Dream interpretation about Fear, Chased, Police, Husband, Car, Crowd, Darkness, Woman, Park, Journey, Traffic
I was at a park with my husband and there was a natural rock climbing structure in a section of the park. We parked our car next to the rock climbing structure and saw a woman at the top of the structure. It was actress Jenifer Lewis. I was standing at the base of the structure, but I could change my viewpoint to see above her body and she was trying to figure out how to get down. My viewpoint shifted back to my body down below when another woman arrived at the top and showed Jenifer how to get down. I could then see that each large stone platform was a giant adder stone or hag stone and the woman jumped down through the hole to get to the next level of the rock structure. Repeating this until she reached the ground below. My husband wanted to climb the structure, but I wasn't really interested so I stayed where I was to watch. He went around the back of the structure to begin climbing. I waited for a moment before deciding to take our car to drive back to a gas station for some snacks. I didn't tell him I was leaving as I intended to get back before he would notice I was gone. The sun was still up when I left. My journey somehow took way longer than I intended. I somehow got distracted and before I knew it it was dark and I had to hurry back to my husband. I wasn't worried about him being upset as much as I was worried about something happening to him in the dark. On my journey back I had to take several detours. I would transition between walking and when I wanted to move faster, my car would materialize around me and I would be driving again. At one point, I was walking and felt like something was chasing me, but I didn't really get a good look at what is was. I just knew it was sinister. There was also, suddenly a lot of traffic as I approached an intersection and across the street, on a corner I saw a large crowd of people. It looked like a diverse group of men in their 20s and 30s. Most of them were kind of overweight. I knew it was a group of needs because someof them were cosplaying different anime and video game characters. There was also just one police officer and this crowd jumped him. I wanted to help the police officer, but I had to get back to my husband. I continued driving then I woke up. I don't know if I made it back to the park.
Dream date:
17 Oct 2024
Emotional tone:
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