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Dream Interpretation: Railway 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Railway? Discover the significance of seeing a Railway in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Railway appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This is a symbol reflecting a path to opportunity and progress through hard work. This is also connected with the journey you are either set on or will soon embark upon. It suggests that you are looking for different opportunities in your career that will lead you on an incredible journey.

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🧭 Direction


Find strength in your identity and work hard toward your goals; you will experience progress and pioneer a new frontier in your life. You have what it takes to accomplish great deeds in life; all you need now is the set path to follow.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a railway can evoke a sense of movement, progress, and direction in one's life. It may bring feelings of anticipation, as if embarking on a new journey or adventure. The railway symbolizes the path we are on, the choices we make, and the opportunities that lie ahead. It can also represent a desire for stability and a need to stay on track. Overall, this dream may leave one with a sense of purpose and excitement for the future.





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Dreams of users containing the word Railway

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1 Jul 2024

Killing someone


I’m in my aunt’s house in Italy, getting prepared for both airplane back home and school in Japan and oacking my luggage Once I’m ready the auntie’s family grts me on the car to take me to the airport The sky is strangely colored lime green and teal, like one of those Giorgio de Chirico paintings We drive through and past railways of Mediterranean coasts, the Cretan sky and many other strange scapes that seem to blend together Scene changes and I’m back at school There’s this one woman in my class who keeps provoking me and such and spreads false rumors about me When I confront her she olays the innocent victim And because she has scaffolds of people around her to defend or enable her I can’t do anything about it After much difficulty I reach the limit of my patience and I kill the evil bitch with a handaxe, butchering her in the school corridor in the public eye

13 Jun 2024

Black man


I was at a railway station, looked at the display when my train would come when it just drove in. I entered it, my music was shortly off and I heared the homeless man next to me brabble something, I put my bottle down and opened it, he started talking in russian, I didn't understood him, my water splattered a bit, a black man infront off me laughed a bit. I took a sip, another man across me told the homeless one I wouldn't understand him, then talked in german with me.

6 Feb 2024

New Job


I saw dreams in multiple scenes. Scene 1: I was in cabin. Which was hanging from two tracks in the sky. There was sky and cloud but there was nothing below. I was trying to jump from one cabin to another with my brother. Scene 2: those tracks led to a railway station in the sky. Which was fairly crowded. My brother and I were running on the tracks and jumped on the station. I was dropping my brother for his train. I said I am bussy and I will not be able to till the end of the train to drop you. My brother stood with crowd in front of the cabin in the middle of the train. Suddenly I thought I should leave me. When I near him. He went in front of the last cabin of the train. And went inside. I ran to the last cabin. And stood outside feeling regretful that why did I not say goodbye to my brother and now I have even missed that the chance I had. Scene 3: I was in a building with four five people. Suddenly we realized there was a jerk in the building. We thought it was an earthquake. And suddenly there was an alarm to evacuate the building. We thought we have to get out of the building now, and it was feeling like a hassle. When we came of of the building. We realized it was on file. Many floor were burning. Felt like I was in New York. I could hear screaming of people getting burned in the building. We thought we should walk around while this situation gets resolved. We started walking towards south and along the building. Turned east in the corner. Suddenly I was in San Diego, but the building was still there on my left. And the screaming became even worse. I could hear screaming of a man loudly. While he was getting burned in the building. I never saw in the dream anyone getting burned but I could hear screams coming from the building. But at the same time. I could see beautiful sunrise. I could see it was beautiful. So we decided we should go for a breakfast. Scene 3: I was done with the breakfast. Came out of the store. Now I was in busy streets of India. I wanted to go to a bus station to catch a bus. So I walk from the store to under of the tree (I have this tree in my memory from long time, I don’t know if this tree actually exists in real life or not. It has been there in my dreams since childhood). It was crowded. It was still morning golden hour. I was walking through the crowd standing under tree from behind. I noticed they were not usual people. They were like mannequins but real people. I thought they are all part of me or they work under me. As I came in front of the crowd, suddenly a car came in front of me. It was yelow golden with magical shine on it. Something was surreal about it. Driver asked me to get in the car. He told me that I owned the car and he is my driver. I was amazed the I had a car and a driver too. It was a long sedan with two doors in it. And I saw someone was sitting behind the driver. And I asked the driver who is this guy sitting behind you? For which driver inside said no one. This car is only for you. I had a feeling that I have been in this car before and this driver was the one who dropped me to the hotel (the building on fire). I was getting in the car to sit on the front seat

29 Jan 2024



I saw a Woman on the railway track and she got hit by a Train

28 Nov 2023

Falling in love


Me and Gorge O’Malley from greys anatomy fell in love and before I could confess my feelings to him we were chilling in the ocean. The ocean had a railway in it and the train on it steered off the rails and derailed causing a tsunami and Gorge was in the middle of the wave. I had escaped the water but I thought he had died and it was morning until out in the distance, I saw him in the calming ocean and he was alive! And THEN he confessed his love to me, and I was very happy.

21 Nov 2023



I was in Melbourne and I was riding on a bike, I think, across railway tracks and trying to get to Shay and I think my phone got stolen or I lost it and then when I went back to find it, someone stole it and I was chasing the guy that stole it and was frantically trying to get it back and my phone was all cracked and then all of a sudden the guy was with me and he was on my back and I couldn't get rid of him or this soul sucking energy that I couldn't get rid of and it was the night that I tried to listen to him which was really weird. He was draped over my back but like he was attached to me. I remember something about a jail and trying to detach him but nothing was working and we were locked up together

17 Nov 2023



Walking beside subway railway in the dark, then i saw a yellow luminous butterflies

21 Oct 2023

Falling in love


So I dream about a man. The highlight is about the man. But here is the plot. Me and my friends were in train. and the train stop at the mosque, so i get out and I prayed after than when going to get back to the train it’s already late the train is slowly moving and i’m carrying a baby idk who’s baby is that, and i said “help get the baby first” I yelled to a officer in the train then he took the baby, and the train is moving faster so it get harder for me to jump on, i run and the officer gave me a hand and finally i can get to train, i was really traumatized and my whole body is shaking. I sat in the back of train with some people there, there’s no seat in the back so we sat on the floor. one of the officer talked to another officer “check that girl she is just a teenager, and girl usually get traumatized” then an officer asked me are you okay i said im okay i just need some time. and then i keep looking to the back of the train because there’s no door so it’s open wide with the view and the railway. Then I saw very handsome masculine man outside smiling at me his eyes tell me he loves me but i don’t know that man and i also smile back him keep staring at his eyes he got nervous when i keep looking and smiling at him then he smiled with his teeth showing and he kinda giggle a bit it’s so sweet. he is so mysterious i wanna know him i feel i fall in love already

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