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Dream Interpretation: Journey ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Journey? Discover the significance of seeing a Journey in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Journey appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

A journey in a dream represents a path in your life. It can symbolize a physical journey or a journey of personal growth and self-discovery. It may also represent a desire for change or a need to escape from your current situation.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction


Think about where you are in your life right now. Are you happy with your current situation or do you feel stuck? Consider what changes you can make to improve your life and take steps towards achieving your goals. Embrace new experiences and opportunities that come your way. Remember, the journey is just as important as the destination.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of a journey evokes a sense of excitement, curiosity, and adventure. It brings forth feelings of anticipation, as one embarks on a new path or explores unfamiliar territories. There is a sense of freedom and possibility, as the dreamer embraces the unknown and embraces the thrill of discovery. This dream may also elicit feelings of empowerment and growth, as it symbolizes personal transformation and the willingness to step outside of one's comfort zone. Overall, the dream of a journey evokes positive emotions and a sense of optimism for what lies ahead.





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Dreams of users containing the word Journey

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25 Jun 2024



I had a dream last night that we knew a meteor was going to hit the planet and extinguish life. There was a long period of more random things happening in response to this beforehand, but the most poignant bit was right before I woke up this morning and it had come down to it โ€“ impact was very close at hand and I was in a classroom like setting with about 20 to 30 other people and my boys. Many of the people there were Sikh and Hindu and Muslim and everyone was calmly hugging each other and wishing each other a good journey. I laid on the ground and held my boys and either arm and explained to them that it is going to be OK, we are going to see each other again very soon. This is the way it works. . I am your mother and we love each other so much. We will always love each other. Maybe last time you were my father maybe one time I was your friend. No matter what, we will see each other again, though we might look different. The boys seem to understand this without trouble or difficulty or upset. They smiled nodded and hugged me and we held each other as we felt the impact of the asteroid on the planet. Then we knew we had roughly 20 minutes for some reason and we just talked and prepared calmly, as did the rest of the people in the room. As I knew the shockwave was imminent , we hugged and cuddled and I woke up. Just as I was coming out of sleep, but still in a half-sleep state I heard in my head โ€œdying is exactly thus- like what just happened. Dying is exactly like waking up from a dream.โ€

23 Jun 2024



So Hellvuna my spiritual guide/succubi wife has shown me three things that I am lacking with the three blue orbs on a volcano. And as they were floating each then turn there blue color into another color: the first one was yellow and it represents value, the second one represents living in balance and it was red, and the third in green represents love in oneโ€™s self. She told me that I am lacking it due to trauma but I am slowly being able to take one step at a time. She then told me she wants to test me on if I am ready for a journey in the next night because I am strong not weak

14 Jun 2024



I need to tell you this dream app is on the side sure side of having crazy dreams It is like a repeat of the Awesome and Explorable places far away places that I so desperately crave and love ๐Ÿ’• so much. From the daring rocky waters and the cityscapes and boat trips and the machines that have Diet Coke and the shopping malls of many places where I shop to get ice cream and the many destinations and restrooms and locker rooms and spas in the airports and remembering my school exams in school on the last days I think its infinitely poetically administratively clear and positively so due to the fact I miss people treating me well and getting over obstacles and shopping for video ๐ŸŽฎ I miss my old life and soon I promise it will happen. I'm going to overcome this and turn it into a great adventure with the dinosaurs ๐Ÿฆ• ๐Ÿฆ– Iโ€™m listening to Jurassic park at 3:33 am now thatโ€™s a sign and Iโ€™m happy.

9 Jun 2024



I was at my grandparents front yard to their apartment, and it was very late at night. Me and all of my soccer teammates were there for some reason, I have no idea why. I continue to walk with them all the way to the lobby and to the elevator inside the apartment. But as we enter the elevator, everything except the foundation of the building disappears, and we were instead standing on a big muddy field with huge hills of mud that made it more like mountain peaks of mud. We explored the muddy area, getting covered in mud while doing so, and then decided to see if we made a wrong turn. But then as soon as we tried to let the mud, it became deep in the afternoon! Then a lot more of my friends came, and everyones parents, but the parents acted as if nothing was wrong, even though we were in a huge muddy field within the foundations of a building! They just took us all and we walked and walked outside to the building complex and area, but as it walked, time seemed to pass quickly, that as we crossed the street, it became nighttime. Then, we arrived at the house of my online Waldorf homeschooled friend Zoe, who I know didn't live anywhere near my grandparents apartment, let alone acrorthe street, me, all my friends, and my soccer teammates, all dropped her off there, then continued and dropped my other friends off at their houses, saying we'll definitely see them very soon; Juno, Stoney,and Rocky. They we dropped all off one of my soccer friends, saying goodbye and that we'll see each other next Sunday; Ivar (I think thats how to spell it). As we dropped off more and more people, the surroundings looked less and less outdoorsy, till finally when only my parents, my sister and me were left, the path turned into a hallway! We continued walking and found a purple themed bedroom, which was said to be my cousins, but they weren't there. I looked outside the window, and I saw something unbelievable: I was looking out the window and looked down at a view of Palermo, Sicily, from what seemed like a castle hotel, and it was daytime again! Then I woke up.

