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Dream Interpretation: Corridor 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Corridor? Discover the significance of seeing a Corridor in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Corridor appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

A corridor in a dream represents a transitional phase in your life. It may indicate that you are moving from one phase of your life to another. It can also represent a journey towards a goal or destination. The condition of the corridor may reflect your feelings about this transition.

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🧭 Direction


Think about the condition of the corridor in your dream. Was it well-lit or dark? Clean or dirty? These details can give you insight into your feelings about the transition you are going through. Embrace the change and focus on the positive aspects of the journey. Trust that you will reach your destination.

❤️ Feelings

The dream of a corridor can evoke feelings of uncertainty and anticipation. It represents a transitional space, symbolizing the journey from one phase of life to another. The narrowness and confinement of a corridor may create a sense of restriction or claustrophobia. However, it can also generate a sense of direction and purpose, as it leads to different rooms or destinations. The emotions associated with this dream may vary depending on the condition of the corridor. A well-lit and inviting corridor may evoke feelings of hope and excitement, while a dark and eerie corridor may induce fear or anxiety. Overall, the dream of a corridor signifies a period of transition and the emotions experienced can range from curiosity to apprehension.





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Dreams of users containing the word Corridor

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12 Jul 2024



In this dream i was looking in the mirror and saw my face to be youthful and balanced. But for some reason i felt the need to get surgery on right side of my face, near my nose. After the surgey it healed nicely but then my face when i looked up close was unbalanced. The are icwas trying to fix ended up making one nostril smaller than the other. As well as one side of my lip smaller than the other. I wanted to go back to fix it, i don’t know what could be done, but i needed to go back to the surgeon. Then my dream jumps to me being at a university on the top of a snowy cold mountain. When i arrived at the top i see a large train station and a large cafeteria. I go inside and find my students from 2016. They are in their senior year of college and graduating in a few days. I see mostly my Muslim female students sadia and nadia. Im also sitting next to my high school friend Michael cantillo. They explain that there is only one train for the night to leave campus. I say my goodbyes and head for the station. I have to go througg many old style coridoors and hallways to get to the station. When i get to the plaform it’s packed with students all wanting to take the last train off the mountain. I run through crowd and get to the front of the heard and secure my place on the train

3 Jul 2024



It was a complicated multipart dream. In one aspect of the dream, I was in a very large rambling hotel with many corridors, rooms, and lobbies. The decor in the hotel was from 1970s. There was lots of bric-a-brac, collector’s pieces, everywhere. There were quite a bit of staff in the hotel always running around, fixing things, running room to room. I went to use the bathroom and there was just so many things in the toilet area, I felt really annoyed because a man had come into the bathroom and there was no sense of privacy.

1 Jul 2024

Killing someone


I’m in my aunt’s house in Italy, getting prepared for both airplane back home and school in Japan and oacking my luggage Once I’m ready the auntie’s family grts me on the car to take me to the airport The sky is strangely colored lime green and teal, like one of those Giorgio de Chirico paintings We drive through and past railways of Mediterranean coasts, the Cretan sky and many other strange scapes that seem to blend together Scene changes and I’m back at school There’s this one woman in my class who keeps provoking me and such and spreads false rumors about me When I confront her she olays the innocent victim And because she has scaffolds of people around her to defend or enable her I can’t do anything about it After much difficulty I reach the limit of my patience and I kill the evil bitch with a handaxe, butchering her in the school corridor in the public eye

28 Jun 2024



The setting was an old victorian hotel sort of, almost western styled with cracking paint, many many rooms that were interconnected. In the dream I was normal for the most part, until I felt like I was the monster. I turned into a vampire like creature and started attacking the people around me, and clung to the walls like a demon. And lept from corridor to corridor, eating people and hunting them down.

12 Jun 2024

New house


Dream of moving to a new house with my husband, who decided the location because the lady he admired in the dream recommended the area. I was jealous but followed him there. There were gems and crystals in the corridor and he was prying open the ground and collecting all of it. I was impressed by the lady's foresight in recommending the area. We moved in and I was heartbroken because I felt my husband was drifting away. I decided to let him go and locked myself in a room but he knocked and asked me to let him in. I found that the lady came and I felt hopeless and retreated back to the room. Then my uncle and father came to deliver some stuff which were long chains of crystals to make into curtains and needed my help. I collected them and agreed to help.

