as its own independent job or independent place. But we can all come together in community, you know, like in the cafeteria or the hallways or other places. I remember looking into the job room that he was showing us and there was a nice little table for snacks and a bunch of chairs and a desk. Then we started walking by down the hallway after that, going forward, and to the right of us were all these big windows leading to outside, and to the left were more rooms and doors. It was such a big building for being in New York City, I thought, and I had been somewhere similar in a dream before in New York City, so it felt like a similar location and place to the other dream I had before. I do remember liking the orientation and thinking how easy it was because I didn't even know I got the job until he started doing orientation and I was like, wow, I must have got the job. So it felt pretty easy going and simple and I liked being in a different state. Then that part of the dream ends, and I'm still with somebody else, but my friend invites me over for a dinner party. She says that I should come over for a dinner party, and I also get the feeling that I'm in a different state, but doesn't necessarily feel like New York City anymore. In real life, this friend lives in Delaware, so it might have changed to there. She asked us to come for a dinner party and I remember like doing the U-turn trying to get there and it being a little difficult but I still made it happen no problem. When we got there I was trying to surprise her with something like some kind of food like a donut or cookie or like I remember trying to surprise her with something. and i come in and i'm in like the front porch and there's a bunch of stuff in there which there's not usually stuff in there in real life and i'm like going through stuff trying to figure out what to get them after like making a couple u-turns turning around like figuring out how to get back to their house for this dinner party and then out of nowhere the friend that invites me ends up coming through the door and I was so shocked with her appearance she had her hair like all done and volume and curled up kind of like the 20s she was kind of like a brunette version of Marilyn Monroe with the red lipstick and like the whole face makeup and the long white dress so I definitely underestimated how fancy this dinner party was gonna be she looked so dressed up so put together and I usually never see her like that I've never seen her in a dress and makeup like that before and I remember her boyfriend was there like kind of in the background and I was excited to join the dinner party there was another part of the dream that I remember sleeping over somebody's house because we were still out and I slept on the little air marks the floor and my friend slept on the couch and I remember when I got there my friend wasn't there and I was looking for the keys that they had hidden so I could go in their house and wait for them

17 Jul 2024



Me and my friend Jose where waiting in a line for a tourist attraction it was night time things where barely visible it was our turn only 2 people could go at a time it was a metal pyramid with the route of stair down the middle it was very tight and hard to move fast very dark even when we got to the top with open sky we could see much bc of how dark it Jose wanted to go I wanted to stay after we got down we met with the twins(old friends ) I used to date of them and they where shocked by how kind and compassionate I was I even lead blowned them clean

16 Jul 2024

My crush


I was at my house and I was leaving for school but it was nighttime and two classmates were there and also my crush, as I was leaving my house I went down stairs but almost fell so i yelled at my crush to help me but I didn't end up falling. When I was finally leaving my crush hugged me and said "don't leave, stay with me". I started to walk towards a tree in my house and in the distance I saw a group of people and more far away I saw my two classmates, as we walked he stopped hugging me and then grabbed my hand and said "let's go with our classmates" and I said "no" but somehow we ended up with them

16 Jul 2024



Being chased down an endless flight of dark stairs by some kind of demon before starting to chase them instead

16 Jul 2024



I saw a recurring dream tonight. I saw a school or an institute that we were in. We were there for our viva and practicals and we were made to wait for a special guest who was a brigadier. While waiting for him, i was with all new people and they were my friends. Till they start our practical exam and viva, we had lot of time left . So we decided to explore the place. While moving inside, one other person who probably was the mother of 2 of my friends started walking along. We used stairs to go inside. And when we reached inside the institute, it resombled a mall with zero shops. It had very long escalators and a new type of escalator which did not have stairs, but was made of rotating metal rods on which it is hard for anyone to reach the top while standing. And it was more than simple to reach the top while lying down in sleeping position. During this exploration, I was with my best friends whom I miss very much and when we came out of the building I met the people who weren't a good memory to me but were my friends. This dream was in two parts : 1st half once before and 1st half along with 2nd half tonight

14 Jul 2024



i was with my 3 close girl friends, the building area looks like the middle school i went when i was in indonesia. i was waiting for them by a small store. i got a text from one of them that they’re inside. it happened that we were at a church bathroom and the 4 of use were smoking weed and playing music. after a while we decided to go but not at the same time. i left first and when i was walking out and down the stairs i heard my name but i continued to walked away and pretend i didn’t hear it.