29 May 2024



I was riding a scooter from some activity towards home. I didnโ€™t want to pedal, so I got my dog to pull the scooter like a sled dog. It felt good and pleasurable. I did this a few more times. I got home one day and I noticed that she looked very sick โ€” she was bleeding profusely. Her rib cage was enlarged. She was stumbling and obviously very ill. I told my mom that she wasnโ€™t okay and she said that she was doing just fine and didnโ€™t need a vet. Until she looked under her harness and saw big bruises and more blood. I started crying, feeling guilty for making her pull me home every day. I felt Iโ€™d injured her. I quickly slipped on some high heels and ran out the door towards the vet. My dog started to exhale black smoke. I was worried, but I ran as fast as I could. I tried to stay behind my mom, but I lost her at some points โ€” I just kept going in my own direction and hoped weโ€™d meet at the vet. The beginning of the journey was difficult as I was slipping and falling all over due to the heels and the floor โ€” it was laminated and uneven. And then it became easier. I began to walk in confident strides and the floor evened out. We found each other at the end of the trip, right before the vetโ€™s office. We got our dog in just in time

25 May 2024



In my dream, I traveled to a mysterious island in search of strange statues scattered along its length. As I explored the island, I found myself hiking on these peculiar statues, each one more intriguing than the last. My friend and I discovered a secret button on one of the statues, which was accidentally pressed, causing the entire island to rumble. This set us on an unexpected journey across the seas to another island called Montana. Upon reaching Montana, the tension and excitement of our adventure gave way to a sense of relief and joy. We explored the new island and immersed ourselves in its beauty, experiencing the fun and tranquility it offered. The dream seemed to symbolize a journey of discovery and adventure, where unexpected challenges led to new experiences and the joy of finding a place of peace and enjoyment.

25 May 2024



In my dream, a sense of impending doom hung over me as I realized that the town was going to be blown up. Desperately, I tried to leave, but the townspeople were determined to keep us from escaping. We kept moving from one hiding place to another, constantly on edge, as we sought refuge. Despite the danger, no one wanted us to leave the town, and we found ourselves trapped, evading those who wished to prevent our escape. After a tense and harrowing journey, we finally managed to outsmart them and escaped just in time, leaving the town behind as it faced its grim fate.

14 May 2024

Time Travel


I was on a cosmic journey with a few companions: two three middle aged men, three more characters I like from my favorite game, and two others 8 donโ€™t quite remember the identity of We start from Earth, climbing up ranking ladders by unlocking different things and earning the privelege to travel across the universe as cosmic beings I start of with a staff as an equipment, and it gradually upgrades itself into legendary items from some Chinese taoist myths(many of the titles for the โ€˜ranksโ€™ and the overall cosmology and such of this world setting is very Xianxia-esque) Once we get from the ground to the mydtical peach forests to the lofty mountains to the cosmic stages, we follow a tree line of routes It allows us to obtain different energetic quirks and abilities that ultimately leads us to become more of a metaphysical entity than a mere human in flesh(sort of like ascension in Taoist sect beliefs) By the end of the road Iโ€™m given a few options(seven) on what things, concepts or ideas I want to master And this time, I choose the โ€˜lost in timem route, going back to my journeyโ€™s iteneraries with all the knowledge I possess to reexperience everything again I go back to the part where I was climbing mountains with the middle aged man while everyone else was sort of tapping out mid-hiking route

13 May 2024



I went to my childhood home and somehow ended up in the basement. While in the laundry room, my aunt Rachael and I were going through old boxes of things because the house had been sold and we needed to clean out the house. While I was there, she and I were talking about life and I begin to cry about how no one wants to be with me and how Iโ€™m going to be alone forever. I told her about me feeling like I was never going to have a partner because the current guy Marco basically played me and is just breadcrumbing me but doesnโ€™t want to actually be with me and Iโ€™m too stupid to walk away. I then cried about feeling trapped in life and behind in life and how I just want to be done. She urged me to keep going and my life is my own journey and I shouldnโ€™t compare myself to others. She asked me about my feelings while living in the childhood home and do they feel different now that Iโ€™m grown and I told her slightly but I wish I could find my inner child and hug her because we survived a lot. We packed up for the night and I left.

10 May 2024



I had dream about journeys

10 May 2024



In my dream, I go on a space journey in my own spaceship. I explore distant planets and meet interesting creatures from different worlds. My journey takes me through dangerous space storms and the complaints of space pirates, but I find the strength and intelligence to overcome all the challenges.

9 May 2024



I had a dream about an old friend that I don't talk to anymore. In the dream his mom was moving and I was not happy at home. I left my phone at my house and without a word left to her house. And didn't tell anyone. And I saw my friend there we talked and then I needed to go home. I was dropped off at ross.

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