10 Jun 2024



It was the same dream as before.The following plot is, my friends went out and the elevator went back to the second floor, and the group of scary bosses came in and stared at me. I nervously said a lot of nice things to tell him that I hadn't been exposed (otherwise we would all be finished). He also smiled as he listened to me, and I didn't know what he was thinking. Finally, on my way to an office or something, in the corridor, while no one was around, I quickly opened my phone while walking, and it seemed that I opened QQ.I entered the date, and then calmly and decisively began to write my last words, but as soon as I typed the word last words, my dream disappeared.

31 Mar 2024



The main characters of my dream, who were doing an interview on a balcony, heard noises and went up to see what was happening. A killer ,who was unknown, secretly got into a room of two people that he wanted to kill. It was a personal matter to him. Someone else put themselves in front of the victim, who he was holding, to protect them. He told her to shoot herself in the mouth. And she did. Nevertheless, he still killed the other victim and didn’t stand on his word. Afterwards we found ourselves outside. But this other person who I was with right now wanted to check out what had happened due to their conscientiousness. I don’t remember who this was. It was either my sister or a friend. So we try to get inside of this building. By entering through the neighbouring building and going up with the lift. On our way, we saw two people coming from the opposite way. But we don’t say anything and go on. We keep everything a secret. On the last minute, when this person I am with (either my sister or another friend, I don’t know) goes to go up the last set of stairs and turn around to the said corridor where murder took place, I shut down. I don’t come up with her and actually want to tell her not to go. Since this is obviously a dangerous situation. But I can’t say anything out of fear the killer might still linger around and hear. And he does. The unknown person (sister or friend) goes up and asks something about what’s happening. The killer is very cold-blooded and gives off a thousand lies on what he’s doing up there and doesn’t even stutter. I didn’t see him. I was just anxiously waiting at the begginning of the stairs and not even on his level. But I was just scared that something might happen anytime soon. The killers lies, that I knew were curated, gave me the shivers and that’s when I woke up.

31 Mar 2024



The main characters of my dream, who were doing an interview on a balcony, heard noises and went up to see what was happening. A killer ,who was unknown, secretly got into a room of two people that he wanted to kill. It was a personal matter to him. Someone else put themselves in front of the victim, who he was holding, to protect them. He told her to shoot herself in the mouth. And she did. Nevertheless, he still killed the other victim and didn’t stand on his word. Afterwards we found ourselves outside. But this other person who I was with right now wanted to check out what had happened due to their conscientiousness. I don’t remember who this was. It was either my sister or a friend. So we try to get inside of this building. By entering through the neighbouring building and going up with the lift. On our way, we saw two people coming from the opposite way. But we don’t say anything and go on. We keep everything a secret. On the last minute, when this person I am with (either my sister or another friend, I don’t know) goes to go up the last set of stairs and turn around to the said corridor where murder took place, I shut down. I don’t come up with her and actually want to tell her not to go. Since this is obviously a dangerous situation. But I can’t say anything out of fear the killer might still linger around and hear. And he does. The unknown person (sister or friend) goes up and asks something about what’s happening. The killer is very cold-blooded and gives off a thousand lies on what he’s doing up there and doesn’t even stutter. I didn’t see him. I was just anxiously waiting at the begginning of the stairs and not even on his level. But I was just scared that something might happen anytime soon. The killers lies, that I knew were curated, gave me the shivers and that’s when I woke up.