13 Jul 2024



i'm in an old library and i'm struggling to get assistance from the single person on staff that's helping people out. at one point she pulls out a list of call numbers - i smile and tell her i'm a librarian and that will be fine for me to navigate. i take a picture of the call number list with my phone. a couple of strangers who appear to be friends see this and want to follow me up to the stacks where the books are located. the staff person talks to them as well, and separately advises handling the materials carefully. as i make my way up the stairs to the stacks, a young smiling woman asks if she can see the list i took pictures of. i politely decline, because i found her manner grating. she is aghast and rebuffs me. i continue to decline. i find a book about magic that i want but it definitely belongs to someone else. it's got like a seventies style to it, from the brown color and cover art to the font inside. the last 20 pages are taped together, from the top two inches of the first taped page to the back cover of the book. i audibly complain and someone tells me that the book owner is selfish and holding out on us. now i'm in a small town, visiting home. beds are being remade and made. my parents are there but they don't interact with me much. i see mh dad more. he tells me something. it's getting late and it's dangerous to ride my hike home but i do it anyway. there's a killer/hunter/predator on the loose. when i get home i search for signs of a break in. i only see false signs. the next morning is christmas. i go to a friend's place. they have a funny car cover on - it's a christmas sleigh with a santa sack that's embroidered with the word "sociology" in a loose curly script. i want to take a picture of it. someone knocks it around as they aim to sweep some of the snow away from the car.

13 Jul 2024



I was a baby again takin into a tribe out in the open and I grew up and I was in my mid twenties by this time and I had learn archery and the cheif was sick in bed and had been for a couple of days and a monster came onto our land and I chased it with a bunch of other people and took 3 arrows really quick and killed it and the chief was better and he brought me up these stone stairs inside a giant rock awarded me and showed me through a hole in the giant rock up the stairs the open lands and it was beautiful

12 Jul 2024

Building (Place)


I’ve had this kind of dream before a couple of times the past couple weeks. But a little bit of a different senario. It started off with me standing in the living room with my friend Max wnd Mauricio. We were talking and wished we had some booze. Then me and Mauricio looked at eachother because he had already showed me. Anyways then we proceeded to fake die, then press a button and we would “die” and blood would shoot out of our head. Then you open your eyes in this different dimension almost? Then Max was very confused. We explained to him how we go into the sketchy building. Collect some things from there, then go to the store in the same building to sell it and buy booze. But there is a demon or something in there that tries to kill you for being there. You can only carry 4 things and you have to make it out alive. If you die in there someone has to sell something to get a like green ping pong ball that will bring you back to the normal dimension. Then we go in and are looking around. Mauricio walks through a door and gets taken by a demon. Then me and Max bolt the other way. I’m grabbing loot as I run and max is behind me freaking out because we are being chased. We then run into a room that has stairs down it and I see a knife sitting on the floor to the left of the staircase. I then jump over the railing (roughly 8 ft drop) and grab the knife. I turn around to see the demon killing Max. Then it looks at me and lunches. I watch it coming at me and when it gets to me I proceed to side step and stab it, then I pretty much fight it while it’s coming at me getting another stab in here and there. After about 6 times it finally dies. I then drop 2 things and leave to go to the shop. Sell my knife and what seemed like a golden hand mirror and get two lime green ping pong balls. Then as I go lay back down holding the two balls Max and Mauricio show up in the normal world. Max looks at me and says “what the actual fuck just happened” and I turned to him and said “don’t worry. I got your reboot card” then my alarm woke me up.

10 Jul 2024



I came home to my old house and my mom was throwing herself down the stairs trying to hurt herself so I had drop her off at the hospital because she kept saying she wanted to harm herself.

8 Jul 2024



I dreamed that I went to the hospital to see if I was sick before I went on a trip. To my surprise the doctor checked my lymph nodes and saw they were hugely inflamed. She seemed extra concerned. Then my tongue started falling out in pieces. She asked me to show her my tongue which was abnormal looking. Then the doctor explained to me that deep inside my lung was something known as a “Goin”. A cancerous wound that leaks infection into my lymph nodes. The only way for to have a chance was to have an expensive surgery. Just then the rest of my tongue falls out. The doctor continues to explain that even if the surgery won’t save me it will save others. Then as I am waiting on my surgery people from my school begin to tell me that this is the results of me turning my back on God and I had been visited by a banshee informing me of my impending death and eternity spent in hell. I threatened to push them down the stairs and kill them since I was going to hell soon anyways.

8 Jul 2024



My dream was me going into a old New York house and when I went to the stairs and I was talking to a few people I turned around and I realized it was someone staring at me. The man he had wide black hat on and a colorful face mask that covered his nose and mouth. I asked him who are you and what do you want? He was reluctant to answer and he did not he ended up throwing a green handkerchief at me. And I was so afraid that it will touch me I flew off the stairs and I walked into the street and I told him no no no no you're not going to get me. He shook his head yes and he threw a blue hat at me. It was kind of like the wide hat he was wearing and I also resembled a handkerchief at the same time. Whatever it was he threw it at me and it grazed my cheek. I've been panicked. Then woke up.

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