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Dream Interpretation: Reunion 😴 - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Reunion? Discover the significance of seeing a Reunion in your dream 💤 - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Reunion appears in your dream ✅

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💡Possible meaning

This dream symbolizes a desire to reconnect with someone or something from your past. It may also represent a need for closure or resolution with a past event or relationship. Alternatively, it could indicate a sense of nostalgia or longing for a simpler time.

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🧭 Direction


Think about who or what you were reunited with in the dream. Is there someone or something from your past that you have been thinking about lately? Consider reaching out to them or finding closure in some way. Alternatively, try to focus on creating new positive experiences in your present rather than dwelling on the past.

❤️ Feelings

This dream of a reunion may evoke feelings of nostalgia, joy, and excitement. It signifies a longing for connection and a desire to reconnect with loved ones. The dream may bring a sense of warmth and happiness, as it represents the possibility of rekindling relationships and reliving cherished memories. It may also evoke a sense of anticipation and eagerness for the future, as the dreamer looks forward to the upcoming reunion. Overall, this dream elicits positive emotions and a sense of hope for the future.





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Dreams of users containing the word Reunion

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16 Jul 2024



I saw a recurring dream tonight. I saw a school or an institute that we were in. We were there for our viva and practicals and we were made to wait for a special guest who was a brigadier. While waiting for him, i was with all new people and they were my friends. Till they start our practical exam and viva, we had lot of time left . So we decided to explore the place. While moving inside, one other person who probably was the mother of 2 of my friends started walking along. We used stairs to go inside. And when we reached inside the institute, it resombled a mall with zero shops. It had very long escalators and a new type of escalator which did not have stairs, but was made of rotating metal rods on which it is hard for anyone to reach the top while standing. And it was more than simple to reach the top while lying down in sleeping position. During this exploration, I was with my best friends whom I miss very much and when we came out of the building I met the people who weren't a good memory to me but were my friends. This dream was in two parts : 1st half once before and 1st half along with 2nd half tonight

9 Jul 2024

Movie Theater


I had a dream that I was in California I was waiting for my boyfriend at this movie theater I happened to walk to, while I was waiting at this theater they had chairs outside of the theater, I waiting a while before going in, when I went back in the theater there was a couple and this guy, I went up to him and wanted to see if he wanted to hangout, we went to some hotel, I kept checking my phone waiting to see if my bf texted me, he didn’t yet. I remember that the guy who I hooked up took us to a clothing store he worked at, I remember looking for a red car, that looked liked my bfs car, but none of the cars did, I didn’t want to get caught up, I remember going into the store and heading to the register, some people came in, next thing I know I was driving in the car with my boyfriend, I think we were in my old home town and I remember driving by an old school of mine and seeing a lot of homeless tents and homeless people laying outside of the schools, I remember going into one school and someone who I went to school with remembered me, I didn’t remember him but he had came up to give me a hug, i was trying to figure out what school or teachers we had together, I told my friends idk how people remember me and I don’t know them not sure if it was a high school reunion it seemed like it, I was with a group of friends telling them I would hook them up with some boys. It had to be around Halloween time everyone was normal but coming back to dress up.

28 Jun 2024

Best Friend


I was in the area of my old elementary school, it was a rainy day, I walked towards the school passing it. In another scenario, I came across an old classmate from elementary school which was nice since he is one of the classmates I’d ever want to reunite with and he asked if we could be best friends and he was with this girl and I wondered to myself why don’t they become best friends. I was in a fancy restaurant with this mature guy and there were some others we came in with who was also with their dates. We were using this mixer, and mucked up what we were tryna make in it which was a bit disappointing but I was in good spirits I was talking about how it was such a bad idea to mix such as such with that even though I wasn’t being serious I was just being funny but it might’ve looked either wise so the guy I was with let me know gently to calm down and that’s when I assured him I was just joking which he laughed and understood. I was chilling at a table with the girls that came with their dates, while the guys were behind us. One of the girls were so smart and intelligent, she was 24, she was gorgeous and just finished college. One of my adolescent clients were there, and he got up and walked away to possibly use the bathroom so I eventually followed him so he doesn’t get lost.