31 Mar 2024

My crush


I was playing volleyball with my best friend Freya and my crush/boyfriend Bram on the school courtyard, and the bell rung to go in for break. We lined up in out houses (our school houses are like Hogwarts but the houses are named after cantons of Switzerland) We walked upstairs to our floor, and then I took off my pants suddenly during my ascension. I went into the scary teacher’s room, Jennifer, and my boyfriend/crush was in there reading along with some of my other classmates , and I was just in my underwear “Where are your pants? This isn’t the locker room.” My crush/ boyfriend said. “Oh, your right. Oops!” I said, putting my stuff away on a desk, then pausing onto where to put my school jumper “Put jumpers outside the door” my scary teacher said. I went outside the classroom, Into the corridor. I turned back to look at the door and I realized that there were two sides that I could put my folded jumper at. I stood confused then my teacher came over to me and said “what is the problem” in her scary Scottish accent. my heart dropped a little bit. “This side! Class, put your jumpers on this side!” She said. Now I was embarrassed. Somehow; my clothes changed to my sports clothes automatically and a Lego painting had appeared in my hand. I started to modify the Lego painting rigorously; Legos make me skittish, the pieces are just too small. Suddenly, a bee came out of the Lego painting, and I dropped it to the floor. It went around the whole room and then I ran into the corridor.. I was running at full speed.. Locked glass door. I had no key to it. my heart started to race, and the bee charged for me. That’s when I woke up urgently, shaking. That’s why

29 Mar 2024

New Job


Got sent to a new "department" after receiving an envelope of paperwork. But I wasn't at work. I was at an outdoor summer camp of some kind. Found myself and 3 others staying in a unique little house with narrow corridors. Our task was to be able to survive when there was a staircase leading to deep caves, and an outdoor passage that joined up with a tiger's den. The tiger would periodically walk up the passage into the home, so we had to protect and defend ourselves with nearby items. None of them actually got used, but we knew how to reach them if we did need them. I remember a couple was staying in one of the rooms and I was curious to see if I'd find some kind of weapon or deterrant in there. When I opened their door the first time, it was the male's bedroom. I didn't find much other than litter and baseball caps. Upon returning to their door later, I noticed that every door in the home had two handles which magically opened into 2 different rooms. So the second time I was in his partner's room looking out of a large window that showed other guests heading towards the front door. The lady who's room I was in had an unmade bed and cushions on the floor that were stained wet, presumably from sex.

2 Mar 2024



Last night I had a dream about a huge house with many rooms. Some secretly hidden. Long corridors that led to the rooms and the corridors would bend and change direction. Then it ended with a carnival of sorts. I couldn't make it to work due to being trapped in the house. But when I did get out of the house, a carnival was outside. It was mainly one ride, that went up and down like a carousel but around a long track. Characters would do tricks under all the moving cars on the ride and there was a spectacular show of lights in the middle.

1 Mar 2024



I was sitting at a table eating red grapes with my mom and stepdad and I scratched the side of my nose and Brian (my stepdad) started saying that I was disgusting and why would I pick my nose at the table in front of everyone. I thought it was funny at first because he had obviously mistaked me scratching the side of my nose with picking my nose so I tried to explain this but he kept going on about how disgusting I was and my mom chimmed in and sided with him. I kept trying to explain that I hadn’t but they weren’t listening. My mom asked me why I was making a big deal out of it and I was trying to tell them about how I was bullied in grade school and accused of picking my nose when I hadn’t. At this point of the dream it was very stressful and my mom called my grandma and told her not to come over because I was being rediculous. I started crying and my mom got mad and told me to get out of their house and she sent me to a Christian camp so that I’d “be a better person”. In this camp I met some people I was semi okay with so I was sort of friends with them. I decided to skip some of the classes I was supposed to go to so I could explore this church camp but when I was alone I started passing out and leaving my body. At first I thought it was a different part of the dream so I was exploring these corridors. They seemed very familiar to me like I’d been down them before and I turned down a hallway and seen a man with dark hair standing at the end. I recognized him and shouted his name. I couldn’t see his face from the brilliance of the light coming from the outside light streaming through the big glass doors he was standing in front of. He seemed to recognize me from the way he held himself and I ran to him. He opened his arms and caught me and we embraced. Suddenly he was gone and I was all alone. Then I realized I was outside of my body and I had to find my way back. I ran back through the corridors that seemed to be longer and more confusing than before and I saw my body and ran to it. I woke back up into the dream back in the camp and realized I had to get back to the group so I tried to find them but I kept passing out and leaving my body as I went. I was easier and easier to get back to my body each time I’d left it. I finally found the group but I passed out. One of my sort of friends saw and I told them not to tell anyone and they were praising God and told me that I was like a super power. I shrugged and sat down because I’d felt like passing out again but then my mom woke up up and the dream was over.

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