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Dream Interpretation: Chased ๐Ÿ˜ด - What Does it Mean to Dream About a Chased? Discover the significance of seeing a Chased in your dream ๐Ÿ’ค - Get a free dream analysis to find out the interpretation if a Chased appears in your dream โœ…

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๐Ÿ’กPossible meaning

This dream symbolizes repression and avoidance. Something unpleasant is happening in your waking life, and you are trying hard to avoid the situation. It often suggests how you evade dealing with the problems you feel uncomfortable with, and you let your fear get the best of you.

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๐Ÿงญ Direction

Daily events

Sometimes a chased dream is just a simple reminder of what you are avoiding in your waking life. Be responsible and face the situation head-on; running away will never be a solution. Instead, think closely about what has caused you this anxiety, be it personal or work, and eliminate it.

โค๏ธ Feelings

The dream of being chased can evoke intense feelings of fear, anxiety, and a sense of being overwhelmed. It signifies a desire to escape or avoid a certain situation or person in waking life. The feeling of being pursued can also indicate a lack of control or powerlessness. This dream may reflect underlying stress or unresolved issues that need to be addressed.





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Dreams of users containing the word Chased

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18 Jul 2024



I was running around what seemed to be a big farm or field with my youngest daughter and we were being chased and shot at by multiple men in vehicles. there was a pig there with us too. We were hiding from them and eventually my dad showed up and he helped us run away. My dad eventually disappeared and my grandma showed up and hid us in a trailer away from the danger and then I again appeared back in the field and my dad was there and we were hiding again. We got sniffed out by a dog and then I appeared somewhere else in the dream and ended up in a room with a bunch of rats in a tank that were deformed and I fed them to a cat outside.

16 Jul 2024



Being chased down an endless flight of dark stairs by some kind of demon before starting to chase them instead

15 Jul 2024



My sister and I were having an argument in the back seat of a car and when we arrived to wherever we were going, there were crowds of people who were chasing my father and finally a young woman stabbed him in the neck

13 Jul 2024



I was being chased around a large hotel-like building by someone with dwarfism and I managed to win and not get caught.

11 Jul 2024



Wandering about in the foggy Hakone regions, mostly near Lake Ashinoko Having sex with my father, being chased around the plain filled with pampas grass and patches of grassy autumn fields Scene switches and now Iโ€™m on a highway bus, on my way to the observatory/museum/community centers on some high altitude areas around Mt. Fuji Iโ€™m with my best friend Maka, whom I had bonded over our shared (bad) experiences wtih our bossy and bullying classmates back in middle school We arrive, go through some sort of an attraction/projection-mapping show in a mini-theater, with the 3D glassrs, swinging chairs and water spraying and stuff to make the whole thing immersive It was about some planes or the people who had built the first electricity line on Mt.Fuji or smth like that Pioneers either way Once weโ€™re done and get out, weโ€™re free to roam and wander for the day We decide to go to the nearby aquaduct/dam/marsh/park, either way close to the waters and the untouched nature Me and my besfriend walk through narrow paths in nature, have a little picnic by the plains, gaze in awe at the marshlands, its autumnal-wintery-summer vegetations somehow coexisting in the same area On our way to the ancient aquaduct we see rainbow in the sky, and the sunny rain The whole classmates who are there rejoice, as theyโ€™re a rare and lucky phenomenon, a sign of auspiciousness

11 Jul 2024

Abandoned home


I was hiking on this steep high snowy mountain with friends when it started to get dark and none of us had equipment that was working properly. We didnโ€™t have any sleeping bags or tents so it was crucial to find some type of shelter because it was going to get below 0ยฐ that night. We finally hike up far enough and find an abandoned ski lift and ski house. The sun and at its finally peak of light slowly going down behind the mountain when I say โ€œwe need to hurry up NOWโ€ as it starts getting dark. We try to reach the ski house but hear screams and all of a sudden something is chasing and hunting us. We all scatter and I run and run and hide. Iโ€™m cold and scared and need to find a way out, I make it to the ski house and find a friend we try to home up in there as long as we can being as quiet as we can and look for our other friends. It gets later and there hasnโ€™t been noises for what seems like a good while now. We tell each other someone needs to look to see if there anything visable out there. Weโ€™re both terrified to do so. Just as we are both about to lift our heads up to see out the window the creature/murderer is right behind us And chases us until we all die

7 Jul 2024



I was being chased by a man who wanted to kill me I was running through the city and passed by a knife store and grabbed a knife and kept running but he also grabbed a knife it was super hard for me to run but somehow I would run in burst as I was running through the city I was in a mall and he was no longer behind me but I knew he still wanted to kill me so I kept running through the mall and then ran out of the mall and there he was with his truck I try to run back to the mall and scream for help but notice that the mall seemed to be destroyed and everyone inside was panicking and running I assume a bomb hit, so I was screwed because no one would help me because of this other event going on so I had to face the man I turned around he didnโ€™t have a knife he had a syringe full of poison as soon as he stab me with the syringe and injected it I also stabbed him in his side but we both fell down like we died and then I woke up

6 Jul 2024



standing in the forest dark night then there someone running at me and i cant move

2 Jul 2024



The dream started out by a group of people playing a game of tag. There was a rather that was chasing people and tagging them but it was through a new environment that no one knew. I remember I was the main target but the tagged would chase me and others. I remember running through mysterious houses for the first time and not knowing how to maneuver through the houses. I had a friends and associates who were also playing and we were just trying to figure out way through the houses. Many people were tagged and many people were able to escape. We ran from house to house. I remember going into some of the houses and jumping in toilets because the toilets were hidden and secret teleporters. Certain rooms were hidden passages to progress through the houses to reach the next step or exit. I remember running through a house and then parkouring and have to climb up and climb down certain balconies just so that I could escape. Towards the end of the dream I was being chased and the tagged wanted my money. I didnโ€™t have much of it left it was only $15. Towards the end of managed to barely escape and ran out one of the houses to a football game and made it to a bench where coaches were and they allowed for me to conclude the game without penalty or being caught because that was the end goal. Once I got there to the coaches, I became successful and beat the mini game.

1 Jul 2024



I have this dream that I love swimming and I used to swim with my folks but then the police and the government was after me people like me I think you have like something in your blood in order to stop us from being who we are. In this fantasy land, I was chased. I had to hide in dirt and be... And the sheriff caught me. So then... I killed the sheriff. And hid her... In a garage. And that's when the police broke up. I went into a house that was full of people who used to love me, but they thought I was going to get taken away. The people in the house seemed like they were half orcs and they, I don't really think they saw me run into the house but I ran into the house because the police were coming up after I killed the sheriff I ran all the way into the back room where the patriarch was sitting I must have been there plenty of times and I said to him, I'm so sorry to tell you this He said it's fine, you give me all your bad news I said, I killed the sheriff He said, that's fine, you only get 5 years and they'll pay you $500 I was on the run I don't know if I ended up being safe or not but I think the family was going to say that they had not really seen me I wasn't really sure what the family was going to say but that's when I woke up.

30 Jun 2024

Hair Loss
High School


On a marl road. Starting a high school. Being chased by a brown and white cow with long wide horns pulling a cart. Other cows are also in the dream grazing in a pasture. Dream almost ends with me giving up hair to a forest.

27 Jun 2024

Killer whales


I was in the ocean with my family in law. We were warned there was some big sharks and killer whales where we were swimming but we continued anyway. Not too long after a huge shark started chasing my mother In law and she got out of the water just in time. But it continued to swim and chase her. She ended up pinning it down. She decided if she wanted to live or let the shark take her. After hours she let the shark go and eat her.

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