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Dream Interpretation: Subway 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Subway? Discover the significance of seeing a Subway in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Subway appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

Dreaming of a subway represents a journey or transition in your life. It may indicate that you are moving towards a new phase or direction. Alternatively, it may suggest that you feel trapped or confined in your current situation.

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🧭 Direction


Consider the context of the dream and how you felt during the subway ride. Are you excited or anxious about the journey? If you feel trapped, it may be time to reevaluate your current situation and make changes. If you feel excited, embrace the journey and be open to new experiences and opportunities.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of being in a subway can evoke feelings of uncertainty, restlessness, and a sense of being trapped. It may symbolize a journey or transition in life, where one feels overwhelmed by the unknown and the fast-paced nature of their circumstances. The underground setting may also represent hidden emotions or subconscious thoughts that need to be explored. Overall, this dream can leave one with a mix of anxiety and curiosity about the path they are currently on.





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17 Jul 2024

Video Game
Childhood home


I was back together with my abusive ex. It seems like I gave him a 2nd chance or something. I was living inside an apartment that was familiar to my childhood home. My friends and siblings was there. I specifically remembered seeing my older sister Jenny and my estranged brother in the dream. I don't remember seeing my eldest sister but I knew she was around. My ex was playing video games and he told me to get him a coke. Something he often did during our relationship, order me around. But this time in the dream I asked him to rephrased his request as a question and to add please. Because I was practicing boundaries on how he should speak to me. He rephrased it but deliberately didn't add please. I told him I would not get him the soda until he asked me the way I would like it be asked. I went back to my friends and family letting them know what he did which was something he often did during the relationship. I wanted them to see the abuse I've experienced before. They took my back and supported me in putting that boundary up. My ex did not budge he continued playing video games and instead of rephrasing the question went to get his own coke. For some reason are started to feel physically insecure to be in the same space as if I was unsure if the issue was going to escalate so I decided to leave. I ended up in the subway/train station with friends nearby all supporting me. My ex was at the station to attempting to leave too but I knew he was only there because I was there too. I was trying to dodge him and I found one of my friends I hugged them and somehow it was like we were able to hear him from some sort of comms radio where he was at and my friends helped me nor encounter in the subway/train station while I was there and I was able to dodge him with the help of my friend. I remember feeling validated by my friend and family being there to experience and see an abusive act I often had to deal with throughout the relationship especially one of the most covert type of abuse, which is verbal and emotional abuse that aren't often taken as seriously as physical and sexual abuse though I experienced those in the relationship as well.

29 Jun 2024



I had a dream my friend invited me to an airbnb with their other friends I didn’t know that well. There was a loft where everyone would sleep and a downstairs basement area where we would all hang out. Even though the air bnb was cabin like, it was in the middle of a city. All of the friends went to sleep except me and a few other girls. We decided to pull an all nighter and turned on the TV and the news was playing. 3 people were standing in a starwell leading to the underground subway system when bombs went off and debri was hitting them and they were getting shot at. They were screaming help and eventually ran down into the subway system. We were terrified and realized it was a terrorist attack. One of my friends was super quiet and I asked if she was okay. She said no and the street where those people were being attacked was the street next to us. We tried to wake the others up to tell them what was going on but they kept saying “it’s fine” and “the government will handle it” and I kept thinking I can’t wait to leave the U.S. next week

10 Jun 2024



I had a dream where I was in the world of minecraft. Exploring places and eventually getting ti a cave. I explored the cave as it slowly turned into a house on the inside. A torch light lit and as I walked by a online friend of mine who is a vtuber green plant cat girl. Was there and she was happy to see me, we kept exploring the place. And soon enough making it to what was one of those subway escalators. But we went on it upwards. Soon enough another online friend of ours joined in, sorta dressed like a character from monster hunter. And we were about to begin a nice exploration journey as the place around us slowly turned into a abandoned mall. Then I woke up.