26 Jun 2024

Long Distance


I went to go live with my long distant friend who lives in a different country and the country was called Honduras. When I stayed there, I went into a separate guest house and then there was a tropical storm that came. I remember going outside during the storm and just looking into the distance. I was very calm. The storm ruined everything, even the house because the house was poorly built. We all reunited after the storm and all that mattered was that everyone was okay.

25 Jun 2024



Sometime last week I posted a picture on Facebook. A few nights ago I had a dream about checking my notifications and saw that my friend Laura liked that picture. She then sent me a message on Facebook messenger asking me what I’ve been up to since graduation. I asked her the same thing. We ended up talking for hours and she told me that she missed me over the years. We then met up somewhere and we hugged for a long time. We then started dating and eventually became a couple. I hope we reunite soon and talk. She was a cool kid back in high school. I’ll never forget when we would playfully pick on each other.

19 Jun 2024

High School


I have heard if you dream about someone it means you miss them. Needless to say I have had a few dreams about my ex girlfriend who I met back in middle school. We also went to high school together. We never did anything outside of school such as go out to eat or to the movies. Anyway, the last few dreams I had about her have been weird and hard to explain. I had another dream about her last night. This was a good dream. We had reunited and started talking. We talked about what we have been doing over the years since graduating. At some point she told me she missed me a lot. We then started hanging out more and eventually became a couple once again. I honestly hope she and I reunite sometime. If we do I’ll ask if she remembers me then I’ll give her a hug. If we start talking I’ll be shocked if she suggests we get back together and make that relationship work. To be honest, I’ve missed her very much. If I was more mature back in high school and if we kept in touch I would’ve planned a future with her. Shoutout to my ex girlfriend Raylene. I hope we reunite sometime soon. I hope all is well. I miss you very much.

14 Jun 2024

High School


I was at a high school reunion and we were all sitting around in a circle and we decided to play game where we would say 1 thing we didn’t like about someone in the circle. We were playing for awhile and no one said anything about me yet. So I went to the restroom. When I was gone apparently 5 different people. Said negatively things about. That I was annoying snobby etc. it really hurt my feelings because I really thought I was kind to everyone in high school. The rest of the evening people treated me like I was the outcast and I couldn’t be trusted

10 Jun 2024



I was at a reunion event and ran into all my friends from highschool and people I met after highschool who went to the same school as me. I ran into my ex partner who is also my ex close friend and an old friend group. We ended up walking all together and I see this girl. It’s the same girl I remember him bringing in front of me at this Halloween party before we stopped communicating in real life. I dodge the situation to not be dramatic and me and my best friend decided we needed to leave. So we’re trying to find a good time to exit and then my ex ask to talk to me. So everyone is looking for me because I went upstairs in the building away from the event. I was wondering trying to find a staircase or something and there were janitors and I ended up talking to the female one. She gave me some advice and told me to get some rest. I believe i was visiting from out of town and my hotel was nearby only like a 5-8 minute walk. It started raining and I was contemplating walking in the air to clear my head or just ordering an Uber for the short distance. I decided to see how bad the rain got because with the event still going, I could wait upstairs for a little until it clears. I sit and put headphones in to listen while I watch the rain. Safer by tyla comes on, then off day by Lyn lapid. I almost connect with the droplets and I catch myself getting lost in their rhythm until my ex finds me in this glass staircase and ask me if I’m okay. I am now so I answer, but he takes a seat on the stairs next to me and ask what I’m listening to. I was reluctant to show but I did and he nodded. We kinda just sat there in each others presence watching the rain. I think I had a lot going on in my dream life. I seemed very on edge and stressed but this moment was so peaceful. I let my hair out of the pin style I had and changed into some leggings and comfy shoes I had brought. He asked me if I was leaving and I had said yes but I wanted to watch the rain. He offered to walk me to my hotel and I said he didn’t have to and he should stay with his friends. He refused because of it not being a long walk said he was gonna go let them know he would be back. When he left downstairs to the event I grabbed an umbrella and left out the back. I went on my stroll and found a coffee house it was still open the sun was going down it seemed. It had to have been around 8pm, I think the event started around 6:30- 6:45pm. I stop at this coffee house and grab a cup of hot chocolate. I end up drinking it on my walk and the rain calmed a lot. It now was a delicate drizzle. I get back to my hotel and forget that I was supposed to tell my best friend when I had left but she was with her old group and her ex partner who she reconnected with so I just shot her a text and told her to stay and enjoy herself. I put my phone down and go to shower, I order Chinese food before hand so it’s here when I’m done. I dry my extensions i think? I had very long hair in the dream but my current hair length is about shoulder length which means it either had time to grow or I had extensions. Anyways while I’m drying my hair, my ex calls. So I let it ring a couple times determined to let it go to voicemail but I felt bad so I answered just to let him know I got back to my hotel. He immediately ask where I went and I tell him I walked by myself. He didn’t sound to happy about that but he let me be. It was almost as if he didn’t want to hang up, but I remembered his girlfriend he brought and thought I should be respectful to atleast her. I ended the call telling him I would be okay. I found a good kdrama to binge that night and went to get my food. I ordered a bottle of wine for myself and out my phone on do not disturb. The rain began to pick back up when I looked at the clock it was 10:30ish. The rain was heavy but almost relieving. With the sounds in the back ground I dimmed the lights and continued my night with my food, show, and bottle of wine. I enjoyed it and the kdrama reflected every relationship I had been in up to that point. It was strange but I fell asleep to it and that’s when I woke up in real time.