10 Jun 2024



I dreamed that I was working for a gang (seemed to be related to murder) (I seemed to have taught them to plant illegal trees in a certain place to sell for money and then designed the layout of the building). No one knew and thought I was a normal person. When I was taking the subway, my friend told me that a man had been following me and staring at me (this man had been following me before). So we got off the subway, and then I received a message to go to the headquarters. My friends wanted to pull me back from the strange place, so they insisted on going with me. When I first arrived there, I took them to eat something and stroll around and told them that there was nothing strange. When we were in the elevator, I asked them to go back because

9 Jun 2024

Childhood home
Sexual Assault
High School


I’m back in high school and my friends and me were planning our graduation prank (something we’re actually working on right now). I remember sitting in class, my school being a mix of my high school and the campus of my former middle school. I’m together with my high school friends and we go out of the school to go on a quest that was also a trip. We meet new teenagers in our age. One place was at a river. We sit on the beach and have fun together. I’m suddenly alone with only a girlfriend of mine (who i don’t know in real life) and she’s on a small sand-island on the river that is connected to the beach. There are also the two other teenagers who have been drinking since we joined them on the beach and lay on their backs in the sand. One of them stands up and goes towards my friend on the island in a threatening manner, like he wants to sexually assault her. I try to stop him and he suddenly grabs me by my throat and presses me against something hard like a street lamp. But it’s the doorframe of the living room in the apartment I’ve lived in when I was a child and young teen. I feel him pressing my back so hard against the edge of the doorframe that i started to feel my bones and get scared of him breaking them, so i squirm in his grasp. Me and my high school friends had to drive with the subway, the public transport I used to drive with to get to my former middle school. We have a group chat, a mix of all the graduates who want to be a part of our graduation prank. I don’t know some of them and suddenly they joined us in the subway. As they introduced themselves I saw an old friend from my second former middle school, who in real life I want to have contact with again. She is with her friends, also a group of people I don’t know. I lean in to hug her but but she tells me she’ll sit on the subway seat so I ask her if it’s still fine if we hug and she agrees. It was slightly awkward but that’s how we are sometimes, and hugged. I wake up.

19 May 2024

חבר לכיתה
אדם מפורסם
רכבת תחתית


there was a subway and I missed I a few times, some famous blonde woman was late to the train well, I think Shakira, when I got on the subway I talked to some familiar faces then I had to go to some arts and crafts lesson I missed out a lot on, I had to buy tools for it at a nearby store, where I met the other students from that class that were joking on how many lessons I missed.

18 May 2024



I was laying on a bed in a hotel room. Someone I really dislike was on the bed. He made me give him a footjob. I would not talk to this person in real life. I blocked his number. Then I took a subway to a little Japanese shopping mall and went to a food court. I kept asking the people working there if they knew where the exit was. They kept pointing me to the wrong direction. I couldn’t find the exit

11 May 2024



I was dreaming i was with my friend group to go out and eat, My Mom took care of my dog and i was inside an asian supermarket called lilly where there was a restaurant inside ad well. Then i woke up and had another dream, i was with my Mom in the city and then we took an uber to go somewhere and the uber was dirty on the backseat of the driver, there were shoes on the seat and a camera still in the plastic packaging, and a big brown stain on the seat, so i decided to just sit on the plastic packaging, the uber driver ordered subway cookies and i wanted to order some as well.

2 May 2024



I dreamt about me and my schoolmates were in a subway station waiting for a train and one of them was on the rails for some reason. And i told her get up there was a train coming she just didn't reply and stood there andthen got hot by the train and when we all saw her dead body we were sad and i was like : oh my god.. WHY??! i dont know maybe i had ptsd after that in the dream or something, also when she got hit by the train and then i said omg while being scared i woke up instantly.

9 Apr 2024

Light (Not Dark)


I had a pretty wild dream. The dream started with me watching a baseball game. I was watching the baseball game from the back of the cage at the edge of the woods. All of the sudden time felt like it paused and I everyone could tell something strange was about to happen. The sound went mute, time went still, and it felt like I was only able to walk in slow motion, but I started walking to the woods to hide from whatever was about to happen. all of a sudden light started to expand and expand and strengthen fortunately I was able to hide behind a tree and a massive wave of light just kind of rushed and evaporated most of the people at the baseball stadium that sent me hiding behind the tree saved me. When the expansion of light finished and these beings of light arrived and came to earth, they were very advanced and evolved beings, but they were eliminating all the humans on earth. After the forest I was able to arrive at a sandwhich shop and me and my cousin were able to hide in this shop from these beings of light. We saw outside the shop how human beings were being eliminated, but we somehow were able to hide ourselves with these other beings of light in the subway shop. It was interesting because although they were eliminating humans, they didn't seem mean. It seemed like this was a necessary process of evolution. Anyways, one of the leading ladies of light came into the shop to retrieve something that she hid. When that happened, I took the opportunity to wrap something around her neck to strangle her and hide behind her and I made a deal with other beings of light that if they don't let me go, I will strangle her to death and that's how me and my cousin made it out alive.

22 Mar 2024



I was at work attending a training workshop. My colleague was given a presentation. He was talking about his belief on alien life and inteligent life before mankind. I wanted to participate and answer the questions but my boss looked at me and gave me the eye like I should not participate or ask any question. I remember at the end of the presentation as the workshop was ending, we stayed around and one of the College vice presidents was talking to me. We were walking together to go to Subway which was in the next building on the campus. As we were walking he told me he makes a six digit figure salary and he is depressed. He went on to say that his depression is not from everyday life, he believed his depression started in his mother's womb because of her lifestyle and because she was depressed. I just listen I was very surprised that he was sharing such personal information with me. I wanted to share with him some information but I never got a chance to do so. After we entered the building I just ordered an iced tea even though I was somewhat hungry. I grab the cup for the iced tea and I almost grabbed this lady's pizza and then I realized I didn't actually order pizza. Then another friend of mine came over and said, hey that is my pizza. she actually ordered the special cheese on her Pizza just like she saw me order the last time we had lunch together. I went over to the beverage dispenser to fill my cup with iced tea and then my boss came over and was asking me what I knew about the next phase of our project. As she was talking to me I was not paying attention to filling my cup and the tea over flowed and spilled into the floor. My boss wanted me to tell her what I knew about our project as I was starting to cleaning up the iced tea. She went to go grab some napkins. There were napkins next to the beverage dispenser right by me so I begin using them to clean up the tea. She was getting a little impatient as I was cleaning up the iced tea. I finished cleaning it up anyway as I was telling her about phase two of the project. She said no I don't want you to tell me, I want you to tell the president and the vice president. I look over to my left and the vice presidents for the college and the president were sitting on the floor, on a red rug with their legs crossed Indian style. They were waiting patiently little kids waiting for the teacher to read a story book. I looked their way and started talking to them and explaining to them what I knew about the phases of the project and what each phase would accomplish.

29 Feb 2024

Running away
Black women


Wow I had a dream I was in a riot. It was started by cheerleaders over racial tensions. See a baseball player who kept being slow to do things actually was faster in the balloon popping contest we did. Meanwhile a cheerleader named Ashley took forever to light a match that was used to pop the balloon. The baseball player Tim finished much faster. The entire game was over before she light the match. We made fun of her as you normally would. But Tim said something about her being a typical cheerleader and she said how dare you make fun of my race. I was like but cheerleaders are not a race! It got crazier as the sky turned black and fire rained down. I remember people throwing molotovs and burning the country side it looked like Jango unchained. As I made my way up a small hill narrowly avoiding fires with a group of kids from highschool I found myself worried I would get my face burnt off. I entered this city it was a big city, like Atlanta or Brooklyn or Chicago I don’t know. And they were setting fire to a bridge trying to burn it down and on the bridge was a train... there was so much structural damage that the train surely would collapse the bridge. I ran towards safety as others played around at the bridge waiting for destruction. I almost got hit by a train but this automated robot that plows the tracks (this isn’t something we actually have irl) was slowing trains to plow. It was above the rail hanging off the bars that the metro trains have you know, where the electric flows into the train itsself. Like a subway. And it had a little hand that would flip snow off the tracks but it was super slow and pretty pointless. I ran across the tracks but when I did I got attached to them. There was a jetpack looking object on my back that attached me to the train and allowed me to basically follow the tracks completely hovering above them like a rollercoaster 🎢 that has you dangling instead of sitting. I wanted free and got free ran off the 3-4 lanes of track and to freedom. I heard do not say these words can’t remember what the words were. I believe it was something like denoting that i wanted back on the tracks. I said them to test it and immediately was reattached to the train tracks, almost getting hit by the train. I got detached but kept saying the words just to get thrown back. Eventually, I overcame the words and was able to resist the pull back to the tracks. I went down into what looked like an old train tunnel an underground rail road. I remember seeing myself in the mirror I was Tilly from a game I played serveral years ago set in the 1899. Tilly was a slave during slavery she ran away and joined a gang of outlaws. Why I was a black woman in this dream idk this dream was wild 🤣 I had a flashlight and when it was shined on the walls it said something. Apparently I was to follow this rail road to the CIA headquarters and tell my story and give intell to the agency. But had a strong fear not to for fear of human safety 🤷🏼 No idea what the info was as I abruptly woke up.

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