6 Jun 2024



Dream of moving to my current apartment and a few of my friends also decided to move close to me. They ended up moving to different apartments just a few blocks away from me. One of them, Z, decided to visit my place just to see where the other guy S stays. They did not tell another where they moved to. S invited me to see his place. When we reached his apartment he was showing me around until we realized the house was moving. Somehow we found ourselves on the double decked bus instead of his place and the bus was still moving. We decided to alight the bus. Then there were chaos and people were running. Some were being chased and I found myself reunited with a childhood friend whom I never saw again since decades ago. In the dream she was a nurse and the pursuers were trying to capture people to stage a rebellion. We ran into a private clinic and found a doctor hiding. He was infected with a virus and once we were inside it meant we were being infected as well. He decided to cure us and give us special powers which meant covering and altering part of our faces. He wanted us to go out and go good and help the people in need. I found myself out and on the top of a double decked bus, and this time the bus suddenly moved backwards and even though I held on for support I can feel myself falling and sliding down rapidly. But I was not discovered and I continued to hide to see where the bus was heading.

4 Jun 2024



I dreamt I lived in a weird apartment building. The neighborhood was sketchy, and the building itself had a million doors, it was like a maze I continuously got lost in. Cristian lived in the same building, so I’d see him in the hallways pretending not to watch me. Ashton was there. I haven’t seen him since high school graduation, but Ashton was there. There’s always been love between us, always felt in our bones even since the day we met. Jaelynn and her fiancé Anthony were outside waiting for me and Ashton, I was getting ready to leave and just hang out with everyone. Ashton was following me through the apartment maze, and in the hallways I was holding his hand dragging him behind me. Cristian would see that. But Ashton and I had smiles on our faces. I was rushed out of the shower by some shady woman also living in the building, and suddenly Ashton was gone from outside the bathroom. I couldn’t find him anywhere and got lost in the maze again. Somehow Cristian found me and asked who he was but I just kept looking until I took a turn and ended up outside with Jaelynn and Anthony, and Ashton came up behind me to hold my hand again before I woke up.

31 May 2024



Reuniting with my friends that I haven't seen in 4 months

29 May 2024

Black women


I was on a huge beach like colleg le reunion style. I was in the water comfortably. It was mostly black women. Some i recognized some I didn’t. I was observing how much older we all looked. Some better than others but for the most part we were all looking very young, and happy and bright. The water had calm fun waves. I didnt have the confidence to say hello to some people alone but i eventually did greet people. It was a fun dream.

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